Pinkie's Downfall

by EveryponySmile

Chapter 2

When I got to the library, I stopped, out of breath, quickly rapping on the door to the library. "Twilight!!!! Sorry I'm late."

The door creaked open. A cream colored pegasus stallion with a choppy light blue mane opened the door. He wore glasses, and had these mysteriously light grey eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off them. "Hello. I'm Blue Skies."

The quiet voice snapped me into reality. I snapped back into my false 'WOO! I'm a happy party pony! Candy!' mask again. "I'm Pinkie Pie! I haven't seen you in Ponyville before, so it's time to PARTY!!!" I gave a huge smile.

Blue Skies blinked. "My dear Pinkie, Twilight already told me everything. Come in." Well, that's a relief. I turned off my mask and walked in, with a tiny grin.

"Sit down. Would you like a cookie?" I took one. "So. Let's get to know each other. As you know, I'm Blue Skies. I come from Canterlot, and I help ponies with their problems."

"I'm Pinkie Pie. I'm from Ponyville. and I work at Sugarcube Corner. I like to party..." My voice trailed off at party. I nibbled at my cookie. It was really hard to lie to this pony.

Blue Skies grinned. "Pinkie, its okay. You can tell me everything. I can keep secrets." I'll bet he can. My heart got all poundy and melty. I drew in a breath...

Much later, Blue Skies and I were having a pretty good conversation going. I was laughing for real. He's really funny. He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye while gently teasing the straight-haired Pinkie Pie. I was confronting the pony of my nightmares, and it felt good. "You're not worried about me, are you?" I asked. The light atmosphere in the room froze.

"Pinkie, of course I am. Maybe your nightmares are a sign of mental distress, and I don't want that happening. Keep a secret?" Blue Skies replied.

I froze. I didn't want him to worry. I'm such a jerk! Who am I, dumping my problems on him? It's so hard to think like I usually do around him. It's as if my troubles vanish. Well.. If he can trust me with a secret, he must not be that worried.. "Yeah, I can." I mumbled.

"Don't feel bad Pinkie, to be honest, you have to be the best person I ever talked to. My cutie mark is a magnifying glass, which symbolizes I can find another pony's problems and solve them, but only if the other pony is willing to show me." Blue Skies said.

"Really?" I asked. "Pinkie, why would I lie?" replied Blue Skies. I smiled. "Then I'll let you solve them."


The next week, I woke up at 9:30. Nightmares again, but Giggle at the Ghosties, right? Blue Skies told me to remember that song. I smiled to myself when I remembered I had to go check out Rainbow Dash's flight show. "It's SURE to get the Wonderbolt's attention if the WHOLE TOWN shows up!" She had said. I hugged Gummy, and trotted off.

"LADIES AND GENTLECOLTS!" Spike's voice boomed. Oh, I guess he's announcing. Good for Spike. "Pinkie Pie!" I hear Applejack's western drawl. "C'mon over sugarcube, Ah've saved ya a spot." I bounced on over. Happy party pony, right? "Hey Applejack! How exciting! I can't wait for RD's super amazing air show! It's going to be amazing! Cupcake?" I grabbed an apple cupcake from mid-air. "Thanks Pinkie Pie." She took the cupcake. "LET RAINBOW DASH'S WONDERFUL WONDERBOLT SHOW BEGIN!!!!!"

Dash's show was amazing. As she was doing her super speed strut, I noticed a familiar cream colored stallion... "Be right back!" I said to Applejack, and dashed off.

"Hi Blue Skies." I smiled as I trotted over. Blue Skies grinned widely. "Pinkie Pie!" "Isn't Rainbow Dash's show amazing? She's one of my best friends." Blue Skies looked awestruck. "You know this pony? Amazing!" I smiled and looked up. Right now, anything could be thrown at me, and I wouldn't care...