Sweet Caramel Apple Story

by Majestical4729

Tensions at Dinner

"And here's where you'll be staying," Rainbow Dash told Caramel, pointing at the bed she used to sleep in whenever she had sleepovers with the Apples.

"RD sleeps here only during sleepovers," Apple Bloom explained, "But since she got Wonderbolts' stuff, she comes here less and less. So now, it's totally free for you to use it!"

"Wow, thanks, every creature." Caramel thanked the mares, "I just can't believe that you all are willing to be this nice to me, even after what Applejack said and reminded you all about me."

"It's just what we do in our family," Granny Smith replied, "Hopefully some creature will put that to heart."

"Are you talking about Applejack?" Caramel asked.

"Yes, I am." Granny Smith replied, before every creature heard Sugar Belle's calling.

"Come on, Apple Family! Dinner's served!"

"It's your dinnertime already?! That means..." Rainbow panicked and flew to the window, "It's dark already! And I'm supposed to have dinner with Soarin! I got to go! So long, every creature!"

After the pegasus' departure, Granny Smith turned to Caramel, "So, what do you say? Are you ready for your first dinner with us Apples?"

"Totally! But some creature..." Caramel began, before being cut off by Apple Bloom.

"Let me guess...Applejack?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes. Applejack. I mean, she really doesn't seem to like me, so shouldn't I TRY TO STAY AWAY FROM HER?" Caramel asked.

"Calm down, Caramel! You're our guest! We'll help you," Granny assured.

At the dining table...

"WHAT?! Now all of you guys are treating him...as a guest?!" Applejack furiously asked in disbelief, watching her entire family welcoming the one pony around whom she viewed as a threat.

"Come on, Applejack! Back when you and your friends came to Our Town, I totally didn't view you as a threat." Sugar Belle reminded her sister-in-law.

"That was a totally different story!" Applejack protested, "My friends and I don't have any history with ya'll before we visited, while he has! And it's not any good at all for creature sake!"

"Just give him a chance, like you and your friends gave Starlight a chance!" Sugar Belle advised.

"Just enjoy your dinner, every creature!" Granny Smith instructed the family, "Leave AJ to me."

Every creature did as Granny told them, as the elderly pony approached her granddaughter for a one-on-one talk.

"Applejack, I know how seriously you take your duties, but you can't be so unfriendly towards our guest! It'll ruin our reputation in less than a moon!" Granny Smith told the cowgirl.

"But I can't have some creature who loses our seeds, or boo us when we fail, or do both of those horrible stuff around! We have an important duty as the food producers of Ponyville and all over Equestria!" Applejack pointed out.

"I know, Sugarcube, but right now, this pony is in need. If we help him, he may not be the threat you view him as anymore. He may grow into a good apple tree for every creature, like we all do." Granny Smith pointed out.

Looking into her grandmother's eyes, Applejack sighed, "I will try my best to believe you Granny,"

"Good, now go, dinner's getting cold." Granny Smith urged.

Walking back to the Dining Table, Applejack was shocked to see the dinner gone without a trace, before she suddenly heard some noises in the Kitchen. Following the noise, she found a sight that she never wanted to see; Caramel was cooking her and Granny Smith's dinner in a saucepan!

"What in tarnation are you doing?!" the farmer asked, in a furious tone.

"Well, since you and your Granny's dinner was getting cold, I thought of warming it up for you..." Caramel explained, before getting cut off by the enraged Applejack.

"Granny already tasted her dinner! And since you mixed mine to it, the only pony who can safely eat it is her! You NUTS!"

Caramel was really insulted and hurt by Applejack at that very moment, that he sadly ran off to his temporary shelter, crying out loud, "Why can't you be any friendlier?!"

"Because you ain't so friendly to my farm and family yourself, Caramel!" Applejack answered, before Granny Smith entered.

"Applejack! What is it now?!" Granny Smith asked, obviously knowing that Applejack had hurt Caramel again.

"He mixed my dinner with yours, leaving me with nothing to eat! When he put the in the same saucepan to warm them up after they got cold, that is." Applejack honestly explained.

Granny Smith was mad to hear what happened, "Applejack..." she begun, "You really gone too far! Caramel was just being thoughtful, but mad a mistake! He had good intentions and just didn't think about his method carefully."

"What about Discord?! He had good intentions to boost Twilight's confidence, but didn't think about it carefully either! Bringing back Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow..." Applejack protested, before being cut off by her angry grandmother.

"That is very different, Applejack! Discord's crime was a million times worse, meaning that Caramel's mistake was a million times better, and you should have appreciated the fact that mixing our dinners together ain't the worst!"

Both mares began breathing heavily, before calming down as their anger vanished.

"I'm...so sorry about everything that's happened, Granny. I was a real rotten apple back there." Applejack apologised, taking off her hat and holding it against her neck.

"I forgive you, Applejack, but the real pony you should apologise to isn't me." Granny Smith told her would-be-successor.

"You're right." Applejack replied, knowing who her grandmother was talking about.

Caramel was sitting sadly on his temporary bed, with Apple Bloom trying to cheer him up.

"Caramel, I'm really very sorry about my big sister's attitude. I guess she can get very impatient at Tims," the yellow-coated pony explained, before the mentioned big sister appeared.

"I'm really very sorry too," Applejack approached Caramel, "Caramel, I never should have gotten so angry at a thing as small as ruining my dinner, especially when it's a dinner I usually have. It's not really worth getting so mad at, when there are a million things even worse than it. I honestly owe you an apology."

"Applejack, I'm sorry to." Caramel responded, to Applejack's shock, "I kept losing seeds during Winter Wrap Up, boo your family for your failures like every pony else did, supported Flim and Flam when their cider-making machine came in, hurting your feelings."

"I am angry at the thought of that, but if I can forgive my maternal grandfather, Grand Pear, for what he did to my Mum, there's no reason why I can't forgive you for what you did to my family a long while ago." Applejack replied.

"Thanks for your forgiveness, Applejack," Caramel cried, with tears flowing out of his eyes.

"You okay?" Applejack asked, gently patting his back to comfort him.

"Yes. It's just tears of joy." Caramel answered.

The two Earth Ponies embraced each other for a moment, before parting off with Applejack saying, "Let's just get some shuteye, now, shall we?" Applejack asked.

"Of course, Applejack, you really are friendly like what your Best Friend said." Caramel commented.

Applejack blushed for a while, before covering it with her hat and replying, "I guess I kind of am when I'm not mad."

The cowgirl then departed while Caramel headed back to his bed.