//------------------------------// // Chapter 48: Checking In // Story: The Night Janitor // by Knox Locke //------------------------------// [Cozy's Perspective] A couple days after Father's Day, Cozy and Knox were lounging on the sofa when the doorbell rang. They looked towards the door, then towards each other. "Were you expecting anyone?" they asked each other in tandem. After a few seconds of laughter between the two, Knox went over to the door. Cozy could see his eyes widen as he opened it. "Princess," he said as he stepped aside to let Twilight in, "to what do we owe the pleasure?" Cozy gulped heavily as the alicorn entered the house. "Oh, please," said the princess, "we're friends, aren't we? There's no need to be so formal." She looked to Knox, who hesitantly nodded his head. "Anyways," Twilight continued, "I'm here to check in on how Cozy Glow has been doing." Soon enough, the three of them were gathered around the coffee table with a fresh pot of tea in the middle. Knox had also made some Hot Chocolate for Cozy, knowing she preferred it over herbal tea. With Twilight being her former headmare and all, Cozy felt like she was in some distorted version of a parent-teacher conference. She sipped her hot cocoa for comfort. "So," Knox started, "what would you like to know?" "Well, I must admit that Pinkie has been keeping me up to speed on a few things here and there," Twilight replied, "like Cozy's PTSD, her budding friendship with Sweetie Belle, Trixie's therapy sessions, and a couple other things. Nonetheless, I'd like to hear some more about this straight from the horses mouth, so to speak." "Ummm..." Cozy spoke up for the first time since the princess had arrived. "Where would you like to start?" "How about we start with the happier of the topics we need to discuss," she suggested. "Friendships." "Well," Cozy started, "I made friends with Sweetie Belle, as you already know, but I've also made friends with Gallus. I also have reason to believe Ocellus is willing to give friendship a try as well." She took a moment to appreciate the very slight weight of the crown upon her head. Yeah, Ocellus would definitely be a good friend to have. "That's wonderful, Cozy!" said Twilight. "I'm so happy for you!" "Do you have any more questions, Twilight?" Cozy asked as the princess' little check-in drew to a close. "Well, there is one thing," the alicorn replied. "What is it?" asked Knox. "You see..." Twilight started, but she seemed to be hesitant about something. "Please, Twilight," said Cozy, "just tell us." Twilight took a deep breath and held her hoof to her chest, then let the breath out as she moved her hoof away from its place on her chest. It was a breathing exercise Cozy recognized from her time as Twilight's friendship assistant. "I want Cozy to enroll in the School of Friendship."