//------------------------------// // Chapter 36: My Friend The Witch Doctor // Story: The Night Janitor // by Knox Locke //------------------------------// These panic attacks were becoming a problem. Cozy had another one earlier this morning, and she was so delirious that she almost started discussing her Master Plan with herself out loud! She needed to find a way to keep herself calm. She'd asked Pinkie for advice on who to ask about magical advice, and she'd referred her to the hut she now found herself knocking on the door of. Not a few seconds later the door opened to reveal the hut's occupant, a zebra named Zecora. "Why hello," said the zebra, "come in my dear, and tell me... what has brought you here?" "Pinkie thought you could help me find a way to stop having panic attacks," she said bashfully as she stood at the door. Zecora lost herself in thought for a moment before turning back to Cozy and smiling sweetly. "It seems I may be able to help you, young friend, but I must first know the cause before helping it end." "Well, I have PTSD if that's what you mean..." Zecora scratched her chin as she looked among her shelves of curatives and tonics. Then, she noticed Cozy still standing at her doorstep. "Please, little one, come inside," she said in a reassuring tone. "I won't bite. There's no reason to hide." Cozy let out an embarrassed sigh as she entered the hut and closed the door behind her. "Golly, I'm sorry, Zecora. I'm just a little self conscious about this stuff. So, do you have anything to cure me?" "I'm sorry, my friend," replied the zebra as she returned to shuffling through her tonics and elixirs, "but there is no cure. Though I have something that will at least help for sure." "You mean it'll help me not have panic attacks? Terrific! How will it work?" "Find an object which reminds you of the past, then bring it to me and a spell I will cast. I'll coat it with this," she holds up a small vial of pink liquid from one of her numerous shelves, "a medicinal balm. Then touching the object should help you stay calm." "So, an object that reminds me of my traumatic experience?" Cozy asked. 'What reminds me of my trauma?' she asked herself. 'Well, the first things coming to mind are the bewitching bell, which I'm completely sure I can't get a hold of, and...' "I think I know just the thing," she said triumphantly. 'But how am I going to get it back?' she continued in her head. "I must warn you, this is not a flawless fix. Sometimes a panic attack comes and it sticks!" "Not a problem. I can handle a few, but I've been having way too many recently." "If you bring me the object, the treatment is here," Zecora said as she followed Cozy to the door. "I hope to see you soon, my dear." "Thanks a lot, Zecora," Cozy said as she exited the hut. "You've been a huge help." She took a few more steps away from the hut before taking off into the air. After all, flying was safer than walking when travelling through the Everfree Forest. 'How am I going to pull this off?' she asked herself. She knew exactly what object to get. It wasn't too big, and it was light, so she could carry it with her wherever she goes. It didn't stand out too much, either, so it could remain unnoticed most of the time. The only problem was the issue of accessing the object. It wasn't as hard to get a hold of as the bewitching bell, by any means, but it wasn't that much easier. As she flew back to Ponyville through the forest, she began to formulate a brand new scheme. "Oh, golly, this is going to be so fun."