Sunset’s Uprising

by TheClownPrinceofCrime

Time for A Plan

“Is... anyone here a little... puzzled by what we’re seein’?” earth Applejack asked.

“Don’t ya mean anypony?” Equestrian Applejack asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Any... what now?” earth Applejack asked.

The Mane Five then looked suspiciously at their ponified counterparts. “Hold on a second! How do we know that you aren’t changelings disguised as ponies?” Equestrian Rainbow Dash asked. She even particularly eyed her confused counterpart.

“Changelings? What are you even talking about? We just got here in this forest!” ponified Rainbow Dash said.

“Girls, it’s okay! They are with me! They’re not changelings! They come from the same dimension where Sunset Shimmer went after stealing my crown. I made friends with them at the Canterlot High School there. No need to interrogate them.” Twilight explained.

Celestia and Luna looked very much confused when they heard the term ‘Canterlot High School’. “A high school? What does that even mean? It’s even named after my city? That’s very strange. But that is not important right now. I’ll ask Twilight about this later.” Celestia thought.

“Well, this is quite an interesting turn of events. Never have I nor Luna ever imagine that you five will meet or have your own counterparts. Neither have we thought that they even existed. So allow me to ask you other five.” said Celestia as she drew closer to them. “Do any of you know Sunset Shimmer? If so, has she done any harm to you?”

The ponified versions looked at her for a moment as they recognized the voice and the similar features she had. “Why does she look like Principal Celestia in... uh horse form?” Rarity thought.

“All that rainbow hair, the voice, and even her fur! Well, Principal Celestia has pink-white skin but still.” Pinkie thought.

“Actually, yes, we do know her! She was also the popular girl who just bullied everyone there and made their lives miserable. She was even mean to us and to Twilight! But no worries, we’re going to take here down through the power of Friendship lasers!” Rainbow Dash said. Then she put a finger to her chin as she began to think. “Or maybe just friendship magic or whichever way you call it.”

“She even brainwashed all our friends from our school too. I can’t even imagine what she is even doing right now!” said Fluttershy, shaking nervously.

Celestia then thought of a plan. “They could be of great help to us all. With their knowledge and skill, they might be able to assist us in defeating Sunset Shimmer and saving Equestria. There is no time to waste.” she finished thinking.

“Very well, my little ponies. Twilight, I must say that you have once again succeeded in making new friends although they may be counterparts of your other friends. If we are to defeat our common enemy, we must work together to fulfill this goal. Equestria now depends on us to save it from the rising evil that has infiltrated therein! However, we will not be doing this alone.” Celestia declared.

“Alone? What do you mean by that? There are like fourteen of us assembled here! How many more do you need?” Spike asked.

Celestia remained firm as she looked to Spike. “We are ineligible to fight against a massive army as we are unfortunately few in number. Wherefore, it is high time for reinforcements.” she replied.

The ponies looked toward each other as they began to wonder of what reinforcements she had in mind. “Follow me, all of you! I have a plan!” Celestia commanded, breaking their train of thought.

She arose in the air and flew away from the forest. “Hey! Wait for us!” the Pinkies shouted. While everyone else quickly followed Celestia to exit the forest, both Pinkie Pies looked at each other.

“Hey! We spoke at the same time! It’s like we have great minds that think alike!” Equestrian Pinkie said.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Are cupcakes your favorite type of dessert to bake? Because I love making those!!” ponified Pinkie squealed.

“Hey, I like making those too! Oh, do you happen to have a party cannon like I do?” the first Pinkie asked once she pulled her own party cannon out of nowhere.

“Yep! I exactly do!” the second Pinkie replied. Then both of them sprayed confetti towards our view. “Hey, are people reading this right now?”

“Yep! They are! Hey, guys! I hope you’re enjoying all of this! Here, we’re going to send you all some cupcakes!! Ready, other me?” first Pinkie said.

“Ready!” the second one happily replied. They both fired vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate cupcakes at the invisible screen until they were no longer seen. “Enjoy, everyone!”

Celestia led her group out of the EverFree Forest. Once they were out, she faced them all. “I need you all to stay here. I will be seeking help from every creature outside of Equestria. I am sure they will all help us to defeat our dangerous adversary.” Celestia ordered.

“Can I come with you? I’m sure I can help you!” Twilight asked.

“No, I must do this alone. I need some time to... be by myself before I can go out there. You and your friends will need to create strategies so we will know what to do before we can go against Sunset and her army.” Celestia commanded. She took off to the air and departed.

Once she was out of sight, Luna gazed on the Rainbow Dashes. “Rainbow Dashes, I believe it would be wise for you both to discover what Sunset is planning at this time. Infiltrate their headquarters, keep a low profile, and learn everything from her plans. Once you accomplish your mission, return to us and report what you will have learned.” Luna instructed.

“You got it!” both Dashes replied.

“Come on, me, let’s race each other to the Crystal Empire!” the first one challenged.

“I’ll beat you there first! Well, once you show me where that is of course! Whoa, WHOA!!” the second yelled, flying out of control. She crashed against a nearby tree. The birds fearfully flew out of it.

“BE CAREFUL!! You don’t want to hurt those poor birds!” Equestrian Fluttershy warned.

“They even have chicks in their nests!” the second Fluttershy noticed.

“Oh yeah. Hehehe, sorry.” Rainbow said. She jumped out of the tree and shook the leaves off. “I forgot I don’t know how to fly with these wings.”

“Don’t worry, newbie! I’ll show you the ropes of how it’s done. Watch me!” the first Rainbow said. She opened her wings and flew up and waited for her counterpart to do the same.

The second opened her wings too and slowly flapped her wings. She momentarily smiled as she thought it was working until she fell again. Grunting, she got back up on her hooves. “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll get the hang of this.”

“Don’t worry, it’s takes time and practice to master the skill of flight. Here, I’ll carry you.” the first said, carrying her up. Once she did that, they departed to start their mission.

“Ah think those two will get along just fine.” Applejack said.

“You bet they will.” her counterpart agreed.


“Behold, my own monument of glory!!” Sunset bellowed. Snips, Snails, and a few other demons erected a statue of her in the middle of the Crystal Empire. All of her monstrous demons laid siege to the city and took the crystal ponies captive.

Chrysalis observed the order of operation commencing whereas her associate Sunset stood next to her. “This is really impressive, Queen Sunset. All those crystal ponies surely do love their empire. I can already taste their love. It’s soooo delicious that can satisfy all of my changelings!” Chrysalis exclaimed, licking her lips.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Indeed, Queen Chrysalis. Anyway, with Princess Cadence and her precious Shining Armor no longer in power, all of these ponies will bow to me—Queen Sunset Shimmer! Hahahahaha!!!”

Chrysalis likewise rolled her eyes. “Of course, they will.” she hissed.