//------------------------------// // iv: 'til the day brings the light // Story: dasher // by The Red Parade //------------------------------// The cafe was full of warmth and joy, yet none of it seemed to reach Bon Bon’s heart. Conversations and the clinking of glasses reverberated across the floor, but it fell short of her and never quite touched her ears. Bon Bon weaved through the patrons, cautiously balancing a tray full of cups and plates on her back. She made her way past pairs of lovers and crowds of holiday diners, both young and old. Shades of red and green burst out of every nook and cranny: from the holiday lights hanging from the walls to the hideous knitted sweaters ponies wore with pride. She ignored all of the color and festivities, gently nosing open the double doors leading to the kitchen and setting the tray down by the sink. Bon Bon stifled a yawn and turned to grab a full tray when she unexpectedly bumped into another pony. “Oh, sorry,” she muttered. “Oh, heavens, Bon Bon, you look exhausted,” Caramel said.  “Sort of am, yeah,” Bon Bon admitted. “Been having trouble sleeping lately. Not that it’s your problem. I can still work.” Her manager frowned. “You better take the rest of the night off then.” Bon Bon raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? It’s the holiday rush, after all, and—” “Hey, don’t worry. We got this. Besides, can’t have you spilling drinks on customers, can we?” Caramel flashed her an easy smile. “We’ll be fine, Bon. Seriously, take the night off. Have some fun.” Bon Bon blinked slowly a few times before nodding. “Well… if you’re sure,” she replied. Caramel watched her leave the kitchen before a soft sigh escaped his lips. “She’s gotta smile sometime,” he said to himself.   The town square was mostly empty. A majority of ponies had either turned in to get some extra hours of sleep, or had gone to the party Pinkie Pie was throwing. That left Bon Bon alone, again. She sighed, watching as her breath appeared in the cold. Her legs were aching by now, but she didn’t really want to go home. Sitting on the couch and feeling miserable wasn’t any better than being out here. Bon Bon made her way over to a bench by the side of the road, before realizing that it was covered in snow and already occupied by another pony. With an annoyed huff, she turned away. “Hey, did you want to sit?” Her ear twitched as she glanced behind her. The unicorn sitting on the bench was eyeing her curiously. Bon Bon took her in, noting the loose manner in which her scarf was tied and the way her hat seemed to slide over her eyes. Bon Bon cleared her throat. “I, uh… kinda, but it’s no big deal.” “No, no, not at all! Here.” The unicorn’s horn flashed briefly, and the snow melted away. The water left behind then turned to steam, and the unicorn smiled warmly at her. “See? No big deal.” “Thanks,” Bon Bon replied, easing herself down into the bench. She glanced at the unicorn, noting her… strange sitting stance, but thought better than to ask about it.  Bon Bon figured that she had a good read on the stranger. The unicorn would probably try and prod her with a few questions, to which Bon Bon would offer her honest response, before she’d shy away, get bored, or leave. The seat was warm now, likely from the remnants of the heat spell, and Bon Bon sighed in contentment. She hadn’t realized how cold it had gotten. Bon Bon leaned back and closed her eyes, letting another sigh escape her. “You new in town?” the unicorn asked. “Me?” Bon Bon opened her eyes to glance at her. “Uh, sort of. I’ve only been here for two weeks or so.” “Ah. I just got here myself,” the unicorn said. “What’s it like?” Bon Bon considered this. “Well, it’s not that bad. The ponies are nice, the town’s small, but it’s got a… I dunno, charm? Yeah, that’s it.” The unicorn chuckled. “Guess you’re right. Apparently I’m getting a welcome party or something later… or that’s what the pink pony told me when I got here.” Bon Bon grunted. “Oh, Pinkie Pie? Yeah, she’s like that. I can barely keep her off of me myself. I’m surprised she didn’t throw it tonight.” “She wanted to, believe me, but I turned her down. I’m pretty burned out tonight, so I doubt I’d survive a party. I managed to convince her to throw it later.” Bon Bon shrugged. “Makes sense.” “Town’s kind of empty tonight,” the unicorn noted. “Where is everypony?” “Pinkie Pie’s throwing a holiday party,” Bon Bon replied, gesturing vaguely towards the center of the town. “Is that where you’re going?” Bon Bon shook her head. “Nah, I’m not really a party kind of pony.” “I can respect that,” the unicorn conceded. “But… guess I don’t have anything better to do tonight.” She reached over and pulled an instrument case off the ground and set it next to her. “Well, other than trying to get some change, anyways.” Bon Bon blinked. “You’re a… street musician?” “For now,” replied the unicorn. “What about you?” “Oh, just a waitress. Nothing special. I work at Caramel’s Cafe, down on Fourth Street… 'course, you probably don’t know where it is,” Bon Bon replied. The unicorn shrugged good-naturedly. “Well, might as well head to that party and get to know ponies. Mind showing me the way?” “Sure,” Bon Bon said. “Follow me.”