A Rush of Blood to the Hooves

by LittleBoyBlue

Two confused Stallions and a Pegasus

"So where you guys from? Canterlot? You're voices sound pretty fancy." Rainbow was asking them questions while they trotted to Ponyville.
"I don't know where this Canterlot is. But I was raised to be Devonian. Devonian being farm talk"
"Ohh! Like Applejack! Hey! Can you speak that farm language now?"
Chris scrunched his nose
He paused.
"That bale's a bit...emm.....wrong"
Dash gave him a confused look while Will gave a hearty laugh.
"He doesn't know a thing about speaking Devonian!"
"Hey you be quiet! You were born in Southampton remember?"
They both chuckled a little as Dash stared at them.
"Ummm......where exactly is this Southampton? And what's this Devonian?"
Chris brought his attention back to Dash.
"It's where we were raised. Back in England."
"England? Where's that?"
Chris and Will gave her an incredulous look.
"In Europe..." Will answered.
Dash was getting annoyed.
"Where's this Europe?"
Chris was starting to get confused.
"In the Atlantic Ocean?" Chris said, not knowing why she was asking these questions.
"Ok! That's it! I've never heard of this England, or Europe, or this Atlantic Ocean. Who are you guys? What are your REAL names? Where did you really come from? Are you Spies?"
Dash was all up in Will's face, looking rather angry.
"Huh. She listed one of our songs." Said Chris.
Rainbow Dash's face suddenly lit up and her face was now near Chris's.
"Omigosh! Are you guys part of a band?!?!"
Chris was very uncomfortable having anyone but Gwyneth up against his bubble. He pushed her away gently.
Rainbow then got really excited
"Omigosh omigosh omigosh! Yes! You guys are perfect! What can you play?" She asked while pointing to Chris.
"Ummm.....I can play piano and guitar.......but with these hooves, I guess I can only play piano.....and I'm the lead singer."
"GREAT! How about you?" She pointed to Will.
"Uhhh....Guitar and drums?"
"Sweet! I gotta get you guys to Twilight's! She could really need your help!"
She then took a stance on the ground.
"If you slowpokes wanna get to Twilight's, you're gonna have to catch up!"
"Wait, what?" Dash was already counting by the time Chris asked that question.
"....1.....GO!" She disappeared in a flash and was now flying away. Chris groaned. He then saw Will running towards the blue streak.
"C'mon Chris! Let's go!" Chris sighed and went on to follow Will.
"I am NOT going to enjoy this."