//------------------------------// // Epilogue (THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!) // Story: A Tale of a Loving Sister // by GoebelTron //------------------------------// So after they all won the trial, Chase was finally under Sunset’s care and Estella was locked up for good. The next day, Sunset woke up with a text from Pinkie Pie, “Big surprise for you and Chase. Meet at the Sweet Shoppe this afternoon at 12:00pm.” Sunset rolled her eyes and then made a smirk, then she got out of bed and went to take a shower. After she made herself and her brother some breakfast, she called Chase down, “Chase, breakfast!” Chase got out of bed and walked downstairs to eat his breakfast, which was a bowl of Trix cereal. After they ate, Chase went upstairs to get dressed and brush his teeth. When he was ready, Sunset spent some quality time together playing games and reading together until it was time for Chase’s nap time, so Sunset let him cuddle with her. Later on, it was 12:00 in the afternoon. They then got their footwear on and went over to The Sweet Shoppe. Until a nice walk, they finally arrived at The Sweet Shoppe. “Chase, Pinkie Pie texted me that they left a surprise for us,” Sunset said, until she saw the door halfway open for them and then they walked inside the shop. When they got in, the room was dark, until the lights came on and party decorations were everywhere and a banner saying “congratulations,” and everyone appeared too, “SURPRISE!” Sunset and Chase were surprised as well. “Surprised, Sunset!?” Pinkie Pie asked happily. “I made this a ‘Congratulations, Sunset, for your adoption!’ party!” Sunset giggled with her fingers on her lips, then they all had a buffet, then they had some cake decorated with white frosting and lettering saying “Congratulations, Sunset!” and colored in red, orange and yellow. “You all made this for me?” Sunset asked. “And Chase. We made it for you and Chase,” Rarity said. Sunset and Chase made a warm smile and then they all made a group hug, and Sunset was given the honor to cut the cake. After they all had the cake, it was time for a dance party. Sunset danced with Chase in her arms and they both had some fun with the rhythm, while everyone danced with the rhythm and while Cadence and Shining Armor did the tango. After the song was over, Chase made a warm smile and then closed his eyes. Then Sunset told him about the magic thing in this world and then told him about a world called “Equestria,” and what adventures she had with her friends before they received their powers. Chase was surprised and then felt happy for his big sister, and Sunset was glad she trusted him to keep it a secret to himself. ‘When did I ever have the best big sister ever?’ He thought to himself.