//------------------------------// // Part 1: The New Student // Story: Lustering Steel // by TheSuperTransformerFan //------------------------------// In the year, 2039...(alright, forget it. Let’s go with the Future Time of Equestria. That’s easier.)...the portal opened and Steel arrived. He took a look around him as he saw various creatures all in Canterlot, being friends and sharing friendship. “Wow!” Steel said in astonishment. “Equestria really HAS changed during all this time!” He did a quick look on both sides, hoping that no one was around to see him. “They’re probably not used to seeing a Beast Bot around in these parts.” Steel said as he got out his morpher and quickly morphed into his ranger form. “I’d better change my appearance!” He made his way to the castle and no one noticed his transformation or his presence. He was about to enter the throne room when he was stopped by Gallus. “Halt!” He said as he aimed his spear at him. “Who goes there?” This made Steel step back a little bit. “Uh. I have to see Princess Twilight at once!” Steel said, determined and nervously. “I’m here on a mission.” “Sorry, Sir.” Gallus said as he carefully prodded him, making him take a few more steps back. “No one gets in to see the Princess without permission.” “I have an invite from the princess, herself.” Steel said, getting out the letter that was delivered to him. Gallus took the letter and read it, and sure enough, it was legit and all the proof that he needed. He retracted the spear. “Well, why didn’t you say so?” He said and opened the door. “Your majesty?” He told her. “Steel’s here.” And he moved to reveal the silver power ranger, standing right before her. Twilight saw him and smiled. “Steel!” She said happily. “You came!” She flew over from her student and advisor to hug the ranger. “Twilight!” Steel said excitedly as he went over to her and got hugged by the princess. He noticed that she looked a little...“different” from the last time he saw her, and that she almost matched Princess Celestia herself. “You look a lot like Celestia than the last time I saw you!” He said in surprise. “How did you almost match your mentor’s appearance?” Twilight giggled. “Well, it’s not easy...but a lot can change in 20 years.” She told him. Steel was utterly shocked, trying to process this information. “Has it been THAT long?” He asked. “Because the last time we defeated Evox was a few months ago!” “I know how change can rapidly happen.” Twilight said happily. Steel also saw Spike as well. “Spike!” He said excitedly. “Steel!” Spike said, coming over to him and hi-fiving him. “Good to see you! I can’t believe it’s been such a long time.” “It sure has been!” Steel said. “You got muscles? Cool!” Spike smiled. “You’re growing up!” “I sure am!” Spike said to him. “Did I insult anything?” The beast bot asked. “No, you didn’t, Steel.” Twilight told him. “Even I know this can be quite a shock to you.” “So, what’s the problem?” Steel asked. “I’m glad you asked.” Twilight told him. “You see, ever since I took over Celestia's School, my focus has been on teaching magic. But, it seems my top student has missed the most important lesson of all.” “What do you mean?” Steel asked. “Let's just say it'll be good to have you here to help.” Twilight told him. She turned to Luster Dawn. “Luster, I brought someone who can help.” Luster took notice at the silver ranger that appeared before her and she was surprised. “You can demorph, Steel.” Twilight told him. “But, what if I scare her?” The beast bot asked nervously. “I mean she’s probably not used to seeing a beast bot.” “Steel, I already told her a lot about you.” She said as she smiled. “So, you’ll have nothing to fear. You won’t scare her. You can demorph when ready.” Steel got out his morpher and instantly demorphed to reveal his beast bot form. Sure enough, Luster Dawn was super surprised at what she saw. She had never seen a creature like him here before. Her reaction was a lot different than Steel had expected. “Wow!” She said silently in amazement. “That’s cool!” It turns out. She wasn’t scared at all. She was rather amazed by what she saw. “I’m Luster Dawn.” She introduced herself. “She’s my top student.” Twilight told her. “Amazing.” Steel silently said. “I’m Steel.” He introduced as the two shook hands/hooves. “So, why did you want me to come here, remind me again?” “She doesn’t want to make friends and thinks that friendship isn’t worth it.” Twilight told him. Steel was utterly shocked at this. “What?!” He asked. “That’s crazy! Friendship is more trouble than it's worth?!“ “That’s what I asked her!” Spike said in agreement with the Beast Bot and deftly dodging a glare from Twilight. “Well, I think Friendship is a waste of time.” Luster started to say. “It’s just that there is a lot of focus on that.” “Maybe, you might want to walk with us for a little bit.” Twilight suggested as She, Steel, Luster and Spike all walked to a stained glass window. “Friendships take work, and there's no guarantee they'll last. They can be complicated. They can be messy. And they never go the way you plan. Friendship is a hard thing to Navigate.” “I can’t argue there.” Steel said. “Friendship can take a long time to understand.” Twilight smiled and nodded in agreement. “You are right, Steel.” Twilight said. “I remember the first time I realized it might not last forever.” She then turned to face Luster, “Have I ever told you the story of my coronation?” she asked. Luster shook her head, “I can’t say you have.” the student answered. Twilight smiled as she turned back to the window. “Your coronation!” Steel said in realization. “Of course! I remember that like it was yesterday!” He turned to Twilight. “That was before the big battle we had with Evox!” Twilight smiled. “It sure was, Steel.” She said. (Read part of “A Coronation Put on Hold” from the last story, “Target: Mane Six” https://www.fimfiction.net/story/465901/2/target-mane-six/part-1-a-coronation-put-on-hold) “Twilight and Spike were packing up to move back to Canterlot.” Steel narrated the whole flashback. “...and evening THOUGH she was ready to rule Equestria, she was reluctant to leave Ponyville behind, fearing that she and her friends will drift apart in spite of their promise to rule together. Spike, I remember you suggested that Twilight talk to her friends about it.” “It’s true!” Spike cut in. I DID suggest to Twilight to talk to the others, hoping that they would understand her situation and that they would help her out.” “However, the rest of Twilight's friends were more welcoming of this transition, explaining that change is natural and should be embraced.” Steel continued to narrate. “ Applejack and Pinkie Pie were making final preparations for the ceremony,Fluttershy was rehearsing with her animal friends, Rainbow Dash was overseeing a special Wonderbolts routine, and Rarity was using star spiders to weave Twilight's coronation gown at the time. Back at the castle, Twilight felt that her friends cared more about making her coronation perfect than the fact that she was leaving Ponyville. Though, she didn’t realize that it was not forever she was leaving Ponyville. “ Luster was intrigued and amazed by what the beast bot was telling her. “When the other elements of Harmony arrived to see her off, Twilight finally voices her frustrations, thinking that they were making her coronation so perfect that she was leaving and that none of them cared. This shocked her friends a lot. ” Steel told her. Luster was a little surprised, as well as Spike and Twilight for a little bit. But, Steel knew there was more to the story than there was, and he would stop at nothing to help Twilight’s top student see the light...even if he had a whole story to tell.