//------------------------------// // Chapter 16: A Weekend at the Boardwalk, Part 3 // Story: A Tale of a Loving Sister // by GoebelTron //------------------------------// The next day, the sun’s bright glow flared through the window and gently flashed on the girls, causing soft groans, then they shielded their eyes and went back to sleep. As for Sunset, what she saw was Chase’s face softly pressed on her chest, listening to her heartbeat. Sunset kissed him on the cheek and embraced him gently and softly stroked his hair. Then, Chase started to wake up and made a soft moaning noise. “Good morning, Chase,” Sunset said. “Good morning, Sunset,” he replied. “What time is it?” Sunset looked at the clock saying 6:20 am. “It’s still a little early. Do you want to go back to sleep?” Chase nodded. “Okay, maybe a few more minutes or a an hour ought to help.” She then embraced him around her arms again, then they went back to sleep. After a few more minutes of sleep, it was now 7:15 am, and Sunset started to wake up again, then whispered softly to her little brother. “Chase, wake up.” Chase made soft grunting noises and rubbed his eyes again, then his stomach growled. “Guess someone’s hungry,” Sunset said. “Come on, let’s get you out of bed and feed you some breakfast.” Chase held on to Sunset as she held him in her arms and stood up, then she put him down and they both walked to the kitchen. When they arrived, Applejack made some French toast, mixed berry sauce, and set up the butter and maple syrup on the table. Then, they all sat down, passed each other some slices, and ate their breakfast together. After they were done eating and when Sunset gave Chase his morning bath, they changed into their regular swimsuits. Then, Chase dried off and put on his swimsuit he wore the other day. It was officially time to go hit for the beach. When they got there, they set up both their mat and chairs and placed their bags down, then put up the umbrella and applied themselves with sunscreen. Sunset rubbed some sunscreen on Chase, then she sat down and took a nap in the shade. Rarity sat next to her and rubbed some of her suntan oils on her skin, then she flipped her shaded over her eyes, leaned back, and unfolded her suntan mirror and had one leg bent and the other straight, then started to enjoy some relaxing while giving herself a suntan. Twilight was also next to her reading a book. “Hey, Chase. Why don’t you go find some more seashells and bring them here? Just don’t go to far,” Sunset said. Chase nodded, then Sunset gave him a kiss on his forehead before he ran off to collect some seashells. Sunset and her chair sitting friends smiled warmly at Chase, then they enjoyed their relaxing, until they heard Chase screaming. They saw him running towards Sunset and hugging her neck. “Chase? Whatever’s the matter, darling?” Rarity asked, stroking Chase’s shoulder as Sunset hugged him. Chase cried and told them that he got pinched by a crab when he was picking up seashells and building a sandcastle. Sunset saw a few crabs trashing his sandcastle. Spike growled and scared them away by barking at them. Then, the brave little pup came back and laid down on Twilight’s lap. Sunset saw Chase still crying from his sandcastle being destroyed, so she thought of an idea that could cheer him up. “Hey, Rainbow Dash? Could you and Applejack take Chase and do some surfing?” Sunset asked. Then, Rainbow Dash thought of an idea about how to not lose Chase. “I think I can manage something like that. When we come back, we’ll all swim together,” Rainbow Dash said. “Come on, buddy. You’re riding with me.” Chase then took Rainbow Dash’s hand. While they were in the water and paddling forward on their surfboards, Rainbow Dash and Applejack got ready for the big wave. “Okay, Chase. We’re about to start soon,” Rainbow Dash said, as she stood up and saw Chase shaking nervously. “Don’t worry, buddy. If you wanna hold on to me, go ahead. Just don’t let go.” Chase nodded and wrapped his arms around her leg, then the wave grew and both Rainbow Dash and Applejack were surfing. While Chase held onto the rainbow haired girl’s leg, he took a peek and began laughing at this moment and enjoyed it. Rainbow Dash looked at him and then looked back at the water wave. Chase then leaned his cheek on Rainbow Dash’s hip and gave her a thank you hug. After the wave ended, they went back to the shore and walked over to the spot to put down their surfboards. After they got back, they had a variety of hoagies for lunch, but they got Chase a small root beer and a small plain ham and cheese hoagie. After lunch, Fluttershy and Chase were scooping up some seashells, Pinkie Pie was building a sandcastle, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were playing volleyball, Twilight played frisbee with her dog, Spike, and Rarity and Sunset were sitting in the shade. Soon after playing in the sand, they were all now swimming and splashing in the ocean having fun and riding the waves. While they were riding the waves, Rainbow Dash snuck up behind Chase and restrained him, then tickled his ribs and Chase laughed hysterically. “Hey, you wanna go underwater?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Yeah!” Chase said, as he flipped his goggles over his eyes. They both held their breath and dunk under the water, Chase saw Rainbow Dash’s hair waving like crazy, then he swam to her and gave her a hug. Then, she held him and then pulled themselves out of the water to get herself and Chase some air. “Was that fun?” Rainbow Dash asked. Chase giggled and leaned his head on her shoulder with a warm smile and hugged her. Rainbow Dash smiled warmly and then gave Chase to Sunset. “Can I do it again? I found something underneath.” Chase asked. Sunset nodded then dunked Chase under the water and he grabbed what appeared to be an oyster with something glowing, then returned from underwater. “You found an oyster,” Sunset said. “I wanna give it to Rarity!” Chase said, then Sunset’s heart melted and then she saw the girls heading back to the shore, and followed them with Chase in her arms. Once they got back, they stretched and dried off. “That precisely was a wonderfully relaxing swim.” Rarity moaned while bending her back and stretching her arms. “Rarity, Chase has something for you,” Sunset said. “Oh? What do you have darling?” Rarity asked as she bent her knees. Chase took out the oyster from his pocket and showed her the pearl. “*gasps* Is that an oyster pearl?! It’s magnificent!” Rarity said as she blinked her eyes seductively, then Chase closed the oyster and gave it to her. “Is this for me?” Rarity asked. “Awwww... you’re too sweet.” She hugged Chase and gave him a kiss on the cheek. After they left the beach, it was time to pack up and go home, but first they needed to dry off and get some of the sand off before sitting in the van again. After they finally packed up, they cleaned up their beach gear and carried them downstairs with their suitcases. Chase carried his bags and the plushies he got yesterday, but Applejack was kind to carry his dragon plushie. After they finished packing up their stuff into the trunk of the van, they got in and took their seats, and Applejack took the driver’s seat again. Chase held his dragon plushie and sat next to Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity. “So, who had fun this weekend?” Rainbow Dash asked, until the girls made agreeable comments and laughs. “Did you have fun, sugarcube?” Applejack asked. Chase nodded. “Can we do this again next time?” They all agreed again, then the van left for home. On the way home, Chase started to get sleepy, and he rubbed his eyes and yawned. Rainbow Dash smiled warmly at the boy next to her. “You okay, little buddy?” she asked. Chase nodded, then Rainbow Dash patted her lap. “You can lay down on my lap if you want.” Chase then scooted closer and laid down on the rainbow haired girl’s lap. Rainbow Dash smiled warmly and made the sleeping boy comfy by stroking his hair and rubbing his back. “It’s gonna be a while, buddy. But I’ll let you know when we get there.” Chase nodded and fell asleep, then Rainbow Dash looked out the window. Rarity placed his legs on her lap. Few hours later, they finally crossed the bridge and made it through the highway, then made it back to Canterlot City. After they stopped for dinner, Sunset and Chase were first. “Chase, wake up, buddy,” Rainbow Dash said. Chase woke up and saw Sunset reaching her arms for him, then he grabbed his stuff, carefully got off Rainbow Dash’s lap, and Sunset lifted him up and placed him down. Applejack went towards them with their stuff and helped carry them inside the apartment. Then, Applejack went back to the van, but Chase gave her a thank you hug on her leg. “You’re welcome, Chase.” Applejack said, then she went back to the van and drove the others home. Sunset and Chase then had their dinner and went upstairs to change into their pajamas. After Sunset gave Chase his nighttime bath and let him change, Sunset went to the laundry room and washed their clothes from the beach. Meanwhile, Sunset came to the living room and Chase playing “cowboys” with his toys and made the living room into a western town “Chase, what are you doing?” Then his pig plushie appeared holding a gun and wearing a western bandit uniform. “Alright, y’all! This is a stickup! Nobody move!” The pig pointed his gun at Sunset. “Alright, little lady! Get over there with the hostages!” Sunset raised her hands up and kneeled down with his toys who were tied up. “Uh, is this a joke or something?” “Quiet, Shimmer, or y’all get blown to smithereens!” The pig said. “Oh no! What am I ever going to do?” Sunset said dramatically. Suddenly, Chase appeared wearing a cowboy costume and riding his stick horse, and pointed out his gun. “Reach for the sky!” “Oh no! Sheriff Chase!” The pig said. “You got a date with justice, Wild Porker! ‘D’oh! Foiled again!’” Chase then shot his gun at the pig’s hand and unarmed him, then tied him up with his jump rope. “Y’er goin’ to jail, fella.” Chase then put the pig in the cardboard box labeled “jail,” then untied Sunset. “Thank you, sheriff,” she said. After Sunset tucked Chase into bed, she leaned forward and kissed him softly on the cheek. “Goodnight, Chase. I’ll see you in the morning,” Sunset said as she turned off the light and closed the door and left the room. Then, Chase went to sleep and cuddled with his teddy bear.