//------------------------------// // Part 4: Two Zords Are Better Than One! // Story: Lustering Steel // by TheSuperTransformerFan //------------------------------// The Silver Ranger and The future top student were celebrating their moment of victory of the robotron’s defeat, but it was only short-lived as a gigadrone dubbed Tooldrone 2.0 landed almost 5 yards from them! Steel and Luster were both shocked at the gigadrone’s arrival. “A gigadrone?!” Steel asked. “Already? How do we handle that?” Luster Dawn, Twilight’s top student, was not afraid because from her recent battle with Steel to help her take down the robotron, she was ready to help finish the job of defeating that giant! “You know what? I think we got this!” She said confidently to her teammate. Steel could tell that she was right. “Luster, you’re right!” He said in realization. “We’re gonna take this gigadrone down!” He contacted Commander Shaw on his morpher. “Commander! Deploy Jet & Racer zords!” Commander Shaw caught the message loud and clear. “Zords are on the way.” She said over the morpher. “Alright!” Luster said in excitement. “Let’s go!” The Zords arrived quickly as Steel jumped into the Jet Zord and Luster jumped in the Racer Zord! “You ready for this, Luster?” Steel asked her. “Yeah!” Luster said in agreement and excitement. “Let’s show him what a top student and a Beast Bot teacher are made of!” Scrozzle got his gigadrone ready and he was piloting it as well! “It’s time for my revenge!” He said as he got his mech ready to fire laser beams from his hands! The Jet Zord flew up to the gigadrone and scanned it. “I scanned the gigadrone!” Steel said. “Scrozzle’s inside it!” The message went to the racer Zord loud and clear. “Then we gotta destroy him!” Luster said. “You’re right!” Steel said as he flew to the giant. “Rapid blast!” The Jet Zord fired a barrage of blasts to the gigadrone. Meanwhile inside the racer Zord, Luster was ready to take the gigadrone on when she heard a voice from inside the Zord. “Hi, Luster!” The voice said. “Steel told me a lot about you.” She saw the voice was coming from the steering wheel...Devon’s Beast bot, Cruise! She jumped back in shock, but then came back in the game. “You...you just talked!” She said in astonishment. “Of course I can!” Cruise said. “Beast Bots can take the form of steering wheels for the zords. Were you scared?” “A little.” Luster said to Cruise. “But, I’m okay now.” “Awesome!” Cruise said. He then took notice of the gigadrone. “Let’s show this gigadrone what he’s messing with! Rapid blast!” The racer Zord opened up it’s “doors” And fired blasts at the gigadrone, catching its attention. “Cheetah mode!” Cruise shouted as the racer Zord quickly converted to cheetah mode, ready to pounce on the gigadrone! “The racer Zord can handle this!” “It can turn into a cheetah?” Luster asked. “Like a changeling could turn into a different kind of creature?” “You bet!” Cruise said. “Time to take a bite out of this! Beast bite!” And the racer Zord in cheetah mode jumped up and pounced on Tooldrone 2.0 and “bit” him As he jumped off. Scrozzle’s mech was getting roughed up and needed some artillery! “Time for backup!” He said and Tooldrone 2.0 fired out some giant cylinders which transformed into gigadrone tronics! Cruise and Luster took notice of the two gigatronics that just appeared before them. Luster was shocked...but, Cruise was ready for this! “Gigatronics were not what I was expecting!” The red beast bot said as he Got ready to pounce on them! The racer Zord jumped on the first one and took a bite out of it. “Is that all you got?” Luster said, laughing with excitement as the second Gigatronic blasted the other one which also got blasted as the Zord jumped off, making way for the explosion! “Having fun yet?” Cruise asked the future pony. “Yeah!” Luster said excitedly as she was actually enjoying this first fight with a power ranger and a few zords. She had a lot to learn about ranger technology, but she was catching on quick. Steel took notice on how the gigatronics were easily beaten by Luster and the cheetah Zord! “All right, Luster!” He said. “The student becomes the teacher!” The Tooldrone 2.0 advanced toward the Castle was about to zap it apart if Twilight’s top student hadn’t noticed. “Oh no you don’t, Scrozzle!” She said as the racer Zord started toward him. “Racer zord! Battle mode!” Cruise said, and in a flash, the Zord transformed into robot mode. “Whoa!” Luster said, fascinated by all this! “It has a battle mode! Cool!” She took the reins and ready to face Scrozzle head on! The racer Zord advanced toward Tooldrone 2.0 and used its sword to slash it, but however, the Gigadrone had other ideas. It fired lasers from its hands at the racer zord, making it stagger back in pain. “Aaah!” Luster said in shock. “It’s zapping the Zord!” The Zord tried to retaliate by using the sword, but the gigadrone swatted the sword away, which made the Zord stagger back some more. “Luster!” Steel said as he advanced in his Jet Zord and fired at the gigadrone, making it stagger back. “Thanks, Steel!” Luster said as Steel’s Zord backed the fight up. “You can’t do this on your own!” Steel said. “You need friends to help you! That’s the important thing about friendship!” In an instant, something in Luster’s mind clicked as she now knew how important friendship was now. She thought it was a waste of time and Twilight’s friends didn’t care about the coronation going wrong, but she was wrong! She realized that friendships can be hard, and it takes work to maintain them. But without friends, things can be a lot harder. Friendship connects everyone, and undoing one group of friends makes its magic less powerful. “That’s it!” She said in realization. “I know how important friendship can be! Just like Twilight told me!” “That’s the spirit, Luster!” Steel said, clapping his hands in excitement. “You ready to work together to take him down?” Luster smiled back. “Absolutely, friend!” She said. And she and the beast bot got ready to strike at him! The Jet Zord transformed in Scarab mode and grabbed the gigadrone while he flew up! However, Scrozzle’s mech had other ideas as it grabbed the Jet Zord and threw it off of him. Steel’s Zord landed on the ground next to the racer Zord (which was standing up). “Steel!” Luster said as she saw what happened to his Zord. “Oh, man! That guy threw me off!” Steel said in shock. “What are we gonna do?” Luster knew what to do. “Zords alone aren’t enough.” She said. “We need to combine forces!” Steel perked up, realizing what Luster was planning on. “A Zord combination, right?” He asked in amazement. “Let’s do it!” “Yeah!” Luster said as she got the racer Zord to take a jab at the Tooldrone with its sword, making it back away for long enough. Steel used to Jet Zord to blast it, to buy them more time. Finally, they were ready! “Let’s combine!” Luster said in excitement and determination. “Do it!” Steel said as his Jet Zord came right over to the racer Zord and split into a few armor parts... a stronger arm for the Zord, followed by a jet pack for its back, and a blaster for it to use. The two zords combined into a new zord combination that not even Scrozzle or any ranger had seen before! “What should we call this combination?” Luster asked. “Uh...I think...” he thought of a perfect title. “Beast Racer Megazord...Unleashed!” He announced. “Sweet!” Luster said. “I like the name!” “Now, let’s show this guy what we’re made of!” Steel said. The beast Racer Megazord was ready to take this gigadrone on! “Alright.” Luster said. “So, let’s see what you can do!” The Tooldrone got right to the megazord, but it retaliated by using its Scarab arm to grab it. It then used the gun to blast it deep in the gut, which made it stagger back. “Yeah!” Luster said in excitement. “Check this out!” Steel said as he activate the jet pack on the back and the blaster, making the Megazord go up in the air! Luster was shocked and amazed at this new ability this new combination had. “Alright!” She said. “This Megazord can fly? Awesome!” The Beast racer Megazord swooped down and used the Scarab arm the slash the Tooldrone, which made it stagger back in pain. Scrozzle was not handling the situation well as he was taking a beating from this new combination. “Argh! I can’t handle this flying Zord!” He said in agony. The racer Megazord meanwhile, was ready for round 2 with this gigadrone! Meanwhile inside Canterlot Castle, Twilight and Spike were going over what happened recently and that Luster should stay with Steel as he battled as a chance to see how Friendship really works. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Twilight?” Spike asked worriedly. “Luster could probably be hurt! She could probably be in a difficult situation she can’t get out of as we know it!” “Not exactly, Spike.” Twilight told him. “I’m pretty sure that whatever Steel and Luster are doing to help, they’re doing it together.” Just then, the doors opened as Pinkie Pie came in, now in her 40s with bigger pink hair and confetti. She sighed. “Sorry I'm late.” She said. “But it is so hard to find a sitter with a sense of humor for Li'l Cheese.” Behind her was a yellow colt with a bouncy light pink mane, Li’l Cheese, who bounced inside with a rubber chicken squeaking in his mouth. He let go of the chicken as his mother patted him as they walked toward their friend. Then, Rarity came in with a blue gown and a sky blue stoll, and her mane having a gray hairline added to her purple. “Honestly, I would have been here sooner, but you would not believe how busy Yakyakistan is these days.” she said as she entered and met up with Twilight. The next ones to enter were Rainbow Dash and Applejack...with Rainbow, having her mane in a style like Spitfire’s and wearing a wonderbolt jacket, and Applejack still wearing her usual hat, but also now with Granny Smith’s bandanna around her neck. “Maybe we could get to places on time if you let me do some of the chores instead of always doing everything yourself.” Rainbow said as she and Applejack both entered the throne room. “Maybe I would if you did them the right way.” Applejack said calmly to her friend and saw that the others were gathered. “Oh. Sorry. We're not the last ones, are we?” she asked. A portal then opened up, revealing Fluttershy with her mane tied in a beautiful ponytail as Discord handed her a a gift bag as he went back into his dimension. She was the last one to enter. “Discord's headed to an O&O convention or he'd be joining us.” she said giggling. The others looked around and saw that Luster wasn’t in the room with them. “Now, where the hay is Luster?” Applejack asked confused. “Isn’t she gonna be here with us?” “Yeah.” Rainbow said in agreement. “It’s not like her to be late.” No one inside noticed the Beast Racer Megazord going at it with Tooldrone 2.0! “Luster’s solving a little friendship problem.” Twilight told them. “She’ll be fine.” Applejack then giggled. “You’d think Luster assumed that since we all aren't together all the time now—“ “That we wouldn’t stay friends?” Twilight asked as she and the others giggled. “Exactly.” Rainbow answered. “Oh, Please, Rainbow Dash darling!” Rarity reminded her. “It’s quite rude to address the fact that someone’s not here and just make fun of it.” “What are you talking about, Rares?” Rainbow Dash asked her confused. “I wasn’t trying to make fun. I was just waiting for Twilight’s student to show up. That’s all.” “Oh, I hope she’s okay.” Fluttershy said a teeny but worried but mostly with confidence. “I just hope nothing bad happens to her. That’d be terrible.” “Easy there, Flutters.” Applejack reassured her. “I’m pretty sure Luster will show up in time for Twilight’s speech. I just know it.” She smiled as she saw everyone in the room with her. “I just can’t help but wonder how surprised to see how we’re all still friends together.” “Hey, guys!” Pinkie Pie said. “Check this out!” The others went to the window where she and Li’l Cheese were watching as they all now saw the Megazord take out the gigadrone. Rainbow was surprised to see the Megazord as she instantly recognized the zords that were part of this combo. “Is that Steel?...And Devon?” She asked in surprise. “And, how did they get over there fighting that gigadrone?” Rarity asked as well. “Uh, guys?” Spike said as he saw who was in the cockpit. “I don’t think that’s Devon.” “What?” Everypony else asked. “Then, who’s piloting the racer Zord?” Rainbow asked in confusion. Twilight looked deep into the Zord combination and scanned it to see who was in it. She saw Steel and a pink unicorn with a sun-like mane piloting the racer Zord. Twilight gasped as she realized who it was. “It’s Luster!” Twilight said which shocked everyone! Meanwhile, back to the Zord taking on the gigadrone, Luster and Steel’s Megazord combo was taking on Tooldrone 2.0 without a sweat! As the gigadrone couldn’t take much more of this the two decided to finish him off. The Beast Racer Megazord flew up and swooped down as it slashed the gigadrone down to the ground. “BEAST RACER MEGAZORD BLITZ CHARGE!” They shouted as the Megazord did its attack. Scrozzle couldn’t handle this combination anymore as he gigadrone was almost completely worn out from all the attacks this Megazord was giving it. “I can’t take much more of this!” He said in agony and fright! “Let’s finish this!” Luster said to her teammate, now friend. “With you all the way!” Steel said as the Megazord activated his jet packs and flew up and aimed the jet-like blaster at Tooldrone 2.0. Steel got out his striker morpher and aimed it at the gigadrone inside the cockpit. “BEAST RACER MEGAZORD...HYPER BLAST!” Steel and Luster shouted as the Megazord fired a massive blast with its gun, hitting the gigadrone spot on and severely weakening it. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Scrozzle shouted as the gigadrone exploded, taking him with it! And just like that, the last member of the Legion of Doom was destroyed. Scrozzle was now no more. “Virus eliminated!” Steel and Luster proclaimed in victory as they defeated the gigadrone. Scrozzle was finally stopped and Equestria was safe again as Luster not only learned how important friendship can be, but also made a new friend in the progress. She couldn’t wait to tell Twilight as she and Steel both jumped out of the zords to meet up with the Mane Six while the zords themselves went back to the hangers in Grid Battleforce. They couldn’t wait to tell them about the new discovery in Friendship they made as they headed back to Canterlot Castle.