A Tale of a Loving Sister

by GoebelTron

Chapter 26: Aunt Estella’s Henchmen/Spring Formal Set Up and Dance Rehearsals

The next day, a big black and gray dirty cargo truck with a cloak appeared in the alley near a warehouse. Then after it stopped, three men stepped out and entered the warehouse. The first one was baggy eyed and had black shaggy hair and a beard. He wore a dark gray fedora, a navy blue cotton trench coat, black pants and shoes, and wore a maroon sweater vest and light gray work shirt and black tie. The second one was also tall and he had dark brown short afro hair and a long beard. He wore a brown trench jacket with a navy blue and charcoal gray long sleeved baseball shirt with 4 buttons, a red ascot, dark brown pants and black work shoes. The third was short and had light brown hair. He wore a gray jacket, a grey gold hat, a green plaid sleeveless vest, khaki pants, and black work shoes.

“Wesley, Marty. We just received this,” Jack said in a British voice. They saw an envelope slide in his hand. “Let’s hear what it says,” Wesley said. Jack opened the envelope and read the note that turned out to be an invitation.

“Alright, Let’s see what we have here,” Jack said, until he read the note:


You are requested at this address for a talk over tea and biscuits. I have a job for you three and I expect you to come immediately. Meet me here at this place at 12 o’clock this afternoon.

Signed, Your Dealer

P.S., this the address:
515 Great Oaks Ave, Everfree Hills 08055”

“Hmm, a job offer, eh?” Jack asked. “Alright. Wesley, Marty. Get your coats. We’ve got a date with our new dealer.”

After they received their delivery from Estella, they drove off to her mansion for tea and biscuits and to talk about the offer. Meanwhile, Estella was reading the invite about the spring formal and began to imagine what Chase will wear. “Oh, my dear little Chase. You’re gonna look so handsome when I get my hands on you!” she said as she heard the door knock. “Edgar! The door please!” she hollered after she placed the paper in one side of her robe. After her butler, Edgar Alfresco opened the door, Wesley, Marty and Jack entered the building and then saw Estella walking in the living room, and wearing a tiger print fuzzy cleavage dress with a black feather cowl and black beaded necklace. “Good afternoon, ma’am. We’ve come as expected,” Jack said. “Good. Sit down,” Estella said as she walked over and sat down, until the three men sat down.

“Tea?” Edgar asked. “Uh, yes, please,” Wesley replied. Marty gave him a short nod. “Yes, thank you,” Jack replied. Edgar poured the tea into the pot and rolled the tray over to them, and placed the tray of both tea and biscuits on the table, then the three thugs helped themselves with the tea and biscuits. “Well, a pleasant spring day we have, huh ma’am?” Jack asked. “Yes, and?” Estella asked drinking her tea. “Nothing,” Jack replied, until he accidentally dropped his spoon, “But we were actually wondering... What exactly did you call us here for?”

“I’m glad you asked, darling,” Estella replied. “I called you for a job that I want done tonight. I want you three to go to this school or wherever this child will be, and bring him to here. If there are any witnesses, bring them with. But I want them alive as well. This child I want you to bring me is my nephew, Chase Tucker.”

“Let me get this straight. You want us to kidnap your nephew and bring him to your mansion here where you’ll meet us?” Wesley asked. “Wow,” Phil said. “What’s in it for us?” Estella snapped her fingers and Edgar handed her a case full of money. “Ma’am, we’re in,” Jack said, then Estella cackled softly. “Well, what can I say? Sometimes accidents will happen!” Estella then made another psychotically evil cackle.

Meanwhile, Sunset and her friends, along with the 5 Shadowbolts, were rehearsing dance moves and working on music and editing some outfits. Rainbow Dash was practicing the “Cha-Cha Slide” with some of the girls from both CHS and CPA. Others were helping Pinkie Pie with decorations and helping Rarity with outfits.

Chase was sitting on the bench looking bored and having a sad mopey face. Rarity saw how Chase was feeling while she and Sunny Flare were examining their outfits for the formal, then she asked Sunny to take over and walked over to the sad kid. “What’s wrong, darling?” Rarity asked sitting down next to Chase. “I don’t feel like going. I don’t know why, but I feel like something bad’s gonna happen and it’s scaring me.”

“But I managed to make you a cute tuxedo for the dance, plus we can all help you with your problem,” Rarity said kindly, then kissed him on one side of his head. “Now, come down with me. I need to take your measurements, then I’ll find something that’ll suit you.”

Chase nodded, then Rarity took his hand and walked down to the gym floor with him. After she took his measurements, she began some sketches with his tuxedo and some colors. After she finished making notes about his suit, she began to select the right fabric. Suddenly, she found a fabric related to tuxedo jackets but colored black, and Sunny Flare suddenly found other fabrics. One was formal pant fabric in pale dark grayish blue, the other was dress shirt fabric in light green, and the last one was a fish print aqua green bow tie that was Chase’s size. Fleur found Skechers dress shoes at Chase’s foot size. Rarity nodded and began to work on his jacket, then Chase went with Fleur and sat down on her lap.

When Rarity was done, she went to Chase and gave it to him, including the other clothes, “Go ahead and try it on, darling.” Chase went to the boy’s bathroom and tried on his suit for the dance. When he came back out, everyone was adored by his handsome appearance. Chase started to blush and fidgeted his hands nervously, until Sunset came over and gave him a hug. “How does it feel, Chase?” Rarity asked. “It‘s kinda nice,” Chase replied. “I think it’s lovely,” Fluttershy said kindly. “I know,” Rarity said.

When they finished with uniforms and practiced dancing, it was time to call it for the night. Sunset went to Chase and kneeled down, “Chase, why don’t we walk home? Go get changed.” Chase nodded and then they grabbed their stuff, “Girls, I’m gonna take Chase home. We’ll continue tomorrow.” The girls agreed with goodbyes and thoughtful comments, then Sunset and Chase walked home together.