Kids eat the darndest things...

by Mica


Now for those of you that thinks that is all about Scootaloo eating chicken, you’re wrong.

Only part of this story is about that.

Scootaloo tried chicken once. The sale of meat was illegal in Ponyville, but griffons were allowed to keep meat for personal consumption.

So, she low-key bought a fried chicken combo meal from some griffons in a dark alley behind Sugarcube Corner. (The fried chicken combo meal was a popular fast food in Griffonstone, where it was sold under the name Griffin-tucky Fried Chicken.)

After nibbling off all the batter, Scootaloo took one small bite of the chicken meat, and she quickly spit it out.

It was the second most disgusting thing she ever ate.

But the onion rings that came with the combo meal—those were tasty. Scootaloo had nothing against hay fries, but these onion rings were in a whole ‘nother league. The crispy batter, the surprisingly sweet onion inside—these griffons really knew how to make good deep-fried treats.

Scootaloo still went to meet the griffons in the dark alley, but just for the onion rings. So long as she had Bits, she’d be able to get her hooves on those greasy, deep-fried onion rings, served piping hot in a paper bag. Griffons would do anything for Bits, apparently.

Scootaloo’s aunts just bought one of those new VCR players. Scootaloo invited Rainbow Dash to come over to her house and watch a movie. “You should come, Rainbow Dash. I’ve got popcorn and onion rings,” she said.

Rainbow Dash pat the filly’s back. “Sure thing, squirt! I’m game!”

“I’m watching one of those sappy movies that make me wanna cry. It’d be nice to have sompeony else to comfort me and all that. Kinda like when we went camping, remember?”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Aww, of course I’ll comfort you, squirt, I’m a tough mare! No stupid movie’s gonna make an awesome pony like me cry.”

Two hours into the movie

“No…I’m not…I’m not crying cause of the movie, squirt…it’s the onion rings, I swear~!” *sob* *sob*

Scootaloo rolled her eyes as her shoulder got wetter and wetter with Rainbow Dash’s tears. “You know onion rings don’t make you cry right?” Scootaloo said. “They’re, like, cooked and everything.”

Scootaloo turned up the volume on the TV to try to cancel out Rainbow Dash’s loud sobbing.

…near…far…wherever you are…

…I believe…that…the horse does…go on…

“Yes they do~!” Rainbow Dash insisted, then sank her face deeper into Scootaloo’s shoulder. “They make you cry~!”

Scootaloo sighed, wondering how long it would take Rainbow Dash to admit that she was crying because Jack (played by Prince Blueblood) was about to die in the shipwreck. You know it's a good movie when it can even make you feel sad for Blueblood.

“Erm…Rainbow Dash…when are you gonna be done crying? Your head is getting kind of heavy.” She tried to nudge Rainbow Dash away from her now tear-soaked shoulder, but Rainbow Dash only started bawling more.

“I swear! I’m not crying cause of the movie, Scootaloo!" she continued to insist. "It’s the onion rings…!” Rainbow Dash stuck her hoof into the almost empty paper bag and stuffed her face with a hoof-ful of onion rings.

…once…more…you open the horse…

Rainbow Dash sobbed as she chewed. “No…why...but it’s so cold…it’s horrible…!”

Scootaloo watched the TV screen. “Yeah, the ocean water is so cold…he’s gonna drown…and leave her…” Scootaloo was also tearing up, but she kept hers under control unlike Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash was bawling like a little infant. “I was talking about the ONION RINGS! They’ve gone COLD!”

Listening to Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo took a bite of a cold onion ring.

And THAT was the number one most disgusting thing she ever ate.