//------------------------------// // BREAKING: Snakes Invade Equestria // Story: Anon 69 News // by Amilition //------------------------------// Breaking news. A small army of snakes invade Canterlot. Will we soon have to learn snake lango? And can dogs and cats actually rain from the sky? Hear about how the element of loyalty, Rainbow Dash, is developing a new type of cloud to rain cats and dogs. From Anon 69 Public Radio, I'm Anonymous and this is Anon 69 News. If there's an apocalypse happening, we promise you will hear it from us. Don't forget to go to go to your local news paper business and turn on notifications to know our when our next episode airs. And if you pay premium, we can go to your house and read you the news while you go to sleep. Breaking news in Equestria today as a small nation of snakes attack Canterlot. Should we be worried? Here joins us now is Anon 69 correspondent, Cracker Jack. Hello Cracker. "Hello, Anonymous." Do we know why the snakes where provoked to attack us? "Statements from the now known Snake Republic state that they are tired of being treated as, 'harmless pets.' We managed to get some audio on the speech." Aggressive hissing. Uh, can we get a translation on that? "Yep." "It'sss outrageousss what the poniesss have done to usss! They mock usss! But we shall of our revenge! We will ssstrike them at the heart!" Wow, sounds like they're pissed. "You can say that again." Did either of the princesses respond? "In fact they did. Princess Luna issued a statement saying, "if you try to attack us, we will crush your reptilian bones." The Snake Republic responded in aggressive hissing and launched todays attack in Canterlot." And how are authorities defending the city? "With a simple non-aggressive tactics, Anon. The tactics include sleeping spells, trapping them under a box, or even picking them up. But if things get too out of hoof, they will spray them with water using a spray bottle and say, 'bad snake. Bad. No. Stop invading Equestria." How are the snakes fighting back? "Obviously by biting. But don't worry if your bit because the venom in the snake will only give you hallucinations of a blond stallion calling you a donkey, kinda like a drug. So don't worry if you get bit, but also try and stay away from getting bit." Well, we can only hope we're victorious. Thank you Cracker for coming on. "Your welcome Anonymous." This has been Anonymous From Anon 69 News. I'll be seeing you. Click.