Morning Vanilla

by B_25


Morning Vanilla
B_25 & Vanilla Beam

The previous night was of his dreams and, as he fell into a slumber, Vanilla wondered if that would be the case when he awoke. He'd spent the night with his girlfriend, Rainbow Dash, who was a giant to him but normal to everyone else. Pinkie Pie had invited them for a slumber party at Sugarcube Corner and the three enjoyed the contents of the night together.  

It'd been a wild night of partying for the trio and, when you're an inch tall, the idea of titanic mares partying hard meant a rocking to the world itself. Hooves stomping craters into the sweeping floor as music from hell blared from the heavens above. 

The girls were teasing in how they stepped and how they played, always mindful of him yet testing the limits. They loved to have him in their shadow, to be caught beneath a hoof seconds before it stomped. Never would they crush him but the thrill of coming closer—or being able to do such a thing at all—seemed to please the three.  

Pinkie had been the first to crash early but, if her wink to Rainbow before sleeping was any indication, it was done more so as a favour to the couple. Given the bed as Pinkie straight up collapsed on the floor, the tiny boy was kept on the round and blue platform. It lifted toward the wide and vast face of Rainbow Dash.  

She'd looked down at him from above, a cocky expression requires miles of her face to express, the pools of her eyes closing, if by a little, to add to the sultry look. The hoof lifted toward her lips and offered the little boy no choice in the matter. In seconds he was cast into plushness as each lip sunk as he pressed into them.  

And that was before she started kissing back.  

Those lips reminded him of dams, soft instead of hard, wide and vast to the same thickness. Except for holding back the torrents of love she held for him, it instead acted as a means of expression to express it to him. Lightly wet, it compressed on him, flattening into layers over his diminutive stature.  

He did his best to kiss back though it was hard when your girlfriend was a giantess. All he could do was lie back as the lips enveloped him. Somewhere above blew the intense winds from her nostrils. Warm and hard and powerful and without trying. She dominated him in everything. In size and sound and all else.  

Her lips wouldn't keep the same as to better enjoy their game. Rather her lips would kiss around her hoof, flattening into places as she kissed the spot, letting him see the full effect of the power behind her lips. How their size collapsed into a field of fuzz to claim it. Easily they spread over it, kissing it, the length of the pair reaching to him. 

It was crazy for him. Lying on his back as his head rose, looking to the right, seeing the lips consuming the area there. Next they lifted and hovered over him, a shadow cast over him for a second, the delicious pair now crashing to the left. Then they kissed above him then below. There he could see the top portion of her muzzle.  

Across the bridge of her muzzle loomed her closed eyes. Slowly they opened to reveal the ponds of glimmering pink the boy wished to swim in. Could he dive into them now? Literally and not metaphorically? He wondered if the chance would ever arise.  

But as her lips kissed the bottom of her hoof, the front of her snout was exposed to him, each side travelling far beyond his reach. Two holes able to swallow him whole flared as they breathed. Rainbow giggled and snorted out the air through there, the warm currents pushing him back, causing the cyan grass to wave and bend and stand as well. 

And once she was done playing around.  

Her lips lifted from the spot and her muzzle inched forward, its shadow cast over him, the massiveness of her face looming over him. Her eyes looked at him in a love that was intense even without her size. They closed as she came onto him, her lips capturing him into their middle, slipping him in.

Just enough for her lips alone to nibble on him. He was tucked in-between their tightness as they rolled and meshed and played with him. Never teasing him to what laid beyond the lips but letting him see the world from between them. The hoof that held him now pulled away. It sunk beneath his weight and the upper-one continued to bounce, pressing and pulling, all over his body.  

Vanilla laughed and threw out his forelegs in a mock defence to protect himself from excessive love. No matter the muscles in his legs, his hooves sunk into the sloped and sapphire ceiling as it lowered. Inch or two before finding purchase in the squish. It lowered onto him, rolling him forward and back, like a bean, enjoying his taste.  

But soon the enjoyment had to come to an end as the duo were set for bed.  

There was still a bit of touching and feeling, exploring of places rendered better with the itty-bitty hooves of a tiny but, as the two settled into slumber, decided to call it there. Rainbow's wingtips reached for the boy exploring the curve of her thigh and, on wrapping around him, raised him to her muzzle for a kiss.  

They'd attempted multiple ways of sleeping together. Cradling him in her forehooves and pressing him to her chest, soft and warm and romantic as it was also sometimes meant, for a girl that likes to roll around, that he would be buried underneath that chest.  

Her forehooves slipping away after cradling and nestling him there, rolling from her back and onto her chest, the plushness of her body, a mountain of weight from the slender mare, applied on him. He'd sink more into the bed than crushed by her. His sky was a ceiling of taut belly and blue fur. One that sunk in and filled out to the giantess's breathing.  

They'd tried another time where she cradled the boy into her cheek, a snuggle worthy or a teddy bear. Neither of them minded him becoming this fact as it was cute, feeling beyond nice for the two, a gesture that had beckoned them to bed quicker. On being tried, though, the boy was snuggled into the mare's cheek.

And when her head turned and mouth opened, he was nearly caught in the attack, forced to escape from the hungry and sleeping marefriend. He made it out alive and kept the tale to himself, of course, with the gesture to maybe try something like that again after a few refinements. 

Which left only one place for him to rest.  

The wingtip had travelled into the depth of mane, in a place where he wouldn't have to sweat being crushed. Once secured inside of her mane, she would tangle him endlessly, not tightly but securely, ensuring he could escape but couldn't come loose in his sleep.

Once he was tied, the wingtip pulled out from the forest of hair, one of the endless strands to varying colours. Barely could he see through slits to the massive and looming space that was the rest of the bedroom. His stomach churned at feeling the massive and soft head to his side fall, into the pillow, crashing before relaxing.  

Vanilla was thankful for being small as he didn't need a blanket or a pillow. Rather keeping this close to the gigantic mare as the sheer warmth of her body was enough to keep him heated throughout the night. Her snores were like roars in the distance as, from here, he couldn't see beyond the side of her head.  

The slumber that had stolen her had also stolen himself. Slowly his eyes closed as they took in the remainder of his setting. Endless prismatic vines fell in the surrounding area in a spread to where they blurred. Barely he could see beyond them. For now this would be his world.  

The world inside of Rainbow Dash's mane.  

And that was okay.  

It was the next morning and Vanilla was the first to wake up, as was usually the case for whatever reason, knowing his marefriend to be a deep and long sleeper. He didn't mind so much as it gave him a chance to explore the extents of her gigantic body. She didn't mind as finding him on different parts across her had given the giant mare a new appreciation for her body that no other mare had or would have.  

He stretched as he kept tangled in the differently coloured vines. Reaching his legs and the arching of his spine. Shaking head and cracking neck. Everything required to come alive in the morning. After his routine was done, he was ready to start the day.  

And that meant, of course, somehow waking his giant and slumbering girlfriend.  

As he fought to lean up, a foreleg to his leg, unwrapping the wrapped strand of hair, fighting to free himself—in the distance was the beast. Even though he wasn't touching her, the tiny could feel the charge up to ever snore.

Currents of wind devoured in a single inhale as, across the expanse that was the side of her barrel, it expanded from the swirling air. Everything about her spread as she inhaled, everything blowing through, travelling through miles and volumes of her

Then it all came barrelled and powered the beast of a snore roaring from afar. It should have belonged to a dragon in a cave for how it echoed from the walls. It lasted for seconds but nothing could be heard beyond it. Even his breathing was silent when the beast had decided to do the same.  

After a bit of fighting to free himself, the white speck was able to cling to a thick strand, finding he had enough of a hold. With a nod and a swallow, he slid down, as though it were a pole. Everything changed around him as he descended. The jungle disappeared above and the head in the distance, the back of it, rose into the sky.  

This must be how elevators feel to them.

His body turned on the pole as he continued down. Before him on the other side sprawled the side of the gigantic tummy. It was sloped to perfection as expected of an athlete. There was enough weight there, softness and plushness, as to offer a more enjoyable footing. It loomed to him like a stadium below that rose as he kept sliding down. The seconds passed and, before he knew it, the longest strand had come to its end. 

The boy let go at the end of the strand, landing on the flexible grounding below, the body of a mare now land to him. He contemplated strolling across the side of her barrel for the sake of a morning stroll. Warm grounding with silky grass to comfort his hooves. That, and the heated air strong with her aroma. It was his favourite way to start the day but, for now, they weren't at home.

So his first goal should be to wake up the giant Rainbow Dash.

Turning back he was forced to step the same, looking up at the great length and height to the side of her throat. It shifted. Lightly. Carrying winds that would blow him away. It was alive as she kept asleep. The subconscious happenings of her body, all of which were nothing to her.  

Yet everything to him as it became the contents and threats of his world.

Shaking his head, the stallion dared a step forward, then another, reaching the surface of the throat. It was a light ascent due to her head lying on its side into the pillow. It loomed in the distance. Haze and blurs covering it. She looked so peaceful as she slept.

Though those snores were monstrous.

The ascent across her throat was that of a drawbridge that spanned a field, a trimness of cyan fuzz rolling to the sides, curving as it did so, into the rest of the neck. The dense foliage of mane composed of mighty and messy locks loomed to the right, offering him a view into the forest once more. Warm and dim like a morning in a jungle. Part of him wished to go back in.  

To his left sprawled the cosmic proportions of the bedroom, everything a world unto itself, spanning and sprawling, forever despite the distance, everything blurred in the haze of distance. It scared him to see how massive the world was. That, and how the only suitable world to him was that of Rainbow's body.  

Even though she was utterly gigantic to the point of him nearly being a speck, at least climbing her throat was the equivalent of climbing a cliff. Still large to him but at least it was of a scale he could handle. Reaching her face, a pull over the delicate border of her jaw, revealed it to be a hilltop than a mountain.  

The top of a hill was still large, able to be walked around and properly taken in but, as for the mountain, it was impossible to take it all in. Climbing a hill took effort but was possible. Reaching the top of a mountain was an epic effort that lost its splendour halfway through it.  

Hence why he was so glad to be away from the world around him, and instead, immersed himself into the world that Rainbow Dash's body created. Arriving at the underside of her jaw, the little boy couldn't help but stand, his hooves finding purchase on the squishy ground of blue.

The flesh spread in a smooth matter below his steps, the equivalent on walking heated dough, except it never caught to his soles. It was a warm meshing that evoked feelings of love. In starting into the jaw, he came into it, the side of his body pushing into the lax softness. The thin wall pressed-in from his weight.  

And the vibrations that followed were terrifying.

He could feel everything. His body pressed into the soft flesh beneath the giant's mouth. Immense vibrations trembled across the veil as gales of air crashed into the maw. Rainbow snorted. The sound like thunder behind a sky of blackened clouds.  

The flesh pushed against him as she breathed out, the current passing overhead into the air, enough of a pressure to knock him into the sky. Rainbow breathed in as the soft patch flexed the same. Her throat pushed up on his legs as a wave carried across it as the organ expanded to accommodate the current.

Subconscious bodily happenings can be so scary!

Deciding to not risk being caught in such a place, the white stallion sauntered round the cliff, reaching its deep side. The border of her jaw lowered and sunk as he walked across its side. He reached a place where, on standing on his hind legs, his forelegs could hook over the smoothness of their top.  

It was from there that he hooked both forelegs over, a push down on the slender hardness as he struggled upward. It took the kicking of his legs into the living-wall before he was high enough to roll over. He did so twice, coming to rest on the cheek, plumpness of softness beneath him.  

Vanilla had reached the girl's cheek.  

On his back and panting a few breaths, the ground before him was doing the same, the whole of the structure, shifting, to the breathing of the giantess. He was on the top of a small hill, the excessive softness pooled at her cheek, a surface warmly kept, gooey enough before the skin to prompt a light rolling in.  

But his eyes decided to settle to the right to gather his bearings first. In the curve of the face of the mare he loved most, the pool of closed eyelids curved upward and to the ride, the bridge between her eyes rising in the distance. Nothing could be seen beyond it besides the few messy and thick strands of mane. Blurry were they due to distance and size despite their proximity.  

Ahead was the forehead the little one always envisioned playing hoofball on. Or volleyball. Any sport really. It was wide and vast enough to support a team and nearly any sport. Of course he'd be alone in playing such a thing. The idea itself was still nice.  

His marefriend being used as a stadium.

He laid back on the plushness of the cheek to see the side of her muzzle, which sprawled off into the distance, slender despite its size. It was there the origin of the roars. How its top rose and the beast unleashed its sounds. Enough to cloud the air and shake the ground. It was a bit scary even if it was just a giant mare snoring.  

Vanilla turned back to the cheek and to the closed eye over him, deciding to wake his love before an accident could happen. He rolled onto his stomach and opened his arms, collecting as much of the cheek into the hug as he could. Snuggling and nuzzling the cheek and enjoying the silky blue fur.

His efforts must have had an effect. There was a cut to the next snore as it stopped halfway. Softness clumped together as the corners of the lips pushed into the hills that were Rainbow's cheeks. Slowly the giant shifted, rolling inches left and right, never enough to leave her side.

Then came the opening of her eye. Vanilla looked forward and above to the parting of blue lids, two fields spreading and retracting, revealing the pond of white beneath. Then came the glimmer of pink. Rosy eyes set to the sky was as they seemed fixated on that alone.

Vanilla stood back up and waved his forelegs before the giant eye, one that set on looking up, a hill in its own right, it needing to flick down to see him. Something so massive and close, right there, a foot from him, should have been able to see the tiny stallion.  

But it didn't.  

The eye kept fixated on the ceiling as the rest of the mare came to life. Her head rolled back and the stallion was jostled across the cheek. Barely could he keep his footing as he danced about the cheek. His steps should have tickled her, enough of a cause and a cue for her to glance down. But the following yawn must have distracted her.  

As much as it did him.  

Her muzzle spread as far apart as possible as her lips did much of the same, the howl of a yawn breaking and bubbling through the air, each exhale of gales, pitches of greatness alternating, causing the poor boy to cover his ears. Reverberations jiggled through the flesh and barreled through bone in a composed fashion that the giantess would never be aware of—or to the same extent that he experienced it.  

And then she started to sit up.

The ground tilted upward as it soon transitioned into a wall for him to grab. With hooves to his ears, Vanilla's body rolled back, pelting and bouncing on the cheek, falling to her chin. He was on his belly as his forelegs smacked into the field, fighting to find a hold, each swipe and scratch a failure.  


Rainbow Dash sat up from her sleep, feeling nothing but tickles on her cheek, which wasn't enough to prop her mind. She was just a girl with a messy mane that was waking up from sleep. It wasn't anything great or important to her. Despite this, though, a portion of her muzzle became a battle zone for the tiny.  

Looming in the distance was the mare's eye, the same one he'd been a foot from, now taken to a mile away. It looked forward, lazily, narrowing as if to wade through its grogginess. Something was on her mind but nothing to get the gears going.  

Vanilla reached her jawline and barely held on, the rest of his body dangling from the spot, forcing him to see up to Rainbow's face. Her unimpressed eyes looked into the distance as it took her a few moments to wake up. That, and something else.  

Everything became colder and darker as the shadow passed over him. Vanilla looked over his shoulder and gasped as the bolder blew, set in the sky above him, hurdling like a meteor toward him. Slow and massive and becoming larger by the second. It was set on him in its crash course.

To the girl, though, she was scratching the tickle that had been bothering her.

The flatness of the hoof crashed into the cheek, the impact seismic enough to jostle the flesh, the closing of the contact blasting a shot of wind. It swept over the tiny and, as Rainbow leaned up proper, the hit of wind swept his forehooves off from their hook.  

Vanilla cried and screamed as he fell away from the muzzle of his love, his forearms swinging in reflex, the knowledge he wouldn't be saved already there. He watched as the mare casually scratched at her cheek without a care in the world. Maybe this would be the end. At least it was close to being that way.  

His descent was slowed by the crashing of softness that was glossed in butter, a trapping of heat and delicacy, one found within the tuft of the mare's chest. The thicker and broader and different strands of fuzz were wispy as they possessed a greater spread.  

His body crashed into patch after patch, each layer bending to his crashing weight, his limbs getting tangled in fur. Would that be the hope? His fall was broken as he trawled into the miniature jungle inside the tuft to the mare's chest. Deep inside the foliage as he kept through it.  

It would be embarrassing to be caught in such a place, but even still, there was something nice about it. To be caught in the chest of the titanic mare, tangled in her tuft, seeing the world from the height of her barrel. To watch her legs from above as they crashed below, the booms in the air to the quakes shooting through them. Getting to see and feel it all from her front as her muzzle hovered above.  

It would be a while before she fought to look down, digging a hoof through the tuft, feeling for a pebble. The first touch of him would cause her hoof to pull him out and present the tiny before her muzzle. It would be embarrassing to be pulled out from such a place and Rainbow Dash would be very teasing on this fact.  

But that was a fact he did not mind at all.  

But his wish and his subtle and sudden fantasy did not come true as his body crashed through the final layer of the tuft. The protrusion loomed ahead as he fell below it thanks to the curve of her barrel. It spawned to his sides and outward, everything blurring due to his speed, a slide downward on soft flesh and softer fuzz.  

The heated ground was pleasant as he tumbled across it, finding the curve smoothed out the further he went, gone from her chest to her belly, seeing out to the world beyond. On either side in the distance was the greatness of her legs, a set of plush thighs, each titanic, resting on the bed. They rose higher the lower he slid to the point they would become gates on either side of a great bridge.

Soon the descent slowed and the ride came to an end just before her legs, saving him from winding up in a place he couldn't explain. Catching his breath and sinking into the flesh, the little boy turned on the mattress, one feeling like a waterbed, as he looked up to the giant.  

No words could describe the sight.  

How miniature and insignificant his body was in the sea of blue that sprawled endlessly. How it spread and rose and he was but a dot of white on never-ending cyan. Looming above was the bush, the tuft, so far out, a platform in its right. Beyond that, where not even clouds roamed, like a painting of heaven itself—that's where Rainbow's head loomed.  

Titanic and unable to be encompassed within his gaze. Utterly gigantic with no other modes of comparison. Her muzzle parted the sky as it spread to unleash an airstrike of a yawn. One so high above but not losing its sound.  

Vanilla buried himself into the tummy as it shook around, lightly, possessing the air and power from the discharge of the roar. From her sides rose forelegs that reached beyond the furthest reach of his vision. Tired and weakly powerful was she. Yawn and a stretch taken to a mythological feeling.  

Her hooves touched the sky beyond heaven before falling again, one more with intention than the other, the left falling onto the bed, the right to lazily scratch at her stomach. Vanilla could hardly react as the shadow passed over him again, the meteorite of softness crashing into the crop ahead, the smack and the slam, the waves through the water knocking and bouncing him back.  

Vanilla fell back and between the legs, the air heated due to the proximity of the thighs, the descent not as bad this time. He watched the hoof draw circles into the farmland of fuzz as the mare started back up.  

His body pelted the mattress, which bounced him around, too firm to toss him. No sea could it as its horizon failed to be seen. After a few seconds, the boy finally became still, between those legs, looking off into the distance.  

Only to be unable to.  

Vanilla started at the bulbous flanks deliciously curved, plump walls he wanted to be a part of, but, before he could stare—the titan rose. Her hips arched into the air as she started to stand up. The swell of her flanks dropped due to the pulling of gravity, the fuzzy orbs bouncing into the other, lightly, an unintentional show for the tiny.

It was crazy watching a mare rise from underneath her. It was like watching the bottom of a ship ascend, the slope of her barrel taking to the sky, it arching like a bridge, the pillars of her limbs, miles from each other, now coming off from the ship.  

Her forelegs unfurled so much afar, a lowering from their shoulders as the beams disappeared over the edge of the bed. It couldn't be told how far they went. The boom that followed, like houses exploding, warned him an idea of such.  

Behind him blew currents from the mere act of moving. He turned behind to see the arches of legs, voluminous and titanic, reaching into the sky. Every ounce of softness compressed into itself as she collapsed into herself during sleep. But as she rose, everything spread out, naturally, the thickness of her thighs dispersing throughout.  

They rose and arched into the air, the back of the mare lifting to the sky, creating a slender barrier between him and the ceiling. Now the world was concealed by her ceiling. The very tummy he slid down was now above, beyond the reach of a rocket, the darkened furs above saving him in the shade. It seemed a tad smaller from when he was inside of it. But he knew that would change if the mare suddenly dropped down upon him.  

Would she be plush enough for him to survive the impact?

Vanilla shivered at the idea.  

But with his muzzle point to the fuzzy sky, he watched the barrel of the mare pass overhead, scared by the slow, long, and towering strides of her legs. It was like a structure moving. A living one. Bigger than anything.  

Above were the swells of her thighs, compressing and clumping into itself as they rose, a collection to a mountain always gaining his eyes. They passed over quicker than he would have liked, the shade now exposed to light, at least, whatever could shine through her tail.  

Wait... her tail?

Vanilla looked behind him to see the waterfall of prismatic strands, thin despite their length, silk unable to be contained. They arched out of sight from over the mare's rump and fell into a view between her legs. It pooled easily on the ground, rainbow snaked that were scattered everywhere, brushing forward, as the host went that way.

“No no no! Rainbow! I'm down here!”

Once more his voice was never heard.  

“Rainbow! You're going to swat me with your tail!”

There was nothing that could be done as the brush of those hairs came toward him, sweeping closer and closer as it arched above, that was, until the clump was upon him. Wrapped around him without intent, they very much were like a snake, holding him tightly as they brushed forward.  

Before falling off the bed.  

Rainbow's hooves crashed into the floor to the rising thunder they evoked. Forced was the tiny boy to fall on the strands, their tangles leaving him easily, coming to hug a group to slow his fall. Below the ground rose, ever quicker, the speed not kind to his mind. Hugging tighter to the strands, he closed his eyes, a prayer that he would be okay.

His body hit the floor in rolls, the tips of her strands reaching it first, meaning a buttery landing on the hairs. Smooth and silky was the trench created by a pool of Rainbow's hairs. Above was her rump, lowered to him, her chest pushed up, a stretch to pop all the kinks developed overnight.  

It reminded Vanilla much of a feline.  

Rainbow Dash returned to normal and, as her rump, so too did the rest of her tail. It slid and pulled up, rolling the boy across the pool, that was, until he rolled onto the floor with a huff. He laid there in defeat, with the dust and the dirt, forced to look up, with a single eye, to the mass of his girlfriend.  

Seeing her from below the height of her hooves was always intimidating for, of course, it reminded him of the true size, the full scale of the mare he loved. How she could go from a friend to an entity if she ever lost detection of him.  

The swing of her legs took her vistas into the distance, each settling of a hoof into the ground casting reverberations through it, rocking to the surface. Vibrations carried through his body as he shivered around in his spot on the floor. He reached out a hoof with an open mouth unable to speak. His hoof faltered once the giant disappeared out the door.

Vanilla laid there in defeat as the trembles continued from beyond the door, faint due to the distance, but a reminder that, no matter where he was, this was still a house of giants. Rainbow's doing of anything elsewhere would still affect him no matter what. It was as scary as it was touching if he was to be honest.  

But it would be wrong to think of himself alone.  

His body was slid across the smooth floor by a sudden gale of wind, one warm and scented, the taste of blueberries in the air. It pressed on him, again and again, sliding him in circles as he couldn't do anything against the current while lying down.  

During his spins, he was able to see, the collection of a mare in the distance. Before him was the massive scale of Pinkie Pike, her muzzle resting on the floor, head behind it, the rest of her frame rising and sprawling in the fashion of a strange mountain. Her eyes were closed and she breathed out through her mouth. She was blowing on him without meaning. Just a pretty girl that was asleep.  

The speck had been carried far enough by the winds as to be safe from them. He worried about being cast underneath the bed though that didn't occur. Rather in coming to stand, shaking the dust from his body, he ruffled hooves through his mane—attempting to remove the soot and return it to blond.

Then he looked off to Pinkie in the distance.  

She had curled into herself like a cat, some of her barrel, the side of it, like a curved and sloped wall of pink. It was living. Expanding on inhales and compressing on exhales. Her head rested in front of the view of her shoulders. Her flank and thigh hid the ending of her belly behind it. It was a beautiful sight. One he wanted to stare at endlessly.  

Though, keeping where he was, slept trouble for later.

Better close to the giants than away... or else I don't stand a chance of being found.  

Vanilla walked toward the slumbering mare that spawned ridges of pinkness across the rises and drops of her slumbering form. The inhales of her nostrils pulled him in, lightly, his hooves sliding across the floor. He wobbled and his forelegs swung to regain balance—before being blasted back by the storm casting through her mouth. Her snores were light and loud and more pleasing than the hardcore ones of Rainbow Dash. Still, with her muzzle resting into the ground, it coursing subtle vibrations beneath the wood.

The boy had to groan as he pushed through, forelegs over his eyes to prevent the assault, forced to engage in a plan. In the distance revealed the cave of her maw, darkness within, blowing out, the cue to block. When it closed, though, the lips slapped, lightly, another tool to use.  

Her snout twitched up as her nostrils flared to twice their size, a pull of a storm that dragged him in. It didn't catch him by surprise as he instead charged into the current, dashing as fast as he could as the wind pulled him in. Once the vacuum slowed, he did the same, ceasing when it did.  

Then he watched the cavernous mouth open to unleash its rumble of a snore. Intense winds blew out threatening to whip him back. Vanilla ducked during this, small enough to be lower than her lower lip. He huddled together in cover, feeling the winds pass over him, losing an inch or two back.  

But it worked in his favour as the sides of the mare grew bigger as he drew nearer. Soon the mass of her head was too large to see beyond. It was that and her mane. How it rose and twirled and spawned everywhere. Getting lost in that cotton wonderland meant a day-long quest to get out.  

Finally the tiny reached the lips as the final inhale nearly lifted him from his hooves, Vanilla forced to dash underneath her lip—kept safe there. Of course as her mouth opened for another snore, that lip dropped down, crashing into him, a pin into her chin he couldn't fight back against. It kept like that for a few seconds as gales blew once more.  

Then the lip lifted and he was free.  

He couldn't help but step back, in the inches before her lips safe from her breathing, allowing him to still look into the sprawling cliff that was her face. She looked so cute asleep. Forehooves tucked underneath her throat seeming to rub together in her sleep.  

The giantess sniffed in her sleep.

Only a few at first. Short and controlled and flaring the duo. Long inhales like a gale being sucked as the stallion turned, running in place as his hooves scraped on the floor, fighting to keep from being taken as well.  

“U-Um! Pinkie? You're a very beautiful mare... full of life, vibrant even in sleep... b-but if you're not careful! I might... uh... oh no...” The nostrils loomed above and inched forward, blocking sight of the sky, casting an underside of pink. Her snout twitched left and right as though it were alive. “Pinkie! Wake up please! You're going to pull me into your nose at this point!”

Soon the sniffing set on him. He must have given a scent. That snout rolled forward, tilting directly over him, stuck on his aroma. Those nostrils flared into vaults as they threatened to take him whole. Each was a roaring mouth. Their pitch of greatness barely contained or expressed through the snores alone.  

Far in the distance to the crossed forelegs, the chamber of the pink throat slid forward, from their perch, the rest of the head losing its support. Vanilla felt insignificant as the flat cliff of rose gently crashed into him. Forced onto his back, body covered, only his head free.  

It lifted from the ground as he fought to raise his neck, forced to blink, seeing a ledge of softness. It spawned ever back, rising into a vertical bridge in-between the closed eyes. Unable to wiggle his arms out from the collapsed muzzle, the boy laid there, tickled endlessly, thousands of trimmed strands brushing across him.  

Vanilla couldn't help enjoying being pinned. Sure the pressure and weigh shocked him at first but, as the seconds passed, he enjoyed being held down. Plus the mound of fur to the squishiness beneath was pleasant as they rolled over him. To the sides roared her nose, air shooting across the floor in the thin space, unable to escape meaning a higher concentration tickled across him immensely.

Then the massiveness of the mare came into a moan, one rocking throughout her muzzle, vibrating in a discharge across her snout. It tickled him in a different way to have such femininity coursing through him. But he smiled, laughing, unable to express the overloading happiness as well.

After a few seconds, though, with the nostrils having found their scent, the rest of the beast started to awaken. It was her eyelids, the size of an ice rink, parting to reveal the glimmering pool of sapphire underneath.  

Those magnificent eyes lodged in the sky had blinked, once then twice, their gaze settling on him. Her nose sniffed a final inhale at a creamy scent warming her snouts. It unlocked something animistic in her.

Pinkie's hooves slid from beneath her, a curve to feet ahead of her muzzle, joining like how a dog's paws would. Her muzzle tilted up and pressed harder down to ensure he couldn't escape. In the blurry beyond wagged the tail, a storm of itself, rising and swiping, left and right, a monolithic happening unable to be comprehended.

Something smooth pushed and passed over his body, the spread of Pinkie's lips into a smile, one actually felt. Finally the mare started to rise, her muzzle lifting into the air, the rest of her structure, an infinity of shadows set to emerge beneath the giantess's rising form.  

Vanilla looked up to the mare only to see into the inside of her jaw, itself an upside-down playground of peach. Only the bottom of her eyes survived the blurriness, blue pools locked on him, a self-assured aura floating to them.  

“Thank goodness you're awake Pinkie!” Vanilla called up with the fear of his voice lost to the miles between them. Her ears flicked—but they did so at everything. Something about this situation felt odd. “Rainbow knocked me off in her sleep. She really had me worried! I thought it was going to be a morning of trouble again!”

But Pinkie didn't seem to be noticing his words as, in the valley of her forelegs, all the way to the back, her hind legs had begun to spread. Her bottom lowered as the legs turned inward as she stretched the greatness of her thighs and rumps and other such muscles.  

Her crotch nearly touched the floor as her chest rose ever higher, the cylinder of her barrel curving to the arch of her spine. Vanilla backed away as seeing vast lands of pinkness curving so quickly in means his eyes could barely handle.  

Then his attention was brought to the forelegs before him.  

Both of them had tilted up and exposed her soles. Each round like a park, they pushed toward, train set on a course. Vanilla looked ahead to the clumped squish of pink flying toward him, forcing the tiny to dash to the left, sprinting, feeling a warm breeze strike at his tail.  

The stallion leapt as the hoof blew past behind him, the twins of pink shooting into the distance, a stretch needing to pop the kink developed overnight. As the round snakes of her legs chugged on either side of Vanilla, leaving him in a lane, her muzzle lowered to that place, exhaling the finishing breath to the stretch.  

The cloud of her breath broke him up, its force carrying him several feet, before its fading dropped him onto the ground. He rolled on his barrel as soot caught to his white coat. Once done, the mare stood up, a leg in the air, a hop between the four.  

Vanilla was barely able to stand before the floor tried to knock him down. Before him was the massive mare, jumping from hoof to hop, shaking the ground each time, the quake and a creaking then following. Every rise of a hoof sent it lunging into the sky to flex them out. They'd drop down, the wind cast blowing him in, closer and closer to underneath her body.  

The inward gale had plucked him underneath the mare, into a space cooler than the rest, a cause for him to look up. Roundness of pinkness, a sphere capped at the edges of his vision, teasing to the mightiness of the limb holding it.  

“Ack no!”

Vanilla barrelled left, over and over, the shadow darkening, wind rushing, a tease of weight on him. Reaching the edge of the shadow, he was pushed out by the wind, the crashing of the hoof, stomping into the scene, causing him to rock in his course. It'd fallen from the sky that leg. Nothing could be seen above the hoof. Only a hint and a tease to the rest of the greatness that belongs to such a beast.  

“Aaaaannnnndddd all woken up!” Vanilla could see the wide underside of Pinkie's chest in the sky. It curved into the excessive plushness that was her belly. It sunk in and out as she breathed and as she spoke. Truly it was a blip of air filled, in seconds at a time, to propel the force behind her words. “Now let's see about...”

There was a ripple across her tummy as thick lines had wobbled through the flesh. Waves in a lake as the rest jostled into place. The roar from inside that prison, cavernous and vacant, echoed an intent scaring the boy. “Oh well! I must be super hungry from sleeping for so long!”

Something was moving behind him. Vanilla laid back to look up, seeing the head of the mare, now hung upside down, looking at the boy in the space between her forelegs. The rest dropped with the majestic of a waterfall as strands cascaded into puffy ways. 

“Ooooh! Race you downstairs for food!”

“Wait!” Vanilla held out a hoof to the muzzle a second after it started to lift, now out of view and somewhere in the sky, never to see his distress—or to hear of his woes. Around him bounced forward the legs, four pillars, each might, striking the miles ahead on the endless floor. “Pinkie don't go! Please! Pinkie don't leave me!”

Each bounce and crash seemed heavy as to crash through the floor as the proportional weight to the girl didn't seem possible to be held. But the floor was as great as her and it carried her effects without harm. The boy, though, was tossed into the air, each time a foot, barely finding his hooves before the next launch came.  

And soon the mare was out the door, the bounces in the distance, the tosses now shorter, further apart, until the ground merely trembled... then all effects were lost. Vanilla staggered in place, one hoof after the other, each crossing, slamming down, trying to save him from falling.  

Soon his wobbly hooves found their way forward, a struggle at first but, as he went on, the boy found his way. He gazed out to the door reaching higher than the highest limit of his view. It was left open though that didn't matter. He could clear the underside with ease.  

After a few moments of walking though... it was revealed he wouldn't even be needing to do that.  

“Yo! Hey! Vanilla! Are you in here?” Each word was like a bomb that dropped from the air, an explosion to each on the way down, all in separate times. Rainbow Dash strolled through the frame, eyes set on the floor, sweeping through it, passing over him without a cue to double-check. “It's your big gal Rainbow! I know you're here! Wanna come on out already?”

Vanilla covered his ears as his marefriend shouted despite the size of him. She talked to him through the power of a tornado that swirled around him always. Her immense legs strode in, crashing into the ground, slowly but consuming everything, the height of her barrel rising over him.  

It didn't help that her eyes kept closing, looking groggy, a mare half there.  

Oh no.

“Rainbow! Look down at your hooves! Hey hey!” The front curve of the hooves escaped a blurry state as they neared him, the proximity casting them into clarity. Sprawling cyan fur seen as it covered them. More details as the edge of striking winds were on his coat. “C'mon! Not this again! Please! Watch you're going!”

Rainbow didn't seem to listen as her muzzle turned, calling out his name, the seeing of that bridge of blue, her muzzle, turning too easily. The uncaring limbs that were her legs kept forward, swinging forward and crashing down, the impact casting a round shock wave.  

Vanilla dashed forward without choice in breaking into a full sprint, every few seconds met with a rumble behind, the kind to rock the world, its effect worsening as it became closer. The sweeps of winds enter violence at the proximity to him. Soon the legs behind shot so far up that not even the backward tilt of his muzzle allowed him to see them.  

Then a shadow came over him and, with a head still back, he looked at the furry underside of a sole. His chest leaned left and the rest of his body with it, running out from the shadow as the island crashed, the contact throwing him more so in that direction.  

Where another circle of a shadow had started, expanding in seconds, consuming the size of a building as it fell. Vanilla closed his eyes and beat on aching legs as the warmth of the sole had heated the air. Reduced to seconds, he shook his head and fought harder, the front of the leg behind him—nearly clipping him.  

Behind him was that rolling wall of blue, a slender curve to the leg, an object onto itself, one supporting the uncaring and unseen giant. How it was so close to him, that hoof, without knowing him to be there. It was that that scared him the most.  

The groggy state of the mare, though, had come to save him in the end.  

Rainbow's muzzle became the new overcast in the sky as her attention fixated on looking across it, the same creating a binding to her legs, which crossed at her next step, the titans falling into the other.


The towering mast of Rainbow's head was plucked from the sky as the whole of her frame crashed down, the flanks in the distance slamming down, the expanse of her barrel now consuming a lane, the greatness of her head a new mountain to the floor.

It took seconds for her eyes to open. They did so to the view of the boy a foot from her lips, standing with his arms crossed, an eyebrow raised and knowing-look about him. The vastness of her face took to fluster as she blew a humid breath on him. It didn't move him—but pushed his golden mane back.  

“Oh, uh, hehehe, g-good morning Vanilla.”

He chuckled at his mane falling forward again. “Morning. We, er, need to stop meaning like this.”

“Ha!” The blast of her laugh nearly shot him back. “You're telling me! At least we're getting better at finding each other.” She blinked as her massive eyes tilted to the side. “Or at least I'm getting better at finding you. Must be hard to miss us when you're small, huh?”

Vanilla smiled in stepping forward, sneaking his body into her lips, between their supple curve, a warmed crevice in which only he could fit. They warmed further in his sinking of the bottom lip, kissing the space, a cause for the girl to flush with a blush.  

He backed away and, in so doing, the mare skyrocketed from being kissed. It gave him a second to see her in full. How her chest branched out in its fuzz. How it teased her tummy as it trailed away into the distance. Her head loomed above and looked below, eyes set on him, truly the feeling of being looked down on by a goddess.  

Rainbow's hoof swiped down and picked him up, coming to deposit him on the bridge of her muzzle, instructing him to hold on tight. He did so, lying down and spreading his limbs, hugging the curve as the mare strode ahead, covering vistas, their destination set as the kitchen below.  

The ride had been enjoyable. Seeing the world from feet below Rainbow's eyes, able to view it as a giant would, everything seeming big though not as much. It wasn't as scary as when he was with Rainbow. The furs of her nose tickled him, heated by the skin below, one generated by her body temperature. He was aboard a living thing and that set him for a whirl always.  

They'd enter the kitchen as the stroll of the mare slowed, the tremors breaking through her, dispersed evenly, now ceasing. It was a shame as he enjoyed being rocked, never at risk of being thrown off—but enjoying the excessive need to hold onto the snout.

“Vanilla! You lost the race!” Pinkie was standing before the stove before she turned around, stomping over, the crashing of thunder competing with the roar of tidal waves. Soon her face appeared in the visage before him, leaning down, her muzzle pinning him into Rainbow once more. “But you made it in time for pancakes! So, in a way... you still win!”

Rainbow's eyes towered behind him, playful and sent into a roll, having her muzzle pressed into for his sake. He could only chuckle and pet the pink one set on him. Pinkie nuzzled into him, his body rolling. Then she pulled away.  

And the three were set for breakfast.

On either side of the table loomed the curved nature of the mare, devouring their meal and conversing, a casual meeting of titans. On the edge of the corner's plate was Vanilla, content to happily much away at a piece. However, in stuffing it down, found his stomach hungry for more.  

He turned and was forced to look up, the barrel of blue leading to the sky, where the cloud of Rainbow's head was. Her rose eyes were set on the other across the table but, on her ears flicking, her gaze flicked onto him.  

“Hey Rainbow! You didn't give me enough! I'm still a bit hungry.”

Rainbow grinned. “Y'know I was in the middle of saying something.”

“Pretty please?”

She blew him a kiss. “Oh.” Then a shake of the head. “How could I deny you?”

Rainbow stabbed a fork through a pancake but, instead of using a knife to cut it, instead rose the saucer of deliciousness. It loomed over the tiny as it blocked out the sky. Only its underside was in view—dripping vines of syrup onto the plate.  

“Enjoy squirt.”

Gravity pulled the piece from the metal pillars of the fork, the meal falling, crashing, slumping onto the plate. Vanilla fell onto his back as the heated treat laid on top of him, warming the skin beneath his coat, a pressure always there—but nothing to the extent of crushing.  

Heh... there's only one way out of this.

Vanilla opened his mouth wide and stole a bite out of the ceiling, eating a hole to rise into, then going further, chewing a way out. It took awhile for him to escape the steamy bottom of the pancake. Soon the surface of the pancake saw to a spot caving in.

And from it emerged his head.  

Around him was the top of the stack, which reminded him of a golf course, a tanned one at least, one smooth instead of soft. Vanilla's head stuck out, the only part to do so. His shoulders wiggled to break out as well. Something stopped as a presence loomed to the front edge of the meal.  

Pinkie had closed her eyes and set her muzzle to the edge of the pancake, which had draped over the edge of the plate at least. Her mouth opened to expose the world inside her maw. It flew forward, taking a quarter of the buttered land inside. Her lips shut, an island caught inside, the chewing of the titan expressed in how the cheeks of pink expanded.

Oh no no!

Vanilla wiggled in the divot, rolling around, unable to escape, too much in a panic to slip out. Pinkie tilted her head back to swallow, exposing the bulge of a stadium travelling across the tunnel of her throat. With a moan she went for more, that mouth opening closer to him, it's ceiling unable to be seen.  

The darkness within scared him as to where he could end up; it closed over another piece of an island, a foot away from him, the pressure on his body lighter due to the lack of surrounding foot. Pinkie swallowed again, eyes closed and mouth opening, another humid breath washing over him as the giant mare swooped for the final bite. 

One that would have Vanilla in it.  

He closed his eyes and waited for the end. The maw crashed into him, though it closed at the last second, the titanic lips falling into him instead. The pressure of their softness was tight enough to tug him out from the hole. Laying him to the side, her lips cast on him against, the rest of her face backed behind it.  

“Nom nom nom!” Pinkie giggled as her lips meshed over him, against and again, opening and closing, catching him in the action, the effect, rolling seas of pink softness catching him in their wake. In the beyond were the exhales of steam, like that of a train, except belonging to the natural air of the mare. “Nom nom nom! Mmhmmm! Such a good little snack!”

The boy wiggled and fought, leading to more of the muzzle pressing on him, rolling him between the lips. He wiggled harder to reach those nostrils, to feel that intense blowing of the wind, the way it rattled in his ears. In the final tease the giantess pulled away, clearly please, though the hunger in her eyes a hint of this not being over.  

“Don't you want some Dashie?”

Pinkie leaned back into her seat and, knowing the next act, was content to stand up. She tossed the boy a grin and, in looking up, a nod. She trotted out with a swing to her rump, the playful morning allowing the feeling to continue throughout the day.


There was a large exhaust of air as something massive loomed behind him. Vanilla rose and looked over his shoulder, stunned at once, not expecting to see Rainbow's muzzle directly before him. Her nostrils flared another exhaust that pushed him onto his back. Content with her control of power, her lips bunched and flew into a smirk.  

Then that snout dug right into him.  

“Dashie wait! Hehehe! We can talk about this!”

Vanilla threw up his forelegs in reflex rather than thinking it would do anything. Nothing but a sea of blue crashed into him, the softness on her muzzle now pressed into him, compressing slightly, allowing him a firm clump to rub around. His hooves batted on it, enjoying himself, tickling the giantess as well.  

Rainbow looked at him with half-lidded eyes as her muzzle pinned the boy into the pancake, bunching her lips for a kiss, one covering the entirety of his body. The 'O' barely fit on his frame as warmth and wetness was loved onto him. The lips pulled back after a second, keeping their form to blow on him, a steady stream of heat, a thick shape to it.  

“Mmhmmm! Such a good little meal! Nom nom nom nom!” Rainbow's lips opened on him, vast enough to be able to do so, capturing halfway down his body. It ground on him, a lift and a drop, sometimes rolling him around. “I wonder how much more of this meal I could have? Nom nom nom nom nom!”

Vanilla couldn't help but feel turned on by it all. The face this massive mare was hunched over the table, muzzle dug into a plate, all to pretend to eat him. Her eyes opened fully in glee as her nostrils blew storms over him. Sometimes her snout would get caught on his chest, everything about him trying to bat it away.  

Such a cute resistance couldn't go unpunished.

The edge of her snout wiggled, left and right, from one hole to the next, the arrival of each causing the ride to stop. One could be placed into him and she would breathe in, that stream nearly sucking him in, those seconds leaving him unable to breathe.  

She did it to become drunk on his scent. That smell able to be tasted. Her snout rubbed on his tummy as she would exhale, the winds that struck the pancake around him, those large torrents, somehow a turn on. On reaching the next nostrils, it would suck on him again, an intense inhale, all to devour the scent that clung to him.  

After a bit of this, the mare slid him down, kissing him, plush lips on his everything. They could force his legs into a spread as the gigantic lips pressed from the bottom of his belly to the underside of his jaw. This was another way of getting his taste. All to get the beast hungry again.  

Rainbow backed her mouth into a hover open him, that smile on the tubes of softness now parting. Its depths unleashed a slow, long, warm exhale. It was a breath that washed over him, like the girl letting out something long repressed. It went on, owning him in her breath, allowing him to become something of her.  

Once it was done, and his fur was now of her, those lips came to claim him against. Tucking him in-between the pair, rolling and sinking into him, all the little teases she could think. On either side of her muzzle loomed the underside of her eyes, each lowered and set on him, amused, and also joined by a feeling of contentment.