A Tale of a Loving Sister

by GoebelTron

Chapter 21: First Day at Canterlot High Daycare

When Chase met Sunset downstairs for breakfast, he had Fruity Pebbles cereal again while Sunset made herself an omelette with peppers and sausage. After she sat down and ate breakfast with her little brother, she was looking through the CHS Daycare progress notes and reading some instructions and gone through the schedule and material requirements, “Okay so there’s art, music, math, reading, spelling, writing, recess, nap time, and lunch. So, I should probably make him a checklist.“ She found a description about Chase, then took a pen and make some checks in each box. “Okay. Let’s see. ‘Is well-behaved - Check.’ ‘Has very good learning skills - Check.’ ‘Plays well with others - Check.’ ‘Like to draw, read, write, etc. - Check.’ ‘Likes music - Check.’ ‘Has anxiety and other fears -‘ Umm... ‘Check.’ ‘Needs an aid - Check.’ ‘Likes to make friends - Check.’ ‘Is very emotionally shy - Check.’ ‘Likes to have fun - Check.’” She continued to eat her breakfast and check all the remaining checkboxes, until Chase finished his cereal and went upstairs to get dressed and his teeth brushed.

After he was dressed and cleaned up, he saw Sunset packing him a sandwich for lunch and some snacks and a juice box with it. Then, she packed him some supplies, his blanket, and dragon plushie. Then, it was time to go to school, so Sunset and Chase left the apartment and left for Canterlot High School.

When they got there, Sunset and Chase went to meet Principal Celestia about Chase’s schedule. “Good morning, Sunset. Hello, Chase,” she said. “Good morning, Principal Celestia,” Sunset said. “Hi,” Chase replied nervously. “I know you’re nervous about the daycare here in CHS, but I promise it’ll be fine. The teacher is very kind,” Principal Celestia explained. Chase nodded as Principal Celestia led him and Chase to the classroom.

After Principal Celestia opened the door, Chase and Sunset saw little kids at Chase’s age or lower playing with their toys, reading books, and coloring pictures. Chase felt nervous and started to have tears in his eyes while holding his plushie. Sunset kneeled down and stroked his shoulders, until he turned around and looked at her in the eyes, “Chase, some of these kids are younger than you and at your age, so they’ll treat you fair. Remember, if you need something, ask your aid and she’ll help you. And don’t worry, I’ll come back to pick you up when school ends, or some of my friends will come pick you up.” Chase nodded and gave Sunset a hug goodbye, and softly cried. “Are you crying?” Sunset asked. “Aww, Chase. Shhhh... It’s okay. I promise I’ll come back for you.”

“Hello there. Are you Chase Tucker?” a voice asked. Chase turned around and saw an adult who was at Cadence’s age appear and kneel down on her knees towards him. She had navy blue hair with light blue streaks and curled up, pale blue skin, purple eyes, light and blue eyeshadow. She wore the same jacket as Celestia, but her jacket was bluish white, her undershirt was lavender, and she had royal blue cropped khaki pants and navy blue slip on shoes with blue flowers on the top. “Hello, Chase. My name is Miss Blue Belle. I’m gonna be your aid for this semester. Our teacher for this classroom isn’t here right now, but she will be soon.” Chase nodded and then went to hug her aid. “Aww, aren’t you the sweetest little thing I’ve ever seen?” Miss Blue Belle said, hugging him back. The bell suddenly rang and Sunset left with Principal Celestia as she helped Sunset with an escort to her classroom. Chase was now sad that his sister left, but he had Miss Blue Belle by his side. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go sit down and read a book together,” Miss Blue Belle said as she and Chase sat together.

While Sunset appeared in Miss Cheerilee’s classroom, she sat at her desk and took out her books. “Good morning, class. Today, we’re going to learn about how to use fractions and decimals with all basics of math.” she said until she wrote some examples of her lesson on the chalkboard. After she explained everything by using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, she handed out worksheets and then the students got started.

Meanwhile, Chase was with Miss Blue Belle trying to fit into the program, but he had trouble. “It’s okay, baby. The kids here love to play,” she said softly. Chase then saw a little girl who was also 4 years old and playing with her dolly. The little girl had dark magenta hair, blue eyes, pale magenta skin, and she wore a pink striped shirt, white overalls, and aqua green sneakers. Miss Blue Belle walked over to her and then lowered herself towards her, “Melody? Sweetheart, you see that boy over there? He needs a friend.” Melody realized how sad Chase was, so she got up and gave him a hug, “Hi, Chase. I’m Melody Blossom.” Chase hugged her back. “It’s nice to meet you, Melody,” Chase replied. Miss Blue Belle was so proud of Melody making a new friend, then she went over to them and then introduced Melody to Chase, “Chase, in case you didn’t know, Melody is my daughter.” Chase then shared his dragon plushie with Melody’s dolly for a few minutes, then it was time for learning.

When the kids got to their seats, another teacher came in. She was Vice Principal Luna’s age and her clothes were similar, but she had pale cyan skin, aqua green eyeshadow and lipstick, aqua green hair with a gold hairband, and green eyes. She wore a pale bluish purple vest with a pink long sleeve buttoned shirt, black cropped pants and dark aqua green slip on shoes with pink emerald studs all over the front surrounding a pink heart shaped emerald. “Good morning, children,” she said. “Good morning, Mrs. Chrysalis,” the kids replied. “Mrs. Chrysalis, while you were gone, we have a new student in here with us,” Miss Blue Belle said, as Mrs. Chrysalis put her books down and went to Chase. “You must be Chase,” she said, as Chase nodded and then shook her hand. “I’m your teacher, Mrs. Chrysalis.” Chase then said hi and hugged her. Mrs. Chrysalis blushed and then Chase took his seat again. “Class, with Chase in our room for the remaining year, you’re all going to treat him respectfully. Am I clear?” The kids nodded. Then, Mrs. Chrysalis began a easy lesson about math, then they read a story altogether.

After that, they did some spelling, drew pictures, and did some music together. Then, they had lunch. Chase ate his sandwich, pear slices, carrot sticks and drank his juice.

Sunset and the girls were sitting together and having lunch together. “So, Chase met Miss Blue Belle, the teacher assistant of Mrs. Chrysalis?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Well, I did not expect that.” “Relax, darling. As long as he has somewhere to be at his age, he’ll be fine,” Rarity said. “You know, I kinda like Mrs. Chrysalis as his teacher,” Twilight said. “I’m glad you think so, Twilight,” Sunset said. “Chase will be fine. Plus, I promised him either me or one of us will pick him up and take him home.”

Meanwhile, back in the daycare room, it was nap time for 25 minutes. Miss Blue Belle was pacing around the room making sure all the kids were asleep and Mrs. Chrysalis was at her desk typing on her computer. Until nap time was over, it was time for playtime until the end of the day. Chase and Melody played with blocks, then used Chase’s action figures for the fortress along with Melody’s toys. Then, an hour later, Miss Blue Belle saw Principal Celestia at the door, then grabbed Chase’s backpack and lunchbox and walked over to him, “Chase? Sweetheart, the principal is at the door.” Chase saw Principal Celestia and walked over to her. Then, he saw Sunset at the door with her bag, then he went over to her and gave her a hug. Sunset lifted him up and held him in her arms because he was happy to see her again and he missed her. Chase then played with her hair gently as Sunset rubbed his back. “I know you missed me so much, Chase. But I promised, didn’t I?” Sunset asked, then Chase nodded and leaned his head on her shoulder. “Would it be alright if we talked?” Miss Blue Belle asked. Sunset nodded.

Sunset sat on a chair and Chase was on her lap facing the other way. He was softly playing with her hair and he leaned his head on her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her neck and shoulders. Sunset had one arm wrapped on his bottom and had her other arm moving while she rubbed his back with her hand. “Was he a good boy today?” Sunset asked. “Yes, he was,” Miss Blue Belle replied. “He had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, along with some pear slices and carrot sticks. He was very good at math, he learned how to spell words and say them right, we learned the alphabet, he drew some pictures and finger painted, we sang along with some music, he had a 25 minute nap, and he made a friend, who was my daughter, Melody Blossom. He was such a little angel.” Sunset was so proud that Chase made a friend. Then, Sunset stood up and thanked his aid, “Thank you, Miss Blue Belle, for everything,” Sunset said. “I’m sure he’ll see you and your daughter tomorrow.”

“You’re welcome, Sunset Shimmer, anything for your brother,” Miss Blue Belle replied. After they were finished talking, Sunset and Chase left the school and walked home to the apartment.

When they got back, Sunset went to do her homework in the living room and Chase went with her because he wanted to cuddle with her, but Sunset held him back gently, “Not now, Chase.” Chase then realized she was busy, so he went over to his playpen and grabbed his dragon plushie and tried to offer it to her. Sunset sighed, “Chase, I don’t want your dragon plushie right now. Look, I know you wanna play, but I have so much homework to do, and I can’t do both at the same time. We’ll have time to cuddle later, just go find something else to do for awhile.” Chase finally understood what she said and then got off the couch, then Sunset continued to do her homework.

When she was done, she went to check on Chase, but she found an art project he made at school, revealing to be a picture about him holding her hand and it had a huge heart around it covered in red and yellow glitter glue, and he used crayons for the drawings of himself and Sunset, and he wrote “Best Sister Ever!” on the top. Sunset felt tears in her eyes and then smiled warmly. She went to find Chase, but eventually found him sleeping on the bed. She went over to him and found out he cried himself to sleep because she had homework to do, so she kneeled down and poked his shoulder, “Chase, are you okay?” Chase woke up and saw Sunset standing there, “Sunset?” Sunset then embraced him in a hug, “Shhhh... I’m here. It’s okay.” Chase then pressed his head on her chest and started listening to her heartbeat, until he felt Sunset carrying him downstairs and sitting down on the couch with him on her lap and cradled him in her arms and rubbed his back. Chase then leaned closer and curled his hands on her chest, “Are you sad?”

“No, Chase. I’m fine,” Sunset said. “I also saw your art project. It was very lovely.” Chase smiled warmly and then heard her heartbeat thumping into his ears as he nuzzled his cheek gently on her chest, “And I think I know what this calls for: a long, nice and soft cuddle with your big sister.” They started cuddling until dinner would be ready.