Once Upon a Venator

by Boogaloo10

3. Twilight vs. the Venator 2: Celestia Gets Informed

Princess Celestia opened the door to her room. It had been a long day ruling, and she was looking forward to getting a good night's sleep. She walked over to her bed and was about to climb in it when her horn lit up, the golden glow producing a single roll of parchment.

Celestia smiled. A letter from Twilight! How lovely! The princess sat on her bed, unrolling the letter. What a perfect way to end the night!

"Dear Princess Celestia,

"I have some urgent news. I have made a discovery that will alter the fate of Equestria, even the rest of the world, and it may not be for the better.

"Aliens exist.

"I promise this is not a hoax. I spent most of the day chasing a giant floating machine that they have. If our experiences with the Storm King have taught us anything, it is that this machine may very well be made for warfare. We need to put up safety measures immediately, just in case the machine and its inhabitants decide to return.

"One of the inhabitants of the machine also spotted me, and somehow, Fluttershy is involved with them. While it pains me to say this, we may need to be suspicious of her. I don't know what the alien's motives are, and how they relate to Fluttershy and Equestria, but the reason can't be good.

"Before you dismiss this all as fiction and/or unimportant, remember that we don't know what these aliens want or are capable of. I only ask that you think of the safety of Equestria and those in it.

"Sincerely, Twilight."

Celestia slowly lowered the letter, setting it gently on her bedspread. She sat in silence for a bit, mulling over what she had just read.

Then, very quietly, she giggled.

The giggles slowly became louder and bigger, until Celestia was letting out huge, undignified peals of laughter. She laughed until tears rolled down her cheeks. She snorted a few times, which only made the giggles come back harder than before. For five minutes straight, Celestia laughed harder than she had in the last few years.

"Oh, Twilight," she spoke to herself as she placed the letter with others Twilight had written over the years. "I figured you'd be the first one to figure out about life beyond the stars, but this is hardly the reaction I thought you'd have."