//------------------------------// // Chapter 29: Fighting Estella/Reunited // Story: A Tale of a Loving Sister // by GoebelTron //------------------------------// While Chase, Melody and Sam Sam made it to an old barn that was near the city, they managed to get somewhere to hide. It was empty, no one was there, except the animals that lived there. They set up shelter by a haystack and then went to sleep after finding some food to eat. Edgar watched from afar and then sent Sunset the text about Estella’s corruption from the ruby. Sunset was shocked about this, then told her friends that they have to go stop Estella and bring her to justice. After the seven girls united, they went to the location that Estella is headed to. Meanwhile, Estella was walking all the way towards the barn where the kids were hiding. The kids still asleep, but suddenly, Chase woke up and saw Estella walking towards the barn. “Melody, Sam Sam,” Chase said gently shaking them both waking them up. They woke up and saw Chase pointing at Estella’s new look. “We better run,” Sam Sam said. “No, we’ll die,” Chase said until he saw her coming closer, then they went to hide. Estella smashed the door open with her magic and began searching for the kids. “I know you’re in here,” she said when here eyes flared magically. Chase saw her tall body appearing from behind and then they slowly made a move when she wasn’t looking. The kids suddenly found a way out, but they ran into the thugs. “Hey, kids,” Wesley said. “Guess we outsmarted you this time. Get over here!” Wesley and Marty grabbed the kids and used hooks to hang them. “Alright, Jack. What should we do with them?” Marty asked. “Exactly what they did to us,” Jack said. “But first,” Wesley said. “I’m gonna bite every last bit of his fingers off. One at a time.” Unexpectedly, Edgar appeared and took them out with a golf club, then he helped the kids get down from the hooks, “Alright, let’s get you three home.” He took the kids to his car and drove them to the police station. Estella heard the car’s engine and saw it driving away, “Bingo! Oh, poor things. Too bad because I’m gonna find you again and kill you then by popping you open. HAHAHAHAHAHA!” She turned around and saw Spike growling at her. But until she started to walk closer to the pup, he got scared of her and started to whimper and back up, “Please don’t hurt me.” Estella tried to be nice to him, “Good puppy. Here, puppy, puppy, puppy. Sweet puppy.” He suddenly ran off before Estella could catch him, “Try to catch me.” She went after Spike, who led her outside where Sunset, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity were standing with angry faces. “You kidnapped my brother and his friends, you killed his parents, you corrupted yourself. Now it’s time to finish your dark deed once and for all,” Sunset said. The girls started to hold hands and they started glowing, until they floated into the air. Twilight grew pony ears, sprouted wings and her hair became a longer ponytail and her clothes became a light blue and purple gradient sleeveless skirted shirt with three pink stars, pink gauntlets, magenta pants and dark navy blue boots. She also had a tiara with pink star shaped gems on her hair. Sunset grew pony ears and her hair magically became a ponytail and her clothes became a red glittery dress with black glittery sleeves and she got pants with yellow boots. Rainbow Dash grew pony ears, sprouted wings and her hair magically became multiple ponytails and her clothes became a red and blue skirted shirt with her cloud and lightning symbol on her center, and he had yellow wristbands, navy blue pants and blue lightning sneakers with wings. Fluttershy grew pony ears, sprouted wings and her hair became a braided ponytail and her clothes became a purple dress with a teal skirt and she had flowers in her hair, and she wore pink flats with butterflies. Pinkie Pie grew pony ears and her hair became a puffy ponytail and her clothes became a pink dress with a puffy sky blue skirt. She had a blue ringed yellow heart with three balloons in the middle. She also had purple and blue streamers around her waist, pale blue and white gradient boots with yellow heels, soles and studs, and she had yellow gloves. Applejack grew pony ears and her hair became a braided ponytail and her clothes became a blue western short sleeved shirt, a red gradient skirt, short reddish orange cowgirl boots with apples on them and her hat expanded and had her apple logo on the brim. Rarity grew pony ears and her hair became a curled and braided ponytail and her clothes became a purple and blue glitter patterned dress with a dark blue cape. She also had golden sandals with three diamond shaped buckles, and she had blue long sleeved gloves and a gold looped tiara with three diamonds on each side. They were also floating magically, while Estella was afraid. “Estella,” Twilight said. “You have magic you cannot control. Nothing that can compare to the magic of friendship!” “You will never hurt my brother again!” Sunset said. “Yeah! Let’s take her down!” Pinkie Pie said. “Definitely, darling,” Rarity said. “But I’ll rip you to pieces if you ever hurt one more hair of his cute little head!” “I’ve been wanting to do this my whole life,” Rainbow Dash said. “Grr... I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!” Estella said as she blasted her magic laser at the girls, but they repelled the attack with their magic. Estella made an evil cackle, until the seven girls used their full power and blasted the medallion into pieces. Estella returned to her normal self and landed in a huge muddy pile of pig poo. Rarity waved her hair and then made a “hmph.” Sunset and the girls went away. Suddenly, the police arrived and stepped out of the cars. Shining Armor was there, along with Captain Coulson, “Miss Estella Tucker?” “Yes?” Estella asked. “There’s been a direct warrant for your arrest,” Captain Coulson said. “Oh, is there something wrong, officer?” Estella asked innocently. The chief and some other men caught Wesley, Marty and Jack. “Well, well, well. Looks like we got ourselves some rats,” Chief Thompson said. “That’s right, chief,” Marty said. “We’re thieves, it’s what we do.” “Shut up, Marty!” Jack and Wesley said as they went into the vehicle where Estella was. “Take-’em away, boys,” Chief Thompson said, then they drove off with the 4 criminals. When the girls got back home, they waited for good news from the police, but suddenly, a few cop cars that had the chief, captain, and Shining Armor, arrived. They stepped out of the cars and walked towards Sunset’s apartment. Sunset and the others, including Twilight’s parents, and their teachers went outside. “We’ve got them, everyone,” Captain Coulson said. “You should be grateful about your husband, Mrs. Cadenza.” Cadence went to Shining Armor and kissed her husband after a hug. Chief Thompson then realized how Sunset was feeling, until he had something in his mind, “We also have a surprise for you, Sunset.” Chief Thompson showed them Edgar’s car. After he stepped out, Sunset looked closely and saw Edgar opening the door that revealed the kids. Sunset gasped in delight, and so did Chase. “CHASE!” Sunset yelled. “SUNSET!” Chase replied. They ran to each other and Sunset kneeled down and lifted Chase up in her arms and span around and held him in an embrace, then gave him small kisses. “Oh, Chase! You’re okay!” Sunset said happily crying, until Chase leaned his head on her chest listening to her heartbeat. “I thought I’d never see you again!” Chase said. “Aww, there, there, there, there, baby. It’s alright. I’m so glad you’re safe,” Sunset said, until Edgar appeared. “Miss Shimmer, my name is Edgar Alfresco. I was his parents’s butler, until Estella hired me,” Edgar said. “Your parents would be so proud of what a young boy you’ve become, Master Chase.” Sunset nodded, “I’ll take care of him, Edgar. He deserves a better family.” “Although, there is a certain supermodel in need of a butler. Isn’t that right, Fleur darling?” Rarity asked. “Monsieur Edgar, would you like to live with me?” Fleur asked. “Excellent idea, madam,” Edgar said kindly. “Then, you’re hired,” Fleur replied. Edgar went back over to Chase and then kneeled down, until Sunset put the boy down, “Take care of yourself now, because I’ll always be with you as your parents are.” Chase nodded and then gave his butler a hug goodbye. “I will miss you, dear child,” he said, then they broke the hug and Chase went back to Sunset. “Alright, everyone, let’s go back inside our homes and get ready for tomorrow!” Sunset said. Everyone went home and the two kids reunited with their parents and Sunset and Chase went inside to have some dinner. Meanwhile, Estella and the three thugs were being delivered to prison for trial. “Congratulations. You just won three gold medals for being humiliated by three brats and 7 teenage girls with magic!” Estella said angrily. “Uh, was that a compliment?” Marty asked. “SHUT UP!” Estella replied. “You three ruined everything! I asked you to do one job and you couldn’t get them!” An officer banged the fence behind them, “HEY! SHUT UP BACK THERE!” “Sorry, officer,” the three men replied. “Well, Estella, after trial, you’ll probably spend the rest of your life behind bars with some other cell mates,” the guard said, until Estella groaned angrily.