//------------------------------// // The Battle between the Sun and its Mirror // Story: The Pony who Defied Time. // by Doctor Umbrae //------------------------------// Hey everypony! We’re both glad you clicked on to the story.  Please leave a comment telling us what you guys think (whether it be positive or negative). We appreciate any advice and are trying to better our stories, so fire away. On that note thanks for reading, and I hope you all like it. Chapter 1 Dear everypony:             There were once legends about ponies who sailed through time with ease. Ponies whose very appearance altered the course of history. Ponies who held time in their grasp and could alter it to their whim. I am one of these ponies. I’m the Doctor, and I’ll be your narrator this evening.             Just a little further to the left, I thought with a grin, my hooves on a round steering wheel. A large spiral of machines and cogs stood in front of me, spinning wildly. The machine held a different array of colors, ranging from a deep gold to a nice bronze… and the best part? It was all mine.             “Allons-y TARDIS!” I said happily, spinning the steering wheel causing my trusty vehicle to spin wildly. A monitor suddenly came down to eye level, showing what was happening outside. The light from the sun was clearly visible. Clouds covered the world below me like a blanket of snow.             “Today’s a new day, TARDIS o’ girl! Let’s go experience it,” I yelled aloud, my smile never leaving my face. Gravity felt like it canceled within the ship as the TARDIS plummeted toward the ground like a comet. I grabbed onto one of the many handles that protruded from the spiral of controls and held on tightly as my legs were being lifted from under me. I looked toward the gray monitor to see that I had already passed the cloud veil and was now hurtling toward the ever-present ground filled with forests, mountains, and a town I could barely make out in the distance. Suddenly there was a loud crash that slammed me to the floor.             “Now that’s a ride!” I whistled. I shook myself quickly, attempting to get the blood flowing again before taking another look around the TARDIS.             Time And Relative Dimension In Space, or TARDIS as I always called her, was a ship designed for the sole purpose of traveling through time. It was about the size of a small town on the inside, but I usually spent my time in the control room, full of a head-spinning amount of machines and cords that all connected to a gold spire in the middle of the room. I trotted to the other side of the room where a small pack stood hanging on a hook, nabbed it, and started looking through it.             “Sonic Screwdriver… check, psychic paper… check, bits… check,” I said, rummaging through my pack. Satisfied, I stood up strapping the bag around my flank. Suddenly there was a hesitant knock at my door. I trotted over to the door and opened it. Outside the first thing I noticed was that everything was on its side: it felt like I was laying on my side and looking out to the world, but the inside of the TARDIS was a separate dimension on its own, so I could stand upright despite the fact that the world outside was on its side. The second thing I noticed was that there was a very confused mare staring at me with a flabbergasted look on her face.             “Why hello there,” I said looking at the mare, a deep blue pony with a mane and tail that was half white and half dark blue. She still stared at me in shocked silence, her mouth open in disbelief. “I’m actually a little busy; could you knock again when you’re ready to talk?” I asked happily, shutting the door in her face.             I didn’t walk three paces before there was another, almost frantic knock at the door. I opened it again revealing the same mare that had a disapproving frown on her face. “Yes?” I asked her.             “Wh-what’s this?” she stuttered. I looked where she was gesturing, and found that she was pointing to a blue telephone booth that was the TARDIS’ appearance from the outside.             “You see me drop from the sky, and that’s your first question? Tsk tsk.” I said, shaking my head. “Anyways, that, my confused friend… is a telephone booth.” I crawled out of the TARDIS with a small smile. I looked back at the TARDIS to see that it was stuck on its side. Better than landing upside down… again, I shuddered at the memory.             “Bu-but you were standing upright and looking at me sideways…?” she said in shock.             “Hmm… that is a bit perplexing isn’t it?’ I said, examining the entrance of the TARDIS.             “And what about you falling from the sky and landing perfectly alright?!” she asked, shaking her head as if she was in a bad dream.             I looked down to the small crater that the TARDIS had made on impact. “It wasn’t that bad a fall… I mean the crater is only like a meter wide. You should have seen this one time! Imagine falling from space while your ship is on fire! That was a fun night.” I laughed in remembrance as I started to walk away from the awe struck mare.             “Wait… who are you?!” she called out, racing after me.             I turned to face her, my dark mane flowing slightly as I met her eyes. “I’m the Doctor.” I said politely, sticking out my hoof. “And you are?” I asked.             She eyed me strangely, but shook my hoof. “My name is Colgate.”             “Do you know where we are?” I asked Colgate, looking around and only seeing the green haze of trees.             She turned back to the TARDIS, not able to fully drop it. “Um… we’re in a pasture, about a mile away from Ponyville.”             That must have been the town I saw, I thought to myself. “Do you know what direction it’s in?”             She pointed west, but didn’t say a word, still a blank look on her face.             “Thanks,” I said as I trotted to where she had pointed.             The trees were dense and thick with green, the trail was layered with a few inches of leaves, and each hoofstep made an audible crunch. The ground was blackened with the shadows of the forest canopy. After a few minutes of walking I turned around to see Colgate stop abruptly in surprise.                   “Why are you following me?” I asked lightly, walking towards her.                                            “You fell out of the sky in a blue telephone booth…” she recapped.                 “And that has to do with?”                 “Well… how does that work!?” she asked, desperate for an answer.”You never see telephone booths outside of big cities... let alone falling from the sky.” She started walking closer to me, eager for an answer.                   I started to chuckle as I turned away from her and started to walk. I heard a huff of annoyance come from her as she continues to follow me.         After a few more minutes of silence enveloping us, Colgate broke the silence. “That’s an interesting cutie mark you have,” she said, gesturing to the hourglass mark on my flank. “How did you get it?” she asked.                   That was a long time ago… I thought to myself thinking back. “I got it because I’m a master hourglass maker,” I said proudly. I turned around to see her face holding a look of disbelief on it. “What… you don’t believe me?”                   “No, I don’t,” she said, a small laugh escaping from under her breath.                   I gave a fake huff of annoyance and started to continue walking. “And what is your cutie mark?” I asked. About ten seconds passed before I realized that the only hoof steps I heard were now mine. I turned around to see the blue mare looking away shyly with a red tint flowing on to her cheeks. She was moving her hoof lightly, making small circles in the ground. “What’s wrong?” I asked her.                   “I-I don’t have a cutie mark…” she responded. She lifted her head to look at me in the eye. Her eyes begged me not to press the topic.                   “Oh… well that’s not a big deal…” I said aloud. It’s strange for somepony of her age to not have their cutie mark by now, I thought to myself. “That just means that you have limitless possibilities on what you can be.” I encouraged.               Apparently my encouragement failed because she simply looked redder and wouldn’t even meet my eyes. As if a gift from heaven, my stomach growled audibly. I heard Colgate giggle, despite the situation. “Do you know a good food place?” I asked, desperate for the change of topic. She laughed and nodded, accepting the change as well.             “There’s a place called Sugarcube Corner in Ponyville; you won’t find a better place that sells desserts!” she remarked excitedly. I nodded with a small smile, and saw her trot happily past me, the past forgotten already.             After a few minutes of idle chit chat, we made it to the gates of Ponyville. The town was composed of many small buildings, only a few exceeding a single story. Finally a single building that stood out came in to view, sporting a distinctive brown roof that looked to be made of chocolate. Outlining the house was what looked like pink icing; on top of the structure stood what appeared to be a giant pink cupcake.             “This is Sugacube Corner!” Colgate declared, happily gesturing toward the strange edifice.             “They went all out didn’t they?” I observed in awe, walking closer to the building. As soon as I finished the last syllable, a pink pony with cotton candy like hair bobbed out of the door. She started to hop toward us and stopped in front of Colgate.             “Hi Colgate, isn’t it a beautiful day?!” she exclaimed with a hyperactive voice.             “Yes Pinkie… it’s a great day.” Colgate said with an awkward smile. Pinkie turned her head my way, taking a look at me.             She suddenly put her hoof to her mouth and gave a large gasp. “DOCTOR! Where have you been?!” she asked, unable to control her excitement.             “Wha?” I started confused. Worst thing about being a time traveler is that your future may be someone else’s past, my first thoughts rang.             “It’s been foooorever since I’ve seen you last!” She stared at me with wide eyes, and a smile that covered half her face. Colgate looked between the two of us, probably more confused than either of us. “We have to have a party later for you!” she exclaimed, happily hopping off to collect preparations.             “What just happened?” I whispered.             “I didn’t know you knew Pinkie Pie, I didn’t think you had ever been to Ponyville before.” Colgate told me, starting to resume walking toward Sugar Cube Corner.             “Must have slipped my mind,” I laughed, trying to avoid suspicion. She eyed me for a half second before shaking a way a thought and beckoning me to follow her.             Why would I come back? I thought to myself, following Colgate through the doors of the store. The store was spectacular. Everywhere was decorated in light colors that could uplift anypony. The smell made your mouth instantly water as the smell of home baked goods swept through the room.             “Hi Mrs. Cake!” Colgate said to a blue pony behind the counter where plates of cupcakes were held.             “Hello dearies, you two are in luck! I just finished a couple of dozen cupcakes in the back if you’d like any,” she said, taking in platters to the back where the kitchen was. As soon as she left I pulled open my pack, searching for my bits. Sonic screwdriver… check, Psychic Paper… check, bits… huh? Where are they?! I thought to myself, frantically searching through my pack. They must have fell out… I concluded closing my pack somberly.             “What’s wrong?” Colgate asked me, seeing my somber look.               “My bits must have fallen out somewhere,” I replied with a small frown, starting to head out of the store.             “Well wait a second!” Colgate called to my retreating figure. With a questioning look on my face, I turned to face her. She gave a small giggle at my face before trotting over to the counter where Mrs. Cake had returned to.             What are you doing? I thought to myself, looking at the two ponies interact.             “Thank you Mrs. Cake!” Colgate handed the blue chef some bits before turning to face me. Using her magic, she then picked up a single cupcake and telekinetically brought it to me. “Here,” she said with a smile, placing the cupcake in front of me. I stared suspiciously at the cupcake. “It’s not going to bite!” she joked, noticing my reluctant look.             “You got it... for me?” I asked taking the cupcake in to my hoof. She gave a swift nod. “I can’t accept that…” I started before being interrupted by a growl of protest from my stomach.             “Eat it!” she insisted, hearing the growl. She pushed the cupcake toward me, her eyes hard, not accepting no a second time.             “Well if you insist…” With a smile at the small charity I downed the cupcake. Outside something finally caught my attention,  there were a few ponies who were pulling around large banners, and other ponies who were setting up decorations in the shapes of suns. “What’s that about?” I asked Colgate.             “You’re kidding right?” she asked me in disbelief. My blank face must have given myself away because she just shook her head with a grin. “It’s the thousandth annual Summer Sun Celebration tomorrow!” she yelled excitedly.             “Oh… right…” I said sheepishly. Wait a second… didn’t something important happened on that day? I thought to myself. Colgate looked back out at the preparations with a smile. Must not have been too important…             One of the signs outside read ‘celebrating a thousand years in the making!’ I stared at it as if it held all the answers in the world written on to it. “If you could go anywhere in time, where would you go?” I asked her with genuine curiosity.             She stared at me with an awkward look. “That’s a strange question.” I gave a small shrug at the response and was ready to accept that as the sole answer. I wonder what this place was like so many years ago? Was it destroyed? Hm... I wonder what it was like.          “Hello! Equestria to Doctor!” she said, breaking me out of my thoughts. “Huh?” “Did you even hear my answer to your question?” she asked with a cute frown. “You said it was a strange question.” I said feeling whatever suspicion she had fade away from view. “No, after that!” she said, rolling her eyes with a grin. I stared at her with a blank look on my face. “Well, now would be a good time to reinform me.”             She turned to me with the widest smile I have ever seen on anypony. “Everywhere!” I gave a small laugh in response. Her smile immediately turned from a smile to a small frown. “Don’t make fun of me!”             “I wouldn’t dream of it.” I remarked through laughs. By the look on her face, it was obvious that she didn’t believe me.         “How about you?” she asked me, tired of me trying to suppress my laughs.         I gave a small shrug. “I have no idea, they’re too many places to go to.” I said with a yawn.         “I think I’d start with the first Summer sun celebration though...” she said, looking at the banners outside.         “Why there?”             “I was just thinking about the first Summer Sun Celebration and how beautiful the celebration would have been despite it being a thousand years ago.” she explained.                      I think it was probably anything but beautiful, but I’ve never been to that time period before… I thought, working the calculations in my mind.                      “You know… I still know nothing about you…” she told me, a new, less enthusiastic sound escaping from her.             “That’s the fun! The mystique! The puzzle is never as fun as it is when you solve it the first time!” I told her, standing up and preparing to leave.             “Well could you tell me something about you?” she asked, standing up also.             I looked at her eyes, pleading for information that it shouldn’t have. “Okay… “ I started to say as I walked out of the store, beckoning for her to follow me. “I’m one of the few ponies in this world that time has no control over,” I whispered to her. I took one last look at her face to see a very confused mare that seemed unsure whether she had given a cupcake to a complete lunatic or not. Not waiting for her response, I walked away from Sugarcube Corner and out of Ponyville. I looked back twice to see her rooted in the same spot watching me walk further away.             The walk back to the pasture was much quieter than the walk to Ponyville. The small crunch of my hooves on leaves was my sole companion. I wish somepony else was here, I thought with a sigh as I came upon the pasture that held my trusty TARDIS. The blue telephone booth was wretched on its side, yet still had a certain allure to it. I crawled in to the small opening leading me in to the TARDIS. “I’M HOME!” I yelled.             Suddenly the somber feeling I had vanished like a puff of smoke as the excitement of adventure once again overtook me. I raced to the spire in the center of the TARDIS ready to be on my way, and I started to pull levers and push certain buttons as if by instinct. “Let’s see the biggest fight of the millennium!” I called out as I pressed the final button. The TARDIS immediately began to shake as if a small earthquake had passed by.             “What’s happening!?” I heard from behind me. I turned quickly to see a startled Colgate in awe at the size of the TARDIS.             “What are you doing he-? “ I started, before being sent to the ground by one of the tremors. After a few minutes that felt like hours, the tremors finally stopped.             “What going on?!” Colgate panicked.             “I’ll explain later!” I told her before rushing to spiral to see a monitor fly down; now was time to try to land safely before gravity decided to add to the list of problems, but what I saw through the monitor made my eyes wide in shock and empathy. I knew it was a big battle but I didn’t expect this… I thought as I saw the events unfold before me. The monitor showed the ruins of a city, once beautiful, now filled with an orange coat of fire covering it. Even from a mile away, you could make out tiny scurrying figures attempting to save themselves from the destruction. If you listened carefully you could hear the screams of the ponies who were trying to make sure their families were safe.         The remnants of buildings made out of beige stone littered the streets of Canterlot. Fire raged across the area, the orange light bouncing off the crumbled walls. Some ponies raced through the streets in an attempt to escape. While others fought and died. There were two sets of ponies fighting, a set of all grey ponies in purple armor charging white ponies sporting gold armor. Even from here you could hear the two groups chant.         “FOR LIFE!” rang the grey ponies in purple armor.         “FOR JUSTICE!” Rang the white ponies in gold armor.             “Doctor, tell me where we are...” Colgate said, her voice cracking in disbelief.             A lightning strike appeared across the screen hitting the mountain the town was connected too. A landslide appeared immediately blocking any escape route the remaining ponies had. Suddenly two figures appeared on the monitor. Flying above the the ruins of Canterlot appeared two alicorns, who everypony knew as the two princesses of Equestria. “Celestia and Luna… what have you two done?” I whispered, more to myself than anyone else.                            Suddenly the TARDIS was pushed down, quickly accelerating to the ground. “Colgate, hold on tight to something!” I yelled, biting on to one of the handles for support. Colgate steadied herself by grabbing on to some cords that hung from the ceiling. Soon we landed causing a huge tremor to run through the TARDIS, which knocked me and Colgate head first in to the ground.                      “Colgate, you okay?” I coughed, pushing myself to a standing position.             “Hmm,” Colgate groaned in response as she sat up. Her mane looked ruffled from the drop and one of her shoulders looked a bit dislocated by the fall. Suddenly her eyes started to tear up, “I’m sorry for following you… I just had to know! I didn’t know that this would happen!” A tear ran down her face as she pushed her arm back in to its socket.             “Well that’s in the past, we don’t have time to worry about that right now.” I told her, analyzing the situation. I started to walk over to the entrance of the TARDIS. “Colgate, stay in here, I’m going to go see if the TARDIS was damaged.” I said to her, walking out of the TARDIS, not waiting for her response. Darkness had engulfed the sky, illuminated only by the fire consuming Canterlot. I glanced up to see the two princesses in a dead lock. Suddenly Celestia fell from the sky. I watched her figure as it fell into the tree tops. I caught my breath as I took a look at Luna, her wings flapped melodically, staring silently as her sister fell.. Don’t come this way! I thought, with panic as her gaze landed on me and the TARDIS.             “NO!” I exclaimed, fear starting to show through my voice. I started rushing back to the TARDIS. An invisible force knocked me down before I could move a single step.             “Why hello there,” a voice rang. I forced myself to look up to see Luna, her purple mane flowing with the wind. Her horn began to glow, ready at any indication of a fight.             “Why hello there, princess.” I panted, under the force that was exerted upon me. The force felt as if gravity had suddenly intensified and I was now carrying a cart of apples on my back rather than just air.             “We are displeased that you have come, we don’t like the concept of a Time Lord… To change time to your fitting, nopony deserves such a power.” She placed her hoof on my immobile body, ready for the kill.             “Then let me go and I’ll be on my way,” I muttered, trying to push against her magic.             “Sorry, but we can’t allow that… You are now a threat to our new government.” Luna said somberly, pushing on her hoof, burying my face in to the ground.             “Why are you like this?” I asked Luna.             “You should know Time Lord…, it’s your kind that gave me this power… I didn’t want any of this, but no you told me it was necessary, YOU told me that i was the one that needed to kill her.” Her eyes were red, whenever she blinked a small tear would escape from her eye. “You told me this would save everypony.” “I never told you anything!” “You’re right, but one of your kind deceived us with eager intent! Why shouldn’t all of your kind be punished? Maybe then you’d have some sympathy for every other pony who cant flee from their own time!” “Luna, I don’t know what happened against you, but I had nothing to do with it... I swear to you.” She spat to the ground in anger. In the light of the fire you could just make out scorch and burn marks that covered her body. “Ponies are dead, My throne destroyed, my guards are fighting for their lives, and that’s what you give me? An excuse? Curse you Time Lord, I hope you rot.” The gravity holding me suddenly intensified making even breathing an almost impossible task.             “Let him go!” I heard Colgate say from behind me. I managed to look behind me to see Colgate’s horn glow a dark blue aura; she then swung her head releasing a telekinetic push. I looked toward Luna and saw that the push had no effect on her. Luna looked at her in wonder. “…No way…” Colgate remarked in astonishment.             “Don't come over here! Get out of here!” I yelled at her, but I was too late. Luna’s horn began to glow, and Colgate was pushed to the ground, trapped… like I was.             “Why?” Luna asked Colgate as she stepped over to her. “You are not a Time Lord, why would you sacrifice yourself for this incompetent slug of a pony?”         “Let me go!” Colgate barked in anger.                  “Please answer me.” Luna pleaded. “Why would a pony with a possible future risk their life for somepony who doesn’t deserve it? “         “I never amounted to anything, I had nothing to lose anyway.” Colgate said, the rage and resistance in her seeped away to nothingness, and all that was left was the steady muffled sobs of her voice in the ground.         “Colgate.” I whispered to her.Where is the pony that was happily serving me a cupcake with a bright smile?         Silence enveloped us, only the cackling of nearby fire adding any sound. “I’m sorry.” Luna whispered.         “Luna, step away.” A new voice rang through the woods.         “Hello again, sister.” Luna said, her voice somber. A white alicorn walked out from the edge of the forest. The second princess of Equestria had finally decided to join in.                  “Luna, what happened that made you turn out this way?” Celestia asked, her winds were battered and scratches and scorch marks were prevalent on her coat. “Sister, our subjects are locked away in Canterlot like prisoners. We can’t keep them locked away.”         “It’s only for their own protection!” Luna said a scowl forming on her mouth. “Celestia, there are evils in this world! Remember Discord! He’s petty compared to everything else out there, a small kitten in the face of a lion!” Luna yelled at Celestia.         “We could handle them together!” Celestia bellowed.         “Open your eyes... We couldn’t protect them, we would never be able to.” Luna sighed.         “Luna... please” Celestia said, desperation making her voice crack.         “There’s nothing left to say... You chose your way, I have mine!” She yelled out, a purple aura coating her horn.   Celestia stood there her body shaking, her eyes closed. Finally she opened her eyes, only anger present on her face. Refusing to say anything a yellow aura covered her horn, ready for a fight.         A stand down ensued between the two ponies, both waiting for the other to make the first move. Celestia made the first move. A ball of fire erupted from her horn and flew at Luna; Luna dodged to the side and disappeared from where she was and appeared behind Celestia, and gave a swift hind kick to Celestia. Celestia flinched away in pain as she readied another ball of fire. Luna disappeared again and reappeared behind Celestia ready to deliver another kick, Celestia however, was ready for it and turned to face Luna, and released the fireball. The impact sent Luna away in to one of the far corners of the pasture. Luna crawled back on all fours and stood up shaking off the pain.         A bluish white ball appeared at the tip of Luna’s horn before erupting into a full on lightning strike, the bolt of lightning raced across the pasture, setting some of the taller grass ablaze. Celestia leapt out of the way, her wings finally taking her to the sky. Her wings flapped in rhythm as she stared down at Luna from above. They stared at each other before, Luna’s wings started to flap, pushing her in the air as well. As Luna flew higher in the air, her purple mane enveloped her, suddenly a blinding light ensued. Once the light cleared, in the place of Luna now appeared a completely black alicorn with a light purple armor covering her body. Her wings started to flap melodically, and a small wind began to pick up,soon the clouds above swirled together, starting to create a funnel. Just as suddenly as the new wind, Luna’s hold over Colgate and I dissipated.         “Celestia, I now deem you unfit to rule this land.... With this defeat, let the sun nor your power rise again!” Luna bellowed.         She’s using all her power for this attack, I thought in awe. I turned to face Colgate, who had just realized she could move again. “We have to go now!” I told her as I started to trot toward the TARDIS. The roar of the tornado behind me grew louder, and I could feel the wind trying to pick me up off of my feet. We just need to get a little closer... The TARDIS was about five meters away, when the wind finally strengthened to the point where we couldn’t run against it. The wind finally up lifted my legs from under me and started to drag me and Colgate away from our salvation and to the heart of the battle. “Grab on to me!” I told her as I grabbed on to one of the broken limbs of a tree. I felt her arms encircle around my arm, almost pulling me off of the tree.         “What’s the plan?!” Colgate whimpered as she held on to my arm with all her might.         All we have to do is make it back to the TARDI- My thoughts were interrupted by a flying blue telephone booth that was uplifted by the tornado. No way... I thought in horror as our only way of escape was taken from us by the wind. We have to run. “Colgate, run when I tell you to, OK?” I asked her. Receiving only a nod. OK... focus. I thought to myself as I closed my eyes. In my mind’s eye I saw a silver pocket watch that shined brilliantly. The pocket watch opened to reveal a standard clock face. The minute hand and hour hand were racing across the face. Slow down... The hands started to slow across the face. STOP! The hands immediately stopped, and with them stopping, the roar of the winds also stopped. I opened my eyes, to see a funnel that was no longer spinning, two alicorns whose wings were no longer flapping, and a TARDIS stationary, fifteen meters in the sky.         “Lets get out of here!” I told Colgate, as we raced away from the tornado, Rushing through the broken trees, I felt fatigue starting to come in with me. I can’t stop now, I thought to myself as I raced on despite the pants I was letting out. We just need somewhere to escape the winds until it dies down... I thought to myself, and as if a gift from the Heavens a tree with a small crevice appeared before me. “Colgate get in here!” I told her. Not hesitating a second she crouched in to the small opening. When she raced in, my body fell limp. Only thirty seconds? I could only stop it for half a minute?! I thought to myself in anger as the wind came back to life. I felt my hooves leave the ground and felt myself being thrown away from Colgate.         “Doctor!” Colgate yelled after me. Her calling after me was the last thing I heard because the wind sent me head first in to a tree.          My vision blurred in to nothing but darkness.                                The small crackle of a fire was the first thing I heard when I awoke. That’s going to hurt… I thought to myself as I felt a throbbing on the top of my head. My vision was blurry but I could make out a the walls of a cave, and a lit fire in the middle. Colgate was pacing uncontrollably, trying to figure out a solution no doubt. “Mornin,” I groaned as I tried to sit up.             “You’re awake!” Colgate acknowledged, unable to hide her relief.             “Where are we?” I asked her straightening out my legs. I turned and noticed that dawn was starting to break across the sky.             “We’re in a small cave, about a mile away from where… well, the fight happened.” she explained.             “…I’m sorry that all this happened…” I sighed.          “This isn’t your fault.”         “No it is my fault, if I hadn’t brought you here, then maybe we wouldn’t be in this situation.”         She shook her head. “I was the one that was curious. I was the one that had to follow you, I was the one you had to save even though I came to save you. I’m just too weak.” Her voice was nothing more than a whisper.         “You can’t think like that!”         “Why cant I?! I don’t even have my cutie mark! I have to go through my days trying to find odd jobs that I can help with because nopony, not even I, know what I’m good at!”         Has she always had feelings like this?         “And I just screwed up again, no surprise there.” She spat the words out.         “Colgate, why do you think of yourself like that?”         “ I just-”         “You just risked your life to save me.” I finished for her.         “But I still-”         “You still managed to distract Luna long enough for Celestia to come. No matter how hard you are on yourself, it doesn’t change the fact that you saved my life.”         She looked away, but I could see the smallest of smiles forming at her lips.                  “I’m sorry... I don’t want you to see me when I’m acting like this.” She looked down to the ground to avoid my gaze.         “We’re all hard on ourselves sometimes, but I think I prefer you with a smile though.”         She looked away, her cheeks starting to redden a little. She looked back at me and gave me a giant smile. “Like this?” she joked “You should smile like that more often.” I laughed. An annoyed expression appeared on her face. “I’m sorry!” I said between laughs. “Try smiling like this!” I told her as I gave her an over the top smile that filled my face. She looked at me for a second with a strange look on her face. Her smile widened a bit, and she started laughing.         “What?” I asked her, my confused voice only making her laugh more.         “Can we start over?” she asked through laughs.         “I would like that.” I said with a grin. “Hello, I’m the Doctor, and I can travel through time.”         “Hello Doctor, my name is Colgate, and I am a normal unicorn from Ponyville.” she said, cleaning our slate. She stuck her hoof out, and we shook hooves again.         “OK, how about we try getting out of here?” I yawned as I stood up.         “After you answer some of my questions,” she said with a playful grin.         “What questions?”         “Um... how about where, or when, are we?         “Oh, those kind of questions. I guess I never gave a good explanation about that.”                  “A good explanation? How about no explanation?” she joked.         “All right, we are in a cave about two miles away from Ponyville and about nine hundred ninety nine years and three hundred and sixty four days in the past.”         So on the thousandth annual Summer Sun Celebration, it would have been a thousand years in the past?” Colgate asked me.         “Correct”         “OK, how about that purple and black alicorn we saw?” Colgate asked me.         “She’s Luna or Nightmare Moon as your generation would probably know her as. Today she was banished to the moon for a revolution she started.”             She stared at me for a second.“That black alicorn we saw was Nightmare Moon?!” Colgate asked. “I thought that was just an old pony tale.”         “Nope it’s very real, and for another thousand years she’ll be banished on the moon.” I noted, staring at the orange fire in the middle of our small shelter.             “Wait, isn’t a thousand years from now… my Summer Sun Celebration?!” Colgate asked.             I knew I was forgetting something… “Yeah, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” I yawned in response.             “What was that blue telephone booth?” she asked me.             “TARDIS, Time and Relative Dimension In Space. Its basically a time machine that only ponies like me can use.” I explained to her.             “Like you?” she asked on cue.             “Well you have pegasi, alicorns, earth ponies, unicorns, then you have ponies like me… Time Lords.” I told her.             “Time Lords?” she asked with curiosity.             “We are ponies that are built stronger, live longer, can use the TARDIS to travel through time, and we have direct control over time… with practice of course.” I explained to her.             “So that’s how you made everything stop, when we were at the field?”             “Pretty much, but it really drains you, so it’s a horrible idea to use it too often.” I explained.             She nodded, accepting my answer. “Look at me… took a few years, but I’m a time traveler.” she said with a small smile.             “Well let’s head back to the pasture. The TARDIS shouldn’t have landed too far away.” I told her as I tried to stand up.             “You sure you should be walking?” Colgate asked ready to catch me if I fall.             “Nope, but I can’t stay here…” I said to her, pushing myself on.             “Do your adventures always turn out like this?” she asked, snuffing out the fire and taking out a certain warmth with it.             “Where I end up with a concussion because of a tornado caused by a fight between two alicorns? More often than one would think.” I joked.             “No… I mean, do you always end up hurt on your adventures?”             “You have good days and bad days.” I said to her as I started to stretch my legs. She gave a small nod, deep in thought about something. “Anyways, lets head out.” I told her as I motioned for the cave entrance with her following close behind me.                  The rising sun gave everything an orange tint as we walked out of the cave. Trees were destroyed, most were tore from the ground, while others had large gashed in them caused by what appeared to be lightning strikes. The ground looked as if someone carved holes into the ground with a knife.                  “What happened?” Colgate asked shocked by all the damage. .                  “This is war.” I said somberly. I heard Colgate give a huff of agreement as we continued walking. We then started to walk in silence.         We trudged on in silence for the longest time. I took note of the damage around me, and felt dread start to envelop me. Why does stuff like this have to happened? I thought as I saw animals who were cowering in fear as we walked past them. Trees were scarred and grey with ash, and it sickened me to the bone. I want to stop this. I thought to myself in silence. Ponies died yesterday because of the revolt. I felt the leaves crunch beneath my hooves making it the only audible noise in the eerily quiet forest. How could I do it alone though? I turned to face Colgate who had been staring at the broken trees for some time now. Maybe I’m not alone...           “Colgate?”         She turned her attention away from the trees, and gave me a small smile. “Yes?”         “I know it’s a little late, but would you still want to go on adventures with me?” I asked her.         Her smile noticeably lowered. “What brought this up?” she asked.         “Well, look around you,” I said gesturing to the destruction around me. “I want to stop it... I don’t want to see this kind of war again, but I know I can’t do it alone, especially when I already feel alone in the TARDIS. So, Colgate, would you like to join me as we go through time on mystical adventures where danger is always present?” I asked her with a laugh.         She looked at me blankly for a second, then lowered her head to avoid my gaze. “I decline.”          The words stung like a knife sliding down my back. I stared at her, my eyes wide with shock. “Oh, okay...” I said not knowing what to say. “Sorry for asking...”         “I’m sorry for declining, but...” she let the word hang, and decided not to finish it. She didn’t have to. We walked on with an awkward tension between both of us. Neither of us dared speak a word for the rest of the twenty minutes before we reached the pasture where our adventure had started.         In the middle of the pasture sat Celestia, staring at the moon which hung lower tonight than I had ever seen.         “This doesn’t look good.” I sighed as we walked closer to the princess. For a few seconds she didn’t even acknowledge our presence.         “Hello, Time Lord, and hello young mare.” Celestia said to us, finally turning to face us.         “Hello princess,” I said bowing, beckoning for Colgate to do the same.         “I didn’t realize that there was a Time Lord here of all times no less.” she sighed, turning her head to the sky where the moon was starting to fade away with dawn’s light.         “I’m sorry for intruding on your time.” I told her, rising out of my bowing position.         “You’re a Time Lord. That's what you Time Lords do. I don’t blame you for being here when you were, but I do want to ask you something,” She turned to face me, her eyes red. “Time Lord, with all of your experience through time... Did I do the right thing?”         “I can’t answer that for you.” I told her, trying to find the words.         “Yes, you can. Do you believe I was wrong in placing my own sister in isolation?” Celestia’s eyes had reddened and we’re now threatening to release tears.         “I believe that you did what you had to.”         She nodded, but her eyes said that she wouldn’t fully accept that answer. “How many Time Lords are left?” Celestia asked.         “Around ten, I believe.”                  “Ten ponies out of millions have the power to completely uncreate history, and I don’t even have enough power to save my only sister.” Pain had now filled her voice. I could only stare in silence, unable to find the words to say.         “What do you think?” Colgate piped up from behind me.         “What do you mean?”         “Well what do you think about what you did?” Colgate rephrased.         Celestia noticeably looked confused at Colgate talking. “I believe I did what needed to be done... Luna... had to be punished for her actions.” Celestia whispered more to herself, but she looked at Colgate when she said it.           “What do you really think?” Colgate asked her.         Celestia shuffled awkwardly. “I’m still not sure what to think. Some part of me agrees that it had to be done, but the other part of me believes that this may have all been my fault. If I had just listened to her and maybe tried to compromise, than maybe...”         “Or maybe it would have ended with regret and hate for your sister...” Colgate whispered just loud enough for Celestia to hear her.         Celestia sullenly looked again at the moon. “A ruler is never supposed to doubt their decisions, they are always supposed to be final in their rulings.”                  “We all make mistakes though.” Colgate offered.         “I’m the princess I can’t afford to make mistakes when there are so many lives on the line...” Celestia stood up staring at the moon.         “You did what you believed to be right, no pony can tell you that what you did was wrong princess.” Colgate said to her. “You’re right, this was my decision and I have to live with it. Who knows... maybe one day all of this can be put behind me and Luna and I can start anew.”         “I know you’ll be able to.” I told her.                  “Doctor, your craft was carried about a kilometer west of here.” She turned her head, gesturing to the west.“I caught it when Luna and I were having our ‘spat’; Colgate thank you for your words. I suppose the innocence of age carries with it a certain knowledge that you lose as you age. Thank you for reminding me of confidence in tough decisions.”         “Uh... it was nothing,” Colgate stammered. I stifled a laugh before bowing to the princess. Celestia gave me a nod.         “It has been a true pleasure meeting you two.” She said this before turning her attention back to the moon. Taking that as our cue to leave, we began to walk westward toward the TARDIS. Before Celestia was completely out of sight, she called out to me. “Doctor, I would be weary of other Time Lords...” she advised, clearly already having a culprit in mind for Luna’s behavior.         I stopped there for a second, with Colgate looking at me confused. “I understand,” I said simply. Time Lords aren’t as straight and narrow as they used to be, I then turned my back to Celestia who had flown in to the air, ready to start an empire that her sister could be proud of.         After a minute of silent walking I stopped and took a look around me. Colgate continued walking on, not noticing my halt yet. The path was unsettling, as if in the back of my memory something stood out from it. Trees were grey with soot from the fire that had occurred earlier. Leaves and ashes were mixed in, covering the small trail, with dreary colors of gray and black. I inhaled a large breath, still smelling the light remnants of smoke left in the air. I gave an audible sigh while looking at the destruction. How do I even start? I thought to myself. These trees were once a beautiful lush green with animals living inside them. Now the trees are destroyed and the animals are gone, for now at least. “Equestria to Doctor!” Colgate said to me, breaking me from my thoughts. “What’s wrong?” I asked her. “What happens a thousand years from now?” I gave a smile, “You sure you want me to ruin the surprise?”   She rolled her eyes. “Does everything work out?” “It does... everything usually works out for the best in the end,” I said with a sigh. “Even this?” she asked, probably referring to the disaster around us, but I took it to mean our previous conversation. “I hope so.” After walking a bit the TARDIS came in to view. “Ready to go back home?” I asked her. “Can I ask you something first?” I turned to face her. “Of course.” She heaved a sigh. “Do you know what my parents told me before I went on my own? They told me that I should stay strong and become happy. Why would they tell me to ‘become’ happy?” “I’m not sure.” I told her honestly. “I think I know, I think it’s because I’m not happy.” She said this with a knowing smile as we were both in front of the TARDIS. “What do you mean?” “I have never done anything with myself. I don’t even know what my special talent is. All I do is wake up, proceed with idle chit chat in Ponyville that never amounts to anything then I go on my merry way...” “Then come with me.” She looked at me with a sad smile. “Why? Why would you want me? Why would you want just some random pony with no real future or skills?” “Why not? I think you’re pretty great.” She scoffed as soon as I finished the remark. “Seriously though, you stood up to Princess Luna to try and save me, you nursed me to health, and you stood up to Celestia when I couldn’t think of anything to say. Colgate, you are amazing.” She avoided my gaze, this time it looked like she was deep in thought. “I don’t want to be a burden on you.” she finally said. “I’m a burden to myself, you wouldn’t be a problem at all.” I joked with her.         “You do have a knack for getting in to trouble, don’t you?” Colgate laughed.         “And by your record, you have a knack for getting me out of it.” She fell quiet by the remark. “So, come on! Lets go save everypony, time, the universe, and have some fun doing it!”         She heaved a sigh. “How could I say no?” she asked me with a smile.         “You can’t because I’m just that persuasive.” I laughed. I tried not to show it but relief had flooded through me like a river.         “So where is our first stop?” she asked me while she walked in to the TARDIS. As soon as she walked in an hourglass shaped cutie mark appeared on her flank. The cutie mark that she so desperately wanted, whether she knew how much or not. I smiled brightly as I walked in to the TARDIS. “Anywhere you want.” I’ve traveled along the path of time for as long as I can remember. Colgate was a breath of fresh air in the sea of time I had been through. Looking back on it now, asking Colgate to become my assistant is one of the very few things I would never change. Yours Truly, The Doctor