Saving Whitespot

by ACPictures

Chapter 10 - Apologizing Thistle

At Thistle’s cottage, Whitespot knocks on the door, and Thistle answers the door.

She looks surprised and confused. She sees both Whitespot and Scootaloo. Whitespot begins to apologize to Thistle for not being with her or being such a lousy friend. All because Scootaloo helps Whitespot.

With a startling speech that Whitespot couldn't say something, Scootaloo interrupts. Scootaloo tries to tell Thistle that a friend can never take another friend away. She doesn't mean to take Whitespot away from Thistle. Thistle now understands and believes in Scootaloo.

She hugs Whitespot, and Scootaloo hugs them all.