//------------------------------// // Sunset vs Celestia // Story: Sunset’s Uprising // by TheClownPrinceofCrime //------------------------------// MEANWHILE “What happened? Can I open my eyes?” Spike asked. “You sure can!” Applejack replied. Twilight and her friends opened their eyes and saw themselves completely unharmed by Sunset’s beam. Seeing themselves in the library at Canterlot High, they all sighed in relief. “We’re all okay...somehow.” Rarity said, adjusting her hair. “But...how? I thought we would be goners.” Fluttershy said. “Plus, we were all knocked out! She hit us really hard!” Rainbow said, rubbing the back of her head. “I saved us all.” Twilight said. “I used a teleportation spell while I briefly meditated. It was the only way to get us out of there.” The human five and Spike gasped in surprise. “Really? You can do that?” Rainbow asked, puzzled. “Yes. Even though I may be in this...bipedal form, I still can muster at least a fraction of my alicorn magic.” Twilight said. “Cool! So what do we now since we are all okay? Sunset and her meanie friends are probably going to have a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig party out there!” Pinkie said. Remembering the imminent threat Equestria was going to encounter, Twilight got up on her feet and held Spike in her arms while making a determined look. “There’s no time to waste. My friends in Equestria are in serious danger. We need to stop Sunset before she destroys everything. So long as we stick together, nopony—(clears throat)—I mean...no one will be able to bring us down! Will you girls help me?” Twilight asked. The human five looked at each other until they proudly nodded to Twilight. “Count me in!” Applejack said. “Me too!” Rainbow added. “Me three.” said Rarity. “Me four...” Fluttershy said. “Me FIVE! Let’s save Equestria!!” Pinkie shouted. As they left the library and headed for the front doors of the school, they were confronted by three demonized students who blocked their exit. Turning around, they saw three more demonized students behind them blocking their escape. Standing between lockers in the hallway, they saw themselves surrounded by the monsters with no way out. The girls had to think and act fast if they were going to precede. “We’re surrounded!” Fluttershy panicked. “Don’t worry, darling. We will fight off those disgusting ruffians while we can!” Rarity encouraged. “We can’t hurt them too much though. They are under Sunset’s control. If we can manage to bring them back to normal, we will do the same for all of our friends!” Twilight said. They readied themselves for a fight as the monsters got closer. “Let’s get nuts.” Pinkie grinned. IN EQUESTRIA Sunset shot her beams at the shocked ponies standing before her. Celestia deflected those shots with her magic shield. “Sunset Shimmer, what have you DONE?!” Celestia demanded. “Whatever is the matter, Princess? Surprised to see my new glorious appearance? Quite understandable. I mean after all, you DID withhold something that should have been mine long ago. All of this power, this knowledge, this infinite magic is truly worth taking! But you were so selfish and covetous that you never gave me what I deserved!” Sunset spoke. Her minions growled in anger and slowly approached the ponies. “No, Sunset. You were the selfish one! I highly regarded you as my top student because of your excellence in learning unicorn magic. I always treated you with love and respect, yet this is how you reward me?” Celestia retorted, tears on her eyes. “FOOL!! Your so-called ‘love and respect’ were nothing but manipulation and lies to prevent me from attaining my true greatness! I deserve to be on top above everypony else! I am the most powerful and intelligent being in all of Equestria!” Sunset bragged. “You’re wrong, Sunset Shimmer. I cannot allow you to hurt my ponies. If you want to get to them, you will have to go through me.” Celestia said, charging her horn. “AND US TOO!” pony Rainbow added as she hovered next to Celestia. The Mane Five stood their ground while the six monsters hissed ferociously at them. Sunset likewise charged her horn and opened her wings. “FINE! Once I take care of you, all of Equestria will be mine to command!” Sunset cried. “ATTACK!!” Celestia and Sunset clashed horns together which sparked plenty of magical electricity. Pushing each other off, Celestia blasted her beam at her opponent. The latter deflected the beam with her shield and shot several beams toward her. The princess flew up and blasted a lamp stand to fall on Sunset. Grinning, Sunset jumped out of the way and allowed the lamp stand to fall on the ground and spill oil everywhere. She then levitated those burning candles and threw them on the oil which ignited the floor on fire. The fire spread itself unto the curtains and the furniture. Celestia stared at the fire for a brief moment. It somehow reminded her of something and suddenly got chills up in her spine. Snapping herself from her stupor, she glared back at Sunset. “Where is Twilight? What did you do to her?” Celestia demanded. “Let’s just say she had her...last shot. Hahahahahahahaha!” Sunset maniacally laughed. Realizing what she meant, she widened her eyes in shock. Her very own student, closest protégé, and newest alicorn...gone? She could not believe it. Sunset had managed to take away the very pony she cared about and mentored. Angered greatly by hearing this, Celestia jumped over the flames and tackled Sunset on the floor. “SUNSET, YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!” Celestia roared. She smote her face five times with her hooves and threw her against the table. Sunset then snickered at her dramatic reaction. “How delightful! Good! Come at me!” Sunset challenged. They again charged at each other and exchanged blasts. Rainbow flew over Flash and Scootaloo who were chasing her down. She flew in a circle repeatedly around them until they became dizzy. “Ha! Can’t catch me!” she boasted. Pinkie shot confetti and pumpkin pies at Snips and Snails. However, Snips and Snails ate every pie within an instant and breathed fire at the confetti. Seeing her tactics useless, she thought of another tragedy. “Hey, meanies! You wanna play tag? I’m sure you’ll love it! It will be fun!” Pinkie said. Snips and Snails looked at each other confused until they growled back at her and sprinted toward her. “Okie, dokie, wokie!” Pinkie said. She zoomed behind them and poked their legs. “Tag! You’re it!” she spoke, running away. They chased after her. Applejack and Rarity were cornered by Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle unto a wall. The two ponies looked ahead and saw the fire spread throughout the whole room which caused smoke to fill the air. Deciding to take the initiative, Applejack bucked the demonized Apple Bloom away while Rarity bashed against the demonized Sweetie Belle with her diamond shield. “We need to get out of here immediately!” Rarity urged. “Where’s Fluttershy?” Applejack asked. “There she is!” Rainbow said, pointing at an over-flipped table. They lifted the table and saw Fluttershy hiding and shaking. “Fluttershy, it’s okay! We’re going to get out of here!” She lifted the scared pegasus up. Pinkie returned back to her friends and saw Sunset and Celestia still battling on the other side of the room. Celestia fired two more blasts until she reluctantly kneeled down from exhaustion. Breathing heavily, she cast a glance on her enemy. “You...you won’t triumph, Sunset Shimmer.” “It’s QUEEN Sunset Shimmer!! I am now the new ruler of Equestria! Either you surrender or perish!” Sunset threatened. “I cannot allow my emotions to cloud my judgement. Twilight Sparkle’s sacrifice will never be forgotten. Still, I must not fall into the same trap my sister was in...again.” Celestia pondered. “Neither.” she said. Suddenly, she grabbed the Mane Five in her magic grip and teleported away. Sunset then smiled at her new victory. “Rejoice, my loyal subjects! Rejoice! Your rightful mistress and lady is now QUEEN of Equestria!! Bow to me!!” Sunset commanded. All of her demon army willingly bowed before her. The fire ravaged the whole room while sparing them and the mirror portal. At that moment, an insect-like pony spied on them through a window. “Impressive. A new queen, huh? Hehehe, let’s see what Queen Chrysalis has to say about this.” he whispered. He changed into a bird through a green flame and flew off.