Ozma meets Elizabeth

by After the End

The Plan

Ozma sat pondering Eliza's longwinded explanation about this turn of events. She couldn't help but be fascinated by what she heard about Equestria, let alone Canterlot. She asked Eliza to elaborate a bit about the land and its residents, but Liza refused. She still seemed a bit taken aback by it all and was certainly very uncomfortable talking about it at length as it was a traumatic experience for her. In either case Ozma was completely supportive and told her new friend that she would be willing to try to find a way to help her return to Canterlot if she chose, and that she would be welcome to stay and live in Oz as well, if that is what she decided. Liza did indeed love living in a fine castle surrounded by royalty, but then again, she had that here as well, so she really didn't know what she wanted at the moment.
After they both retired for the evening and Eliza was getting ready to fall asleep, she thought about the current situation and what she felt should be done about it. This was certainly a difficult issue for her to think about, as she would have a good life in either place. She loved her sisters, to be sure, but she was gaining a fast attachment to her new companion who treated her like she was on top of the world. After much deliberation on the best option, she decided that she wasn't sure. However, regardless of whether she actually did return, she felt at the very least, she should try to figure out a way to return, should she ever decide to do so.
The next morning Eliza awoke early. She had difficulty sleeping due to the traumatic experience which caused her to toss and turn all night. Ozma awoke to find Eliza waiting outside of her door like a guardian. She did not expect this because she was not accustomed to anybody awaiting her appearance. After recovering from her slight shock, she asked Eliza if there was a particular reason she decided to wait for her, or if she simply wanted to be there to greet her as she woke up. That's when Liza told her that she arrived at a decision, regardless of whether she returns, she at least wanted to know how it may be possible, if it is indeed possible. Not knowing the location of Equestria relative to Oz, she was afraid this may prove to be exceedingly difficult.
Ozma thought long and hard about how they may be able to achieve this. She then decided that perhaps her parents may have a solution to their problem. So they set off to discuss the issue with her parents. Upon arrival, Eliza went into detail about the events that transpired prior to her sudden appearance there. The king and queen were quite shocked to hear all of this. They remarked that Twilight and Zecora must be truly evil and that they should declare war against them if they were to ever come here. Liza was quite shocked to hear this and insisted that that is certainly not the case, and that both of them were merely misunderstood. They still seemed a bit unsure about it, but said that they would do what they could to help.
After careful consideration, they decided that perhaps the best course of action would be to consult the great sorceress Glinda who dwells at the very southern border of Oz. Ozma and Eliza seemed a bit concerned because neither of them really knew the land that well and they were afraid it may prove to be dangerous. In addition, Ozma was still quite young and had never gone anywhere without the accompaniment of her beloved parents. Unfortunately, they had their royal duties to attend to, so they decided to send an escort to assure their safety.
They both enjoyed the remainder of the day. They decided it best to rest well before setting out on such a grand adventure. They played bizarre games together that most people would never consider. By virtue of Eliza's magic, they were able to do not only things that Ozma could do with other humans, (not having hands, this would otherwise be difficult for Liza) but also spectacular things that normal people could not do. Liza was excited to see Ozma enjoying herself. She hadn't had such a good time since she used to hang out and play with Twilight. Then when she thought about it, it made her sad and wondered that if she did decide to return, would Twilight still hate her? Did she hate her, or was she just fueled by jealousy? She decided it best to not worry about such things and simply get some sleep, as it would be a long day tomorrow.