//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: Fight with bosses and dreamworld // Story: Apex ponies // by Oaoadil //------------------------------// 12 Legends were heading to the center of town, killing changelings on their way. Soon they approached their aim. On the main street, there were three creatures. One of them looked like a changeling but taller, the other one was alicorn and the last one was a centaur with bullhead. "Strange, where are these elements of harmony?" asked centaur. Suddenly someone poked him, he turned around and saw an alicorn stallion. "Hi, sorry Ponyville is closed. Come back to your home," said Mirage. "Hmm, alicorn stallion. Good start." said centaur. He tried to grab pony, but it faded away with sparkles. "What the-?" "Over here ugly." Mirage grabbed his Peacekeeper and shot right into Tirek's face. He roared in pain. Meanwhile, Crysalis and Sombra were watching. "Should we help him?" asked the queen. "Nah, let's just watch," said Sombra. crack They turned around and saw a robot-pony who was standing on his hind hooves. "I hope you have enough brain to run," said Revenant. "Ha. I'm not afraid of you," said Sombra. He shot the bolt of magic at the pony, but it didn't even scratch him. "Nice try." Revenant charged at Sombra and tried to stab him with his knife-hand. Sombra dodged it and hit the robot into the chest. He grabbed his hoof, moaning in pain. "Argh, what the-" he didn't end because Revenant pierced him. "What the hell are you?" "Death." Revenant pulled out the king's heart and squashed it. Crysalis was shocked by this and backed away. Suddenly Revenant turned around. "Next time I'll not be so merciful. Get the hell out of here and take your minions." Crysalis nodded and shouted: "Changelings, retire-" the bolt of magic hit and knocked out her. Revenant looked at the sky and saw two alicorns who were taller than ponies. They landed in front of him and the dark one said: "Whoever you are, surrender now." "Hahahahaha!" laughed Revenant. "What's so funny?" asked a white alicorn. "First of all, I'm on your side. Second of all, it's not very smart of you to come here and fight with me without any help." "Alright, what's your name?" "I'm Revenant." Suddenly Mirage landed (crushed) between them. "Ouch, that hurts." "Hahaha. Good try, but not enough." "Tirek!" shouted two alicorns in unison. "Ha, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I'll take your power with pleasure," said Tirek. "Hey you," said Revenant. "What the? Robot?" "Yes, I'm the one who will kill you," said Revenant. He pulled out the skull and squashed it, then he turned to his shadow mode. Celestia, Luna, and Tirek were surprised by this, then Revenant charged at the centaur. The last one began shooting beams at the robot, but Revenant managed to dodge them. He jumped and dive his hand into Tirek's shoulder. He roared in pain and hit Revenant with a fist. Revenant disappeared and left the dark smoke. Tirek was looking around to find the robot. Suddenly he felt the sharp pain on his head. Revenant began stabbing his brain with both hooves, while Tirek tried to grab the robot. Revenant activated arc star placed it into the wound and jumped to the ground. Boom Tirek's head exploded into pieces and the body fell on the ground with a loud "bam". Two princesses and guards, who were here since the battle, were shocked by this. Revenant turned around and said: "So, is that all? Or I need to kill more meatbags?" "Halt! You are under arrest." said one guard. "For what? For saving your fat flanks?" Instead of answer unicorn began charging his horn, but robot threw his sphere and it exploded. Ponies who were standing near were paralyzed and couldn't use the magic. "Alright, everyone stops!" shouted Mirage. All turned their gaze to them. "I think we just started wrong. Let me fix this. My name's Mirage and that's Revenant. What's your name sunbutt?" The light alicorn brushed and said: "I'm Princess Celestia and that's princess Luna. So are you on our side?" "If you wanted to stop these freaks, so yeah. BTW you look pretty," said Mirage and winked. Celestia's face turned red, while Luna chuckled. "Also, there are 10 friends behind." Princesses and guards turned around and saw others Legends and Mane 6. Twilight approached Celestia and said: "Princess Celestia, it's guests that I was talking about. But what's with Crysalis?" Mane 6 saw a blood mess: Tirek's headless body, Sombra's corpse with a big hole in the chest and unconscious Crysalis. They were terrified by this scene. "Guards, drag Crysalis to her cell." "Yes, your highness." Guards grabbed the queen and dragged her to the wagon. Soon only Mane 6, Princesses and Legends were on the street. "So, let's introduce yourselves," said Mirage. "It's Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Pathfinder, Wraith, Bangalore, Caustic, Octane, Wattson and Crypto." "It's a pleasure to meet you," said Lifeline. "Thanks, Mrs. Lifeline." "Hmm, I think we need to head to castle of friendship," said Twilight. Castle of friendship When everyone was in the main room Celestia asked: "So from which place did you come from?" "We are not ponies, we're humans. When we were on the dropship, the thunder hit it and we somehow got here." "You're from another dimension?" asked Twilight. "Yeah, and we need to get back home." "Alright, but what the dropship?" "It's a big ship from where we jump and land on the battleground where we need to kill enemies. And these enemies we are." "What? Do you want to say that you're killing each other? But how did you still alive?" "It's a regeneration machine that didn't allow us to die." "But why are you fighting with each other?" "In our world, there is a game called "Apex Games", where everyone can get the fame, money, and respect. The main point is to kill other teams and survive." "It's so terrifying," said Fluttershy. "Yeah, but we used to it." Twilight wanted to say, but Luna interrupted her: "I think that's enough, we'll continue tomorrow. Now everyone goes to sleep. Elements, stay here." With those words, Legends headed to their rooms. After a few minutes, they're sleeping. "Um, Luna what are you doing?" asked Celestia. "When they fall asleep, I'll try to scan their memories." Everyone nodded and after a few minutes Luna shot into the mirror the beam and it became black. "Through this mirror, we'll see their memories. Let's begin with Bloodhound." The mirror showed the main parts of memory, precisely her parent's death, her uncle's death and her fight with the beast. Soon the mirror showed Gibraltar's memory: his and his boyfriend's journey on a motorcycle, how they were caught by a mudslide and how his father lost his arm. After that Gibraltar began helping those in need. Soon they watched Lifeline's memory. They saw that the parents were wealthy war profiteers and when she saw the damage caused by them, she enlisted to help people from the frontier. Then they watched Path's memories. When he woke up in the abandoned lab and how he tried to find his creator, and how he met Mirage who advised him to play in Apex Games. Then they saw Bangalore's memory: her time in army, fights and her parting from brother. Then they saw Wraith' s memory: there was no clue about her past, meeting with the Voidwalker and escaping from the prison. Caustic memory: his bad childhood, his work in Humber Labs, murdering the boss, meeting with a little girl and joining to Apex Games. Mirage memory: his childhood, how he was helping to mother, his interest in Holo-Pilot technology and enlisting in Apex Games. Octane memory: his race, where he lost his legs, hospital, convincing Lifeline and his new legs. Wattson memory: her childhood with father, working on the project, her father's funeral. Crypto memory: his past without parents, how Mystik adopted her and Mila, how he was framed for Mila's murder and espionage, how he changed his appearance and enlisting in Apex Games. Revenant memory: his years of working in Mercenary syndicate, his killing spree, his last mission (Season 4 trailer). After watching all ponies were shocked. "We must capture them before they will cause any damage," said Luna. "Sis, not every one of them is evil." "Did you see what they were doing on those Apex Games. They were killing each other." "If they wanted to kill us, they would do it a long ago," said Celestia. "I think princess Celestia is right. Only two of them seem to be a threat, but others are nice and have reasons to do it," said Twilight. "Anyway, we need to watch them," said Luna. Everyone nodded. They didn't saw a little drone that was watching them. Soon the drone made his way to the window where Crypto placed him on his back. "Hmm, they can see our memories. I need to warn others tomorrow." With those words, he fell asleep.