Friends For Life

by Split Scimitar

Diamond at Night

“N528EG, where are you parking?”

“Premier Jet.”

“Roger, turn around in the box, left G, to the ramp.”

“Double back in the box, G to the ramp, 528EG.”

“Hey Max!” Sweetie Belle beams as we share a hug in the terminal. “How’ve you been?”

“Better than I have been. Been a bit slow in the office, but I can’t complain.”

“Yeah, I understand. I’m sad to report that my parents have decided to leave Minnesota.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I know how much you love this place.”

“Yeah, but I understand why they’re leaving. City politics.”

“I know how that feels. Where are they planning on moving?”

“They’re not sure yet.”

“Well, if they need any assistance, please feel free to let me know.”

“Of course Max! After everything that’s happened, you need all the support you can get.”

A quick ship switch back to EI-DWK before hot-braking into Westchester, Rarity picks us both up and tosses me the keys.

When we arrive at home, I get settled then take out the leftover cakes and put them in the fridge.

“There’s cake I made if you want to try it.”

“Save me a slice!” Rarity calls as she runs to the bathroom.

“Wait, I’m gonna try some too!” Sweetie Belle calls as she runs into the kitchen.

“There’s tres leches and Devil’s Food made with fondue-style ganache.”

“Ooh!” Sweetie Belle exclaims as she eyes each of the confections.

“Heavens, Max!” Rarity exclaims as Sweetie Belle takes a small cut of both cakes. “Since when did you get so into baking.”

“Actually, Pinkie and Mrs. Cake gave me the recipe for the Devil’s Food a while ago, the ganache is my own variation. The tres leches is an old family recipe.”

“You’re going to love it!” The younger sister beams from the kitchen table.

“Well, if it’s made with the same craft and precision you apply to an airplane, it’s sure not to disappoint.”

“They were made a couple days ago, so I hope they’re still good. This ganache dries up and hardens if it’s not eaten within a few days.“

“Why didn’t you ever introduce me to this before?” Rarity asks eyeing the food on her plate.

“The opportunity never really came up. Plus, I only recently rediscovered the recipes while I was moving to March.”

“You need to make it more often!” Sweetie Belle suggests between bites.

“Not possible. These cakes are guilty pleasures.”

“Well, this can be our own little thing then.” Rarity smiles rather slyly.

“Try them first.”

When she bites into the Devil’s Food, the look on her face and the gleam in her eyes says it all.

That evening, over a dinner of take-out, Sweetie Belle waits until Rarity’s out of earshot before she says,

“Max, I know it’s still a sensitive subject, but why do you still call your blood relatives family if all they did was treat you like an outsider?”

“Because I know at heart they’re good people, just not to me. Before they disowned me, I was truly one of their own. It wasn’t until I said I didn’t want to go to medical school did they finally say they wanted nothing more to do with me.”

“I’m really sorry they did that to you, and that that was one of the biggest mistakes anyone could ever make. I think you’re a pretty great person, and I would love to work with you more.”

“Would you be willing to... become a flight attendant on charter flights?”


“You’d be a real help to your passengers and me. Though I should admit you would likely start and end trips in places besides Minneapolis.”

“I can work with that. What’s the pay like?”

“Competitive. You’ll be dealing with school-age kids, so I would offer a nice bonus. I only wish I could say the same about their teachers.”

“Would I be solo?”

“You can recruit whoever you’d like and get them in touch with me.”

“Okay! I know a few people!”

“Don’t recruit too many though. I don’t want to undercut those that currently do work as flight attendants.”

“I understand. I’m sure Apple Bloom and Scootaloo may be interested. We’d make a pretty good team.”

“I’m sure you would.”

“Keeping it simple tonight are we?” I ask surveying the bowls of spaghetti and penne along with marinara and Alfredo.

“Yes, darling.” Rarity responds as she sets a container of Parmesan on the table. “I think this meal should be more of a conversation. Plus, I don’t have anything else readily available.”

“You really want to get into detail about the accident?”

“We want to get a chance to know the real Split Scimitar.”

“Well, where should we start?” I ask anxiously sitting down at the table.

As we help ourselves and pass the food around, I spread some Alfredo on spaghetti.

“What got you into aviation?” Sweetie Belle asks as I pass the plates down to her.

“I can’t really give a… solid answer to that. There was no singular event or anything that cemented my decision. I’ve just always been in love with airplanes and have always loved them.”

“So what led you to do your own thing?”

“I always wanted to keep my options open. I was dead set on the airlines, but I got shaken off after I worked with one too many shitty people. Finally decided to leave after I worked with an incompetent who pushed the envelope and tried to pin it all on me.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Sweetie Belle responds, “I can’t say I understand how you feel, but judging by the life you’ve lived from what we’ve seen, you leaving the airlines may have been a good thing.”

“I mean, irrespective of some recent events. But I’m past it now. I’m here both to show you how I’m doing and to thank you. It seems clearer and clearer to me by the day that all of you kept me going, even when I was bleeding out. You told me to hold on, and I did. Your faith and confidence in me never shook, even when mine did.”

“Max,” Rarity then responds lovingly, “I’m so proud of how far you’ve come. I know things weren’t easy then, and they certainly aren’t now. The first step is always the hardest, and you have a support system behind you. I implore you to let us help you when you need it.”

“I know we haven’t really spent a whole lot of time together,” Sweetie Belle adds, “but hopefully we can change that. I think you’re a pretty cool guy, and I can always use a friend who’s up for some fun, especially when Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are in town!”

“I’d like that, for the both of you.”

At meal’s end, Sweetie Belle loads the dishwasher as Rarity turns on the TV.

“The United States has issued a travel ban for flights traveling into and out of Qatar starting next week in the wake of civil unrest amidst voting fraud and fixing the selection process for the upcoming World Cup. We go live outside of the US Embassy in Doha for further coverage.”

“Yes indeed, tensions have been running high as allegations of inhumane working conditions and substandard pay for workers being compared to slavery adds to potentially rigging the vote to host the World Cup here in Qatar. The US national team has yet to make a statement on whether or not they’ll participate, though we expect one soon. As this story continues to unfold, we’ll continue to report from here in Doha. Back to you in the studio.”

“Good heavens.” Rarity gasps. “I hope you don’t get any hires that direction.”

“Closest I’ve been in recent history is when we went to Europe. I had friends that lived in the UAE, but they’ve lived here for awhile now. Haven’t been back to that part of the world since I helped them move. Anyway, enough about me. So, Rarity, pardon me for prying, but it seems like when we spend time together, we’re always talking about me. What’s been going on in your life?”

She blushes almost instantly. “Oh, now Max,” she then chuckles, “there’s not much to say about me. It’s all the same: just business as usual.”

“Okay then, if nothing’s new, it’s been long enough, and I can’t stand it anymore. Where do we stand?”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t deny it Rarity. You know what I’m talking about.”

Her blush immediately intensifies.

“Max, I… I… I can’t tell you! Even if things were normal, I could never tell you!” She squeaks out, face red as last night’s marinara.

“What did Europe mean to you? What did the trip to Europe mean to you? What did what we had over there mean to you?”

She takes a deep breath and says,

“Max, when I fell for you, I thought I had made the right choice. You always made sure I was comfortable both in where I was and where we were. We’ve been close for awhile, and being able to share the vacation we had is something I will cherish forever and would never trade away for anything. I cannot lie to you, I have pondered what it would be like if we did get married, and to be honest, I can understand why your marriage collapsed. Foolishly, I thought I could find a way to make it work with us. And then…” she takes a breath, “when we returned home, those feelings passed. Just like you said they would.”

I open my mouth even in the absence of a response, but Rarity quickly resumes.

“I‘m not finished. When those feelings passed, I was devastated. Max, you will forever have a special place in my heart for everything we’ve been through together. However, these past few months have shown me why you always suppress any romantic inclinations. I can’t say I’m not heartbroken because I genuinely believe we could have a chance, but after seeing things from your side, I completely understand. So, to answer your question of what everything means to me? More than you’ll ever know.”

I purse my lips and ponder her words, only to notice my own heart change from a strain to a pound.

“Thank you, Rarity. I appreciate your candor. It’s easy to write it off as a “holiday romance,” but that would discredit every little moment we had, from the Proms, to the Eiffel Tower, and especially when I fell ill. I know that we had something, and I sure as hell would hate to have something like that be just a one-time thing.”

Not only does her blush return stronger than before, but now she’s on the verge of tears. As am I.

“But as it stands,” I continue, “I don’t think I want to put myself through the strain of another relationship, even if it was with one of you. Please don’t misunderstand, I really do value your feelings towards me, and I’m extremely flattered, but after the emotional whirlwind I‘ve been through, I’m unavailable for at least the foreseeable future.”

“And I understand completely. I’ll still be right by your side regardless.” She says as she places her hand on top of mine.

I smile at her and wipe my tears.

“You know, it’s funny. I’m visiting all of you to thank you and show my appreciation for your friendship, and yet here we are pouring our hearts out to each other.”

“Know that you are loved. And appreciated.”

“Do you have the opportunity to take time off?” I ask Rarity before she leaves in the morning.

“Sadly no, but I know Sweetie Belle gets cabin fever easily.”

“Good to know. Text me if you need anything.”

“Can you drop me off?”

“Rolls or Lexus?”

“The Rolls-Royce needs gas.”

“Where’s the nearest petrol station?”

“I always go to Costco, but it’s all the way in Yonkers.”

“Well then, let’s hope Sweetie Belle will want to go out and do stuff.” I say as we both climb into her Rolls-Royce.

“Ooh, down to 30 miles?” I ask as I turn on her Phantom. “You like running tanks dry?”


“Nothin’. I’ll get her filled immediately. She might run out if we wait any longer.”

After I drop her off at the boutique, I waste no time and map directions to the nearest Costco. Must be the one she goes to, since it showed up as a previous destination.

When I queue for the pumps, only three cars are ahead of me. Even though I’m right here, I’m still a bit anxious until I get to the pump.

Being a Rolls-Royce, I have to put high grade in it, so once I turn the pump on, I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

When the pump stops, the price is exorbitant, so I check the gallon count.


“Ooh, big tank. I always forget that.”

Nevertheless, I top off to the next whole dollar, adding less than 40¢, and once in, up and running, I head back home to the sound of Sweetie Belle getting ready.

“What do you want to do today Max?”

“I’m down for anything. You?”

“Same here. Wanna go into New York?”

“We can. Is there anything you like to do there?”

“Other than Katz’s Deli, not really.”

“You like Katz’s Deli?”

“Yeah. You been?”

“One of few I haven’t.”

“Well, looks like we have lunch figured out!”

“Okay, then what to do in the meantime?”

“We can figure it out on the train.”

“The subway runs out here?”

“No, but there is a train into Manhattan.”

“Where’s the terminus?”

“Grand Central.”

“Go figure.”

With that, I purchase train tickets and make for the metro station.

When we roll into Grand Central, I take my time to take in the Grandiose Centrality and unusually small crowd. Granted, we are arriving off-peak, but even by Manhattan standards, this is pretty tame.

Nevertheless, I take in my surroundings to orient myself within the city, and we’re soon headed to… the boutique?

“Hi, welcome!” Coco calls from behind the counter. “Oh! Hi Sweetie Belle! What brings you here?”

“Hi Coco! I’m in town and figured I’d stop by.”

“Well, glad you’re here!” She beams as she joins us. “Can I help you with anything?”

“Just browsing for now.”

“Okay. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Thanks Coco!”

A few minutes after admiring her elder sister’s handiwork, I receive a call from an unknown number.


“Hi, is this Max?”


“Great! This is Spike! Rarity told me you’re heading down to Miami in the next few days?”

“Yes. Pending what Rarity might need me to help her with while I’m in New York, I’ll be making my way down to Miami next.”

“Okay. Is there a possibility I can catch a ride down?”

“Sure! What’s the occasion?”

“I’m working on a collab with DJ Vinyl Scratch. Keep that on the DL though.”

“No problem. Do you live in New York?”

“Actually, I’m down in Philly.”

“Do you need me to pick you up?”

“That’s alright. I’ll just take the train.”

“No problem. I’ll let you know when I leave.”

“That’s fine by me.”

“We’ll see how long Rarity needs me.”


“I’ll see you soon then!”

“Alright, sounds good. Later!”


“Who was that?”

“Spike. He needs a ride down to Miami when I leave.”

“I haven’t seen him since Annabelle’s wedding.”

“Really? I thought you two would be close, since he‘s your sister’s ‘Spikey-Wikey.’”

“Yeah, that didn’t work out like he had hoped.”

“Did he have romantic feelings for her?”

“Yes. Yes he did.”

“Oh. Well, what are they now? Considering that she was crushing on me for that while.”

“Well, there’s no chance of them happening, but Rarity does dote on him a lot. She is considerably older than him, and as it turns out, to them it’s an issue of risking what they already have. They’re pretty close, so understandably, a relationship is probably not the best thing for them.”

“I see.”

Once we leave the store, we walk around Manhattan towards Katz’s. We have enough time and energy to just walk the whole way, seeing as we’re pretty close to Grand Central anyway, and Sweetie Belle at least wants to walk through Times Square.

As we parallel the shuttle route on the subway, I smile as we reach Times Square. The crystal ball, the current year, the bright adverts… it’s nice in a way.

“Alright, now I’m getting hungry.” Sweetie Belle says as we make our way out.

About a half hour later, we walk past the Empire State Building, but make no effort to go inside, only using it as a checkpoint.

“We still have a ways to go.” Sweetie Belle says to herself. “Do you want to take a taxi?”

“No no. I need the activity.”

“Don’t we all?”

When we reach Katz’s, the line is just out the door. We’re actually the first ones to wait outdoors. Unsurprisingly, the counters are at capacity, so we’re told to wait outside per the building’s max occupancy limit.

“Good timing I guess.” I say just as a few more queue up behind us.

“This is probably the closest I’ve had to wait. Every time I’ve come we’ve had to wait outside, sometimes past the next block.”

“That shouldn’t surprise me, but it does.”

“We made good time though.”

“Are you two together?” The attendant outside asks.

“Yeah.” I respond.

“Aight go on ahead.”

When the door closes behind us, the relief of the A/C and the insanely heavenly smell of curing meats triggers salivation.

As per the layout, the counter runs from right to left. I peer first in the counter for the grill, but they don’t have what I’m looking for.

Next counter is where we both line up, since their famous sandwiches are cut and prepped here. Sweetie Belle ahead of me, I ponder which sandwich I want by asking.

“What do you usually get?”

“Turkey, white bread, lettuce, Russian dressing, slaw on the side.”

“Do you separate everything?”

“Nope!” She giggles.

“Oh alright then. Pastrami for me it is.”

“Next!” The meat cutter calls.

“Hi, turkey on white bread, lettuce, Russian dressing please!”

Without skipping a beat, the cutter slices the turkey, puts the bread down, dresses it up, and wraps it. She’s ready to go in less than 30 seconds just as another cutter calls,


“Pastrami on rye, mustard and mayo.” I call as he looks at me.

Immediately, the bread comes down onto the counter, is spread with a generous amount of mayo, with the slices of pastrami falling onto it rather ungracefully before being rearranged then wrapped.

“Thank you!”

Onto the next counter, drinks. As per the local recommendation: Dr. Brown’s soda and a side of steak fries.

Onto the back counter, where I ship some of their turkey, pastrami, and corned beef to home along with some of their salami. If it sounds like a lot of food, it is, but I do plan on making it last at least a month, so I’m basically buying in bulk here.

After my tab is closed out, we hold on to our tickets and find a table.

“I suppose there is some obligation for us to talk about our romantic lives or something.” I say more offhand than facetious.

“Yeah, but we’re not in the right spot for it. That table is in the full service area.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” I say as she snaps a picture of her food. She then moves her camera and says, “smile,” so I do that, and gesture to both plates of food in a humorous way. Sweetie Belle laughs loudly and shows me the picture, and we both share one hearty chuckle before we dig in.

“Want to try?” Sweetie Belle offers halfway through her first half.

“Halfsies? You have half of mine, I have half of yours?”


I now get half a turkey, and she gets half a pastrami.

“Mmm!” She hums as she bites into her half from me. “No wonder they’re known for this!”

“30 day curing process. Slow and steady, keeps the artificials out.”

“True. I said I was gonna try vegan when I got home, so no better way to mark it.”


She only giggles. “Going vegan will be more of a cleanse than a change at least for now.”

“I see. Well, just don’t try and force it on me.”

“I would never do that.”

After I pay for both of our meals, against Sweetie Belle’s wishes, we walk back to Grand Central just as the clock strikes 15:00.

Next morning, I make a call to Spike, since per Rarity’s schedule, I can leave tonight.


“Hi, is this Spike?”

“That’s me!”

“Hi Spike, Max. How you doin’?”

“Good, you?”

“Good. I’m gonna leave for Miami tonight. When’s a good time to meet? Or did you still need me to pick you up?”

“No no! I’m already on the train. I want to see Rarity.”

“Where do you arrive?”

“White Plains Station. It’s my usual route.”

“Okay. I’ll just pick you up from there then?”


“Perfect! Let me know when you get there.”

“Will do! Thank you so much!”

“No problem. See ya soon.”

“Alright, bye.”

“What are you feeling for lunch?” Rarity texts about 11:00.

“[I’m] good with anything.”

“Sweetie Belle said she’s ordering for herself, so it’s just you and me.”

“You know the area better than I do.”

“Okay then. I’ll drive.”

“If we wanted to,” I say as we head out, “we could hop up to Rochester and get some garbage plates.”

She chuckles. “Yeah, but I want to take you to my favorite restaurant in Manhattan.”

“Wow, commuting into Manhattan again.”

“I told you I’d give you incentive to come back.”

To my surprise, she passes the station and gets onto the freeway.

“Where’s the restaurant?”

“I can’t tell you that. Would ruin the surprise.”

“If it’s close, you can park at my place.”

“I’m going to do that then.”


As Rarity joins Manhattan traffic, I find an email from Delta with a cc to Boeing.

Mr. Scimitar,

Attached is the copy of all the transfer paperwork for the MD-95/B717 fleet. As most of our fleet of these airplanes came from Boeing Capital, the records do indicate that Boeing Capital facilitated the transfer from Delta Air Lines to Boeing Capital to yourself. These documents confirm and solidify your ownership of all of our now-former B717 aircraft.

As part of our efforts to consolidate both our maintenance and pilot faculties, we have decided to accelerate the retirement of our Boeing 757 and our older 767 aircraft. This is not a decision we have made lightly, but we believe that this is the best step for us to take moving forward.

To fill in the gaps left behind by the 757 especially, we are planning to lease some extra aircraft in the short term while we pursue their replacements. Further emails related to both the retirement of both these fleet types can be expected as our current situation matures.


President, Interim CEO, Delta Air Lines, Inc.

It’s been awhile since I’ve checked email, so after deleting the junk mail and e-newsletters, I find yet another email addressed only to me.

Mr. Scimitar,

Thank you for working with us and Boeing to acquire our B717 aircraft. I personally would also like to express my gratitude for your assistance in acquiring our MD-88 and MD-90 aircraft. We’re glad and very hopeful that they have the opportunity to be converted into freighter aircraft. In light of that, I would like to propose a deal for the long term. After careful deliberation with our shareholders, pilots unions, and maintenance department, our long term plan is to move to an all-Airbus fleet within the next few years. Like retiring the B717, this decision was not easy, and in the case of the shareholders, the vote came to within ten.

After the resounding success of the previous transfers, we would love to do business again. If you are available either by an in-person or by videoconference, we would love to officialize this agreement.


COO, Delta Air Lines, Inc.

Dear Chief Operations Officer,

Thank you for your email. I’m humbled and honored to be considered for such an opportunity and am excited to begin such a partnership. Please give me a call at any of these numbers to schedule an appointment.

(xxx) A321NEO
(xxx) MOR2LUV

I look forward to working with you.


Split Scimitar “Max”
Commercial/Instrument - ASEL
Complex, Tailwheel, High Performance, High Altitude
Aerobatics - Advanced

Complete list of type ratings available upon request.

Just as I send the email, she pulls up to the driveway, so I open the garage and have her park inside. After I close it behind me, we get to walking.

Fortunately, since the house (and by extension the boutique) is close to Grand Central, we don’t have far to go, as I eventually find myself in the Hell’s Kitchen commune.

“Come on!” She beams excitedly as we head for her favorite establishment.

Seated relatively quickly, I order a appropriately location-based cocktail along with another cocktail close by. Manhattan to start and a Long Island Iced Tea for later, make sense?

As we enjoy an appetizer and some chitchat, I avoid asking questions since she‘s treating me and I don’t want to sour anything except what’s in my drinks. Okay, I know that was a bad joke. I’ll try and stop now.

Of course Rarity would be one to find some haute cuisine in Manhattan. Not that I have a problem with it.

“You know, we could just stay at your place for the night. I’m sure Sweetie Belle won’t mind.”

“We’ll see how the evening goes.”

As someone who is very much a hearty eater, one would expect me to expect more from the meal, but this time no. Don’t get me wrong, I know I might still be hungry later tonight, but given the situation and the company I’m with, I’ll rely on that to keep me content.

Since this meal is built on small portions, I drink a little more liquid than I would expect, but nevertheless, to close out the meal, I ask for the Long Island Iced Tea.

When it comes time to pay the bill, Rarity cards it, but at my insistence, I take care of the tip, so after leaving a 25% just for easy math, we walk back to my house, hand in hand as we exit the restaurant to a quickly setting summer sun.

The lights of the city that never sleeps shine bright like the diamonds by my side. In the few blocks we have to return to my place, she walks with her head against me for about half the duration.

“Rarity, not to sound unappreciative, but if what we had was nothing more than a holiday romance, what explains you wanting to cuddle with me for a night?”

“Just because I no longer have feelings for you doesn’t mean I’m going to leave you hanging. Besides, you’re probably the only one I trust who won’t take advantage of me.”

“I’m floored to have that level of trust with you.”

“Oh darling, of course!” She coos, nuzzling against my side for the last few blocks.

We both jump into bed and turn on the TV. She has a few programs she watches, so she plays catch up and shimmies up against me to almost “uncomfortable” levels. Not that I mind it. You know how they say the physical touch of human contact increases dopamine and serotonin levels? Confirmed. I mean, yeah it’s true and everybody knows it, or they can certainly feel it.

When she calls it enough of her stuff, she then rests her head on my chest and pats my sternal area. She smiles as I notice her try to listen for a heartbeat.

“Oh Max, I’m so glad you’re still with us.”

“So am I, Rarity. So am I.”