//------------------------------// // Chapter 27: Assault in the Apartment/Chase Kidnapped! // Story: A Tale of a Loving Sister // by GoebelTron //------------------------------// The next day, after the sun went down and while Chase was having a slumber party and play date with Melody and Sam Sam, Sunset was reading them “The Cat In The Hat by Dr. Seuss.” But suddenly, Wesley, Phil and Jack came inside. “Good evening, miss,” Jack said. Sunset turned around and saw them grinning, and looking at Chase and his friends. “We’re with the orphanage and we got a call about an orphan boy in your presence,” Jack said. “Now, hand over the boy and we’ll all be cool,” Phil replied. Sunset grabbed a baseball bat and made a position to defend herself, “Get... out... of my house.” “Look, ma’am. We’ve got a job to do, so drop the bat,” Jack said. “I’m not kidding. Get out or I’m calling the police,” Sunset warned. “Chase, what do we do?” Melody asked. “Sunset, we’re scared,” Chase said. “Kids, stay back there,” Sunset said. “Alright, you’ve asked for it,” Jack said. “Lads, teach her a lesson.” Wesley and Marty were about to attack Sunset, until she hit them both with the bat, “KIDS, RUN!” Chase, Sam Sam and Melody ran for there lives, until Sunset fought back kung fu style. “You guys forgot something about me,” Sunset said defensively while she made a fighting stance. “I have a black belt in karate. So if you want to get to my little brother, you’re gonna have to go through me to get them.” Jack got angry and charged at her with a crowbar, until Sunset dodged the attack and did a backflip and then did a flying kick in the face. Wesley got up and tried to grab her, “Oh, you two-faced... D’oh!” He was caught off guard when Sunset elbowed him in the gut and then punched him in the face. Marty charged at her, but Sunset slipped under him and used her legs to strangle his neck and then pulled him to the floor face first. “Sunset, where’d you learn that?” Chase asked. “That I learned from Applejack!” Sunset said as she kept dodging Wesley’s punches, then grabbed his head and hit him with her knee three times, “That I also learned from Rainbow Dash!” “SUNSET, HELP!” The kids yelled out when they were grabbed by Jack and Marty. “Hey! Come back here!” Sunset yelled. “I’m not finished with you!” “Haha haha! Goodnight, lassie! Later!” Jack said. Sunset then realized that the kids were taken by the thugs. “Oh no! They took the kids! I gotta warn the others!” Sunset ran off to Canterlot Boutique where the others were finishing up their outfits for the spring formal. When Sunset made it to the door, she opened it and warned her friends, “Guys! Thugs! They took the kids!” “Wait. WHAT!?” Twilight exclaimed. “They stole Chase!?” Rarity asked in shock. “OH NO!? WHATEVER WILL WE DO!?” Fleur asked in extreme shock. “We gotta call somebody!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, until Sunset took out her phone and dialed Cadence’s phone number. Meanwhile, Shining Armor and Cadence were in a fancy restaurant on a date together and eating dinner. Cadence wore a navy blue satin jacket over a black glittery dress and her blue flats, and eating salmon. Shining Armor wore a navy blue tuxedo and maroon dress pants, and eating a parmesan crusted chicken. They were clanging their wine glasses proposing a toast to each other, “To my handsome Shining Armor, the only lucky guy any girl like me could be with,” Cadence said soothingly. “Well, and to you, Cadence, the only woman I ever had a crush on since college,” Shining Armor replied. Cadence giggled and then felt her phone buzzing. She looked through her purse and took out her phone, “Sorry, I need to take this,” Cadence said, until she answered her phone. “Hello?” “Cadence, are you there!?” Sunset asked. “Sunset? Is this you?” Cadence asked. “How are you?” “Cadence, you need to listen to me!” “Sunset, calm down. What’s going on?” Cadence asked, then Sunset explained everything. “WHAT?” After their date ended, Cadence and Shining Armor came over to Principal Celestia’s office to tell her the bad news. “Principal Celestia, Sunset just called,” Cadence said. “What is it?” Principal Celestia asked. “She told us everything. Chase is missing!” Shining Armor explained. “And so are Melody and Sam Sam,” Cadence said. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna were shocked that three innocent children were kidnapped, then went over to the police station with them.