//------------------------------// // All Summer in a Dash // Story: All Summer in a Dash // by Lets Do This //------------------------------// "Uh, community service?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Seriously, Twi?" "Seems only fair," Princess Twilight replied, "considering." The two of them were in the library room of the Friendship Castle in Ponyville, sipping mugs of hot chocolate by the fire burning in the library's small -- and carefully isolated -- grate. Though to be precise it was Twilight who was seated by the fire. Rainbow as usual was hovering in midair nearby. The cyan pegasus threatened to slop hot chocolate around with every wave of her mug, yet somehow managed to keep avoiding it. "Well," Rainbow said, "I suppose you're right. I have been feeling really bad about the damage I caused in Cloudsdale, sabotaging the Winter Lab and all. Even though, since I got flung all the way to Ponyville after, nopony even suspects it was me. So I totally got away with it! Heh heh! Uh..." Her gleeful snickering was cut short by the stern look on the lavender alicorn's face. Rainbow shrugged, and nodded. "Buuuut you're right, Twi. I really ought to do something to make up for it. And that's why I came to you. I figured you'd have some ideas." "Me?" "Sure! When it comes to messing up bigtime, nopony can hold a candle to you!" "Excuse me?" "Uh, hello? Like that weird curse you put on everypony in Ponyville? Which had 'em all fighting over a stuffed pony doll?" "It was a Want-It-Need-It spell," Twilight corrected testily. "Not a curse. And in the end, the only thing hurt was everypony's pride... especially mine..." "And that other time? When you were so freaked out something bad was going to happen, and had everypony scurrying around preparing for it? And it turned out it was just you from the future, trying to warn yourself not to freak out like that?" "Rainbow..." "And the time you misread that spell and swapped everyone's cutie-marks around? Heh, you got your Princess wings outta that one!" "Rainbow..." "And turning Fluttershy into a vampire bat-pony? And then, to top it all off..." "Rainbow!" "What?" Rainbow glared at her. "I'm just sayin', Twi, you had a lot to own up to. And you did! Totally! Trust me, nopony around here holds any of that stuff against ya any more." Twilight stared levelly at her, an eyebrow raised. "I thought we were discussing you, Rainbow, not me." "Yeah, I'm getting to that. So, how'd you do it, Twi? How'd you go about making up for big foul-ups like that? I wanna come clean here and do the right thing. And if anypony knows how to do it, it'd be you. So, how do I start?" Twilight eyed her friend, trying to gauge whether the Fastest Pony in Equestria could be counted on to put the brakes on and take things seriously. Then she shrugged, fatalistically. We can but try, right? "For situations like this, Rainbow, there's only one thing to do." "Okay, lay it on me." "It's a special pony ritual. It's called reformation." (*) "Cool! I love rituals! Uh... what exactly do I need to do?" "First, you apologize." "Okay, I kinda figured that..." "To Cloudsdale. All of it." "What?!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "... and so, like, that's the whole deal," Rainbow said to the assembled audience of pegasi, gathered in the broad Ionic-columned Forum of Cloudsdale Media Stratus. Some were wearing the white work clothes and hard hats of the Weather Factory; the rest were from all walks of life in the cloud-based city. "I really messed up," Rainbow went on, "and I caused a lot of damage up here. It was wrong of me, and really selfish, too. And I want to make it up to everypony here. Sooo..." She glanced hurriedly at Twilight. Who motioned discreetly to herself as a hint that Rainbow should treat her own apology as a role model. "So!" Rainbow quickly went on, "with Princess Twilight's help, I'm gonna come up with a truly awesome plan for how to do just that! You'll see!" Twilight rolled her eyes. At least she's staying on script. "More bulletins as events warrant!" Rainbow said proudly. And then, as if suddenly remembering what she was there for, she looked regretful. "And, uh... look, I'm sorry, everypony. Really, I'm sorry. I did wrong, and I'm gonna make it up to all of ya. That's a promise. And thanks so much for your time today." The gathering gradually broke up, ponies chattering amongst themselves as they trotted off. More than a few were nodding in approval at Rainbow's speech. Among these was Lofty Skies, the sandy-maned general manager of the Weather Factory. He trotted up to Rainbow and Twilight, with several of his departmental managers in tow. "Well!" he said. "I really want to thank you, Miss Dash, for being so open and forthright with us about what happened. And thank you, Princess, for bringing this to our attention! Really, we were afraid the place had just fallen apart on its own, and we were about to start a complete tear-down and rebuild just to be safe." "Really?" Twilight asked, puzzled. "But... wouldn't it be better to figure out where the real problems were, and fix them?" Lofty looked sheepish. "To be honest, Your Highness, the place has been operating so long it's become kind of a hodge-podge. Kludges piled on patchwork fixes. None of the design plans are up-to-date. Most of the ponies who really knew the ins and outs, who knew why things were the way they were, have retired. So without detailed knowledge of how the system broke down, there was no way for us to know what to fix. It would have been simpler and safer just to rebuild from the ground up." "Woah!" Rainbow said, astonished. "I thought the stuff that I did was just, you know, messin' around. Moving too fast, and breaking things. It all looked kinda complicated, but I just assumed there was a reason for it all to be the way it was." "Actually, Miss Dash," Lofty admitted, "you somehow managed to discover just about every flaw in the operation of the facility, all in one go. And if I might be totally frank?" He glanced around. "We were worried the Inspection Board would be coming by, asking some really difficult questions. Why were the gaskets on the main water tank so loose? Why there wasn't an interlock on the door to the lightning storeroom, or the wind room? Why there was that open fan, right where any object in midair could have been sucked into it?" "Well, don't worry about that, sir!" Rainbow said eagerly. "We won't tell a soul about it!" "Thanks, but... I'd really rather you did the exact opposite." "Come again?" "Rainbow, if you'll work with us, help us to catalog everything you ran into during your... um, unscheduled inspection of the facility, let's call it? Then we'd be happy to call it even. We've already cleaned up most of the damage anyways. And you've saved us from having to do a time-consuming rebuild. If we can present the Inspection Board with an already-prepared report on the issues we uncovered and mitigations thereof..." He shrugged. "Well, all's well that ends well, I say!" "Hey sure!" Rainbow said readily. "I'm totally on board!" "Great! Patchy Fog here is in charge of the report." He indicated an off-white pegasus standing next to him. "So I'll want you to walk her through every step of your visit. Don't leave out a single detail. And don't be shy about noting anything that struck you as unsafe. As they say, every little bit helps!" Relieved, Rainbow nodded willingly. Then she grinned smugly at Twilight. And looked away uncomfortably from the disapproving look the Princess was giving her. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "So, it turned out I actually did them a favor," Rainbow said as the two of them flew back down to Ponyville, their scarves fluttering in the chill winter breeze. "I gave 'em a reason to finally fix things up around the Weather Factory, and a complete list of what to fix. I mean, yeah," she admitted, "it could have been worse. But it wasn't. And nopony's really mad at me. So, what's wrong with that? I thought you liked happy endings, Twi?" "And I thought you wanted to make up for what you did." Twilight frowned at her. "You really think this qualifies?" "Well, sure! Okay, no. Not really," Rainbow quickly amended. "But look, nopony in Cloudsdale is upset about the damage. Which shouldn't be all that surprising. We pegasi have to deal with weather damage all the time. We're used to pitching in, patching stuff up on the fly. Most pegasi foals can move clouds around even before they can even walk straight. So it turns out it wasn't nearly the big deal I was making it out to be..." Twilight abruptly came to a halt and hovered in midair, forcing Rainbow to circle back to face her. "I'm not talking about the factory, Rainbow," she said. "I'm talking about you. The whole point of the reformation ritual is for you to feel comfortable that you've properly made amends, that your obligation to others is satisfied. And if you're let off the hook so easy like this --" "Easy, Twi? You know how many pages that report is gonna run to?" She tossed her forehooves in disbelief. "I'm just glad I'm not gonna have to write the darn thing myself! That Patchy is a wiz with shorthoof, and she said that..." Rainbow looked at the expression on Twilight's face. And hung her head. "Okay, yeah. They let me off. And that's not cutting it. I get it, Twi. I do still feel like I need to make it up to somepony." "So, we're right back where we started." Twilight resumed flying towards Ponyville, and Rainbow fell in beside her. "So what about my previous idea? Doing a little community service to make up for it?" "What is it with you and this community service whatsahoozit?" Rainbow said, waving her hooves. "You've got a one-track mind, Twilight!" "Detail-oriented. You're welcome. I'll bill you later." "And like, who would I be doing community service for?" "Well, it seems like you've settled your debt with Cloudsdale," Twilight said. "By sheer dumb luck," she added to herself, sourly. "But what about everypony else?" "Huh?" "All of Ponyville... which wound up buried under a season's worth of snow and ice, all in one shot." "Yeah..." Rainbow nodded. "Ya know, I'd kinda assumed that no one really minded that. Because every flake and icicle wound up exactly where it was supposed to be. Though in a big hurry, no doubt about that." "This isn't about whether anyone blames you for what you did, Rainbow," Twilight persisted. "It's about you. Even if others are mature and understanding enough to overlook your mistakes, it's still on you to own up to them and fix them. That way others can see the kind of pony you really are... and you can see it for yourself." Rainbow gritted her teeth, and nodded. "Okay, right. Community service. Right. So, where do I start?" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Are ya sure about this, Twi?" Applejack nudged her hat back, staring worriedly out through the farmhouse door at Rainbow. The pegasus was determinedly pushing a snowshovel, clearing a path from the porch out to the road. "Ah'm not sure it's absolutely necessary." Twilight nodded. "It's theraputic," she said. "Rainbow still feels guilty about what happened. A little time helping others is just what she needs to help her sort it out." "Wayall, all right. But I figgered it was all water under the bridge. I mean, we got ol' Tank settled in his burrow for the winter months. And from what you said, the ponies in Cloudsdale were okay with Rainbow's apology. And nopony here really minded getting winter all lump-sum like that. Heck, Apple Bloom and the other kids went wild soon's they saw the place buried. Couldn't get out their sleds fast enough." "Everypony else is just fine," Twilight agreed. "But not Rainbow. She feels like she was let off too easy." "Oh. Ah see." Applejack nodded sagely. "It's like havin' a debt you feel you cain't repay. So it sticks in your craw-like, somethin' fierce." "Something like that. So I'm having her do the reformation ritual. You know, like you showed me, after the Want-It-Need-It spell?" "Woah!" Applejack nodded. "Didn't realize it was that serious. Them's the big guns, and no mistake! All righty then. So, uh... how long ya think I should keep hoofin' her chores like this?" "Just for this afternoon. Then tomorrow we'll move on to Rarity. And I hope we can sort this out before we run out of close friends." "Okay, then." Applejack stared out through the door. "But heck, there's no reason it has to be all work. Hey, Rainbow!" she called. "Huh?" The pegasus looked up, grumpily. "What, A.J.? Am I not doing the edges clean enough or something?" "You're doin' jes' fine. But cain't do a real good job without somethin' ta warm ya up. C'mon in for a spell. We'll have a mug of cider." "Really? Hey! Don't have to ask me twice!" Dropping the shovel, Rainbow blasted towards the door of the house. She was moving so fast that she was a blur as she whipped right by Applejack and Twilight. A second later, there was a loud crash and clatter from the farmhouse's kitchen. When they trotted into it they found Rainbow... upside down, in the broom cupboard, with buckets and brooms and powdered cleanser scattered all around her. Rainbow grinned up at them, embarrassed. "Heh heh. Oops! Guess I should clean all this up first, right?" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Really, Dash! You could not have come at a more opportune time!" Rarity trotted happily around the fitting platform, where Rainbow was standing on a small table, wings stiffly outstretched. "I wanted to have this formal gown ready for Princess Celestia's visit to Griffonstone, and I did need a proper test-fitting to be sure of the design before I present it to her." "Ugh! Fine, whatever," Rainbow grumbled. "I feel like a piƱata in this getup! All these feathers... and I'm a pegasus, for crying out loud! And why does Spike keep giving me the evil eye?" Rarity paused on her circuit to give the baby dragon's green spines a playful ruffle. "Oh, Spikey-wikey is kind enough to help out sometimes, modeling some of my smaller creations. He's probably feeling just a teensy bit jealous." "Yeah," Spike said, his arms crossed. "So don't get any ideas, Rainbow. I've got my eye on you!" "Relax, Spike," Rainbow said dryly. "Your role as dresspony is safe. I'm not planning on making a habit of this." "How's it going, everypony?" Twilight asked brightly, as she trotted in through the shop door. "Boring!" Rainbow snapped, before anyone else could speak. "Seriously! This is the fifth dress she's had me in, Twilight! And these fittings take for-ev-er! Unghhh!" She made a hideous face. "Oh!" The fashion pony paused, looking uncertain. "Well, I would never want you to feel uncomfortable, Rainbow. That would just throw off the entire line of the ensemble! It needs to be inspirational and uplifting, help the wearer look and feel their very best. If you'd rather --" "No, no! Sorry!" Rainbow hurriedly put up a hoof. "Forget I said anything. It's fine. I just need to pony up and deal with it." "Are you sure, darling?" Rarity gestured towards a nearby rack, filled with a threateningly large quantity of garments in the process of construction. "If you'd like, perhaps we might work on something a little more sporty, a little more you?" "Nope, nope! This is for Her Highness, you said. And we're not gonna let her down, are we? Besides, this isn't about me. It's about me being here for my friends, helping everypony out. Right, Twi?" "Sure, Rainbow." Twilight said, a little worriedly. "As long as you're okay with it." "Yeah, I'm good. Seriously! Bring on the feathers!" Rainbow struck a firm, decisive pose, as if she was modeling for a Wonderbolts recruitment poster. Shrugging, Rarity went back to pinning a pleat, with Spike following her around, handing her tools and pins as needed and continuing to eye Rainbow grumpily. Twilight opened her mouth to say something. Then she shut it again, and left them to it. It won't do to meddle, she thought. This is something Rainbow needs to work out for herself. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The next morning, Twilight yawned as she went to answer the knock at the main door of the Friendship Castle. "'Morning, Derpy..." she said sleepily. "What's in the post today-- Rainbow?" "Heh, heh! Hey, Twi!" The pegasus grinned, and nudged the postpony hat on her prismatic mane to a jaunty angle. "Got you good, didn't I?" "You sure did! What's happened to Derpy? Are you delivering the post today?" "Nah, I'm not an official post employee. Derpy's kind of a stickler about that. But she is a little backlogged on parcel deliveries, and this is a large one. So I'm helpin' out. See, Pinkie had this really cool idea for giving everypony in town a nice surprise. Here, take a look!" With a wing she scooped a small package from the tottering stack on her back, passed it to a forehoof, and from there presented it to Twilight, who carefully unwrapped it. Inside the small box was a chocolate cupcake, with swirled white-and-blue icing, and tiny candy letters spelling out: A Little Winter Smile "Oh, that's so sweet!" Twilight said. "I mean, it's a lovely sentiment, to brighten up everyone's day." "Yeah... that's Pinkie, all over. It's kinda her thing." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Well, no time to chat, Twi. Got a lot of other smiles to deliver. See ya!" With a wave of a wing, Rainbow turned and headed briskly off. Walking. On the ground. Twilight watched her go, concerned. Then looked at the cupcake, suddenly not feeling quite so happy. And then she turned back inside, trying to work out a good next step here. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The next morning, Twilight and Rainbow were walking through the outskirts of the Everfree Forest, accompanying Fluttershy on her rounds of visits to her woodland friends. "Look, Fluttershy... I'm real sorry," Rainbow was saying. "For not listening to you about Tank needing to hibernate. And for giving you such a hard time about it. I was... well, you know, kind of in denial. Heh! The same way Twilight here is kinda into books!" "Gosh. Thanks," Twilight muttered, unamused. "It's okay, Rainbow," the butter-colored pegasus said. "I know you were just upset. Some of my little critters can get cranky too, when things aren't going quite right for them. I've learned to be patient with them and give them the help they need. And in the end, everything sorts itself out." "So... run this by me again," Rainbow went on, as the three of them trotted along the snow-covered path. "You're saying some animals hibernate... but not really?" "Uh huh. It's called torpor. It's when the animal goes into a reduced activity state for just a little while, like overnight, or during a real cold spell. And then wakes up and looks for food and such, just like they usually do. True hibernation is when the animal stays in the reduced activity state for a much longer time." "Like... Tank," Rainbow asked, wincing and gritting her teeth. "Yes. It depends on the kind of animal. Warm-blooded creatures tend to hibernate only when they really need to. Like raccoons, for instance, or skunks. Or Harry the Bear, who lives right here." They came to a halt before the large den opening, in the side of a snow-covered hill. "I like to bring Harry a little something nice," Fluttershy explained, pointing to the basket on Rainbow's back. "Just to let him know I'm thinking about him, while he's tucked away safe and sound." "So, what do I do?" Rainbow looked around the den entrance. "Is there, like, a doorbell or something?" "No. I usually just call in to him. If he's awake enough, he'll come out to say hi. And if not, I just let him rest, and come back the next day." "Oookay..." Rainbow cautiously stepped forward, and peered into the darkness. "Uh, hello? Harry? Anyone in there? Just came by to check on ya. If you're awake, I mean." A large, toothy face suddenly appeared from inside, and bellowed at her. ROARRRRRR!!! "Gah!" Rainbow choked out, her mane and tail standing on end. She stood where she was, wide-eyed and frozen with terror. And Fluttershy stormed right past her, glaring up at the bear. It wasn't quite The Stare, but it was pretty close. "Shame on you, Harry! Now, I know you can be a little grouchy, when you're woken up too early in the morning. But you know Rainbow. And she's come all the way out here to visit and help you feel better. So you be a good boy, and say you're sorry, right now!" The massive bear stared down at her, cringing abjectly. Then he rumbled apologetically to Rainbow. Who finally unfroze enough to manage a weak, wide-eyed smile. "Heh, heh... no biggie, big guy," she said with strained cheerfulness. "I know what it's like. I've had a few days when I've gotten up on the wrong side of the cloud, too." "We brought you a little toast with honey, Harry," Fluttershy said kindly, taking the basket from Rainbow's back and offering it. "And we wanted you to know, the weather ponies need to let things get a teensy bit colder the next few days. So you stay tucked up where it's nice and warm. And we'll come by and let you know when the weather's going to get nice again. All right?" Harry took the basket willingly, growling appreciatively -- in particular to Rainbow, who had finally managed to put on a slightly jaunty air. "Hey, like, no problem, Harry!" she said. "I mean, any bear you can wake up and walk away from is a good bear, right?" Rainbow somehow managed to keep the hectic grin on her face, as the ponies turned and trotted onward on Fluttershy's rounds. Then relaxing a little, she turned to look at Fluttershy. "So... what happened to being gentle and patient with cranky animals, huh?" Fluttershy giggled, in her hummy way. "Sometimes you have to be a little more forceful. Remind them they've crossed the line." She shrugged. "You learn when it's appropriate, as you get to know them. But it's always best to start and end gently, so they understand that's who you are, really." Rainbow nodded. And then she shook her head, thoughtfully. "Ya know, I hadn't really looked at weather duty like this," she said. "I mean, I know we have the scheduled cold snaps to keep down the insect population, and help keep the lake ice thick enough for skating and such. But I hadn't really thought about the critters who live out here, who don't have any control over things." "With great power comes great responsibility," Fluttershy agreed. "Since we control the weather, it's up to us to remember those who can't. Even if it's just sharing our plans with them, so they know what to expect." "Yeah, good thought," Rainbow said. "I'll mention that to the weather patrol. Make sure you're clued in on any last-minute changes." Then she glanced around at the snow-frosted trees. "Wow. It must be a lot of work, trotting around and checking up on all these little guys." "Oh, it's fun, actually!" Fluttershy said. "I get my exercise, and visit my friends -- the ones who are awake, anyway. And by the time I get back to my cottage I'm all ready for a nice lunch. Or tea with Discord, if it's a Tuesday." "Yeah... you're lucky, Fluttershy." Rainbow suddenly grimaced. "Um... would you gals excuse me? There's... something I need to do." And she abruptly trotted off, not looking back, her head down and her shoulders hunched. Fluttershy looked after her sadly. "I'm worried about her, Twilight. She hasn't been flying lately. And for a pegasus, that's usually an indication of some pretty deep trauma. I speak from experience on this. I hope she's okay." Twilight nodded. "I hope so too. But I think -- I hope -- she's just about to turn the corner. Would you pardon me? There's something I need to do too." "Of course. And say hi to Tank for me." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Twilight found Rainbow where she expected: by the elm tree near the skating lake, where Tank the tortoise had dug himself in to sleep through the cold months. "I'm sorry, little guy..." the pegasus was whispering to the snow-covered mound under the tree. "Rainbow?" "Hey, Twi." Rainbow nodded, but didn't look round. Twilight edged closer and put a hoof around her friend's shoulders. She felt them shaking. The pegasus was trying very hard not to cry -- and not having much luck. "I know it's dumb," Rainbow finally said. "But I kinda feel like it's my fault. That Tank's not here." "That he's hibernating? It's what tortoises do." "I know, right? And that's why it's dumb!" Rainbow snapped. "But that's how I feel, okay!" Twilight nodded, and said nothing. She just looked encouragingly at Rainbow, giving her the space to talk it out. "When I picked Tank as my pet," Rainbow went on. "I didn't think about what would happen during the winter months. And then when I found out, I couldn't accept it. And I went a little nuts, trying to stop winter from coming." "A little nuts?" Twilight asked, gently. "Okay, a lot nuts. Like the whole cart! And that's the problem, right there!" She stamped the snow-covered ground. "I move too fast, Twilight! I don't think stuff out. And Tank..." She stared at the mound of snow covering Tank's burrow. "I think, deep down, I picked Tank as a pet... because he'd slow me down, act as a brake. Keep me from running off half-cocked and doing stuff before I'd really thought it through. And usually he did. But not this time. And then... and then he..." She shut her eyes, weeping. "And now I won't see him again until Spring, Twi. And I don't know if I can last that long! Before I run off, and do something crazy again!" "You've got us," Twilight said, gently. "We'll be there for you, Rainbow. We'll just have to do, until Tank's back again in the Spring. You just have to be patient --" "I don't want to be patient, Twilight!" Rainbow yelled. "I don't want to have to wait, to slow down, be careful. It's not who I am! It's why this whole community service thing hasn't been working for me!" Twilight nodded, encouragingly. "Because..." Rainbow thought for a moment. "Because I don't do things slowly and carefully, one-on-one for ponies. I make a big splash, put on a big performance. So if I'm gonna really make it up to everypony, be true to myself about it, it has to be something really big, something really, totally, mind-bendingly awesome!" Her head fell. "But that's exactly what got me into this. And now Tank isn't here. And I wish he was, Twi. I really wish he was." "I know you do, Rainbow." Twilight sighed. "I know it hurts. You'll just have to wait for Spring, that's all." Rainbow's face screwed up, miserably. "Twi... I don't want to wait for Spring! I want it to be Spring right now!" Twilight nodded, and hugged her, holding her as she sobbed. Letting her know it was all right to feel that way. Like there was something that you had no control over, and even if you had to accept it, it didn't make it acceptable. "We all feel that way," Twilight told her, softly. "In the dead of winter like this, when it's really cold and windy and icy, we all wish we could have just one nice warm, pleasant Spring day again. Just one, so we'd know winter wasn't forever. And that's why it's so great when Spring rolls around, because then you know for sure the warm weather is coming back." Rainbow suddenly jerked. She sat back, a dawning grin on her face. "Twi... that's it!" Twilight stared at her, worried. "Rainbow... you're not thinking about rolling winter back again, are you?" "Uhhh... not exactly..." "'Cause it's like you said, that's what got you into all this." "I know! That's what makes this so perfect!" Twilight was startled when Rainbow suddenly hugged her, forcefully. "Have I mentioned lately you're a genius, Twi?" "Um, not recently?" "Well, consider yourself mentioned! Because ya are! 'Scuse me! Got things to do!" And Rainbow blasted off, straight into the sky. Leaving a somewhat bemused Twilight staring up after her. Then she glanced down at Tank's burrow. "Tell me you've had days like this." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ponies were gathering in Ponyville Square, near City Hall, on the side facing the ice-covered Argentum River, under an iron-gray, cloud-filled sky that was threatening even more flakes than they already had. "Hey, Twi!" Pinkie called cheerfully, as she and the other Element Bearers moved through the crowd of ponies to join the Princess on the City Hall steps. "You got any idea what this is all about? Rainbow asked me to help spread the word about today, but she wouldn't say a thing about it!" "Haven't a clue," Twilight said. "I hope she knows what she's doing." Further conversation was halted by a voice from overhead. "Hey, everypony!" Rainbow called down to the gathered crowd. "Thanks for coming! Now, I know you've all been kind enough to forgive me for the early start of the sledding season this year. Heh, heh! But I did kinda feel like I owed you all a little something, to make up for the trouble I caused. So here it is. And I hope you brought your sunblock like I told ya, because I give you... one hour of Summer!" She blasted upwards into the cloudbank overhead. And she was suddenly a light blue blur, ping-ponging back and forth, shoving clouds this way and that, clearing out a vast swath over the center of the town. And revealing a blazing, glorious hot summer sun. "Enjoy it while it lasts!" Rainbow called out. "And I'll see ya on the flip side!" And then she took off, in a vast arc, circling round and round the center of the town. All by herself, she rapidly built up a vast, whirling wall of wind, an air-dam, trapping the air inside it and shielding it from the cold winds outside. And under the blazing hot sun, the trapped air began to warm. The snow on the lawns melted away. The ice in the river cracked, fractured, broke up, and vanished. The assembled ponies quickly divested themselves of scarves and hats. Pinkie Pie, sensing her cue, quickly circulated to provide ponies with cool drinks and sun visors. Fillies and colts edged down to the river to test the water... and then dove in, finding it pleasantly cool. They laughed and splashed, and played happily. And everypony else gazed up, felt the summery warmth on their faces... and smiled. A smile that even Pinkie Pie at her best could only have dreamt of. The smile of ponies who had only wished for a tiny taste of Spring... and got full-on Summer instead. And round and round the town, Rainbow raced in a circle -- unstinting, unrelenting, flying like she'd rarely flown before. Staying focused, staying in the line, in the groove. Being the kind of pony she was. The kind of pony she knew how to be. Totally unleashed... and totally awesome. She wished Tank could have been there. He'd have loved it. Eventually, she flagged, slowed. But the hour was just about up. The sun sank back to its normal winter glow. The clouds began to roll back in on their own. And the townsponies reluctantly gathered their children and put on their winter-wear again. But the smile remained, as Rainbow wearily descended into a clapping, stamping, cheering throng. Rarity and Applejack trotted over to her and put a warm blanket around her, to help keep the sweat pouring from her from chilling her. "That was fabulous, my dear!" Rarity gushed. "And you were right, Rainbow," Twilight said. "It was the perfect way to do it." "Thanks, Twi!" Rainbow grinned sheepishly. "But I don't think I'd have been able to see that, not without your help. Without all of you," she added, looking around at the others. "So, ya good now, pardner?" Applejack asked. "Good?" Rainbow smirked. "Are you kidding me? I'm awesome!" They all laughed at that. And then the doors to City Hall opened behind them, and Fluttershy trotted out. "Oh no," said said softly. "I was checking on the dormice downstairs, and lost track of time. Don't tell me I missed it!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It ended as it began, with Rainbow and Twilight sharing mugs of hot chocolate by the fire in the library. And Twilight had to ask. "I know you could handle the weather, Rainbow, the clouds and winds, and so forth," she asked. "But how did you manage the sun?" Rainbow looked sheepish. "Welllll, I might have had some help there. I did kinda sorta make an arrangement with Princess Celestia." "Oh?" "Yeah. Like, I'm gonna wash every window in the Royal Palace in Canterlot." Twilight stared. "Rainbow, you know how many windows there are in the Palace?" "Uh..." "Five hundred forty three." Rainbow stared at her. "How do you --" "Detail-oriented?" Twilight reminded her. "Plus I used to live there as a filly? Need I say more?" "Nah. That's you all over, Twilight." "That's gonna be a lot of work, Rainbow!" "Yeah, well." Rainbow shrugged. "It'll be worth it. I always do better with aerial jobs anyways. And something like this, where I can just focus on one job, no distractions, until it's all done... it's perfect. It's community service, but all one go, lump-sum. Heh! Just like winter this year... so it's appropriate!" She smiled, and sipped her hot chocolate. "And then," she added after a moment, "well... maybe we can say this reformation thing is done properly, right?" Twilight smiled. "It's done when you believe it's done, Rainbow." Then she grinned. "But... let's not call it just yet, not until you get those windows cleaned. Because who knows what else may happen, right?" Rainbow smirked. "With me, Twi? Totally!" She shrugged. "'Cause that's just the kinda pony I am!" The End My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, its characters and indicia are the property of Hasbro. No infringement is intended. This story is a work of fan fiction, written by fans for fans of the series.