//------------------------------// // The Key Origin // Story: The Keeper of the keys // by Moonghost //------------------------------// Dear,Journal, It has been a few months since twilight moved in, twilight and her friends tried to shoot me with the elements of harmony, I just Let the elements hit me, at which point I had a conversation with the physical spirit of honesty, you know just a short conversation, ask if you questions like how is it going, could you tell the other elements that it’s just me, And could you please just stop working for the next week or two, but, That reminded me of how I got to equestria in the first place, ‘My name at the time was Lucas J. Matchstick, a normal man, I weighed 190 pounds, no wait, Those are my host memories,My names are the Legion, Bode Locke, Echo, Lucas Caravaggio, Lady in the Well, but, most call me, Dodge or with close friends star-swirl the bearded,I am not human, but I cannot live without a human host, or I did until, what My host called Comic-Con Happened, I at that time in the Possession of one most called THE MERCHANT, but, my host has more details.’ (1750 years ago) “Hello, my name is Lucas J. Matchstick, I had when to Comic-Con as Lucas Caravaggio’s ghost from The comic book series (Locke and Key) though I currently lacked the demon which was latched to Lucas’s ghost in the books and so, I Felt ridiculous, “Hey, stranger, you look like you need something, maybe I can help you?” Said a person dressed as the merchant from (Resident Evil 4) “And, there it was a exact replica of the demon, I needed, but even better a full set of keys also from the books, have much for the demon and the keys?” I said, as I pulled out my wallet, “Hmm, for you free, if you will take care of The Legion and buy this.” He said as he brought out a ornately carved crystal saber, “It’s named The Legion’s Saber, or Echo’s guard and of course the collection wouldn’t be complete without the crown of shadows.” He said as he extracted a replica of said crown, “and that should be about 450 dollars and 50 cents.” the merchant said, “Wait,” I said “You are going to just give me a exact replica of The Legion, and exact replicas of all the keys, for free, if I buy a saber, and replica of the crown of shadows, if you throw in that replica of the black door, and some whispering iron, and you have a deal.” I said, “Deal!!!” He said, (present) “You know It’s rude to rummage through someone’s else stuff, Twilight” Dodge said, “Wait, Celestia said, star-swirl the bearded was killed by you?” Twilight said, “Twilight, Focus, we can talk magic later, but for now you need to explain why you are rummaging?” Dodge said, “Well, I I I...” Twilight Trailed-out, “Did Celestia tell you to?” Dodge asked,Twilight nodded,”Twilight would you dictate a letter?” “Sure” Twilight said, Dear, Celestia, Celestia, you’re a idiot. Sign, Star-swirl the bearded, The pony you Thought was died Ps. You should’ve Learned by now to not but in to other ponies business. “And sent,” Twilight said, “now, how are you star-swirl the bearded?” “Wow you read my journal I think you could figure it out?” Dodge said, “The identity key, of course.” Twilight said, “Bingo!!!” Dodge said, “though, you cannot tell anypony, but I do have something to show you,” Dodge said, as she pulled out a ornately carved saber, seemingly from out of her our spine. “This is The Legion’s saber.” “Whoa,” Twilight exclaimed, when her felt the amount of magic coming off of the saber, “But, where did you get it?” “I believe you know the answer?” Dodge said, Yes, I know got it from the Merchant.” Twilight said, “but, what I mean is where did you get it, just now?” “From a subspace pocket, just like the one you just got that quill and scroll from, I did write the spell.” Dodge said, but, that’s not the point of me showing you this, this is made of pure whispering diamond and pure bleeding rubies(Tainted life), I am going to tell you this only once, DO NOT, try to make your ooowwwnnn.