The Royal Executioner

by Goatguy64

Chapter 3 part 2

Twisted Fate looked over the battlefield, it had been five years since the war started and no progress had yet been made. The land was covered in a thick ice, bodies littered the ground, most of them ponies. The gryphons definately had a strict physical advantage. Being larger than most ponies by almost two times, and with the strength of a fully grown worker colt or perhaps stronger. And above all the average foot soldier had the flying skill of an ace in the Wonder Bolt Corps. The only real advantage the ponies had to level out the playing field was magic. But the gryphons would target the unicorns as soon as they popped out.

A small blue colt charged towards Twisted Fate yelling "General Fate! Important message from the front!"

Twisted Fate was still getting used to his title, he had pleaded to help at the front lines and Princess Celestia finnaly gave him leave to do so. He knew the effect having Royalty on the battlefield would help. Having just gotten here a week ago and immediately being put in a command position took away the ability to stand on the field with the rest of his men. He looked at the messanger expectantly "Yes soldier?"

The blue colt swallowed hard "Captain Sparks says the weather is getting colder, the men are dying from hypothermia. He wants to know if you can ask Celestia to keep the sun out through the night."

Twisted Fate sighed, these ponies don't even begin to consider what problems that may cause. "Tell him and his men to sing songs through the night, and not to speak ill of anything. If that doesn't work I'll send word to Celestia." Windigoes were the first thing Celestia warned him of. It's assumed to be just an old mare's tale, but Twisted Fate knew better. Without the hate from the ponies the windigoes will be forced to feed purely from the Gryphons. A smirk crossed his face. "Using love as a weapon, Celestia would be proud."


A few months passed, it seems Twisted Fate's presance was enough to turn the tide of battle. The ice retreated all the way to the gryphon's camp weakening them severly, songs at night could be heared through each camp. It seemed to remind the soldiers what they were fighting for. And studying extensively into medical and protection magic, Twisted Fate could offer a shield for the unicorns while mending any treatable wounds.

But still...

Thousands were dying weekly, even daily at some points. There was one way to take care of this and Twisted Fate knew it. He waited untill most ponies were asleep and teleported to a nearby cave. Ensuring nopony else was around he cast a silencing shield on the entrance to the cave. "I don't want anypony to hear this..." He had one spell left to cast. His horn glowed, for a few moments nothing happened. But quickly enough a small spot in front of him started to glow too. The glow took shape, gaining legs, a torso, a neck, and finaly a head.

The chilly voice greeted him slowly "It's been far too long..." It looked just like him. Except... it, unlike him had a cutie mark. A bloodied dagger. It's eyes were orbs of pure white. And it had a terrifying aura about it.

Twisted Fate spoke up "Yet not long enough. Look, I'm here to cut you a deal."

It looked at him smiling "Oh? And what exactly is it you are offering?"

Twisted Fate swallowed, he was uncomfortable with this deal. But atleast less would die this way. "Tens of thousands of lives. I need you to eradicate the Gryphon army. In return I want nopony injured by your deeds, and we change back when I say. Deal?"

It was smiling ear to ear. "Well that sounds just fine to me, on one condition."

Twisted Fate knew this was coming "And what condition is that?"

It looked at him seriously "Allow me to address the soldiers, I know exactly what they wish to hear. As much as I can do by myself, I will need numbers."

This stirred many thoughts in Twisted Fate's mind. First and foremost, it knew it wasn't invincible. But that also meant it could think for itself, rather than just being a mindless killer. "I see, just be sure they think it's still me. If they learn this little... secret of ours, it could be disasterous. Once we leave the cave, you will take over. Good luck...Twisted Fate."

It smiled even wider at him. "Much thanks, you won't be dissapointed."

They both walked out of the cave, as soon as they passed the soundless barrier only one emerged. His grim voice filling the air "I suppose it's time to make... preparations." He started walking to a much larger cave nearby. " An ursa major should make a rather reliable ally."


The call had been sent out, all troops were to report to the front lines battle ready. Over the next ten minutes the area would be flooded by a sea of golden armor and various fur colored ponies. Twisted Fate looked over his troops from the hill he was using as a vantage point. He needed to give them a reason to kill. They had plenty reason to fight, but he saw too much mercy on the battlefield. It was time to end all that, today they would win the war.

As the last of the soldiers filed into the group Twisted Fate nodded towards the group of pegasi to his left. They wore the blue and yellow suits marking them as Wonderbolt Corps. They quickly flew into the air leaving smoke trails in their wake gaining the attention of all soldiers. And quickly flying into the crowd, as to listen to their commander as well. With the attention of all his troops Twisted Fate spoke up. He would have to yell at the top of his lungs for his voice to carry through to every soldier. It was time to begin the end of this war.

He cleared his throat and began "Troops!" all attention snapped to him. "This war has gone on long enough! It is time we end this!" Murmurs could be heard throughout the crowd. "I have seen much on the battlefield, and let me ask you. Have the gryphons shown you any mercy? I have watched countless gryphons escape in a moment of hesitation and it is time to end this! What you don't seem to understand is that we just want the war to end! They want us to suffer! They would not hesitate to kill you, or your families given the chance!" Anger started to ripple through the crowd. It was working. His horn glowed a bright pink and shot a narrow beam into the sky. Then, as suddenly as it went out of sight. It started to retract, in it's tow was a large blue horse that seemed to leave a trail of ice in it's wake. "A windigo, they follow me around everywhere. Feeding off of my hatred, I think it's time they gave back a bit." He took an axe from nearby and as soon as the horse landed, it's head was seperated from it's body. "We need to end this war today! For our homes! For our families! For Celestia!" And with that he held the head of the windigo to the sun. Good, homes, families, and celestia should put them right at the edge. It's time to send them over. The head evaporated into a mist which descended upon the entire army. All sound was drowned out by the soldiers angrily chanting "For Celestia!" thousands of voices screaming the words. With that Twisted Fate took his cross-bow and sword and magically enhancing his voice to be heard over the chanting, he charged forward towards the gryphon camps "Charge!!!"


General Whitefeather looked awoke to a low rumbling. "The ponies must be using weather as a weapon again. No matter, it did not affect us before. It certainly won't now." The rumbling got louder. The louder it got, the less it sounded like thunder. A scout burst into the tent fear was plastered accross his face.

It took him a moment to regain his ability to speak. When he did he sounded shaky and terrified "General! The ponies...they...they are attacking!" This was nothing new, the ponies attacks would be reppelled by the front line infantry.

The general spoke calmly "I'm sure we can handle it effectively, calm down."

The scout took no such chance. He quickly replied "You don't understand sir! It appears the entire army is attacking!" No sooner had he said it before a loud crash could be heard outside. Followed by a monsterous roar.

The general finaly registered the severity of the problem, but the hoofbeats were still too far off for them to be here already. "What the devil was that noise?!?"

The scout shifted nervously before managing "That's the other things sir... They appear to have recruited a rather large er...bear to hit us from behind..."


Twisted Fate watched as hell rained down upon the enemy. From the front the gryphon's had to deal with the sea of rage filled ponies. From within they had a dragon sized celestial bear killing masses with every strike. And behind them was a special ops team ready to kill any gryphon who would try to retreat. Twisted Fate would join into the glorious bloodshed. But he knew he would have to conserve his body's strength for what was coming. His plan was all coming together perfectly. But for his plan to come to fruition he would have to show himself as leadership. He looked to his troops, "Forward! Push them back! Show no mercy!" He spotted General Whitefeather. They locked eyes. Twisted Fate closed his eyes, his horn began to glow. He spoke softly to himself "I know you can hear me brother. It is your turn to take over. I've started all the dirty work, I don't even want a kill out of this. I want you to kill him." His horn stopped glowing. And with that his pupils reappeared into his eyes. The aura of ice stopped hovering about him.

He spoke up, his voice less cold and murderous. More quiet and compassionate, "So be it." He looked back up to Whitefeather. He spoke loudly so that the general may hear him "General Whitefeather! I challenge you to one on one combat to the death. Let us end this pointless war here and now!"

Whitefeather was confused. If the battle had continued at this rate, the gryphons would have no chance of recovery and would lose the war anyway. A unicorn fighting a gryphon in one on one combat was a death wish. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. He smiled and yelled back "I accept! Let us end all this meaningless bloodshed!"

Twisted Fate started readying a spell in his mind. But before he could even bring it to his horn Whitefeather was on him. Whitefeather swung his heavy mace into the pony's ribs. Twisted Fate watched as the large silver ball came up into him. A second later he heard it, what he thought at first was a crash was acctually the sound of his ribs being shattered. And a second after that he felt it. It was like a thousand hooves all smacking him in the same spot at the same time. It was agonizing. Pain however was a good thing he knew. It meant he was still alive and he could feel only two of his ribs had been broken. He cast a quick healing spell to stop the internal bleeding. And just barely managed to roll out of the way of another swing. In a moment of confusion Twisted Fate managed to cast a spell. The gryphon's wings suddenly burst into a massive flame. The gryphon shreiked in pain. Twisted Fate stood up. His horn glowing once more. Whitefeather began floating into the air, surrounded by a pink aura. Twisted fate pulled out and readied his crossbow. He aimed right at the defenseless gryphon's heart...and nothing. "I-I-I can't do it..." he was beggining to lower the crossbow when a voice shrieked throughout his mind.


It startled Twisted Fate into activating the crossbow. In less than a moment the arrow had struck the General in the heart. A few seconds later, he lay on the ground. Completely still.