A Tale of a Loving Sister

by GoebelTron

Chapter 14: A Weekend at the Boardwalk, Part 1

It was the middle of April, and the nice weather was coming back. Spring Break was finally here, until Chase woke up and saw the sun shining, and heard both the birds chirping and the bees buzzing. It was going to be a perfect day for him.

“Chase! Your breakfast is ready!” Sunset called out. Chase got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen to eat his breakfast. Sunset made him two buttermilk waffles, but she cut them and put the butter and syrup on for him. Sunset got a text from Rarity that they were all going to the Canterlot Boardwalk, and the beach. Sunset asked if Chase is okay with this, but Rarity said that he is also invited and that she left him a little surprise in his bedroom dresser. “Chase, Rarity texted me that you and I are going with our friends to the boardwalk alongside the beach for the weekend,” she said. “She left you a surprise upstairs for you in your dresser. I’m gonna go get changed. Be back in a bit. Go upstairs and get dressed and finish packing.” Chase then did what Sunset said and went upstairs to get dressed into Rarity’s surprise outfit.

When he opened his dresser, he saw a blue shark styled swim shirt and overall swim trunks. He also had grey Crocs. After he tried them on, he started to like them. He went to brush his teeth, then came downstairs to Sunset, and she was wearing a black crop top bikini with a golden sun symbol, a sunset gradient sun skirt around her waist, and gold bracelets. Chase realized it was his first time seeing his sister in her swimsuit. “You ready to go?” she asked, until Chase replied with a short nod. She took Chase’s hand after she grabbed her beach bag, their suitcases, and his go-bag.

Until all of a sudden, they saw a white van appear, and behind the door opening was Rainbow Dash, wearing a black cropped sleeveless swim shirt with pink, lime green, and yellow lightning bolts, and pink swim trunks with black stripes. She wore a pink ball cap with a white cloud and a sun on top. “Who’s ready for a weekend at the boardwalk!?” she yelled out, until she let Sunset and Chase inside. Sunset went to the front seat next to Applejack who was driving, but Chase didn’t know where to sit. “Come here, squirt,” Rainbow Dash said. “You can sit with us, darling,” Rarity said.

Chase went to the second row and saw Pinkie Pie, who wore a swimsuit that had a dark pink top with a golden yellow bow that had a orange heart shaped gem in the center, a small pink tutu on the bottom, 3 golden yellow bows on a white waistband and dark pink swim panties. She was behind Rainbow Dash and Rarity, who wore a purple bikini with black stripes and two sapphires in the center of the top and bottom, a black sun hat with purple straps and a blue gem, and a sapphire blue linen knotted sun skirt around her waist.

He saw Pinkie Pie sit next to Fluttershy wearing a black and teal striped surfer swimsuit, Applejack wearing a navy blue cropped long sleeve swim shirt and with white and lime green stripes and an apple in the center, and navy blue bikini style swim shorts with a red waistband and green stripes, and Twilight wearing a dark purple buttoned and skirted swimsuit that was tied with a sky blue and white top and had a magenta star in the center.

“Aww, Chase, you look so cute in that outfit,” Rarity said, as Chase sat next to Twilight, who sat next to both Rainbow Dash and Rarity. “Hey, Chase. It’s gonna be a few hours till we get there, since traffic’s a foot,” Rainbow Dash said. “Okay,” Chase said disappointingly. “But I’ve never been to the boardwalk before.”

“Aww, you poor darling,” Rarity said. “You’re going to love it. There’s a beach, some shops, food stops, arcades, and both a water park and an amusement park.” Then, they drove off to the boardwalk.

It has been two hours while driving in the highway during traffic and it was still morning and they were about to arrive during lunchtime. They arrived from the bridge to the city towards the beach. Chase was laying on Twilight and Rarity’s laps taking a nap with his blanket wrapped around him to keep him warm. Rarity stroked his hair with one hand and comforted his shoulder blades and back with her other hand. “How’s he doing?” Sunset asked. “He’s fine. He’s just bored, that’s all,” Rainbow Dash said. “Be sure to wake him when we get there,” Sunset said. Rainbow Dash nodded. “Are we there yet?” Chase asked, as he laid his head down on Rarity’s lap.

“Not yet, darling,” Rarity said. “You can go back to sleep.” Chase then started to heavily close his eyes again and went back and went back to sleep. “I just can’t believe it,” Rainbow Dash said. “A weekend at the boardwalk plus the beachfront, for the start of Spring Break. How awesome is that?” “Totally inspiring, darling,” Rarity said, as she continued to comfort Chase.

“Oh, we’re gonna have so much fun in the sun! I know I am, too!” Pinkie beamed. “Yes, especially since the weather for this weekend is supposed to be glorious today and tomorrow,” Fluttershy happily explained. “I just love the way how peaceful the beach is.”

“Plus, I managed to get us a room at a small motel near the beach.” Rarity said. “It’s not really small, but more apartment like. The rooms are heavenly!” “Hey, there it is!” Pinkie exclaimed. Applejack made a turn towards the parking lot and pulled into an empty lot outside and then put the gears into park.

“Chase. Wake up, darling. We’re here,” Rarity said. Chase rubbed his eyes and sat back up. They all got out of the van one at a time and unloaded the trunk, which was full of beach bags, one that was full of towels and mats. The other bag was full of sunscreen, aloe, and zinc sunscreen in case they got a sunburn. The trunk also had coolers, umbrellas, chairs, and their suitcases. Twilight went to Spike and held him in her arms. “Hey, Spike! Did you miss me?” she said after he licked her face. “I sure did. It was kinda bumpy,” Spike said.

Sunset walked to Chase and took his hand. Rarity looked up at the building they’re staying at. “Oh my. Quite a big lovely place, I must say,” she said. “Don’t worry, girls. We’re all in the same room. In fact, I even packed some air mattresses for each of us.” “Well, then let’s get settled in,” Fluttershy said. “Then, we can hit the beach and have some fun,” Rainbow Dash said.

Inside their rented motel room, each of them found a bed to sleep in, while the others asked if Rarity and Applejack can set up the air mattresses. Inside Chase’s bedroom, he set up his dresser and then got his beach toys for the sand and grabbed his towel Rarity made for him. The others were getting ready as well while he waited for them to be ready, until Applejack with some back with some groceries. The girls came out with their beach gear. “Alright, ladies. Let’s find us a beach spot and enjoy our day,” Rainbow Dash said. “Splendid idea, darling!” Rarity said, as they all grabbed their stuff and went outside to the beach.

As they got outside, they walked on the sandy beach and started to feel the golden sun shine down on their skin. Then, they found a spot and set up the beach mats, chairs, and umbrellas. “I guess this will do,” Sunset said. “I think you’re right. Kinda looks perfect,” Twilight said. “Last one hitting the water’s shark bait!” Pinkie Pie said. “Oh, it’s on!” Rainbow Dash said. “Uh, shouldn’t we get some sunscreen on first? Don’t wanna get sunburnt,” Fluttershy said. “Definitely,” Rarity said, then started to rub herself with her favorite suntan lotion all over her body. “Let me get that,” Sunset said, as she rubbed Rarity’s backside with the lotion. “Thank you, Sunset,” Rarity said. “Now, I’ve got some spare sunblock for each of us to share.” They all took turns sharing the sunscreen bottles with each other, then they decided to go hit the water.

Chase shook the bottle and realized there was none left. “Wait!” Chase asked. “What is it, darling?” Rarity replied. Chase showed them the sunscreen bottle. “Guess you didn’t get any, huh?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Come here, sweetie. I’ll do it,” Fluttershy said. After Chase came to her, he stood still, then squirted some sunscreen on her hands and rubbed it on his limbs, neck, and face, but with a face stick. “There. All done,” she said, until Chase gave her a hug, “Thank you.” “You’re welcome, Chase,” she said, then gave him a kiss on the forehead.

“Alright, let’s go hit the water!” Rainbow Dash said, as she and Applejack went to the ocean to catch the waves. “Wait for me!” Pinkie Pie said. Rarity and Sunset sat down on their chairs enjoying the shade, while Twilight and Fluttershy went to go join them. Sunset then saw Chase feeling let down. “Hey, Chase,” she said. “Why don’t you go join the others in the water? I promise me and Rarity will join you soon.” “Okay!” Chase said, then hugged Sunset’s belly and then ran off to the ocean and catch up with the others.

“Well, look who decided to join the party!” Pinkie Pie said. “Hey, buddy! What’re you doing here by yourself?” Rainbow Dash asked, then Chase reached his arms out, asking her to hold him. She rolled her eyes with a smirk, then kneeled down and lifted him up. “Alright, let’s race!” Rainbow Dash said. “Ready... GO!” They all ran to the water and then felt the water tickle their skin, until their swimsuits started getting wet. Rainbow Dash still held Chase in her arms.

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash! That was so much fun!” Chase said. “No problem!” Rainbow Dash said. “Just stick with us and we’ll keep you safe.” Rainbow Dash then started to tickle him, causing him to giggle. But then he accidentally fell in the water. “Chase! Hang on, buddy!” Rainbow Dash said, until she held her breath and saved Chase from drowning. The girls came over to see what happened. Chase started coughing up from the water and Fluttershy rubbed his belly. “You alright, sugarcube?” Applejack asked. Chase nodded, and then saw Rarity and Sunset come over. “Sorry we’re late. We saw what happened,” Rarity said. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Sunset asked. Chase nodded. “I was just giving him some tickles,” Rainbow Dash explained. “Sorry, though.” Sunset smirked and patted her shoulder.

Chase and the girls swam around the ocean but stayed near the beach, had fun with the waves, shared laughs, and splashed each other for one hour and forty-five minutes straight. Chase tried to swim, but the water was too heavy for him, causing him to drown. “Help!” Chase called out. “Sunset, help!” Sunset heard Chase’s voice, she turned around and saw him trying to swim. The girls were shocked. “I’ll get him,” Rainbow Dash said as she swam to him and brought him back with the others. “I’ve got you, buddy. It’s okay,” she said. Until they arrived at the ocean spot where the rest of the girls were, he then started to float. “See? You’re totally fine.” Chase nodded. “Alright, let’s head back to the beach and get some lunch,” Applejack said, as they all groaned. “I brought a barbecue grill.” Then they all went out of the water and headed to their beach spot. Fluttershy saw Chase shivering because he was cold after getting out of the water. She went to him and carried him to the chairs.

After the girls sat down and got dried off, they reapplied the sunscreen, but they started to see Chase wet and shivering, after Fluttershy got him a towel and wrapped it around him. Chase then rubbed his eyes and yawned softly. “You alright, Chase?” Sunset asked. Chase nodded and tried to keep his eyes open. “Sounds like someone needs a nap.” She went to Twilight, who was reading a book and sitting next to Rarity, who was trying to enjoy the shade. “Twilight, can you and Rarity take him? He needs his nap.”

“Yeah, sure,” Twilight said, then Sunset put Chase down and took off his towel and then went to her chair that was not too far, but on another spot. Chase went over to Applejack to ask her a question. “Applejack, when’s lunch going to be done?” he asked. Applejack ruffled his hair gently, “Just in a few minutes, Chase. You’re gonna have to be patient.”

“Okay.” Chase said. After he was done talking with Applejack, he then went over to Twilight. “Twilight?” he asked. Twilight heard Chase’s voice and put her book down for a moment. “Hey, Chase. What’s up?” she asked, but then saw him rub his eyes. “How about you sit with me? I’ll set up your blanket.”

“Can I lay on your lap?” Chase asked. “Of course you can,” Twilight said. Chase then sat down and laid on her lap and rested his head on her belly. Twilight wrapped her arm around his back and continued reading her book. Rarity came over and wrapped Chase’s blanket around him, then sat back down. Rainbow Dash came over with a volleyball. “Hey, Sunset. I was wondering if we could all play volleyball. After Chase finishes his nap and when we’re down having lunch. But since he’s 4, we’ll let him build a sandcastle or go collect some seashells.” Sunset then thought about it. “I don’t see why not, but are you sure about Chase? He’s only 4. He could easily hurt himself, break his nose, or get hit in the chest or face.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, “Relax, I didn’t say anything about him wandering around through the game. I meant with someone near him, so that he wouldn’t hurt himself.” Sunset smiled warmly.

“Lunchtime, y’all! I made some ribs!” Applejack yelled out.

They all went to the grill and got some barbecue ribs on their plates. Twilight was disturbed by the smell of barbecue sauce from the ribs. She saw that lunch was ready. “Chase, wake up,” she said. “It’s time for lunch.”

Chase woke up and saw Sunset bring him a small plate full of ribs, with some carrots and chips. Twilight set up a napkin and ate with him. “Wow, you’re so good with him like I am,” Sunset said. “I know,” Twilight said. “Every time I look at him, I just want to smother him with kisses.” Sunset and Twilight laughed at her comment, but Chase didn’t get it until he licked his fingers. “Chase, use your manners, darling,” Rarity said as she helped him wipe the barbecue sauce off his hands and face with a napkin. “You want a soda, bud?” Rainbow Dash asked. Chase nodded, then she gave him a root beer can from the cooler and helped him open it. After he opened his soda can, he asked for a straw. Then, they all sat down on the mat and ate lunch together.

Few minutes later, they were all leaning on their chairs and laying flat on the mat with stuffed bellies.

“Woo-wee! That sure hit the spot,” Applejack said as she rubbed her belly. “You said it,” Rainbow Dash said also rubbing her belly. “Hey, any of you guys up for some volleyball? It’ll help us lose all that weight.” Twilight, Sunset, Pinkie Pie got up and went to the volleyball net and set up in positions. Chase went towards the side of the umbrella away from the volleyball net and took his beach toys and tried to make a sandcastle fort and scoop for some seashells. Rarity and Fluttershy adored the moment.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Sunset were on one side of the net and Applejack and Pinkie Pie were on the other side of the net. Rainbow Dash served the ball and passed it over, causing Applejack to bop it. Sunset went over and bopped it over, and so did Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash bopped it over again, then Applejack, then Sunset and Pinkie Pie again, then Twilight, and so on and so forth. Chase came back with some seashells for the girls and continued digging. “Thank you, darling,” Rarity said, as he gave her some seashells.

Until a few minutes later, they served for the last time and it was headed straight for Chase’s sandcastle, but Rainbow Dash caught it real fast, and it scared Chase. Sunset and ran over to him and saw Rarity comforting him. Chase had tears in his eyes. “You okay, bud?” Rainbow Dash asked, as he continued to cry. Rarity went over and held him in her arms shushing his sobs and rubbing his back. “Shhhhhh shhhhhh shhhhhh... There, there, darling. There, there.” she said softly, then Chase’s sobs were calming down. “Sorry about that, little buddy,” Rainbow Dash said. “But it’s a good thing you weren’t hurt or anything, right?” Chase nodded then, pointed at the seashells he got for them. “Hehehe, Chase got us seashells,” Fluttershy said, after the girls made a “d’awww” reaction.

“Hey, how about you and I go and do some surfing?” Rainbow Dash asked Applejack. “Sure, let’s get to it,” Applejack replied. Then, they both left for the water to surf. Rarity checked on Chase, who was still held in her arms. “Are you feeling better, darling?” Rarity asked, then Chase nodded in a short nod. Then, she took him and sat down on her chair with him on her lap and his head leaning on her chest.

As it was around 5:35 pm, they arrived back in the motel room after everyone was closing down at the beach. The girls took turns with the showers in the other two bathrooms in their room, then it was Chase’s turn to use the bathroom, but he didn’t have anyone to help rinse him, but until all of a sudden, Fluttershy came in wearing a bathrobe. She kneeled down and gave him a kiss.

“Were you waiting? Did no one come?” she asked, as Chase gave her a nod with sad puppy eyes. She smiled warmly and helped him with his bath. Fluttershy grabbed his shampoo and scrubbed his hair gently. After she rinsed his hair with water, she used both his body wash and a wash rag, then scrubbed it all over his body, including his arms and legs, then rinsed him one last time. After Chase got out of the tub and Fluttershy dried him off, Chase went to his room and changed into his pajamas.

Meanwhile, the girls in their casual clothes. “I hope Chase will be okay,” Twilight said. “He looked so frightened after the accident.” When Sunset sounded worried about her little brother, Applejack placed her hand on her shoulder. “He’ll be fine.” Then suddenly, Chase came out in his blue/turquoise shark and camouflage printed pajama shorts and white baseball undershirt with turquoise sleeves and a shark print.

They all made a “d’awwww” reaction at his cute pajamas. Chase walked over to them and sat down between his sister’s crisscrossed legs and leaned back towards her chest, and Sunset placed her hands on his shoulders. Pinkie Pie arrived with Chinese food for dinner. They got sushi, lo mein, steamed beef, steamed pork, steamed chicken and white rice. Sunset got Chase some dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and waffle fries, along with a soda.

After they ate dinner, they sat outside and watched the stars and the moon. Then a few hours later after watching a movie, they all went to their bedroom, and Sunset tucked her little brother in his bed and kissed him goodnight.

Chase woke up in a small cage and found out he was next to a giant bubbling cauldron full of broth. A giant figure appeared and chopped some vegetables and shook some salt in the broth. Then, the figure revealed herself as his aunt. She grabbed him out of the cage and then dropped him in the broth, boiling him like acid.

He suddenly woke up screaming, then started wailing, until he heard a familiar voice when he turned around. “You all right, sugarcube?” Hearing Applejack’s voice, he jumped panicking and running to the door and hid himself behind the couch. She slowly walked up towards him and placed her hand on his shoulder, calming him down. “It’s okay,” she said. “It’s only me.”

Chase took a closer look and saw Applejack wearing navy blue cropped pajama shorts and a reddish orange and green cropped baseball long sleeve (both the sleeves and bottom) with 5 buttons on the crest and three apples in the middle. “Now keep it down, you’ll wake the others.” She said shushing him softly. She lifted him up and took him to the girl’s bedroom.

“In case you didn’t know, we’re having a slumber party in the next room,” Applejack said, before opening the door. The girls were enjoying themselves and having a few laughs, until they saw Applejack with Chase crying in her arms. “Y’all mind if he slept here with us?” she asked. The girls made comments agreeing that he could sleep in for the night. “Did you have a nightmare, darling?” Rarity asked, then gave Chase to Sunset. When Chase was wrapped in her arms, Sunset began to embrace him gently and softly pressed his head on her chest so he could listen to her heartbeat, then she rocked herself back and forth. After Chase went back to sleep, Sunset held on to him covering his ears so that nothing would wake him up.

Few hours later, they all got to sleep, but Chase was still trying to sleep, but he had trouble getting comfy because he couldn’t stop thinking about that nightmare he had. Rarity woke up and saw Chase struggling under the covers. She leaned closer to him and kissed his cheek, then went back to sleep. Sunset quickly took Chase in her arms and wrapped them around him, and he pressed his cheek on her chest. Then, they went back to sleep.