Operation New World

by BlackDawn


Once upon a time, in a crystal city surrounded by nigh endless snow....

...There was war. The reason this war started, was as always, ultimately trivial and pointless, and has been lost to time. The war was long and bloody lasting many decades, with neither side able to remember why they're fighting. Many lives were lost, mostly military casualties, some not, be it petty revenge, insatiable blood-lust, or just a simple accident, though accidents were rare in the final days of the war, they all lead to pure terror and loathing.

With the civilian population too busy fearing for their lives, the crystal heart at the center of the crystal jewel slowly faded, till one day it fell to the ground with a gentle tink causing more terror 
than any pony could have predicted. The streets were filled with rioters, usurpers to the crystal throne, and with the local guard unable to stop all this madness, the Princess sent for her most trusted Guards, Colonel Steel Heart and his escort, to take her one-year-old daughter to the safety of Stable 47, Code-Named: "Citadel", which was set to be the last home for the crystal ponies, if the worst were to come.

The Citadel was the most advanced stable ever created, designed with the sole purpose of being a completely self functioning underground city, for it was designed to house the entire crystal empire and all her citizens. 

The Citadel had all anyone could want when it came to an underground paradise, factories, housing, enough hydroponics to feed 6 times the Citadel's maximum capacity of 300,000, and 
sizable armory with enough gear inside to arm 75,000 with prototype fusion cell based laser weapons, and 20,000 of them with T-51 Power armor even leaving them with the capacity to make more ammo and weapons if needed.

Now, surely this seemed a little much doesn't it? Surely there will be no need for such a heavily fortified stable..... only time will tell.