Revenge of the Storm King

by IronStories


"Wow! I can't believe my mom kicked the Storm King's butt!"

Princess Skystar was really happy to hear about Celestia and Novo's adventure in the Storm Kingdom. It was the least they could do after Skystar came to their aid and rescued them form the oncoming Storm Guard. She was in awestruck as Celestia told her about the battle against the ThunderWraith and two of the kingdom's most fearsome gladiators, as well as Novo's fight against the Storm King.

"I wish I was there!" Skystar exclaimed excitedly. "Seeing you two take out so many of those goons must have been a sight to see!"

Celestia chuckled at Skystar's affectionate excitement. "It certainly was, my dear."

Just then, Celestia turned to see Novo, who was recovering from her battle against the Storm King. She was watching the scenery around her, with a somewhat distraught face on her. Skystar seemed concerned for her mother.

"Is she... okay?" Skystar worryingly asked.

"She's been through a lot lately." Celestia replied. "I'll go talk to her."

Celestia walked up to Novo to see what was wrong.

"Is something troubling you, Novo?" she asked.

"I'm sorry you had to see my demons today..." Novo replied.

"You didn't do anything wrong." Celestia said. "There's an old saying I'm familiar with. The external wounds heal the quickest."

"I suppose." Novo said. "It's just that I thought finishing the Storm King off once and for all would allow me some closure to the past."

"You don't have to end one's life to defeat them." Celestia explained. "Even if the Storm King caused you great pain in the past, you proved to be the stronger individual by sparing him."

"But he's still out there," Novo added, "and what if he tries to go after us again? I can't bear the thought of him attacking my kingdom again, or yours."

"If the Storm King stays true to his word," Celestia said, "then he won't take any action against our kingdoms. Besides, I'm sure he knows that we can hold our own now."

Novo was still feeling down. "I don't know. That monster took everything from me all those years ago, and I can never forgive him, or even myself for not doing anything about it..."

"He didn't take everything from you." Celestia said, and she and Novo turned, seeing Skystar. The young hippogriff came close to them, wanting to comfort her mother. She put her talon onto Novo's shoulder.

"I hope you're not too upset, Mom." Skystar said.

"I'll be fine, honey." Novo replied . "I just have a lot on my mind right now."

"I know. Miss Celestia told me about it. Still missing Dad?"

"Every day." Novo lamented. "I miss him so much. He would have been so proud of you. But as for me..."

Skystar interrupted her mother and gave her a big hug. "I miss Dad every day too. But I know he would have loved what you accomplished, Mom."

"Thank you, Skystar." Novo had tears in her eyes as she hugged her daughter back. This is what she was wanting these past few days. All the grief and pain she endured was countered by the love and care from her child and her best friend.

"I promise that if the Storm King ever comes after us," Novo declared, "ever tries coming after you, me, or our kingdom, I will make sure he never gets the chance to harm us."

She then turned to Celestia. "And if he tries to come after our allies, know that I will join the fight and help you fend him off. We are no longer gonna hide. If the Storm King tries anything, we'll be ready."

Celestia let a smile out. She was glad that Novo managed to find some inner peace with herself, despite the traumatic events of the last few days. Novo held her wing close to Skystar, feeling much better. While the Storm King was still out there, she didn't worry. The events of those days have opened up old wounds, but she saw it as an experience to better herself.

The rulers looked onward as the airship made its way back to Mount Aris. After a few hours, they finally arrived. The hippogriffs were relieved to see their Queen back, as well as her friend too. Novo was glad to be home as well. She and Celestia had it rough lately, and it was nice to be greeted by familiar and friendly faces.

"Well," Celestia said, "I guess this is where we go our separate ways. For now."

"I suppose it is." Novo added. "I hope you come back and see us again, you know, when you get the chance."

"Don't worry, I will." Celestia assured. "But I've been away from my subjects for longer than expected, and I believe they're worried sick."

Celestia's chariot was waiting for her. She gave Novo one more hug before she had to leave and go back to Equestria.

"It was wonderful seeing you again, Novo." Celestia told her friend. "Even if things didn't go exactly as planned."

"I know." Novo replied. "Don't be gone too long now, okay?"

Celestia smiled at Novo, who waved goodbye as the Princess boarded her chariot, ready to head back home. Despite all that happened, she won't let it deter her in the slightest. After all, Celestia has experienced much worse in her lifetime, and she used those experiences to better herself. This particular event would make one heck of a story to tell.

Novo watched as the chariot disappeared from sight, making it's way back to Equestria. As of right now, she had to get back to her daily routine, but her exhaustion took a bit of a toll on her.

"My Queen," one of her advisers said, "what are your orders now? "

"The Queen needs to take the day off." Novo replied, still sore from the day. "Maybe two. I think our Princess can handle things while I get some rest."

"What?!" Skystar said in complete surprise, walking up to her mother. "But I spent the past few days trying to find you!"

"Dont worry," Novo chuckled, "I'm joking."

Skystar let out a sigh of relief.

"But I'll need a day to at least recover. Momma had a rough couple days, and I'm sore all over. But I'll help you out while you take my place for the day, honey. What do you say we decompress with a seaweed wrap?"

Skystar liked that idea. Soon the two griffs headed to relax and rewind after a stressful few days. Novo was glad to be home at last, and she wanted to take this time to get some much needed R and R.