Rarity's Secret Shame

by Alabenson

Overheard Confessions

Twilight let out a long sigh as she trotted out of Canterlot Castle. Normally, Twilight would have simply teleported back to Ponyville after one of her meetings with Princess Celestia. But, after three hours of being given an excruciatingly detailed explanation of Equestria’s bureaucracy Twilight needed a few minutes to clear her head. “Maybe I should go by Pony Joe’s and see if Moon Dancer or any of the other’s are there. Although, I did have a big breakfast and it would feel a little awkward if I went there and didn’t order anything. I guess I could always take a walk through the city park, or…” Twilight broke into a smile as she was struck by a sudden idea. “I haven’t visited Reprint’s used bookstore in I can’t even remember how long. A nice little detour there is just what I need to relax before I head home.”

Her mind made up, Twilight cheerfully trotted through the streets of Canterlot following a long-memorized route. The simply named Reprint’s Books and Quills wasn’t as trendy or as large as some of the other bookstores in Canterlot, and its location bordered on the seediest part of the city. In Twilight’s eyes, however, no other store could compare with its character, let alone its selection of obscure and out of print works.

As Twilight trotted down the street, prepping a mental list of the sections of the store she planned on perusing, an unexpected sight caused her to stop dead in her tracks. Nervously trotting down the street was non other than Rarity, dressed in a trench coat and concealing her mane under a floral printed handkerchief. Twilight nearly called out to her friend, but stopped at the last second as the strangeness of the situation nagged at her. Why was Rarity dressed as though she didn’t want anypony to notice her and sneaking through the streets of Canterlot towards a section of the city that Twilight’s parents had warned her against when she was a filly. Adding to Twilight’s disquiet was the notion that this situation was somehow related to the encounter Applejack and Fluttershy had told her about several days ago. While part of Twilight’s brain told her she either shouldn’t pry, or at least she should talk to Rarity directly, her curiosity and concern for her friend pushed her to a different course of action.

When Flurry Heart was born, Twilight had been faced with the very real prospect of being asked to foalsit an infant with the power to, among many other things, teleport. In preparation for this possibility, Twilight had spent a great deal of time mastering a great number of tracking spells, one of which she promptly cast on Rarity before ducking into a nearby alleyway. Not trusting her own stealth skills, Twilight waited a minute or so to allow Rarity to put some distance between them before stepping back into the street and activating the spell. In moments, a faint, shimmering string appeared in midair that only Twilight could see and which would lead her directly to her friend.

As Twilight followed Rarity’s trail, she noticed a district change in the character of the surrounding neighborhood. The streets and buildings seemed increasingly weathered, even run down, and the trendy restaurants and shops appeared to have given way to nondescript businesses, most of which had little in the way of signage. The few ponies out in the streets seemed to want to avoid so much as making eye contact with anypony else, occasionally knocking on a door or slipping down an alley and then vanishing from sight. As Twilight silently wondered what sort of place she had wandered into, she found that her spell was leading her towards one door in particular, a small sign to the side labeling it ‘Hidden Desire’s Maison de Plaisir’.

Silently wondering if perhaps it would have been more practical if she had studied Prench instead of Old Ponish, Twilight walked up to the door and knocked on it. Moments later a small hatch in the door at roughly eye level slid open as a gruff voice answered Twilight’s knock. “Can I help…Princess Twilight?” Moments later the door opened to reveal a massive stallion gesturing for Twilight to come inside. “Your highness, it’s an honor to have you here. My name is Velvet Rope, the head of security for the establishment. I’m presuming you’re here to see Miss Hidden Desire about a consultation?”

“Um, yes, I think?” Twilight said as she quickly made her way inside, finding herself in a small waiting room seemingly covered in red velvet. While Twilight had no clue what sort of place this was, she did know that Rarity had gone inside which meant that in order to find her she needed to follow.

Thankfully, Twilight’s obvious nervousness didn’t seem to surprise Velvet Rope in the slightest. “I’m guessing this is your first time at an establishment like ours. Well, don’t worry, you’re in excellent hooves here and Hidden Desire has a very strict policy about maintaining her customer’s anonymity so you won’t need to worry about any sort of gossip. Now, that said, since this is your first time here, I will need to emphasize that our rules about anonymity work both ways, so you’re not to divulge anything about anypony you might see in here. Is that clear?” Twilight nodded in affirmation, which seemed to satisfy Velvet Rope. “Excellent. Now, Hidden Desire is already speaking with another client at the moment, but I’ll let her know that you’re here. In the meantime, feel free to look around and see if anything catches your interest.” With that, Velvet Rope gestured towards a set of curtains in the back.

Suppressing her concerns, Twilight pushed her way past the curtains, stepping into what looked at first glance to be an almost disappointingly ordinary-looking shop. Rows of shelves stocked with merchandise filled the room, with various ponies perusing the offerings. Aside from the fact that most of the customers seemed to be making a conscious effort to avoid looking directly at anypony else there wasn’t much that Twilight saw that would have been out of place at a store in Ponyville. At least until Twilight turned to her left. There, assembled neatly as could be, was an entire wall covered in lifelike, intricately detailed phalluses of every size, shape and color Twilight could have imagined.

Up until that point, Twilight’s familiarity with that portion of the male anatomy was largely restricted to textbooks (and one brief experiment involving a scrying spell and the Royal Guard’s shower room). Now, however, Twilight found herself facing a veritable cornucopia of male genitalia facsimiles, and she needed a good half-minute for her mind to catch up with reality. “This is a sex shop,” Twilight finally thought as she looked back around the store. While Twilight could only guess at the function of many of the store’s wares, the giant wall of marital aides didn’t leave much room for doubt. “Alright, Twilight, calm down, remember why you’re here. For some reason, which I’m sure is entirely reasonable, your friend Rarity came in here. You just need to find her and make sure everything is alright, and then you can leave and put this entire experience in your behind. I mean behind you!” Despite feeling as though she were about to catch fire from embarrassment, Twilight managed to refocus her mind on her spell, finding that it led towards a set of doors in the back of the store. Trying to remain as calm as possible, Twilight slowly worked her way down the aisles towards her goal. Occasionally, Twilight would pause to examine one of the items for sale, both to help obfuscate her intentions and because she couldn’t stop herself from wondering what it was and how it would be used.

Finally, Twilight was able to reach her goal without anypony seeming to notice her, or at the very least nopony gave any indication of having done so. With one final glance around to be certain nopony was watching, Twilight slipped inside and found herself in a hallway lined with several doors. Taking a moment to confirm which way she needed to go, Twilight carefully made her way towards the doors at the very end of the hall, until the wails of a familiar voice caught her attention.

“I’d always worried my past might catch up with me someday, but to have somepony walk right into my boutique…” Twilight could hear Rarity sniffling through the door.

“I can’t tell you how sorry I am about all this, Rarity,” another female voice Twilight didn’t recognize said. “I tried to keep him from going to Ponyville, but unfortunately he just wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

“It’s not your fault, Hidden,” Rarity replied. “In the end, if anypony’s to blame for my being in this situation it’s myself. Nopony forced me to get involved with that business, and I could have walked away the moment I found out what sort of production it was, as if the name shouldn’t have been a dead giveaway. But it was the quickest way to earn the bits I needed and so I willingly…prostituted myself…” Overcome with emotion, Rarity’s voice trailed off to a mere whimper before she was able to bring herself to continue. “What truly frightens me is what word of this could do to my reputation as a designer. If word gets out about all of this I could be ruined.”

“I’d have thought you’d be more worried about what your friends might think,” the other mare said.

“Darling,” Rarity replied, sounding a bit calmer. “As shocked and scandalized as my friends might be to find out I was involved in something called High Class Harlots, I’m sure they’d…well, I suppose understand might be a bit of stretch but I’m certain they’d accept it at least. Unfortunately, the fashion world isn’t quite as forgiving.”

Twilight, meanwhile, reeled in shock at what she had just overheard. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Twilight closed her eyes and focused her magic before disappearing in a flash of light as she teleported back to Ponyville. This was a situation that was going to require all of her friend’s assistance.