//------------------------------// // Walking with Jesus // Story: Worthy is the Lamb // by Dinomite123 //------------------------------// Jesus and his new disciples and Sunset Shimmer walked through a rocky valley, while other people were following them. “Why are so many people following us?” Sunset asked. “Many of them want to hear the master’s teachings and believe he is the chosen.” John answered. “I wonder what else he has in store for people to hear.” Peter wondered. On a steep hill, people who were following Jesus sat down to hear him speak. Sunset sat as well, kind of following the words that Jesus said in his story “Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”. Then Jesus began to speak. “They are blessed who realize their spiritual poverty, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. They are blessed who grieve, for God will comfort them. They are blessed who are humble, for the whole earth will be theirs. They are blessed who hunger and thirst after justice, for they will be satisfied. They are blessed who show mercy to others, for God will show mercy to them.They are blessed whose thoughts are pure, for they will see God. They are blessed who work for peace, for they will be called God’s children. They are blessed who are persecuted for doing good, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. People will insult you and hurt you. They will lie and say all kinds of evil things about you because you follow me. But when they do, you will be blessed. Rejoice and be glad, because you have a great reward waiting for you in heaven. People did the same evil things to the prophets who lived before you.” While Sunset was listening to his teachings, she thought about all he is saying word by word. She felt like those are of love and caring for each other. Jesus then spoke these words that relate to Sunset’s situation. You have heard that it was said to our people long ago, ‘You must not murder anyone. Anyone who murders another will be judged.’ But I tell you, if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be judged. If you say bad things to a brother or sister, you will be judged by the council. And if you call someone a fool, you will be in danger of the fire of hell.” That made Sunset worried. She had a feeling all those words were judgmental. But Jesus continued speaking. “So when you offer your gift to God at the altar, and you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there at the altar. Go and make peace with that person, and then come and offer your gift. If your enemy is taking you to court, become friends quickly, before you go to court. Otherwise, your enemy might turn you over to the judge, and the judge might give you to a guard to put you in jail. I tell you the truth, you will not leave there until you have paid everything you owe.” After Jesus was finished teaching, him and his new disciples were sitting on the rocks talking. Sunset Shimmer walked towards to where Jesus was sitting. She wanted to talk him about what he just taught about to the people. “Um, Jesus, can we talk?” She asked. “Of course. Why don’t we walk around that trial over there?” Jesus said, pointing to the trail on the edge. They both walked together on the path. “Now what do you want to talk about?” Jesus asked. “Well, you know those words you taught those people back at the valley?” Sunset asked. “Did those words have any meaning? “My words are of love, forgiveness, to love your neighbor, to love your enemies, repentance, and the entrance of the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus said. “When you said something about being judged your angry with someone, what did you mean by that?” Sunset asked. “It’s an opinion of sin, Sunset Shimmer.” Jesus answered. “Say if your siblings broke something that belongs to you, and you lash out your anger in front of them. Then your living in sin.” Sunset was afraid to tell Jesus about what she did at CHS. But since he said those words in correction, she believe now was the right time. “Jesus, I don’t know if you should know this but...I did something horrible.” She replied. “And what is that?” Jesus asked. “Someone did something nice for me to make up what they did to me. But nothing was enough for me, not even when they change want to cheer me up.” Jesus knew what was in Sunset’s heart. He knew her heart was filled with depression and anger, then Sunset continued. “It's just that, no matter what I do, I always end up being cast aside. No matter how hard I try, I’m always thrown into a case. One day, they threw a nice big party for me to make up for what did to me. But it wasn’t enough for me, because everything keeps coming back. I’ve shown everyone that I’ve changed but once awhile everyone and even my own friends suddenly turn away from me. And so I...I...I hurt one of them with my own hands. Two of them actually. ” “I understand.” Jesus replied. “Everyone in this world has battle within their souls, but when you see me you will see that there’s an even bigger battle to fight.” “How can I?” Sunset asked. “ “Sunset Shimmer, there is nothing that I never knew. I known you before you were born, and the every hairs on your head are numbered. Sunset was confused. “How did you even know me?” “Thus says the Lord who created you.” Jesus said. “And he who formed you. For I have redeemed you, I have called you by name. And you...are mine.” Sunset felt something new in her heart, the words that came out of Jesus’ mouth touched her soul and she felt like he’s a loving person who would never leave her side...ever! “Jesus!” A voice from a man called out. “It has come to my attention that you and your new followers have been invited to a wedding at Cana in Galilee.” “Tell the proposed couple that we will be most welcome to join them.” Jesus ordered. Then as the messenger left, Jesus turned to Sunset. “Well, Sunset? Do you still want to follow me?” He asked with a loving look. Sunset didn’t want to say no, because she wanted to discover more hope and love for her. “Yes, I do.” She answered. Jesus and Sunset Shimmer joined the disciples as they moved on. “So, we’ve been invited to a wedding. Where is it at.” John asked. “In Cana in Galilee.” James answered “You know, when me and my wife got married, our wedding wasn’t much. But it was a huge grateful sense of humor” Peter laughed. The disciples laughed as they moved along to head to the Wedding that they were invited to.