//------------------------------// // Chapter 28: The Kids’s Escape Plan // Story: A Tale of a Loving Sister // by GoebelTron //------------------------------// At the police station, Sunset and her friends and teachers, and Twilight’s parents, were sitting down in a few chairs while Sunset explained to the chief what happened at her house and what happened with the kids. He had light brown skin and he had a black and grey beard and some hair on the back of his head, but the rest was bald. He wore a navy blue and black police uniform like Shining Armor. Next to him was the lieutenant, but he had white skin like Chase and brown combed hair, and he wore a police uniform. “Hmm, I see. So these three are the ones who took your brother? And you’re adopting him?” Chief Thompson asked. “Yes,” Sunset replied. “Please help me. He’s very little and he’s very fragile but very emotionally sensitive. He’s the sweetest, adorable and most special boy I’ve ever met. And I’m the only family that he wanted after I took him in. But now I don’t know what I’ll do,” Sunset began to cry, until Rarity gave her a tissue. “It’s all my fault he’s gone,” Sunset said while wiping the tears off her eyes. Chief Thompson walked over to Sunset and placed his hand under her chin, “Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll be fine. We’ll be on a lookout tomorrow morning.” Sunset nodded, “Thank you, Chief. But I still don’t get it. Who’s really responsible for this?” “I don’t know, but we’ll let you know if the children are found, sir,” Shining Armor said. Chief Thompson nodded and then everyone went home for the night. The next morning, Jack, Wesley and Marty stopped their truck at a telephone booth to give their dealer about their progress. The kids were in the trunk tied up and wrapped in a huge blanket to keep them warm. Jack dialed the phone to Estella’s phone number. Meanwhile, Estella was in a leopard print bathrobe reading newspapers about the kidnapping, the kids that were taken, and a picture of Sunset and her friends with sad faces. “So, you do have a new family,” Estella said to herself. “Hahahahahaha. Poor little children. They are darling, aren’t they? Well, I suppose I can finally... WHAT!? ‘Sunset Shimmer claimed adoptive sister to Tucker boy?!’ How could she do this to me?” She angrily ruffled the newspaper and then her phone rang, until she answered it. “Hello?” she answered. “Good morning, ma’am,” Jack said. “We have good news and bad news. Good news is we’ve got the kids.” “Bad news: the cops already now, even the papers!” Wesley said. “I guess you’re worthy adversaries after all.” Estella said. “My faith in you three has given me great pleasure. Make sure they don’t get away or I’ll have your heads. Do you understand?” “Yes, madam,” Jack said. “We’ll make sure nothing happens, but right now we’re on our way back. Just had to hide somewhere for the night. We’ll see you there then.” “Excellent. Ta-ta,” Estella hung up and then looked at the picture of her nephew, “Oh, darling Chase. Just you wait. You’re in for such a pleasant surprise.” Estella then started to make a psychotic cackle. After the three thugs arrived at the mansion, they unloaded the kids from the truck and carried them inside. Chase was very sad, but Melody and Sam Sam tried to fight back by hitting Marty, “Hey, knock it off!” After they got inside Estella waited for them in her living room. Jack and Marty put the kids on the couch and then stood back, and Estella, who was wearing the same dress from yesterday, saw her nephew and his friends with him, then walked over. “Such sad, sad faces,” she said. “I know I was never good to you, darling, but I too loved your mother, my dear sister. But until she was happy with her dear husband and your father, and then while you showed up, I was disgusted about how much they loved you more than me. They never visit, they never call or text. I was all alone, but I had no choice but to teach you and your parents a lesson.” Melody and Sam Sam were scared about the story, until she continued and sat closer to Chase, “I had to get rid of you three, but I ended up living with you. You should’ve been lucky to be alive.” “YOU KILLED MY MOMMA!” Chase yelled. “How dare you talk to me that way?! But now that I have you, I can finally have my revenge and keep you three in my custody... FOREVER!” Estella finally made a cackle. “You’re crazy!” Chase said. “Haven’t you realized?” Estella asked. “It’s your fault your parents are dead and that you still live! But since you’ve moved on and made a new family, I’m going to serve you a far more severe punishment! But first... TAKE THEM UPSTAIRS!” The three men took them upstairs and locked them in an abandoned bedroom. After the kids were locked upstairs, Wesley, Marty and Jack got their money from Estella and were given a job to guard the door. Edgar was in charge of feeding them, but he was feeling sorry about the poor kids. So he managed to help them escape without Estella noticing. Chase, Melody and Sam Sam were in the bed with sad tearful faces thinking about how much they miss their families and they want to go home with them. Chase wanted to be with Sunset again. Sunset felt her heart broken when Chase was gone missing, and she was having tears in her eyes and placed her hands over her heart in a warm grasp. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity felt the same way, wishing he was back with them now. The next morning, after Edgar fed Estella and her goons breakfast, he managed to give the broken-hearted kids some pleasant breakfast as well. When he entered the room, he gave the children some French toast. “Thanks, Edgar,” Chase said. “I know you miss her, but she’s coming for you, and I’m going to help you get back to her. So you’re going to have to stay low and do what I say if you want to see her again. You understand?” Edgar asked. Chase nodded, and then joined his friends for breakfast. After they were done, Edgar came back, took their tray and then left the room. “Chase, I wanna go home,” Sam Sam said. “We all do, but we don’t have a way out,” Chase said. “Aunt Estella might catch us and we don’t want that to happen.” Melody and Sam Sam nodded, then they heard footsteps and then stood by the wall. It was the three men and one of them each had a tool in their hands: a crowbar, a plumber wrench, and a fireplace poker stick. “Alright, lads. What should we do with them?” Jack asked, with the fireplace poker stick in his hands. “How about if we gently hit them if they don’t do their chores very well?” Wesley asked, holding the wrench. “I was thinking the same thing,” Marty said, holding the crowbar. Then, they entered the room and saw that the kids were gone, but they snuck out without them noticing. “Where’d they go?” Jack asked. “You let them get away, didn’t you?” Wesley asked shoving Marty. “Me? It was totally you!” Marty replied. “SHUT UP! Now, split up and look for them, and if you find them, bring them to the duchess alive. Now move,” Jack said. They began to search everywhere for the kids, but unexpectedly the kids made some traps for them. “Okay, guys. Let’s show them,” Chase said, then they split up and hid in other places. The police came over to Sunset’s house and told her some bad news, “Miss Shimmer, we’ve looked everywhere in the county, but no sign of them. We’re still trying, but we’ll find them,” Chief Thompson said. Sunset nodded and then after the cops left, Sunset texted her friends that it’s up to them to find Chase and stop Estella. They girls nodded until Sunset received a text from an unknown caller. She replied to it and it said “The kids are fine. Helping them escape. Sit tight until further notice.” Sunset texted her friends to meet her at her apartment and wait until further notice and bring the others with. While the goons kept searching for the kids, Marty checked one room of the mansion, which is where Chase was hiding. Marty then pulled the doorknob and it got loose and rope started to come out. He kept pulling the rope until it stopped and then nothing happened. He then turned around and forcibly tugged the string, and suddenly the rope that was tied to a barbell and it suddenly fell off the shelf it was on and it forcibly slammed him towards the door, knocking him out. In the attic upstairs, Wesley looked around and then made sure if anyone was up here, until he accidentally slipped on the floor that was covered in a slippery liquid and then slid into a wall and got tumbled by a buffalo head bust. In the abandoned living room, Jack searched around the entire room for the kids, but he suddenly found Sam Sam crouching in fear and then Jack made a grin. “Hey, it’s alright. Just come to me, and we’ll have a nice small talk,” Jack said sweetly, but Sam Sam refused and ran off. Jack grunted angrily and went after the kid, but he accidentally tripped over a tripwire that was connected to a huge shelf full of ash from the fireplace that tumbled onto him. While Marty was still trying to get in, he used his crowbar and used it to force the door open. After the door opened, he got in, but accidentally fell through a hole leading him to the basement. He landed on his belly, causing some of his bones to ache after the landing. He got up, snapped his neck and then his back for balance. “Ah, much better,” he said, then he went over to a light switch and then pulled it, but unexpectedly, he was hit in the head by an iron that tumbled all the way down. After that, he had an imprint on his forehead. When Wesley got back from being ran over by a slippery floor and buffalo head wall bust, he went to the other hallway upstairs and looked for the other kids. But he eventually found out the floor was booby trapped, until Melody giggled quietly and pulled the lever, causing Wesley to fall onto a pile of glue and feathers. Marty was managing to walk upstairs out of the basement, until there was tar on two of the steps causing him to lose both his shoes and walk up the stairs barefoot, until he accidentally stepped on a couple of jacks and it caused him to fall off the stairs on his back. “Grr... THAT DOES IT!” Wesley got up from the feather pile and walked out the door, until a blowtorch blew on top of his head and burned some of his hair. He saw a bathtub, then jumped in, but he found out it was freezing like water in the winter. And his head had a small bald spot. Jack got out from the ash and then walked over towards the pool table and then it accidentally broke and Jack tripped over and he got hit in the face by the balls. Marty was getting the jacks and tar off and got his shoes back on. After he got up, he was about to walk out the basement to another door and staircase, until he slipped and fell onto the puddle of green slime, causing him to slide towards a tumbling shelf full of opened paint cans falling onto him, covering him with green, yellow, blue, orange, and gray paint. He got some gray paint in his mouth, but he couldn’t get up. Jack met up with Wesley, “Wesley, what happened to you, lad?” “W-W-Wh-Why are you c-c-covered in ash?” Wesley asked trying to stay warm from the icy water. Marty tried to climb up the hole and then caught up with Wesley and Jack. “Why are you covered in paint?” Wesley asked. “It’s a long story,” Marty said, until they saw a ladder. They climbed up the ladder and went up to the roof, but the kids weren’t there. “They’ve tricked us!” Wesley exclaimed. “This is all your fault!” “My fault? If none of this would’ve happened, we’d be-“ They suddenly heard Estella’s car come back. She got out and she was wearing a red and black fur coat. “Oy! Madam!” Jack yelled out from the roof. “Hello.” “What are you doing up there?” Estella asked. “We were... We were, Uh... just... looking for the children, ma’am. No need to worry,” Jack said. “And where... are... the children?” Estella asked with a concerned tone. “Well, glad you asked,” Marty said, until Jack explained everything, “It was like this, they were running around the house like little rats leaving no evidence, except for us. Until all of a sudden, they left us a few surprises that may have resulted in a few injuries and then we kept looking and looking. But since you’ve asked ‘Where are the children? Where are the children?’ Well, it’s just that, let’s just say that right now we have no idea how 4 year old children managed to get away without us noticing. But if you just give us a few minutes to clean ourselves up, we’ll join you soon.” Estella started to get angry, “Get down from there... AND CATCH THOSE CHILDREN!” The three men nodded and exited the roof. “Ignorant, pathetic, stupid. Those fools! I’ll find those miserable brats myself!” Estella said angrily after she got back in her car and drove off. The three men got into their truck and drove off as well. The kids were running off back to the city, but since they saw lights from behind, they kept running. Estella suddenly saw a glowing red ruby with a silver necklace and amulet piece. She picked it up and then put it on her neck. When the ruby touched her skin, she began to glow, until she started growing and her clothes became a huge fancy tropical dress that had a Tasmanian fur skirt dyed dark grey, a long skirted dress colored dark brown and dark red that came with two layers of glittery feathers around her waist in both dark green and dark navy blue, and her bust top was mixed with the feathers and strapped on her shoulders. Her shoes became huge black wedged pump heels with charcoal gray fur ankle straps. Her eyes began to glow red and her hair spiked out and curled up into a shocking fright. Her gloves formed into black long sleeved gloves with claws. She became a giant supermodel powered by the dark magic of rage and hatred! She went back towards her car and destroyed it with her magic and then walked out to find the kids.