//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: A Heartfelt Beginning // Story: A Tale of a Loving Sister // by GoebelTron //------------------------------// It was a nice, calm and snowy evening for the first day of the last week of February. The weather wasn’t too cold, but it was a little cool. Snowflakes were falling gently. Sunset Shimmer, who had red and yellow flamed hair, turquoise eyes, light yellowish orange skin, a magenta t-shirt with a red and golden yellow split sun symbol in the center, a black leather jacket, a orange skirt with golden yellow and magenta streaks, and black boots with magenta fleur patterns, was on her way back to her apartment to turn in for the night. She was doing a crossword puzzle on a newspaper while she was walking, but managing to be careful with traffic and where she was going, so that nothing bad would happen. ‘sigh... What a relaxing evening,’ she thought to herself, and after she put away her crossword puzzle into her bag and took out her phone to text her friends about meeting them tomorrow afternoon. “Hope they’re not too busy tomorrow. I could use some socializing,” she said, until her phone bleeped 6 times with 6 text messages. “Well, that was fast. ‘Okay, about to head home now. Talk to you all tomorrow. BFFs.’” Sunset then sent her text, when she heard a small faint noise from the distance. “Hello?!” she asked. “Is someone there?!” She then shrugged her shoulders and started to walk away, until the sound came back. Sunset started to listen clearly, and went to find out what the noise was. While she could see nothing, she ended up lost in the middle of the alleyway residential section in the city. Sunset started to hear the sound again, then all of a sudden, it started to sound like someone was crying. It was a little high-pitched, so she went to find out who it is and where he or she is, but she found out it was behind her. She turned around and put her hands on her lips gasping in shock and worry. “Oh my goodness,” Sunset said. She walked over to the sad person, turning out to be a 4 year old boy wearing dark blue overalls over a blackish dark green and blue plaid shirt, white sneakers, a slate hoodie, and had brown hair and emerald green eyes. Sunset knelt down towards him and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Are you alright, sweetheart?” The poor boy looked towards her and continued to cry. Sunset felt her heart melt over how the kid was feeling. “Come here, sweetie,” Sunset said smoothly, but the boy repelled in fear. “It’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you.” The boy heard and then got up, walked slowly and nervously towards her and hugged her with his arms around her shoulders. His tears were dripping on Sunset’s jacket due to him crying. She put one arm on his back and the other underneath his bottom. Sunset started to rub his back gently. “Shhhhhh... It’s okay. I’ve got you. Shhhhhh....” she said as she tried to calm his crying. “What’s your name, honey?” she asked the boy. “I-I’m Chase. Chase Tucker,” he said nervously. “That’s such a nice name, Chase.“ replied Sunset. “My name is Sunset Shimmer, but you can call me Sunset.” Chase rubbed his eyes and sniffed. “It’s nice to meet you, Sunset,” Chase said. “Are you lost or did something happen?” Sunset asked. Chase then started to look down in sorrow, until he hugged her again. Sunset patted his back gently. “Shhhhhh... If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine. I just want to help you.” She then thought of something in her mind, ‘Where are his parents? Shouldn’t they be looking for him?’ Until he was resting his head on her chest for warmth, she grabbed his trunk. “Hey, Chase? You wanna go with me? It’s gonna snow all night,” Sunset asked. “You can sleep there, too if you want.” Chase nodded and firmly held on to the gentle teenage girl. After they took a bus to the residential area that was where Sunset’s apartment was, she carried both Chase and his trunk towards the door. Then, she set his trunk down for a second and took out her keys from her pocket and found her apartment key to unlock the door. “Chase, could you hold my keys?” Sunset asked the boy. Chase nodded and took the keys from her hand as she opened the door with one free hand and brought both Chase and his trunk inside her living room. She put the trunk next to her couch and took off Chase’s jacket and hung it up. “Okay, buddy. I’m gonna go get some dinner ready for you. Feel free to use the couch if you want to take a nap.” Sunset requested. “Okay, Sunset. Thank you.” Chase replied. “It’s a pleasure, sweetie,” Sunset said. When Chase took his shoes off and laid down on her sofa, Sunset walked towards him and put his jacket over him as a blanket, then she knelt down towards his level and stroked his hair. “I’ll let you know if your food is ready, okay?” Sunset said. Chase nodded. Then, Sunset gave him a tender kiss on the cheek, then went into the kitchen and filled up a pot full of water to boil. After that, Chase fell asleep to nap. Few minutes later... “Chase, your dinner’s ready!” Sunset called to Chase. Chase gave out a big yawn and rubbed his eyes. Then, he got up and went to the kitchen and saw his plate full of fish fingers, macaroni and cheese, and mixed vegetables. He went to the sink to wash his hands and then came to the table to eat his dinner. “Sunset, can I have some ketchup please?“ Chase asked. “Of course, honey. Just give me a second.” Sunset acknowledged, as she took the ketchup bottle from the fridge and put it on the table. Chase thanked her and squirted some ketchup onto his plate and screwed the lid back on. Then he ate his dinner, while Sunset made herself a chicken salad with Italian dressing. After they finished their dinner, Sunset took his plate to the sink and then found out that Chase started to yawn. “Awww... Look at that.” Sunset cooed at him. “Looks like someone’s getting pretty sleepy, huh?” Chase nodded and started to rub his eyes. Sunset lifted him up and from his armpits and carried him upstairs with his trunk. “Okay, Chase. This will be your bedroom for now. It’s just until I find your parents or whatever happens later on, okay?” Sunset said. “Go ahead and change into your pajamas. I’ll be back to tuck you in.” Chase nodded as she left the room to let him change into his stained pajama shirt and pants. ‘I wish my clothes were treated fairly,’ he thought to himself as he began to have tears fall out of his eyes. After he finished changed into his pajamas and brushed his teeth, Sunset came back to check on him and found out he was already ready for sleep. “Okay, I guess you’re ready to be tucked in,” Sunset said. She walked over to him and gently pulled the covers over his shoulders and stroked his hair. “How about if I give you a bath tomorrow morning, and we can have breakfast together?” she asked. “I’d like that.” Chase said, then he thought for a quick moment. “Sunset?” “Hmm?” Sunset responded. “Thank you for saving me back there.” Chase said. Sunset started to feel her heart melt in those kind words. “You’re welcome, Chase. You just needed some help,” Sunset said. “Besides, no one as cute as you should ever be out there in the middle of the night, even if it’s winter.” Sunset smiled warmly at him, Chase smiled back and gave her a hug, then she hugged him back. They broke off the hug as Sunset gently laid Chase back down on the bed and cover him under the warm blanket and gave him a small kiss on his forehead. “Come on, get some sleep.” She started to walk out the door, but stopped for a moment. “By the way, if you need me, I’m next door.” Chase nodded and finally got tired. “Goodnight, Sunset.” he replied. “Goodnight, sweetheart. I’ll see you in the morning.” Sunset said as she shut off the light and gently closed the door. Chase began to realize how nice Sunset was to him. ‘She seems kind to me,’ he thought to himself. ‘I wish I has a sister like her.’ He then closed his eyes and fell asleep.