Steady Ground.

by tam285

A Strange New World.

Springtrap awoke to a cage. Not just any cage, though.

A prison cell.

Observing his surroundings. He had the basics. A stone bed, brick walls which he could break through within ten minutes and more useless crap.

But the weirdest thing is that he felt... off... Walking over to the mirror in the corner of the room, he observed why he felt weird.

His posture had changed deeply. No longer was he a hulking machine, with organs clearly visible. He was now looking like a cartoon character. What's the worst part of it, you ask?

He had what looked like a dog muzzle. He wanted to scream, but decided not to.

"Keep your calm, William..." he muttered to himself. Sitting back on the bed he looked at his appearance again. He had the same amount of fingers, heck, he even had a red bowtie. Which Which as weird, considering that the suit he had been stuck in for the past 30 years never had a bowtie, even before he got stuck in it, he knew that It'd had a purple bowtie.

The door rattled and a guard yelled something to him, he wasn't interested in what he had to say. Personally? He couldn't give a fuck what he had to say.

"Go to hell!" Springtrap yelled, relaxing on the bed. The door swung open and a few guards surrounded him. He hardly had time to compromise what was going on before one guard was in his face.

"We want answers." the guard said. He aimed his weapon at Springtrap who steered it away with his finger. He then proceeded to grab it and snap it clean in half, all in a rapid and smooth succession.

The guards looked at Springtrap and then themselves. The guards then proceeded to run out the room, screaming bloody murder.

However, they forgot to close the door, leaving escape in his grasp.

However, he knew nothing about this world and what to expect. Where would he go once he's escaped, anyways?

He has nowhere to go, no money, no weapons and not the slightest clue on Earth where he was, or if he was even on Earth anymore.

Judging by the appearance of himself, and the guards, it was safe to assume he wasn't on Earth, but Hell. So he just stayed there.

Half an hour passes and the guards returned. Nothing new, no weapons. No nothing.

They signalled him to follow them, and he followed since what else did he have in that cell?

While walking down the hallway, Springtrap felt as if he was being watched. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. Nothing was there. Being in a new world or not, he wants going to let himself be ambushed at all.

He turned around and after walking for what felt like hours, he arrived at a set of double doors. Opening it, he swore he was on drugs.

2 huge ponies, with wings and horns awaited him, along with 2 smaller ones. Walking along some more was a chair and a table.

"Sit down." one of the guards said, poking him with the spear in his hoof. Springtrap never though he'd see the day where he would be commanded by little horse guards, but here he was.

On the table was a cigarette and beer. He wasn't fond of beer much, even before he died. Springtrap did take the cigarette in his hand and observed it. He gave a chuckle and threw it across the room.

Unsurprisingly, leather straps were applied to his hands, binding them to the arms of the chair.

"Oh, what a surprise." He said, sarcastically. "Who could've seen that coming?"

"Can we get to the point?" Luna asked, floating a set of blueprints over to him. "These should look familiar to you, correct?"

Springtrap nodded. "How the hell did you get these?"

"When your son came over from your world seeking help and advice, he told us to give you them if he successfully got you over here." Luna said.

"Release the straps." Celestia commanded the guards. They obeyed and slowly released them. Soon enough, they rested to the sides of Springtrap.

Luna once again presented a box in front of him. It was like an army storage container. Opening it, he found some of his personal belongings. His security badge, contract to the company, images of the animatronics being developed, even some old

"Nothing of interest." Springtrap claimed, eyeing a photo of his family, at the opening say of Fredbear's. They all stood outside the entrance. Even Henry and Emily were there.

God, what a mistake that was.

"One last thing." Luna stated, levitating a dozen folders. Opening them up, he wished he never woke up.

"So he did raid through my house.." muttered Springtrap, raiding through the documents and images of blood."

Celestia sighed." Yes, but what is it of? We can't piece together what year they take place. Can you tell us?"

Sighing, he gave in." You see the one with the yellow bear with the purple bowtie?" He asked, pointing to the image. Celestia, Luna, Twilight and Cadence nodded." That's called the Bite of '87. And, of course it takes place in 1987."

"I don't remember what the second one is." he lied.

He got deep looks from Luna. They looked at him with a deep hatred, and probably more that he couldn't be bothered to look into.

"Okay, now. You can ask us one question." Twilight said, levitating a pen and notepad to Cadence.

"How the hell do I get back?" he asked, anger and hate clear in his voice.

"We don't know, exactly." replied Celestia. Springtrap chuckled and remembered something.

He reached into his throat and searched around until he got it. The blueprints for the gun that his son somehow perfected. Springtrap remembered grabbing them before being sent to this world, and Michael probably just realised that it's gone.

Observing the design, it was clear what he had to do; build the gun and reverse the effects to go back home.

"I think I have an idea.."