Equestria Girls: The Railway Stories

by friggin normie

Thomas Goes Fishing

When Thomas puffs along his branchline, he always looked forward to something special: the River Els. Whenever Thomas crosses the viaduct by the river, he always saw people fishing. He often wanted to stop and watch them, but Twilight wouldn't let him.

"What would Miss Celestia say if we were late?"

Every time Thomas saw another engine, he'd always say-

"I want to go fishing!"

And they always had the same answer:

"Engines don't go fishing!"

"And the outfits fishermen where are absolutely atrocious," Rarity would add in.

But Thomas doesn't let them dampen his spirits.

"Silly stick-in-the-muds," he would laugh.

One morning, he stopped at Elsbridge to take on water, only to find that the water tower was out of order.

"Bother," he huffed, "I'm thirsty!"

"Spike, do we have enough water to reach the next station?"

Spike checked Thomas' water level and cursed.

"We barely have enough water to reach the next signalbox!"

Twilight thought for a moment.

"We can get water from the river! Or at least enough to get us to the next station."

Once Thomas was at the bridge, Spike looked at the river and gagged. The water had a yellow tint to it.

"Are you sure you want to get water from here?" he asked. "I've seen boiler sludge that looks cleaner than this."

"It's either that or strand the passengers," Twilight replied.

"Ugh, fine. But how are we gonna get the water?"

His sister looked around until she found a bucket and some rope.

"With this!"

Spike looked skeptical. "That bucket is full of holes, Twilight."

"Then we'll have to work quickly!"

And so they did. Twilight would lower the bucket down into the river, pull it up as quickly as she could, and hand it to Spike so he could fill Thomas' tank.

"There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza." Spike sang. "There's a hole in bucket. Dear Liza, a hole!"

After about ten minutes of this, Thomas finally had enough water to get moving.

"That's good, that's good," puffed Thomas. And the little engine hurried away to make up for lost time.

But not long after they had started off, Thomas felt a pain in his boiler and steam began hissing from his safety valve in an alarming way.

"There's too much steam!" cried Twilight.

"I'm fit to burst," moaned Thomas. "Oh dear, oh dear."

"What do we do?" asked Spike.

"Uh, um, we'll dampen down his fire," answered Twilight. "We'll have to wait until he get to the next station to get to the bottom of this."

And so they struggled on.

"I've got such a pain," the little engine cried. "I've got such a pain."

"I know," Twilight said. "But once we get to Ffarquhar, we'll figure out what's wrong."

They stopped just outside the station and ran Thomas - who was still hissing fit to burst - onto a siding out of the way. Annie and Clarabel watched with worried expressions.

"Oh dear, oh dear," they said. "What ever is the matter?"

And while Twilight phoned for an engine inspector, Spike managed to find some signs that said 'DANGER! KEEP AWAY!' in large, red letters, and hung them in front and behind Thomas.

Soon, the inspector and Celestia Hatt arrived.

"Cheer up, Thomas," said the controller. "We'll soon put you right."

Thomas wasn't so sure about that but didn't say anything.

Twilight told them what had happened and the inspector hummed in thought.

"Hmm, so the feed pipe is blocked. I'll just look in the tanks and see if I can find what's blocking it."

The inspector leaned a ladder against Thomas' tank and looked inside. What he saw almost made him fall back in surprise!

"Miss Celestia," he said quietly. "Could you please look in the tank and tell me what you see?"

"Of course, Inspector Norris." She climbed up, looked inside, and cried out in shock. "Inspector, did you see...fish?"

Everyone stared at Thomas in surprise.

"Goodness gracious me!" Celestia exclaimed. "How did the fish get there, Tara?"

"We must have fished them from the river with our bucket!"

"Well, Thomas, so you and your crew have been fishing, eh? But fish don't suit you. We have to get them out!"

They got some fishing poles from the stationmaster's office and took turns fishing in Thomas' tanks. Thomas had never felt more embarrassed. Soon, they had a caught all the fish and had a lovely supper of fish and chips.

"That was wonderful," sighed Celestia. "But fish don't suit you, Thomas, so you must not do it again."

"No ma'am, I won't," he replied sadly. "Engines don't go fishing. It's too uncomfortable!"