Chips Brothers' Archive

by JavaChips

Welcome to Ponyville

The streets of Ponyville were as bustling as usual, as it seemed like everypony had somewhere to be. Twilight Sparkle made her way through the streets when she ran into Fluttershy, carrying a pair of bunnies on her back.
“Hello Twilight,” she said smiling, “where are you off to today?”
Twilight smiled and stopped to greet her friend. “Good morning Fluttershy, I'm on my way to the train station to greet some new ponies coming from Fillydelphia. The mayor asked me to give them a tour around town, what about you?”
Fluttershy smiled and nuzzled one of the bunnies on her back. “I'm taking these cute little bunnies back to the meadow, these adorable little scamps were wandering in Carrot Top's garden.”
Twilight nodded and walked past her animal loving friend. “have fun.” she said, continuing on to her destination.
The train roared down the track toward it's final destination, Ponyville. It was carrying it's two last passengers, a pair of colts moving to a new town. One was tall, turquoise with a green mane and tail, and the symbol of a popular programming language on his flank, a coffee cup with steam coming off it. He stared out the window at the scenery speeding past. The other was a younger colt, tan with an indigo mane, and a pink streak through his similarly colored tail. His flank bore a power button cutie mark. He looked nervous, staring at the floor. His green framed glasses slid down his timid muzzle. The older colt smiled and adjusted the younger one's glasses, looking down at him.
“Don't worry, This is a brand new start for us.” he told him. “Fillydelphia doesn't need another electronics repair shop, we'll be making a lot more bits in Ponyville. Besides, I'm sure we'll meet a lot of nice ponies there. So buck up alright?”
The younger colt looked up and smiled softly, giving a shy nod as the train pulled into their stop. Slinging on their saddle bags, they left the train and were greeted by a purple unicorn with an heir of intelligence.
“welcome to ponyville,” she began, “I'm Twilight Sparkle, you must be the new colts.”
The older one smiled and approached the pony, while the younger one hid behind the older. “Thank you, it's nice to meet you Twilight Sparkle. I'm Java Chips, and this is my younger brother Micro Chips.”
Twilight nodded and smiled, leaning to the side to see Micro. “It's nice to meet you.”
Micro turned his head to avoid eye contact and hid behind his older brother. Java frowned, looking back at him. “Micro that's rude.”
Twilight shook her head, smiling. “Don't worry about it, I have a friend like him. I'm sure he'll warm up eventually. Now then, I've been asked by the mayor to take you for a tour around town, is there anywhere in particular you want to see?”
Micro got up on his tip-hooves and whispered in his brother's ear. Java smiled and nodded to him. “If it's alright, could we see our house first? We'd like to get these heavy saddle bags off our backs.”
Twilight nodded and turned to begin walking. “Of course, I'm sure you've had a long journey. Follow me please.”
the two brothers followed behind her, looking around at the houses surrounding them. “We didn't have an empty house for you, so we had our local carpenter, Mr. Woodstock, repair the old appliance store, so you'll have plenty of room for your....what do you guys do?”
Java smiled and turned to their gracious tour guide. “We program and repair electronics and things like that.”
Twilight smiled. “Oh, well I hope you drum up a lot out!” she yelled, ducking out of the way.
Java turned and, seeing the danger, quickly pulled him and Micro to the side as a grey pegasus with a blonde mane skidded across the ground and crashed, spilling letters everywhere. Twilight sighed and walked up to the pony, using her magic to collect the mail. “Are you okay Derpy? That was quite a crash.”
Derpy picked herself up and packed up the letters Twilight collected, looking upset. “I'm sorry Twilight, I saw a cloud that looked like a muffin and I got distracted.”
Twilight sighed and smiled, patting the pony on the back. “Derpy, you need to keep your head out of the clouds.”
Derpy raised a confused eyebrow and opened her wings. “But I'm a pegasus, my head is always in the clouds.”
Twilight giggled and shook her head. “No Derpy, it's a figure of speech, it means you need to learn to stay focused.”
Derpy nodded and smiled. “Oh okay, thanks. Bye Twilight!”
with that, the pegasus took off to deliver the rest of the mail. The Chips brothers got up and brushed themselves off, going to rejoin their guide. “Who was that?” Java asked.
Twilight led them while she talked. “Derpy Hooves, she's the mail carrier for Ponyville, though she can be a bit clumsy at times, she's really a nice pony.”
Java shook his head. “Seems like a big hassle, but I guess that's not my choice is it?”
Twilight shook her head, looking a bit stern at the rude comment. she led the brothers into their new home, a very large building near the eastern side of town. It had already been furnished for them, and painted by the local carpenter. Java smiled as he walked in, Micro following behind. “It's perfect, thank you Twilight Sparkle.” Java said.
Twilight smiled and shook her head. “don't thank me, It was Mr. Woodstock that fixed it up, and my friend Rarity did the interior design.”
Java set his saddle bag down and walked up to Twilight. “Alright, could you take me to Rarity so I can thank her?”
Twilight nodded and looked over Java's shoulder at Micro. “Sure, but what about your brother?”
Micro looked over timidly and looked down. “I....I'll wait here and unpack.”
Java looked over at his brother. “Are you sure?”
Micro nodded and set his saddle bag down. Twilight looked a bit concerned and nodded. “Alright then, follow me.”
Java followed after her, shutting the door behind him. “He's very timid isn't he?” she asked him.
Java sighed and nodded. “He was never good around new people, but he's a really nice person when he lightens up.”
Twilight nodded. “Well, I hope he gets used to Ponyville soon, I'm a bit worried about him.”
Micro finished unpacking everything from the two saddle bags, putting all of their tools in what looked like the best workshop area, and putting up the bedroom signs and personal belongings. After everything was finished, Micro took out his portable console and sat down at the table in the living area to play it. He was so wrapped up in his game, he didn't notice the pink pony walk in behind him. She hopped up behind him and watched him play for a while. Finally she spoke up, “Hi there, whatcha doin?”
Micro gasped and fell off his chair, his glasses fell off his face. Pinkie hung over the timid pony, a big smile across her face. “Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, and I'm super duper excited to meet you! What's your name?”
Micro looked away, blushing a bit. “I-I'm.....Mic....Micro Chips...”
Pinkie smiled and helped him up. “Nice to meet you, weren't there supposed to be two of you?”
Micro looked away again, picking up his glasses. “M-my brother, J-Java is out right now...”
Pinkie looked at him concerned. “are you alright? You're studdering.”
Micro took a step back and adjusted his glasses. “Sh....shy....” he said quietly.
Pinkie smiled and opened her saddle bag. “Is that all? Silly Billy, I know what'll help.”
she set a cupcake in front of him and he looked at it and picked it up. “When I heard there were new ponies in town, I had to bring them some of my world famous cupcakes!”
she took out another one and set it on the table. “I made one for your brother too, I'll just leave it here.”
Micro examined the pastry carefully and took a bite. With a soft gulp, a smile smile went across his face. “It's...delicious.”
Pinkie smiled and started hopping around chanting, “Made you smile! Made you smile!”
Micro couldn't help but laugh as the hyperactive pink pony hopped in circles around him. “You're funny Pinkie.”
Pinkie Pie nodded and smiled. “Well, I have to get going.”
Micro frowned. “right now? You just got here.”
Pinkie Pie shook her head. “I have to go get ready for the party tonight.”
Micro walked up to her confused. “A party? What for?”
Pinkie smiled and started hopping toward the door. “For the new ponies of course. Do you want to help me?”
Micro nodded and smiled, happy to join his new friend. “Sure, I'd love to help!”
Pinkie nodded and hopped out the door. “Then follow meeee!”
Micro happily followed her out the door.
Twilight stepped out of Rarity's boutique, feeling a bit embarrassed. “I'm sorry about that, I didn't think Rarity would do anything like that.” she said.
Java came out of the boutique behind her, his hair had been straightened and styled, and he didn't look very amused over it. “Well, how were you supposed to know my mane looked like 'an absolute train wreck.' Is she always like that?” he asked, shaking his mane back out into it's original shaggy state.
Twilight shook her head and started walking with him. “She can usually control herself, just make sure she knows how you like your mane and she'll leave you be.”
Java nodded and the two started walking back toward the house. Java looked around at everything that had been unpacked. “Looks like Micro did a pretty good job. Micro! Where are you?”
he walked upstairs to look for his younger brother, while Twilight looked around their workshop at all the strange and unfamiliar tools around her. Suddenly, Java came galloping down from upstairs and ran into the workshop. “Twilight! Micro isn't upstairs! He's missing.”
Twilight turned around, looking concerned. “he wouldn't have left the house?”
Java shook his head. “You saw how timid he is, he wouldn't leave the house alone.”
Twilight and Java both galloped toward the door. “Don't worry we'll find him, he has to be somewhere in Ponyville.”
Rainbow Dash flew overhead and Twilight called to her. Without second thought she landed in front of the two. “Oh hey Twilight, is this one of the new ponies? Hi, I'm Rainbow Dash, the greatest flyer in-”
Twilight cut her off quickly. “We don't have time for that Rainbow Dash, his younger brother is missing, can you search for him from the sky? He's tan with a purple mane!”
Rainbow saluted quickly and flew up into the sky. “You can count on me!”
The two quickly galloped through the streets, looking for the lost Micro Chips.
Micro followed the hopping pink pony into a quiet meadow full of animals, examining the scenery around them. “Where are we going Pinkie Pie?” he asked.
Pinkie kept hopping along as she explained. “We're meeting a friend of mine for some flowers.”
Micro adjusted the glasses on his face as he continued to follow. “Oh, alright I guess.”
as they continued down the meadow's trail, they began to hear a lovely voice singing in the distance. As they approached the sound, they found Fluttershy, singing and collecting flowers. Micro smiled, he had never heard such a lovely voice. “You're good at singing.” he said.
With a squeak, Fluttershy dropped the flowers and hid in a nearby bush. “O-oh, I'm sorry!”
Pinkie Pie hopped up to the tree and smiled up into it. “Fluttershy, did you collect those flowers for me?”
Fluttershy peeked her head out of the leaves, blushing. “yes...” she said quietly, pointing to the flowers she dropped.
Pinkie Pie walked over to the basket and picked it up, while Micro approached the tree. “hey, I'm sorry I scared you.” he said, getting silence from the tree. “I really do think you have a nice singing voice, in Fillydelphia if you want to hear a voice like that it costs a lot of money.”
still Fluttershy didn't answer him, and just hid in the tree. “Well, I hope I'll see you at the party, bye. I'm Micro Chips by the way.”
As soon as Micro and Pinkie left, Fluttershy shyly floated down to the ground, a bit of a smile on her face. “Thank you.” she said quietly, and returned to picking flowers, singing louder than before.
Java and Twilight galloped quickly toward Sweet Apple Acres, having searched through the streets of Ponyville thoroughly. Applejack was outside sorting apples when they ran up to her. “Howdy Twilight, what are you in such a hurry about? And who's your friend?” she asked.
Twilight caught her breath quickly. “Applejack, have you seen a tan colt around here? He has a purple mane.”
Applejack shook her head. “I don't think anypony around here looks like that, what's this about Twilight? You're looking wirier than a squirrel with coffee.”
Java stepped forward, looking concerned. “This is Java Chips, he's one of the new ponies that moved in today. His little brother, Micro Chips, has gone missing, we're trying to find him.”
Applejack shook her head, looking concerned. “I haven't seen him, but if y'all need help looking you can count me in. I'd feel the same way if Apple Bloom went missing. Let's get a move on.”
Java nodded and the three began galloping away from the farm. “Thanks, I appreciate the help.” he said.
As they ran back toward town square, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy stopped them, landing in front of them. “Guys,” Rainbow said, “I just saw Fluttershy, she said Micro is with Pinkie Pie.”
Twilight nodded, looking relieved. “of course, I should have thought of that.”
Java looked concerned. “What? Who is this Pinkie Pie?” he asked worriedly.
“Pinkie Pie is another one of our friends,” Applejack explained, “She's a bit kooky, but your brother is safe with her.”
Java nodded, finally relaxing. “That's good, where can we find her?”
Twilight nodded back and started galloping. “this way!”
Micro, Pinkie, and Rarity were just finishing up the decorations in Surgarcube Corner when Twilight and gang came bursting through the door. Pinkie smiled and stepped forward toward the group. “Oh good, you guys are just in time for the party!” she said, excited.
Java made his way to the front of the group. “Party?”
Micro's face lit up and he galloped forward to hug his brother. “Java! Pinkie Pie is awesome! She took me all around Ponyville, and she makes the best cupcakes.”
Java was surprised to see how much his brother had opened up, and a soft smile went across his face. “Well, I'll have to try one then.” he said.
Before he could react, Pinkie Pie shoved one into Java's open mouth. “here you go!” she said happily.
Java gave her a sort of glare, but changed to a look of awe as he tasted it. “Wow, that's good.”
Pinkie made her way over to the jukebox and kicked it with her back legs. “come one everypony! Let's party!” she said.
After the day became late, and the party guests tired, everyone helped clean up the mess that had been made. As Java and Micro Chips made their way out back toward their house, Micro turned around and saw them all waving goodbye. Java turned to look at his brother and saw the smile on his face. “So what do you think?” he asked.
Micro took a brief pause and then turned to look up at his older brother. “I think we're going to like Ponyville.”