//------------------------------// // Rise of a King // Story: Changeling Times // by Midnight Might //------------------------------// He had done it. He had done it! Thorax could hardly believe it. He had come back to his old hive, faced his greatest fear, and freed his family. With the aid of Starlight, Discord, and Trixie, the Changelings were now free to pursue their own goals, as individuals! On top of that the ever pervading hunger that was his constant companion had gone quiet. Everything seemed to be going up, and then he Looked down. "Why am i yellow?" A couple of days later. Thorax looked around the old throne room. Where it had once been dark and foreboding it was now warm and welcoming. The roof had been broken allowing the fading light of evening in, and nature had already started covering the walls of the hive. He was currently sitting on the podium that used to hold Queen Chrysalis's throne. On his left was Barb, a changeling with a curved horn. Her carapace was red and her skin a light orange coloring. Her eyes were a pleasant dark purple, adding a touch of cold to her otherwise warm complexion. Under Chrysalis she was a Swarm Leader, and was now acting as his chief military advisor. Chrysalis had escaped, and should still be considered a serious threat. To his right was Mandible, a hornless changeling. His carapace was a deep blue and his skin a pale teal. His brilliant orange eyes were constantly wide open, leading to a childlike look of wonder. Well serving Chrysalis he was a nurse, caring for the Changeling larva and eggs. Currently he was working as Thorax's primary economist, ensuring the swarm didn't starve and had places to sleep. They were discussing one of the biggest problems around the hive. Pharynx, and other elitist changelings. As far as he had seen the entire hive, save Pharynx, had reformed. However not all of them were ready to accept peace. Some still believed that changelings were the superior race and should take what they want. Thorax really wasn't sure what to do. Before this he had always been a drone, and even after he left the swarm he never led anyone. Now an entire hive was looking to him to solve the current problem. No matter what way he looked at it someone would be upset. If he left the elitist changelings to their devices the Equestrians would be upset, and someone could get hurt. He could try to help them learn the value of other species, but they would most likely refuse. On top of that how was he supposed to confront Pharynx! Ever since they were children Pharynx had made sure Thorax knew who was stronger. Despite this he had also protected him from others. Thorax knew that there was good within him, he just didn't know how to draw it out. Only adding to the list of problems was a shortage of food. The Reformed changelings no longer hungered as they once did, but they still had to eat. The Hive Heart was almost empty before, and the little bit gained from the brief time spent impersonating the princesses was already almost gone. "We could have the extremists lose in a fight with the Equestrians," The voice that shook Thorax out of his thoughts belonged to Barb, "They believe that they should just take the Equestrians emotions. If they were to try, and fail, they might start respecting them more and be more open to working with them." "Or, it could grow their resentment towards them," countered Mandible. Both his advisors turned towards him, looking for his opinion on the situation. They both had good points and Thorax didn't know what to do. "I... I'll have to think on it. Thank you for speaking with me Mandible, Barb." Giving them some brief instructions and saying farewell Thorax retreated to his room. Going to the sun warmed slab he slept on he closed his eyes. Despite the stress of the situation his exhaustion was stronger and he soon found himself drifting off to sleep. Opening his eyes Thorax found himself in his room, but it was different... Darker. Just like, just like when Chrysalis was in charge. An eerie chittering laugh filled the still air. Jumping to his hooves Thorax shouted into the darkness just outside his room. "I'm not sc-scared! I defeated you once and can do it again!" The effect of his words was ruined by the quake in his voice. "No, you didn't defeat me. You and your friends tricked and lied your way to my throne. Without your friends you are nothing. A worthless failure. Not fit to be king, not fit to lead, not fit to live." As the body less voice was speaking light had slowly started filling the far end of his room. Hanging from the roof in green cocoons were Starlight, Barb, Discord, all of his friends! All of them bound and helpless. "No... No! this isn't real! We defeated you. Me, Starlight, Discord, Trixie, together we beat you," Thorax shouted into the darkness, slowly gaining confidence. Suddenly leaping forward from the shadows the voice of his greatest fear was given form. Lunging forward and gnashing at his throat was Chrysalis, former queen of the changelings. Chrysalis was taller than him, even in his new reformed form. Her Chitin darker than the shadows filling his room. Her long hole riddled legs were splotched with red. Her face looking down at him, and her muzzle split in a cruel smile. "And yet here I am," Chrysalis mocked. Taking a step back Thorax tripped over his own bed, landing on his flank. The already imposing figure now towering over him. Turning away Chrysalis continued speaking. "Under my rule the Changelings flourished. We had Equestria in our grip. Our swarm was the strongest it had ever been, and I was the one that brought it there." Chrysalis took a moment to look back and glare at him. "Under your rule the Changelings are divided, weak, and starving. The hive is in pieces, and at the mercy of ponies." Taking a step towards Thorax's cocooned friends she continued. "But that matters not. The swarm is lost, but I can still take my revenge." She took another step, and then another. Thorax tried to call out. To yell at her to get away from his friends, but his voice would not come. As Chrysalis arrived at the cocoon of Starlight her jaw unhinged unnaturally. Her once normal fangs elongated and fierce. Just before she could bite into the cocoon a brilliant blue beam of magic burst through the roof. Banishing the shadows, burning away Chrysalis and the cocoons. "Rise King Thorax." A strong yet gentle voice echoed forth from the night sky. A large blue alicorn slowly descending through the hole in the roof. "It is naught but a dream. A manifestation of thy fears," looking towards him the alicorn continued, "However, she is not wrong. Thy people are scattered. They need a leader, they need you." "But what am I supposed to do," Thorax interrupted, crying out. "I've never even led a raiding party before. How am I supposed to lead an empire." The alicorn's face had a slight smile on it as she started speaking again, unphased by his interruption. "With the aid of some very good friends. It will not be easy, but you must try. When doubt takes hold trust in and believe in thy friends. Do not be afraid to ask them for aid. Now sleep, the future will be trying." With her piece said the alicorn took flight once more, leaving out of the same hole she entered. As she left Thorax's vision slowly faded to black as a restful sleep took him.