//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Fleetfoot Investigates // Story: Rainboom For Due // by NikaTheBrony //------------------------------// In the Wonderbolts Academy, everypony was busy in their work. The bolts have just finished their practice and went to their lunch break. Soarin walked to the locker room after taking a quick shower. He opened his locker and grabbed the water bottle to drink some water. His Wonderbolt jacket hung on the wall inside the locker. Next to it, laid a bunch of extra towels and his water bottle. On the locker door hung few pictures: one picture of his parents and him, a day before he joined the team. Another one of him, Spitfire and Fleetfoot flying in one of the shows, and right next to it, hung another one which showed him at the day he was nominated as the second-in-command of the team. Under all these pictures, hung the last one that showed Rainbow Dash and him dancing at the royal wedding. When he looked at the last picture, he thought about Rainbow Dash. I hope she is alright… "Hey Soar'! Are you coming for lunch?" Soarin turned around and saw Fleetfoot. "Hey Fleet! Yeah I'm coming." He closed his locker and joined her. "I'm starving! All those routines make me so hungry!" she said as they were walking towards the dining room. Soarin nodded in agreement and responded: "I hope they have apple pies today." "You always hope that." Fleetfoot rolled her eyes and smiled at him. "And besides, yours hopes are always right about pies." "Of course they are! I'm an expert in pies!" he said proudly. "No doubt you are" she replied, and after a couple of seconds she said: "OK, now I want a pie too.", and they laughed about it. Eventually, they came to the dining room and it turned out that they actually DO have pies today. Soarin took an apple pie and Fleetfoot took a cherry pie. They sat down with the others and ate their lunch. As they talked, Soarin was thinking about Rainbow Dash. Maybe I'll go visit her later, just in case… "Soar', what's the matter?" Fleetfoot asked him. He snapped from his thoughts and responded to her as if he was surprised by her question: "Everything is fine, why do you ask?" Fleetfoot pointed at his pie and said: " well…there is literally an apple pie in front of you and you haven't even touched it yet. Something's wrong?" she asked him again, more concerned. Soarin looked at his pie and thought to himself. Dude, what's is wrong with you? Just eat it! "Equestria to Soarin! Equestria to Soarin!" Fleetfoot called him and tried to have his attention. Suddenly Soarin stood up and exclaimed: "I'M FINE!!" After a couple of seconds, he realized that he is standing on his back hooves and everypony stopped their chats and looked at him with confusion. Another second passed…and another one…and another one… Soarin sat down at in his place and started to eat his apple pie. Everypony, that assumed that since Soarin is eating his apple pie everything is OK, turned back to their lunch and conversations, and the room was filled with a lot of talking voices again. Fleetfoot looked at her friend and put her hoof on her mouth to hide her chuckling. Once she couldn't wait anymore, she burst into laughing. "Ha ha…so funny." He said sarcastically, and took a bite from his pie. "BWAAAAHAHAHAHA!!! Sso…sorry! HAHA!! It was hilarious!" she continued laughing, but then relaxed and asked him again: "OK, at least you are eating your pie now, but I'm completely SURE that something is wrong with you right now! You should be glad that Rainbow Dash didn’t see it! She would have remembered it for like…forever!!" she said and then gave Soarin a light punch in the shoulder, which he responded to with a frown. "So anyways, tell me. What is bothering you so much?" she asked him and took a bite from her cherry pie. Soarin was about to answer but stopped himself. Come on! He knows Fleetfoot at least as good as she knows him. If he will tell her what is bothering him, she won't stop talking about it, and will bring it up every time when they are alone. Or maybe he is just exaggerating this topic? Wait, why would I be so stressed about. I'm just a little worried about Crash, and Fleetfoot would understand. But she already likes to call me softie! And I'm not a softie! In any case, I'm not going to fall to this trap AGAIN. "No really, it's nothing…" he started, glanced at her and continued: "it's just…you know…a little worried about the show, that's all." Well, technically yes… "A little?" she asked him. "Yeah…a little." He answered, a bit more nervous. "Annnd…that's all?" she asked him again. "Eeyup…that's all." He responded, and took another bite from his pie. "Hmmm…alright then." She said and turned to her lunch. Soarin felt relieved. At least she didn't ask him too much questions. Well, time for the pie! After the lunch, the bolts continued their practice. While practicing, Soarin thought about visiting Rainbow Dash. But it means that he would need to leave the practice early. He considered it, and when they had a quick break he approached to Spitfire. "Spitfire." "Yes?" she turned to face him. "Listen, remember what we have talked about Rainbow Dash? In your office?" he asked her. Spitfire nodded and responded: "Of course, why do you ask? Have you heard from her?" "That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. I need to leave early today. I planned to visit her just in case, you know?" Soarin said. Spitfire thought for a second and then replied: "Hmm…that's not a bad idea and I know that I can count on you. I would like to know how she feels and when will she come back. You are allowed to go after this practice." "Thanks ma'am." He responded. "No problem. HEY! EVERYONE! I WANT TO SEE YOU STAND IN YOUR POSITIONS IN 3 MINUTES!! CLIPPER!! YOU TOO!!" "Yes ma'am!" everyone replied. "Soarin wait!" Soarin was about to leave and go visit Rainbow Dash, when he heard Fleetfoot's voice. "I just wanted to tell you that I totally understand you and I'm here for you. After all it doesn't happen every day, huh?" she said and gave him another light punch and winked. "Wow…thanks Fleet but…what exactly are you talking about?" he asked and lifted his eyebrow. "Come on Soar', I have already gotten your point, and as I said, I totally understand." "You…you do?" Soarin was still confused. Can't she just once say something clearly without me guessing? He thought to himself. "I absolutely do!" "Absolutely?" "Definitely!" "Definitely?" "Yes!" "Yes?" "Soarin!" "Soarin? I MEAN…what?" "You don't feel bad…don't ya'? Fleetfoot asked. "Bad…?" he was still confused. "Yes, bad about that I know you're stressed before the show, remember? We talked about it at lunch." she said. "Bad…? Ohhh! Bad! Yes! I mean…no! I don't feel bad! That's OK! Yeah!" he answered and chuckled nervously. "Exactly! You see, we both know that our captain is really stressed these days and acts weird, and the fact that YOU are the second-in-command! I mean, keeping her calm and maybe taking charge of the team is pretty stressful, you know? And the show is excited as well, and the fact that one of our team members is now injured, is also stressing, and you still have to keep calm. It's actually hard not to freak out…but I, as one of the teammates and your closest friends, totally understand! Besides, you are perfect for the job, but if you feel like you need to, it's OK to talk about your feelings. You don't need to be tough all the time. Come on! Who am I kidding? Outside your job we both know you are a softie!" she winked at him again. Sometimes, her seriousness is really confusing…and I'm not a softie! That's ridiculous! I'm the second-in-command! he thought to himself. "Wow Fleetfoot…I…I'm really out of words now. Thanks! But, wait. What have you said before about my umm…feelings…? He responded with hesitation. Fleetfoot smirked at him and said: "What? That you are a softie? No offence though, it doesn't hurt your role here in the team –" she was cut by him. "What?! No no, before that." Fleetfoot put her hoof under her chin and thought. "Hmmm…that…it is hard to not freak out?" "No! Before!" Fleetfoot thought again and said: "Ohhh! That Crash – I mean Rainbow Dash – is injured and it gives more headache to Spitfire and –" Soarin interrupted her again: "Yes! Wait…NO! I mean…ugh…yes, it is stressing a bit but – listen Fleetfoot I have to go now, sorry." He said and flew outside. "Oh sure! See ya' then!" she called when he went outside, and then walked back to her own matters.