Redemption, what a beautiful word.

by Ryoup

The wolf among the sheeps

I sigh while feel the warm of the sun in my feathers, the only thing that this ponies can do correctly, the sun.
I stay there in the balcony for some minutes, enjoying what I can before the day start when a breeze of fresh air hit my face, then I realized, "ok ok, I get it, I will work."
I walk to my desk, one newspaper was on top of it, that newspaper, I sit in my chair and open that piece of paper, some good news was there, like this one.

Two days ago, the federation army crushed the last great kingdom of the griffins, Wallhalla, house and Kingdom of the great and mighty king Fourwinds, a friend of our beloved princesses, this fact shocked countless kingdoms across the known world, the fall of the griffin deity.
The impious and bloody federation army ravaged that holy city of Wallhalla, killing countless lives of what they call, monarchists and traitors of the cause, we, the ponies of Equestria, wait anxiously the answer of our Princesses about that fact.
To those that fear about Fourwinds life, for what the Griffin Federation says, 'Fourwinds, even being a Monarch, are our deity, and just for that, and only that, his life was spared' that the five have mercy on his life, and our prays be heard.

Bullshit, I was in that fight, that was the gloriest day of the federation, defeat a deity, is sad to say that it's our deity that fall first, but I can’t do anything about it, he refused the countless ultimatums we send to him, the blood and iron were his choice, he chosed iron.
Enough of that, I lick one of my claws and pass the page, more and more things happened that week, let me see, well, I would see if it weren't for the knock on the door! damn, the knock repeat some times before a mare enter, and unicorn bring a cup of tea and, of course a teapot, steam coming out of the cup, she quietly leave the tea in my desk and a letter with the ten noble families symbol in my desk too, she nods slightly before leaving, a white fur, always a white fur, almost like the guards, but I already saw a yellow one among the maids.
I sigh again, two sighs in a morning, am I getting old? Samol protect me, I hope no.
I smile while start reading again, a lot of useless things was in this newspaper, I mean, look at this? 'what kind of cake Celestia eat this week?' this, this is a shame for free press, spend important space with nonsense things like that, but then I see, in the last page, printed with bad ink, was the saddest news of the week, no, of the month, maybe of the year!
In the end of the year 1553, it's over what many called the Pony Federation, and pathetic attempt to take the power like the griffin did,
They took over several villages in the north and even some ports and the big city of Raw Salt! When Raw Salt fell, some villages in the south thinking that the Federetion was winning, then they betrayed the crown and joined in the so called Pony Federation, a civil war almost started in our lovely kingdom, but then the Crystal Empire, our mighty ally come in our aid and reconquested Raw Salt! Without that city, the rebels, how the crown called then, retreated deeper and deeper in the country until their last base was find and destroyed! The, 'dream', how many of their follower says was not dead, 'we just need to win one time to win' says others, uncountable lives was taken in this revolt, many suspect about that the Griffin Federation incited they to revolt.
The federation don't say nothing about it, their unique word was, 'that's a sad fact about this day' words of the president of the federation.
Many questioned about the leaders of this revolt, their leader, New Hope, was executed for betrayal the crown and inciting the chaos, many other leaders and generals still missing, some of then captured, but not find in the dungeons, some tabloids say one word, Tartarus, but this doesn't matter, we win! We are victorious, long live to the mighty kingdom of Equestria! Long live to the peace and harmony!
This... This piece of shit, how they dare to say thing like that?! We, the The Griffin Federation just didn't help them because we were fighting against Fourwinds! We send some equipment, but thats all, we could not aford a open war against Equestria that time, now, one year after those facts, we can afford a open war, and for Samol, we can win! We just need a reason.
Vast skyes how this enrage me, I keep this newspaper with me to remind of this, those ponies, even being weak-vegetarian ponies was smart enough to see the corruption of their kingdom and try to fight back, unfortunately for them, Equestria is not many separate duchies and kingdoms, but a huge and unity one, the only species united in one banner.
I leave the paper in the desk and drink all the tea in one sip and rise the cup over my head, "we will avenge you New Hope, they can kill you, but they will never kill your ideas and hopes of a better place for you kind."
After drinking that great tea, cursed be the ability of the ponies in doing a great tea, I walk to a mirror and smile, there was a handsome griffin, my feathers big and white with a brown color around my neck, just near my left eye was one part burned in the war my feathers never grew back there, more one remind of the endless war we live, now not more an officer, but and ambassador of the Federation in Equestria, the most wanted job that exist in my loved country.
After cleaning myself I grab the letter, open it and read rapidly, it's about the explosion that happened four days ago and the 'spell that shaked the world magic field' I tear the letter and hide the rest in my desk, take a feather and ink and my... Objectives.
Formal apology. Done
Reinvidication of the east cities and villiges. Done
Artifact and ancient book. In progress
Commercial accords. Done
Recognize the Federation as the only griffin country. Done
The body of the hero New Hope. Negated
The arrested leaders of the 'revolt'. Negated
One audience with the god of chaos, Discord. In progress
The location of the four marked beings. In progress Negated
Know what was the 'spell that shaked the world'. In progress
"Soo, he say about a minotaur-like creature right?"

Today was a tedious day, nothing that are worthy to be mentioned, I talked with some minor nobles, even find time to eat with my aunt Celestia, she was, I don't know, the right word would be, not okay but not bad, her smile, was forced.
The legendary maternal smile that Celestia love to show to everypony are truly authentic, not forced or an illusion, to this morning she was forcing, lying to the others, I can read a lie easily, and damn skys her smile was fake.
after that I walked for some minutes, looking around, thinking, dreaming awake how my aunt love to say, I was woken up from this trance when I saw, a griffin, not any griffin, the ambassador of the Griffin Federation, Iron Claw, he was, from what many ponies like say, 'the one that will cause the war that will end all the wars'.
That sounds funny, a war, that WILL end all the wars, how, is what I question but okay, let the poor think what they want to think, but one thing they are right, this griffin will cause a war, I can feel it, almost smell it, everypony with three neurons can see it and how Equestria is answering? Giving lands, cities, unbalanced comercial acords, all and much more in a policy of avoiding conflict as Celestia like to say, I call it being weak, coward and overestimate the enemy, but while this doesn't affect Canterlot, I personally do not care enough to say a word.
"Look, if is not the great magician and prince-heir Blueblood, of the mighty Blood house, what a pleasure to meet you today!" but of course he care.
He doesn't born or become a noble, but he managed to become an ambassador, I will tolerate him, I will listen his nonsense demands, but not in my free time, I just nod and smile while start walking faster, please don't follow me.
"Where you go your highness? Can I accompany you?" but of course he followed me, he is so annoying, the others houses say it too, that him follow them whether they go, and today is my day.
"Just walking Iron Claw, thinking, you know, *always* the same." I try to put the most of poison in my words, making clear that I don't want company, but this always seems to be ineffective, and it's just with him, this bastard are intocable, if I kill him Celestia would get mad, really mad, so I can't do anything since he can walk whatever he want to since Celestia give him full access through the castle, this include the personal rooms, damn that day, this castle almost burned in offenses and threatening.
"What coincidence your majesty, I'm just walking too!" the excitement in his voice make me crazy, he seems like a tourist visiting the castle, but no, he just want to annoying.
We walk for some time, he stayed quietly, what was a surprise, I could smile and 'dream-awake' while walking since I know this castle very well, but, I can't say, his presence doesn't allow me doing this.
"Say prince Blueblood, you love writing?" and here come his questions, from what he learned from the nobles, he could easily write a bibliography about them, but my life is mine and just mine.
"Maybe yes, maybe no, it's personal, ambassador." he smile, as I want to punch his face, damn I want it so bad.
"Don't be shy your highness, but okay I understand, say me just one more thing and I leave ok?" this caught my attention, caught enough that I stopped walking and turn me to him.
He looked at me for some seconds, he looked around like he was seeing if have any pony coming, then walk closer to me and say in a really low tone of voice.
"What do you think about this govern?"