Skylander Battle Season 1

by Flameboy

Raven (Go) vs Twilight Sparkle The Rematch Part 3: The Battle Begins

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven shouted as she gave a thumbs-up with her left hand which constructed a giant black hand doing the same action as her left hand. "Show me what you got, Princess Twilight Sprinkle," she said which caused the crowd to go "ooh."

"Sure thing... Tweety," she retaliated back which caused the crowd to go "ooh" yet again. "The Power of Magic!" She said as she stood on her backlegs spinning her hooves like any other equine.

"FIGHT!" Discord shouted as he performed a karate chop with his lion paw and with a snap of his talons from his eagle claw, he teleported back to his seat beside the little dragonfly.

Balls of fire with dark magic started emanating from Raven's hands. Her eyes turned red as a pair of red eyes appeared on her forehead.

Pink magic started emanating from Twilight's horn. But, it started to turn red as her body was then engulfed in flames.
The crowd, including Raven, Wiz and Boomstick, and the Skylanders started to stare with wide open eyes and mouths as they saw the Princess of Friendship became something else. The pony with fire for hair looked at the hybrid. "What? Pony got your tongue?" Twilight joked.

"You pass as a Fire fusionator?" Raven questioned the burning pony.

"Indeed. But, I also pass as an Earth fusionator, a Water fusionator, and a Life fusionator as well. You may pass as a Light fusionator, but I, too, am a Dark fusionator, too. Well, not as a Dark Fusionator because it's my Nightmare Werepony form, so, it's really my second Life Fusionator form," she said and caused Raven to perk her eyes up even more and turn back into her normal eyes. "I call her, "RAVEN Sparkle." She's kind of like a Nightmare Moon version of me, but as a much more angrier side of my Tribal Werepony form. But let's see what YOU got, Raven?" Twilight rephrased Raven's earlier question back to her.

"Werepony?" Raven thought but quickly shrugged her shoulders. Raven's eyes turned red again as she opened up her other eyes. Then, she started hurling bolts of dark magic towards Twilight, who dodged some by jumping to the left. Next, she pulled her head to the left and started throwing fireballs back towards Raven. Raven used her magic to cast a portal which Twilight's fireball went through and appeared out of a portal behind Twilight and hit her on the left side of the flank, which it didn't hurt her or even left a burn spot on her flank.

Twilight looks back at Raven. "Did you really think that fire attacks, much less my own fireballs, can hurt me?" Twilight asked and then inhaled a lot of air. Then, exhales the air into the form of a jet of fire at Raven's feet. Raven of course, managed to step a few feet back while she got hit by the boiling aroma of the fire at her feet. She constructed a floating black fan in thin air and turned it on as it got rid of the heat. Raven sighs in relief as the heat was removed. Then, she stares back at Twilight in anger. Then, she looks up at the right side of her vision as she came up with an idea.

"So, your coat of fur is now fireproof like the scales of a dragon, and you can breathe boiling hot fire just like a dragon, too?! Huh? Oh, well. But, if you wanted a Dragon Class battle, then allow me to help," Raven said as she then caused portals to appear with a wave of her left hand as the portals on her left revealed different types of Raven's from different worlds. First, the Raven Twilight, or Burnlight was fighting started to float in thin air in the form of a fish. Next, Raven's head grew huge and charged right after the other Raven's, including the 2003 version, eating them all up until she was big as an inflated person that ate a blueberry from Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Then, Burnlight started to pull her right forehoof up at her mouth to try and stifle her laughter from being heard.

Except the fact, that Raven heard her laughing. She raised her left finger up. "Wait for it..." she said until an invisible force of pain pushed herself to the ground and caused her to grow big. Finally, she undergoes into a metamorphosis. Everyone, between the crowds of heroes and civilians, the judges, Scorpion, and Twilight herself, were both shocked and terrified as the human/demon hybrid transformed into a giant dragon with purple fire emanating from the sides of her mouth. Dragon Raven, or otherwise known as The Unkindness, lowered her head so that her soulless eyes met with Burnlight's red eyes. "So, what do you think of MY dragon form, Princess?" Dragon Raven questioned the fire pony.

Princess Burnlight just smiled in reply. "Not bad. But I think I can do better," she said as she calmed down and turned back into her normal lavender-colored fur with patches of burn marks. Next, Twilight sat down on her haunches and moved a tuff of fur from her ear with her left hoof. Under the tuff of she had moved revealed a white zit that looked like a dragon scale. So, she lowered her right hoof at the scale and pressed it like a button. Then, Twilight started to undergo a metamorphosis herself. Only, it wasn't painful for her, unlike Raven. Her tail grew longer as her tail mane became a lion-like tail with a lion-like tuff of fur. Her Cutie Mark vanished from both sides of her flank. Her mane was still the same as she continued to change. She started to stand on all her hooves. Then, her legs started become more thinner as the bone structures changed and those said hooves started to sprout four tiny fingers and three tiny toes. Next, she grew to the size of Princess Celestia and soon her tiny fingers and toes grew longer as they formed into claws, which were followed up with her arms and legs bulging with new muscle tissues. The outlines of her cutie mark appeared at the center of her neck, which started to grow longer. Using her claws from her left paw, Twilight scratched the surface of her fur. Then, she started to stand on her legs, and then she strongly pulled the skin with her fur attached to it, clean off like a snake shedding it's skin, and revealed her cutie mark without the tiny white stars as red scales appeared under and over her pink star as it travels all the way down to her stomach and right under her jaw bones. She opened her eyes which revealed pink fire coming from her eyes. Like, they were literally on fire. Then, her feathers gently separated from her wings as the wings sprouted membranes. Kinda like fish fins.
Her waist grew a little smaller by width and her chest buffed out a little. But not like a male, just a girly chest. Her ears grew a little long as they became wolf-like as her straight horn curved itself to look like a rhinoceros horn, but smaller. Her tail grew a little muscle to better fit with her growing size. Her muzzle started to grew in length as it elongated into a snout which was soon followed with her teeth sharpening into fangs as pink smoke radiated from within her mouth. Her tongue grew longer and became forked as well. Finally, she opened her eyes which revealed her pupils turning into cat-like slits. Finally, she roared in her dragon form, Firelight. But, the sad part about that form of hers, is that wasn't the same size as Raven's dragon form. Dragon Raven started to guffaw at the size of Twilight's dragon form, but stopped as she started to speak. With her new left paw on her hip, and her new right finger claw up, she started to speak. "Hold on," she said as she pulled her arms together in the form of an "x". Then, she pushed them out to her sides with her wings flaring as she straightens her neck, and then starts to grow more, up to the point where she was the exact same size as The Unkindness.

Finally, the two locked their paws and claws with each other as they try to overpower one another. Shortly, after struggling a few seconds, Firelight started to give it her all as she was starting to overpower her opponent. But, as a Fusionator of the Dark element, Raven was tricky as well. So, she pulled her tail back, then swings it from right to left as she hit the left side of Firelight's two legs and caused the purple dragon to fall on her left side. Raven, who stood on her hooves, lifted her right one as to stomp onto Twilight's neck to make her be stuck in submission. Luckily, Firelight quickly recovered from the fall to see her opponent about to attack and rolled to the right as Raven missed. As soon as she was standing on all four of her paws, she launched herself at Raven and struck her in the form of a shoulder tackle with her right shoulder. Then, she raised her upper body away from Raven and onto her left side as she launched into air and started flying high. Dragon Raven quickly recovered just like Firelight and launched herself into the air as well as she started to fly after Firelight.

"Looks like Twilight's retreating while Raven's trying to catch up to her to finish her off, huh Wiz?" Boomstick asked his friend.

"No. She's not retreating," Ember started. Then, she continued to look at how her sister-in-law was flying high into the sky. She then saw Twilight puffing a stream of smoke into the air and started spinning around, encasing herself in a mist of smoke, leaving Raven to stop mid-flight as she couldn't find her opponent. Ember knew that kind of strategy. "...she's planning to lure her into a trap," she finished.

"What do you mean by that, your highness?" Wiz asked.

"Sometimes, when a dragon is fighting off another dragon, or another type of flying creature, he or she will start chuffing a big stream of smoke until they reach the atmosphere that is most closer to the Earth. Then, they start to spin very fast while they still puff out smoke to cover themselves in a huge fog made entirely out of their smoke. When their opponents unknowingly fly into it since smoke from a dragon has a different color than that of campfire smoke, or factory smoke, it blinds them, making them stop in the atmosphere. But the one who creates the trap, flies more higher until they can no longer fly high, push their bodies with enough strength to dive bomb so hard and fast, that when colliding with the opponent, the opponent themselves will not be able to break free as the one pouncing on them midair lands the final strike by crashing their opponent into the ground. And that will soon happen right about now, in three... two... one," she said as she pointed her left index finger claw to the sky.

As soon as she did that, Twilight Sparkle launched herself at Raven, then straight up collided her as her signature starboom appeared and disappeared as a trail of her mane color was left in her wake. The two dragons, both magical and demonic, plummeted through the air, and then finally....