A Series of Letters

by Dashie04


To, my wife, Crystal Gem

I’m so happy to hear you’re doing well. Yeah, I always suspected Sparky would be the militaristic one, but it’s always pretty funny. The girlfriend thing is new though, can’t wait to see them.

The Changeling infiltration could’ve gone better, we got caught. So naturally, we ran like Tartarus until we lost the Changelings. It was very entertaining, but the generals chewed us out a good deal about that one. They made us run laps, as per usual. Luckily, that is the least painful form of military punishment, as it’s generally over quickly, and we could be forced to do other things, like climb up a tower a couple times.

Chrissy, in case you haven’t gathered, I don’t like heights. Never have, never will. They freak me out, especially when I don’t have any harness or anything of the sort.

Naturally, the military doesn’t provide harnesses. It isn’t that high, but it’s enough.

But of course, you know...

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller

(After your comment about song lyrics, I’m absolutely including more.

So anyways, before the Changelings caught us red-handed, it was a blast. The hives are ever-changing, I don’t know what voodoo causes that, but it’s very cool. There might be Changeling wizards or whatnot. In that case, Chrissy, please get every book about Changelings you can find in the library, I’ll read them all through when I get back. Changelings are very cool.

Oh, I think I found out where Jack got his passion for things from. Well, and your passion for history, so I’m more surprised Sparky doesn’t have that trait.

So, the hives are ever changing, right? Well, we had to follow the line of best fit to see which hole would lead to Queen Chrysalis’ throne most efficiently. We had to do some architectural problem solving using what we knew. It was very fun.

As for dodging the Changelings, I suggested we all paint ourselves black, but the other lieutenants looked at me like I grew another head. Then they went right back to hatching a plan to get through. Well, you win some, you lose some.

The other lieutenants eventually settled on us to all move as a unit and hide in the shadows. Ol’ yellow-pelted me couldn’t exactly use that to my advantage. Somehow, we made it at least halfway through. Dodging Changelings was a chore, I had to hide behind the black-pelted ones. As did everypony with a highly visible color. It was almost like an Umakyo underground back there. We dodged and weaved our whole way through. Except, once we got to the elite guard squads, they very clearly noticed us.

Refer back to the first paragraph to see how that ended.

The generals scolded me and the crew very sternly and said something about how it was an easy task and us worms somehow failed it. It wasn’t exactly easy, but you should argue with generals.

So then, we ran several times around the camp.

Regardless, we’re setting up a better-planned infiltration to happen pretty soon. Let’s hope we’re successful and get some pretty cool information about Changelings and their queen. Notably, we will be taking note of that elite guard squadron.

So, it’s been pretty fun. Not as fun as playing catch with Sparky back home, though. While military’s great, sometimes you don’t want to be in the military 24/7. So, like I think literally everyone else, I’m really looking forward to getting home.

Perhaps we can have even more fun, Chrissy. (With that, don’t let the kids find out about this letter.)

So, about the questions, I can’t answer about the kids. I mean, you’re the one staying home with them, Chrissy. I’m the one sanctioned a hundred miles away in the Changeling Kingdom.

I can answer about the other two. I mean, my life is going well, can’t exactly say anything different from what you said. I mean, I’m having fun, and Changelings are really freaking interesting. Much more interesting than I’d expect, I can imagine how awesome it would’ve been to see the Changelings actually willingly become neutral or at the very least nice. Then, we could talk to them about exactly how a bug-pony’s built. How can they change? Can they do magic?

I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m very much enjoying this sanction. If only because of the Changelings. Of course, it’s not as good as being at home with you (please take up my request for fun). As I said before, it’s fine being in the military, but I’d rather be playing catch with Sparky and talking about my interests with Jack. It’s a tough job, and it does sometimes get tiring.

As for health, I mean, the Changelings didn’t do a thing. Unless, of course, they line their hives with asbestos, which is a silly thought to imagine.

Chrissy, I’m sure you’ll be fine. Your mother’s still alive, isn’t she? If she’s still alive, you can probably still live, too. If anything, I’m going to be the one that dies far from home. But please, if I do, come visit my grave, alright? I don’t want to be forgotten like some people are.

Before I close this letter I have an anecdote that I know you haven’t heard, because you weren’t here for it. In fact, it happened today. That’s why I’m mentioning it here.

So, I with with some of my squadron. We were eating our MREs for lunch. So then, one of them says that they are tired of this MRE stuff. So, I told them about what you wrote down about the Hayburger and Sunbucks. I get your letters in the morning, write up mine in the evening.

Well, one of them asked if I was in love with the Changeling queen, the others understood me though.

They offered to take me there, as if I couldn’t fly there myself. I may have injured my wings once or twice, but I can still fly. Anyways, I said no, couldn’t have too many ponies leaving at once. One may not be noticeable, but multiple is very much noticeable.


With all love and affection; Corny

In case it wasn’t obvious, I’m on my way to try and get to that Sunbucks and Hayburger.