//------------------------------// // Hybrid Vs Hybrid (Capcom VS Warner Brothers) Part 2 // Story: Skylander Battle Season 1 // by Flameboy //------------------------------// But before the fight commenced, the zombie hybrid and the cyborg hybrid were looking right at each other. But for Cyborg, he wasn't just staring at him, he was also scared while shaking and continued looking at the giant behemoth in front of him. The said giant behemoth lifted his left hand up to his mouth in the form of a fist. "Ahem! Sorry about scaring you with my horrific appearance. Now, where are my manners? Ahem! My name is Matt Anderson, and what these fine gentlemen said is true, I am a reformed human hunter that is trying to make a living by finding ways to redeem myself. But, then again, it wasn't really my fault. That vile corporation known as Umbrella STOLE my humanity; turned me into a monster! I was lucky enough to even have a glimpse of my fondest memory of Alex to remember her and sacrifice my life to save her and her friends. But, alas, I have forgotten that I'm part zombie; I couldn't die. But, thanks to Skylands's best medics, I can finally talk. Sometimes when I get too excited, my voice turns back into my zombie state that only allowed me to say "Stars." I mean, good Lord, it was so tiring to say "Stars" over and over. I'm glad to be rid of that one-worded sentence. But anyway, you must be my opponent; Cyborg, also known as Victor Stone. I can't wait to have a good battle between two gnarly gentlemen such as you and I. Even I can't wait to see what you can do," the polite zombie said. Then, he placed his right hand out to shake hands. "Um, thanks. You, too, man," Cyborg said as he grabbed Matt's hand and shook it twice. ... "Fear the Bio Organic Weapon!" "Booyah!" ... Later on, the two were in a heated battle as they blasted each other with rockets and plasma bolts. Cyborg's left hand cannon started fuzzing with a few sparks of electricity. Then, he turned to his left and saw a big rock and ran for it as Nemesis started firing his 5000 rounds of bullets while Cyborg dodged them as he jumped behind cover. He started fixing it with his know how in smarts and then decided to hack into what was left of the Nemesis Program inside Matthew's head. "Are you seriously trying to hack my brain? Just like our announcers said, I broke free of Umbrella's control," he said. Then, he used his right hand and pushed it out as a red tendril shot out and grabbed Cyborg's right foot. Next, he started smashing the man/robot hybrid from side to side five times until he heard his opponent speak up. "I yield! I yield!" Cyborg shouted and then Matt placed him onto his feet. "Good battle, my friend. Here, let's go get you bandaged up," Matt said as he draped his right arm onto Cyborg as the two started walking out of the ring. "Thanks. I could use a breather," Vic said. "And the winner is.... NEMESIS!" Boomstick shouted. "In this battle of the hybrids, Matt came out on top and persevered through and through with his unique weaponry and supernatural powers. Heck, if I had a superpower and I went up against Nemesis, I would probably lose in a heartbeat," Wiz said. "You know, Wiz, we should have a list for each of the ten elements of Skylands after each one from a certain element wins," Boomstick said. "You might be right about that, Boomstick," Wiz replied back. "I mean, Cynder is the Co-Leader of the Undead Element, but that was because of Malefor's doing, so... that would mean that Cynder is a Hybrid Fusionator of both the Undead and Dark Elements. Meaning that both the two elements have one point. But, right after this match, the Undead lead with 2 points, which also mean that Cynder is mostly Undead, despite her dark powers," Wiz added. "So Life and Tech, with both Coco and Cyborg, still have 0 points. Also, we did some research on Twilight's dark werepony form "Raven" and found out that just like a kirin and a nirik, Twilight's werepony and ynoperew(ee-nop-ee-roo), are both forms of the Life Element, but Raven passes as both a Magic and Life Fusionator. But anyways, since Twilight is mostly Magic, the element itself has 1 point as well and is second in the leaderboard right behind the Undead Element. Oh. And the Dark Element is stuck with 0 points as well. But for now, congratulations to Matt/Nemesis as he moves on to the next round in the Skylander Battle! Tournament. But just like Verbalase's Skylander Beatbox Battles Tournament, we'll give each and every Skylander from the past and present, as well as the Fusionators a second chance, OR a third chance. So... anyways, thanks for watching yet another awesome Skylander Battle! Tournament battle and we'll see you all in the next round, for it will be a doozy as we have a classical rivalry between TWO types of Halloween monsters. Later!" Boomstick said. "Actually, before we go, the next battle will be between Death Dealers and Night Howlers, also known as Lycans," Wiz mentioned before the camera cut off.