//------------------------------// // Lonely // Story: Lonely Lullaby // by Lunaric //------------------------------// There exists many a planet with moons. This planet has only one moon, but it is like no other. A recent change has been made to its surface. What used to be a largely splotchy surface of deep craters and ash, has been replaced with volcanic glass. This change shocked whoever would notice the, quite obvious, modification. However, that was not the only change to this moon. While what the surface was made up of merely changed, something was also added. Unnoticeable by the colourful inhabitants of the nearby planet, there was now a minuscule midnight-blue blob on the obsidian topsoil. After appearing two hooves off the ground, the mass of blue fell and hit the floor with a silent and wet smack. After a few seconds, it started rhythmically expanded and contracted. Slow and laboured breathing. The blue creature stayed like this for quite many an hour. While panicked chaos ruled on the surface of the planet, the blue continued to breathe. In and out. In and... out. In... and... Like that, it stopped. A day on the planet passed. A week on the planet passed. A month. A year. A Decade. A century. The breathing began again. The breathing was no longer laboured. It was quick and shallow. It was hyperventilating. A minute passed with no change before an abrupt twitch racked across the body upon the surface. The breathing began to steady and go deeper, grabbing oxygen, despite the lack of an atmosphere upon the grey moon. The eyelids flashed open, revealing the slitted turquoise eyes underneath as they adapted to the light-levels of absolute darkness. The eyes squinted and looked around, trying to see through the darkness of the moon's sky. Only one thing was in view, and in time, the eyes locked onto it. A very large luminescent ball covered in all the colours of the rainbow. The eyes spent a long time staring and examining the planet. In time, the creature's brain slowly started working. The pupils rapidly contracted and started twitching, looking for anything else to catch in its sight, but there was only the solitary ball in the inky black sky. The head of the creature starts to twitch, before lifting up agonizingly slowly. Their fluffy ears perked up straight, looking for any sound in the void as the eyes scanned the surrounding grey landscape. And then the owner of the eyes looked down at themselves. Dust and pebbles flew in the low gravity of the moon as the body twitched and shook. The hyperventilation was back. Their mouth opened to scream, but not a sound came out. Their eyes widened even further without breaking their gaze on the midnight-blue horse body before them. The eyes closed, and the rapid-but-silent breathing slowly steadied once more. The slitted eyes opened again, looking at the horizon. They started to look down and hesitated. Eventually, their sight looked down and the breathing sped up again. The breathing slowed much faster and the eyes didn't close this time. The eyes dilated to normal size. After 5 minutes had passed, the head moved around in tandem with the eyes to examine the attached, furred body. One of the front limbs twitched once. Twice. It started to move around in the dust, before slowly raising. The limb rotated slowly one direction, before all the way in the other. Eyes glued upon the leg, it bent this way and that. A dark blue bendy cylinder tipped with a black hoof. Fully studied, the leg dropped again, and the eyes roamed. Briefly rasing the other front leg before seeing nothing different with them. Then a back leg went up, and the eyes studied. A look back at the front leg, then again at the back. Suddenly, something on the back of the pony twitched, and the eyes shot open once more for a split second. The head manoeuvered to gaze on the back of the body and saw black feathers. The face looked for a close while and then the brow scrunched up. After a minute, the mass of feathers twitched. The limbs expanded. Then more. And some more. The dark wings grew to two times the body's length, each. The wings fluttered, and then slowly flapped once. The wings curled back up against the body. Once more, the eyes scan the body and this time, they notice a distinctly bright blue amongst the dark body. The eyes connect with the blue and become lost in the beauty. In the bright blue is nebulae of different colours, galaxies in astonishing shapes, and distinctly radiant stars. The eyes barely move for nearly an hour, before slowly pulling away. The head and eyes go back to scanning their surroundings. For a short while, the continue to search. Nothing besides grey dust and reflective black glass lies in vision. The mouth opens and moves about, before stopping. The lips form what would be a word but instead, nothing comes out. The eyes squint a little, and a hoof rises up to their neck, feeling around for a few seconds. Absentmindedly, the leg lowers down. The brow on their head scrunches up again and the mouth closes before he whole body twitches. The mouth flings open as the eyes look down at the muzzle. The leg rises once more and gingerly touches the mouth. The face looks at the leg and recoils. The leg is covered in red. A long tongue flicks out of the mouth and raises to feel around. Inside the mouth are glistening red fangs. After nursing their gums with their tongue, the midnight blue pony rises rolls over and positions their limbs underneath themself. Shakily, pressure is applied, and the body rises. Finally standing up, the face is split by a grin. The mouth moves to exclaim something, and nothing comes out. Slowly closing their mouth, the smile comes back smaller. Minutes pass, and one of the limbs lifts forwards. It lands back down a hoof ahead. The other front hoof rises, and their balance fails them. They fall lightly to the dust. Once more, they pick themselves up and attempt to move forward again. They fall again. They get up, and they fall. They get up and they fall. On the ground, a minute passed before a resolved look comes about the eyes, and they get up again. This time, they don't fall. Two limbs move at once. Then the other two. Then the first two. Then the second two. The smile comes back bigger than before. The dark pony slowly moved across the surface of the moon, stumbling and falling every now and then. They walked and walked and walked. The surroundings barely changed. The crater to the pony's right had barely moved. In time, the resolve of the pony faltered and eventually lay down as best as they could. The pony looked just as energized as before their hike and a half. In time, the eyes drifted back up to the planet above. They examined, but as they looked longer and longer, their forehead and eyes scrunched up more and more. Slowly, disbelief covered the pony's face. Suddenly, a phrase was uttered from the silence of the moon, "Sister, I am so-so-very sorry." The feminine voice did not flow into the pony's ears, instead, it dribbled inside the skull. It's sobbing voice droned like a weathered record player inside the pony's brain. Again, more sound broke the silence, "P-please. Please f-forgive me. I'm so sorry." The pony's eyes widened larger than ever before.