Human Roadtrip

by MyAwesomePony

Something Seems A Bit Off

The mane 6 and Lukas continued to scream as their death was going to be their reality in a few seconds if they don't do something. Twilight cried out:

"Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, let's get everybody out!"

The flyers all flew quickly to save their friends. Rainbow grabbed Applejack and Rarity, Fluttershy got Pinkie and Twilight got Lukas as everyone was out of the balloon safely as the balloon continue to fall, thankfully, with nobody on it, and with a blast of Twilight's horn, everyone was safely on the ground as they all sighed with relief, knowing that they were safe. The balloon came crashing down to the ground as everyone evacuated the area. When the dust cleared away, it revealed the wreck of the balloon. Everyone was shocked that if they hadn't have done anything, they would've been screwed.

"Thanks ya'll." Applejack said gratefully. "That basket could've been us."

"Yeah." Agreed Lukas. "I guess we all owe you one."

"Where... are we?" Fluttershy asked with slight worry in her tone as Pinkie read a nearby sign.

"Uh-huh! Welcome to Hope Hollow: Home of the Famous..." She was interrupted by more rubble falling down and she continued. "Rainbow festival."

"Convenient." Lukas added.

"We've arrived, and there's nopony here to greet us?" She said as she grabbed her bag from a nearby branch.

"Good thing, too." Twilight said with relief. "The guest of honor and her friends just destroyed the town sign."

"Hey Rainbow Dash?" Lukas asked the Pegasus resting in the hanging balloon . "Did the letter say where our hotel is?"

Rainbow Dash got the letter and flew down to read it aloud. "The middle of town."

"Not very helpful if you ask me." Lukas exclaimed.

"Yeah." Twilight agreed with the human. "Especially when you don't know where the middle is." Twilight got out her saddlebag. "Let's start looking."

Everyone got ready as they all walked up the unknown path. Finally, they came to a really interesting and creepy sight, in front of their eyes was an abandoned village by the looks of it. It looked like nobody had been there in a really long time. The more deeper they got into the menacing town, they more they got nervous.

"Huh. Funny." Applejack said. "You'd think a big luxury resort would be sorta, well... easier to spot."

"Yeah! It seems like the whole town's shut down." Pinkie cried out, hanging around the fountain.

"I'm getting some chills from this place." Lukas admitted as Fluttershy comforts him as she patted him. Then she notices something in the distance.

"Oh, look. There's somepony." She announced as everyone looked in the direction she was pointing at. Just coming out of a room, was an oddly grey mare as the group runs up to her.

"Hmmm. Hello!" Twilight greets. The pony turns around an gasps, not expecting guests.

"We're here for the Rainbow Festival" Lukas exclaimed as she looked confused.

"Oh, uh, "Rainbow Festival"?" She said in a confused Minnesota accent.

"Yeah, you know, the one where I'm the guest of honor?" Rainbow says as she laughs.

"Yeah, what she said." Lukas agreed.

"Oh, for cryin' in the mud, what's Sunny done now?" The mare says.

"Who?" Lukas asked.

"I mean, um, you'd best talk to Mayor Skies about that." She explained.

"Great." Twilight said with hope. "And where would we find him?"

"City hall, Uh, but it's closed 'til tomorrow, don'tcha know? Is there somethin' I can help ya with?"

"Uh, yes, please." Rarity said. "Could you direct us to the Hope Hollow Luxury Resort?"

The mare ended up laughing by that statement. Everyone had a confused look plastered over their faces, there was an awkward silence. The mare suddenly stops and realizes everyone's dumbfounded expression.

"Oh! Oh, you mean the hotel?" She asked as everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"That's easy. There's only one in town."

"Only.... one in town?" Lukas asked.

"Could you, uh, give us directions?" Applejack suggested.

"No need. You're there." The dull mare says as she unlocks the huge doors behind her and swung them open. "I mean there." She correct herself as they all entered in a dimly lit hotel of some kind as the lights flickered on. "Hotel Hope, also known as the Town Information Center and Library! My name's Petunia Petals, by the way. Helloooo!"

"Well, hello Petunia. My name is Lu-"

"I'm the librarian here." Petunia informs the group, interrupting Lukas. "And the information guide, and the hotel manager, historian, chef, portrait painter-"

Before she continued to list her applications, Rainbow interfered her.

"Um, I'm Rainbow Dash, and this is everypony." She gestured to everyone who said "Hi."

"We have names, you know? and also, I'm not a pony" Lukas said to the rainbow Pegasus.

"Then, what are you?" Petunia asked, pointing to Lukas.

"This is Lukas." Pinkie exclaimed, bringing Lukas in a hug. "He is the only human ever in Equestria."

"Pinkie, not so tight!" Lukas said while being squeezed in a big bear hug as Pinkie let go.

"Interesting. Anyways, You just wait one hoofshake, and I'll take ya to the room." Petunia explained.

Everyone looked confused.

"The room." Rarity said perplexed.

"There's only one. Makes it easier to find!" Petunia chuckled as she got the key to the room. She walks up the steps to the room, and everyone followed, having second thoughts about this. They arrive to the room. "Here we are, the royal suite." She says as she swings the door open to reveal a really scuffed up room with broken lights and unstable beds as everyone gasps at the sight before their very eyes.

"How rustic and charming." Rarity gasped dramatically.

"Isn't it just?" Petunia asked the confused group.

"I couldn't help noticing there are only four beds." Rainbow pointed out as one of the beds broke in half. "Okay, five." She corrected herself.

"Oh, there's a pop-out, too!" Petunia says as he walks up a nearby wall and gives it a few bucks. "It can be a little tricky." She gave it one final buck and finally, the double bed landed on the hard wooden floor with a thud as everyone coughed from the dust. "There she is. Sleeps two. You'll be all fresh and ready to see the mayor in the mornin'." Petunia walks out of the room. "Sleep tight." She slams the door as the picture on the door smashed on the floor.

"Did anypony notice anything strange about Petunia?" Twilight asked.

"Quite a few things." Lukas replied.

"Other than that she just called this place "the Royal Suite"?" Rarity stated.

"Hard to tell in this light, but she looked a little gray, didn't she?" Applejack asked.

"Probably from all the dust up here." Rarity responded while blowing on a drawer and coughing from all the dust.

"Seriously, how does she expect us to sleep in here?" Lukas asked with slight anger.

"Aw, this room's not so bad." Pinkie cheerfully said, still in a good mood. "All it needs is some balloons." She pulled out a bunch of colored balloons is out of her saddlebag as they hit the ceiling. "Some streamers." She sang a happy tune as she decorated the poorly and dull room and to cap it off, she adds a pinata to the roof while Fluttershy already makes friends with a spider nearby.

"And look. It comes with a cute little spider. Hello, spider."

The spider makes a heart shape from its web and Fluttershy hugged the spider. Meanwhile, Rainbow looked a bit guilty, knowing that she was responsible for this whole ordeal.

"Sorry everybody." She groans. "I didn't know what I was getting you into."

"The most important thing is we're all together." Twilight cooed.

"Twilight's right." Lukas agreed.

"Yeah." Applejack also agreed with Twilight as she hoped on the double bed. "As long as we have beds to sleep in, we're set." On queue, the bed flipped back into the wall with Applejack still on it.

To Be Continued....