Divorced or Still Married? Sparity

by Majestical4729

Spike and Rarity's First Official Date

"That's a really...mushy birthday." the dragon daughter of Spike and Rarity commented.

"But what happened after? Did Mum and Dad ever message each other, or were they too busy?" the colt asked.

"Well, Yona may not know everything, but what Yona do know is that Spike and Rarity message each other every night after work, to tell each other about what happened on the day itself, and even some private things." Yona stated, "And soon, as they grew more and more fund of messaging each other, they wished that they were close physically..."

In a flashback, a few months after Spike's fifteenth birthday...

"Oh, Spikey-Wikey! I love messaging you every night, but still, I could not help but think about how far apart we are, and wish that we were closer," Rarity wrote a message in her book.

As soon as the message was written, Spike wrote a message to her back, "Rarity, I know what you mean, but what else can we do? We already got a once a moon Council of Friendship meeting, and a lot of other things to do everyday, we'll barely make enough time to physically be with each other."

Rarity expressed sadness to be reminded about how distanced she and Spike were, before getting an idea, "How about we hangout every night, just for a while?" she messaged.

Spike quickly responded, "I don't know Rarity, Twilight probably wouldn't want me to be tired in the morning everyday, so I probably shouldn't take any risks."

Rarity groaned for a second, before answering, "Or, how about we go out after the next Council of Friendship meeting?"

"Good idea, Rarity! I'll ask Twilight, right now." Spike messaged back. Rarity smiled to hear Spike's complement, before he wrote, "Twilight said it's okay! We'll get to hang out Rarity! I can't wait to see you again."

Rarity smiled in delight and exclaimed, "Yes, yes, yes!" hopping around like Twilight did when the latter got her cutie mark, Rarity showed excitement over getting to hang out with Spike, before she wrote, "Oh, Spikey-Wikey! I can't wait to see you again, too."

After the next Council of Friendship meeting, late in the evening...

"Here you go, Rarity," Spike told his beloved unicorn friend, handing her a pile of fabric, "I purposely bought these for you, knowing that you will always need them, and since you aren't royalty, you have to worry about your bits and money. So I decided, to give you these fabrics for free, so you won't have to spend your own money buy them."

Rarity blushed, "Oh, Spikey-Wikey! These fabrics are divine! That's really generous of you, my beloved Spike. And speaking of generous, I've got something for you, too." She then levitated a shiny, golden armour out of her bag, making Spike's eyes widened.

"It's my first dragon Royal Guard outfit Spike, inspired from the Royal Guard that Twilight had a crush on back in the Crystal Empire." Rarity explained.

"Twilight actually has gotten over it, Rarity," Spike clarified, "But, the outfit's still the most amazing outfit-for-a-dragon, that I've ever seen!"

"Shall you put it on?" Rarity asked.

"I totally shall, Rarity." Spike bowed, before doing as told. The two then went to the nearest stream to look at Spike's reflection in the water.

"You look amazing!" Rarity commented.

"Thanks Rarity, and since this is our first private hangout after I moved back to Canterlot, I would like to make it a bit more special..." Spike begun, before he reached out his claw, "If you trust me."

Like Jasmine did in the Disney movie Aladdin, Rarity accepted Spike's offer by placing her hoof on his claw, letting him take her to the night skies with him. Spike flew Rarity over and through the three famous places of Equestria; Ponyville, Canterlot and Cloudsdale, to see everything as if they were on a magic carpet ride. The two creatures then began singing as they flew and fall in love.

Spike sang, "I can show you the world,
shining, shimmering, splendid.
Tell me, Rarity, since when did you last let your heart decide.
I can open your eyes,
take you wonder by wonder.
Over side ways and under on a magical ride."
A whole new world, a new fantastic, point of view,
No creature to tell us 'no',
or where to go,
or say we're only dreaming."

Rarity sang, "A whole new world,
a dazzling place I never knew,
But when I'm way up here,
it's crystal clear,
that now I'm in a whole new world with you."

Spike sang, "Now I'm in a whole new world with you."

Rarity sang, "Unbelievable sight,
indescribable feelings,
soaring, tumbling, freewheeling,
in an endless diamond sky.
A whole new world,"

Spike sang, "Don't you dare close your eyes,"

Rarity sang, "A hundred thousand things to see,"

Spike sang, "Hold your breath, it gets better."

Rarity sang, "I'm like a shooting star,
I've come so far,
I can't go back to where I used to be,
every turn a surprise."

Spike sang, "A new horizon,"

Rarity sang, "Every moment red letter,"

Both sang,"I'll chase them anywhere,
there's time to spare,
let me share this whole new world with you."

Spike sang, "A whole new world,"

Rarity sang, "That's where we'll be,"

Spike sang,"A thrilling chase,"

Rarity sang, "A wondrous place,"

Both sang, "For you and me..."

The love song ended as Spike and Rarity share a romantic lean on each other, as they gazed at the stars. "The night sky is just gorgeous! Just like you and the ride you gave me Spikey-Wikey," Rarity commented, causing Spike to blush.

"Oh Rarity, making you happy is what makes me happy. Especially when you're the most beautiful...generous pony I know." Spike told his long-time love interest.

"Oh, Spike, I just can't wait for another flight with you," Rarity said, causing Spike's eyes to widen.

"Really? You want me to...take you on another ride?" Spike asked in disbelief.

"If that's okay with you," Rarity replied.

"I always thought that I had to ask you whether you're okay with it." Spike cried out.

"Guess we could think alike," Rarity blushed, "But the main point is, we both have to be alright with it."

"So...are we both alright with it?" Spike asked.

"I totally am," Rarity replied.

"So am I," Spike said, before he and Rarity stared into each other's eyes romantically.