Crusaders nude adventure

by ranul

Chapter 7 Silver Spoon & Twist stories

Chapter 7
The next morning Sweetie Belle opens her bedroom door and begins to walk across the hallway.
" Sweetie, Don't take too long, okay ."
Sweetie didn't answer walks into the bathroom and shut the door.
There was a knock on the door.
" Are you okay, Sweetie?"
" I’m okay, dad."
As she stood with her back to the door
She then turns back around and opens the door, and steps out into the hallway.
" Dad, I am okay," said Sweetie as she stood there naked.
" Okay, sweetie, come down after your shower," replied Her dad as he tried to avoid looking at his daughter.
" Dad, it’s okay if you look at me, "said Sweetie Belle
" Are you sure, honey? I don't want you to be uncomfortable," replied her father.
" Dad, it’s okay."
He then looked at his daughter and said, " Don't take too long in the shower breakfast will be ready soon."
Sweetie then went into the bathroom, got into the shower, and thought to herself that this was the first time she allowed a male that wasn't a toddler to see her naked that was her choice.
Twist entered the kitchen and saw her mom at the counter pouring the batter into the waffle iron.
" Mom, does Swirl have to come with me when I go to scootaloo."
" If you want to go skinny dipping, he does," replied her mom as she puts down the syrup and peanut butter and jelly on the table.
Twirl comes into the room.
" Are you ready to go skinny dipping after school today? Twist gave her brother a glare " come on, sis, it will be fun."
Mom then places a waffle in front of Twist. Twist grabbed her fork and knife and began to dig into the waffles.
Sweetie Belle was finishing her breakfast when the doorbell rang. Her mom went to answer it a few moments later she returns.
" Some boy is at the door."
Sweetie gave her mom a confused look, got up from the table, and headed to the door, wondering who it was when she opened it and saw Button Mash standing there. She. Was even more confused
" What are you doing here."
" Hum, I came to walk with you two schools."
" But don't you live a lot closer to the school."
" Yeah," he replied
" Isn't that a lot of walking?"
Button Mash frowned and asked, " aren't you happy to see me."
" Yes, I am," replied Sweetie Belle.
" You don't seem to be too happy to see me."
" Just surprised that is all do you want to come in while a finished breakfast."
Button Mash nodded, and the two of them went inside the house.
When Scootaloo and apple bloom arrived at the school, they saw Silver Spoon walking toward them.
" Are you two busy after school today " ask Silver Spoon
they looked at each other, and both shook their heads
" My mom would like to speak with you three."
" What about "
" She would like you to explain why she should let me go skinny dipping."
" Can my mom come " asked Scootaloo
" She can come with you, but my mom would like the crusaders to explain it."
" Is it okay If we get back to you?"
Silver Spoon nodded and walked away.
Twist was walking down the street shaking her head talking to herself.
" Are you okay, Twist?"
Twist turns around and sees Sweetie Belle and Button Mash walking towards them.
"I really want to go swimming after school, but my mom is insisting that my brother twirl should come swimming with us."
" What does your brother think of this "
Twist was silent before answering, " Last night, he wasn't too happy about it, but this morning he changed his mind."
Button Mash turned towards Twist with a grin on his face
" What's so funny," asked Twist.
" Don't you remember when we toddlers?"
Twist shook her and said, " No."
" You and Twirl would often bath together."
" I was only like only two or " Twist then pause for a moment and looks at Button Mash " How do you know that "
" Sometimes, the three of us would bath together."
Twist stares at him and then covers herself up as if she was naked and indicates her hands for him to turn around.
" don't look at me," exclaimed Twist
Twist then stares at Button mash, looking back confused, like Twist to grin and start laughing.
Button Mash shakes his head as the three of them reached the schoolyard and saw Applebloom and Scootaloo.
" Sweetie, we need to speak with you about Silver Spoon."
Sweetie Belle then left with the other crusaders.
" What about you and sweetie belle? Is she still upset about you going skinny dipping?"
Button Mash looked at and said, " ÷She said she was fine about it, but I am just not sure."
Twist said, " What are you going to do."
Button pause for a moment before answering, " I am just not sure."
" Why not Scootaloo and her parents " replied Twist
Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were talking when the crusaders come walking towards them.
" You wanted to speak with us, " asked Scootaloo
" Actually, my mom would like to speak with you after school today +
" About what."
Silver Spoon was silent for a moment before replying, " okay, here is the deal my mom would like to explain to her what is so great about skinny dipping ."
" Is It okay if our parents come with us?"
" Yes, but it has to be you three that do all the talking and no speeches, " Sweetie Belle gave her a confused look " mom wants you three to explain, ¦not your parents."
Later that day, during lunch, the three crusaders had just gotten the lunch tray and had filled them up. They walked to a table. They were about to put the trays down. One of the girls sitting at the table put her tray in the way.
" This is a table for people with the decency to keep their clothes on."
Scootaloo picks back up her tray.
" Come and sit with us," said a voice behind them. They turned around and saw Toola Roola and Coconut Cream motion for them to come over.
Crusaders sat down at the table.
" Are you two interested in skinny dipping? "asked sweetie belle.
" Na," replied tools Rolla.
" But it doesn't bother us that you gals like to go skinny dipping," said Coconut cream
" Have you thought about what you are going to say to Silver Spoon?"s mom?" asked Sweetie Belle
The other two shook their heads
" We can't think of anything. What about you."
" Me neither."
" What are you three talking about " Toola Rolla
" Silver Spoon is interested in skinny dipping, but her mom is not that happy about it, But she is giving us a chance for us to explain it to her."
The two girls looked at the crusaders and shook their heads " if we think of anything, we will let you know."
Speedster had just finished giving her two boys a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch when there was a knock on the door.
She went to the door, wondering who it was, when she opened it and saw a lady standing in the doorway. It takes her a few moments before she remembers where she had seen her before.
" You are Sweetie mom," said Speedster
The Lady nodded and replied, " my name is cookie crumbs. May I come in."
" Of course, come on."
Speedster then headed back to the dining cookie crumbs follows her.
The boys were still eating.
The two ladies sat down at the table.
" What is the reason that you are here."
" I came to discuss skinny dipping."
" I am so sorry we usually discuss it with the parents."
Cookie crumbs held up her hand and said, " Don't worry about it. It is okay."
" You were okay with it," said speedster
Cookie crumbs were silent for a moment before answering, " I would admit I wasn't too happy about it when she first told me about it."
" If you want to, we can tell Sweetie Belle that she can not get skinny dip here anymore."
" no, no no no, I may not understand skinny dipping, but it does make Sweetie Belle happy."
" Why are you here then."
" I came to ask for a favour " speedster looks at her " can I use your swimming pool."
" Yeah, I guess just give us a minute, and we will join you," replied Speedster
" About that, would it be okay if I swim alone" when she saw the disappointment in the boy's face, " At least for the first few minutes."
Cookie crumbs were outside looking at the pool. She began to undress and then got down to her bra and panties. She paused for a moment before removing them and slowly entered the pool.
The crusaders were standing outside of silver spoon’s House. They had just finished talking with silver spoon's mother, and when they were finished, she thanked them and told them they could go.
" Do you think we helped you, " asked Scootaloo
" I really don't know, " replied Silver Spoon " Are you sure you don't want a ride.
They shook their heads after getting their bikes out of the back of the Limo.
They rode down the street.

After silver spoons mother had insisted that they come in a limo, and they didn't want to leave their bikes at school
After a while, the three of them were on their way.
" Do you think your brothers would be too upset if it were just me and button mash skinny dipping tomorrow," asked Sweetie Belle. They both looked at her " I would just like the first time button mash went skinny dipping to be just us two at least."
"Mom, does Twirl have to come with me tomorrow."
" Why are you embarrassed by your brother seeing you naked."
Twist shakes her head and said " no, but sweetie belle isn't comfortable skinny dipping with boys."
" Doesn't Scootaloo have two brothers? " asked twirl as he comes into the living room.
" They are just little kids," replied Twist.
" You would hardly know that I am there," replied Twirl.
Sometimes late that night, golden spoon woke up. She turns to her husband, who was still asleep and shakes his shoulders. He sits up.
" Is there something the matter, dear?"
" I think I hear the door open."
" I will check it out."
A few minutes earlier, Silver Spoon had woken up. After trying to get back to sleep, she gets up. Siver Spoons looks out the back window.
After listening at her parent’s door and when she heard them breathing,
she goes back to her room and removes her nightgown, and then removes her underwear.
She then grabs her housecoat, slowly walks down the stairs, goes through the kitchen, unlocks the back door, slowly opens the back door, slowly walks out, removes her housecoat, and walks towards the back gate.