//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Wraith's group // Story: Apex ponies // by Oaoadil //------------------------------// Half an hour ago "Great, now we are stuck in goddamn world with ponies." "Can you please be quiet, i hate this too. At least i am not complaining." "The next thing you will complain about is going to be a hole in your chest." "Yo, amigos, chill out we don't need to kill each other. We just waiting for Wraith." "She has a gift from Allfather. She can see other dimensions." "Hmm." "What did you find Crypto?" "Look" he pointed to clouds. Three Pegasus ponies were moving them. "Interesting. They can change climate whenever they want." Whoosh Five ponies turned around to saw a violet alicorn. "So what did you find?" "Nothing, it seems like only we stuck in this world. I didn't see that something like that happened to other us." "Gods brought us here for the reason." "Wow, we are lucky. C'mon guys, let's move." All 6 ponies were heading to the city. When they approached the bridge, something interested Caustic. He saw unicorn, whose horn was surrounded by mint aura and then he saw an apple, which was also surrounded with the same thing. "Fascinating." "What?" Caustic pointed to the unicorn. "Hmm. I can't say what it is." "I don't care. Let's move and find quiet place." "I will leave you here. I want to know about this phenomenon." "Alright, but please don't attract any attention." "But of course." Caustic approached the mint pony and coughed. Unicorn turned around to saw the unicorn in the very strange costume. "Uh, hello. Are you new here?" "Yes, i just wanted to ask someyhing." "Alright, what is your question?" "I saw you lifted an apple without your hooves. Can you show me how to do this?" The unicorn was very confused. This unicorn can't lift things. "Ok, but can ask you 2 questions?" "Alright." "My name is Lyra Heartstrings. What's your name?" "Call me Caustic." "Ok. Do you know what is magic?" "No." Lyra was very suprised by fact that this unicorn don't know anything about magic at all. "Wait, so in your home nobody know about magic?" "Yes." "It's very strange. Alright, let me explain you everything." One explanation later "..and that's all about magic." "That's very remarkable. Thanks for the information." "You are welcome." "Hey, Lyra, we need to get back home." "I am coming Bonbon. Sorry, i need to go." "No worries." After that Lyra went away. Caustic looked at the apple in front of him and began concentrating. After few seconds he could lift the apple. "Hey, Caustic. What are you doing here?" Meanwhile "Hmm. Interesting, what others are doing now?" "Who know?" They were walking through the city looking at the buildings. All ponies were looking at them with curiosity especially at Revenant. "What the hell are you looking at me?" yelled Revenant. Everypony scared and hid behind buildings. Quick. Step left said voice inside Wraith's head. He quickly dodged avoiding being hit with something pink. The pink thing bumped into the others, actually in Revenant. Revenant fell to the ground but quickly got up and shouted: "AAGH, WHO THREW AT ME THE pony?" Revenant looked at the pony, she had a pink fur, mane and tail. Her mane was curly. "Ouch, Hi. I am Pinkie Pie!" "Who threw you?" "Nobody. I just wanted to hug her." she pointed to Wraith."But she stepped left and i accidentally bumped into you. Sorry." Revenant glared at Wraith for not warning about Pinkie and looked at pink pony. "If you will bump into me again, i swear, i will dismember you with my hooves." "Okie-doki-loki. What's your names?" "I am Revenant. There is Wraith, Crypto, Bloodhound and Octane." "Strange names, but nevermind. I am gonna throw a party for new guests!" "We don't a party. We will not stay here for long. If we will be lucky, we will this place tonight." "Oh, no i need to throw you a party to introduce you to Ponyville." "I said no. Go ask Mirage. He will agree." "Wait, gasp there are more guests! How much?" "Including us, 12." "Woow, we didn't have so many guests in one day at all. Where are they?" "They are on the farm. But i think they will soon come." "Oh yeah, new guests i need prepare everything. Party will be in Sugar Cube. That will be awe-" she was cut off because Revenant pushed to the ground and put his hooves to her neck. "Listen here, we don't the fucking party. You can shove it right into your ass. I hope you understand." Pinkie nodded. "Very well." Revenant released earth pony, but suddenly Octane approached them and said: "Don't pay attention Revenant. He is always grumpy. Can you tell me where is Rainbow Dash?" "Yes, she is flying into us now." The blue blur hit Revenant to the ground and pegasus with rainbow-colored mane began punching him. When pony tried to punch him again Revenant grabbed her hoof with... hand, which appeared from his hoof. He quickly sent pony flying by punching her into the face with other hand. "Ouch, whoever you are, if you hurt my friends, i will punch you to dead." "Oh yeah? Come here." Revenant connected fingers on his right arm and they became something like knife. "STOP" shouted Wraith. Everyone turned to her. "Revenant calm down. We don't need problems now." "He attacked me first. I was defending." "You threated my friend." "He's always threathing someone. Relax." "Yeah, Rainbow calm down." "Ugh, alright, but who are you?" "They are new guests. They also have 7 other friends." "Great, more bad guys." said RD, but then she realized something and asked: "Wait, when said that i attacked you first, you called me "he"?" "Yes." "WHAT? DID YOU THINK I AM STALLION!?" "Yes." "I AM MARE." "I don't care about your reason for changing gender. Keep it to yourself." RD's face became red because of rage. "I'm gonna kill you!" With these words she gave Revenant uppercut, but he quickly dodged this and sent to the RD's nose a right hook. "Rainbow dash, calm down." said Pinkie holding her friend by the shoulders. "He thought i changed gender!" "I know, but he didn't know. Forgive him." After calming down Rainbow Dash sighed and said: "Ugh, sorry for punching you." "Very good RD, now Revenant you need to say sorry to Rainbow Dash." "Why i need to apologise?" "You insulted her." "You won't get any apologise from me." "Oh, c'mon. It is very simple. Say sorry." "No." Pinkie opened her mouth to say, but Crypto put his hoof to her mouth. "Don't even try. He never apologise to someone, even if it is his fault." Pinkie nodded and released RD. "So, you are Rainbow Dash?" "Yes. Why are you asking?" "I heard you are the fastest pony here. So what do you think about race?" RD confused, but then smiled because she loved chalenges. "Yes, i accept challenge. Who will first get to this castle, this pony will win." "Alright." "Oh yeah, it will be awesome. Alright, ready Set GO! RD and Octane began running to the crystal castle. RD was flying, while Octane was running on his... hind hooves. RD was shocked by this, then she was more shocked when she saw Pegasus's hooves. They were metallic. RD shaked her head, and increased the speed. When Octane saw it, he quickly grabbed his stim and injected it into vein. Veins on the spot, where he injected the stim, and eyes became green. "¡Rápido!" (Quick) With that word, Octane became faster and overtook RD. Castle of friendship Twilight was drinking tea and enjoying the day. "Hey, Twilight, how are you?" "Oh. Hello Spike. I am fine. Just enjoying the peace." "So what will you do today? Are you going to have a date with Flash Sentry?" The blush appeared on the Twilight's face. "Spike!" "Ha ha, just kidding. Hey what is this?" Spike pointed to the street. Twilight looked and saw 2 lines. One of them was blue, while other was green. They were approaching the castle. "Oh yeah, time for flying." Octane grabbed something from his pocket and threw it to the way. The object transformed to the Launch pad. Octane jumped onto him and flew. "Yeaheaaah!" yelled Octane. He came(crashed) to the castle first, while RD came after 0.5 seconds. "Oh yeah, did someone see that? I am the fastest pony in the Equestria now." "Hey, i just got a fly on my face." "Don't get excuses. I am faster than you." "I want a revenge." "Okay, let's move to th-" "Hi Rainbow Dash, what are you doing and who is that?" asked Twilight. "I am Octane and now I am the fastest pony here, because i defeated the champion." "Wait, did you overtake RD!?" "Yeah." "Wow, it's very cool, dude." "I know." "So, are you new here?" "Yes, there also 11 friends with him." "Wow, we didn't have so many guests in one day." "Yeah, yeah. We had already met Pinkie Pie and now she is organising the party for us." "About that Twilight. Some of them aren't friendly. One of them threated Pinkie to dismember her." Twilight's eyes widened. "No worries, Revenant is always threating someone." "So he is not dangerous." "No, if you won't provoke him." Suddenly, the portal appeared in front of ponies. 6 ponies came out from the portal, which then closed. "Rainbow Dash, tell me did you beat this pony, aren't you?" "No Pinkie, she lost." said Twilight. Pinkie gasped. "Oh Celestia, someone defeated Rainbow Dash in race." "Oh yeah, behold your champion." Octane stood on his hind hooves and pointed his front hooves to him. Twilight looked at pony's hind hooves and surprised by finding metallic hooves. "Oh, what happened to your hooves?" Spike looked at him and his jaw dropped. "Oh, when i was setting the world record i threw grenade under my legs and i was launched to the sky!" "Then i realised, that life isn't worth living, if you don't have feeling, when you hear the heartbeat in your ears." "Wow, are you daredevil?" "High-speed daredevil." "Alright, Pinkie are these ponies are guests?" "Yeah. Sorry, but now i need to prepare everything, bye." With these words Pinkie ran away to the Sugar Cube. "She's always acting like that?" asked Revenant. "She's just eating many sugar. So let's introduce yourselves. I am the Princess Twilight Sparkle. That's my friend Spike." "Hi". "So what's your names?" "I am Bloth Hoondr, but you can call me Bloodhound." "My name is Wraith." "Crypto." "I am Revenant." "Strange names. But whatever. So what are you doing here?" "It is hard to believe, but let me explain. We are from other universe and we somehow ended up in this place, when the thunder hit our drop ship." said Crypto. "Hmm. It is very interesting." "Don't forget that in our universe we look differently. We are humans. We have legs and arms instead of hooves and we are walking like Octane." said Revenant pointing to Octane who was standing on his hind hooves. "It's fascinating. Spike, write letter to Princess Celestia." "Wait, i thought you are Princess." "Yeah, but these princesses are main." "Why you are not writing letter to the queen?" "The highest rank is princess." "Okay." "I have a question. How did you open the portal?" "That's one of my abilities." said Wraith. "I should do some tests. Don't you mind?" "You know. I got my abilities in laboratory where i was like experimental rat." Twilight gasped. She didn't think that someone can do such things to others. "Sorry, i didn't know." "No worries." "Here i go." said someone. Everyone looked at the sky and saw Pathfinder whose hook was attached to the cloud. The hook released the cloud and Path landed on the ground. "Hi." "It's Pathfinder. He is with us." "Wait, can i ask? Are you two robots?" asked Spike. "Yes." "Cool." "Path, where is others?" "Oh, they are coming with Applejack's family, Fluttershy and CMC." "Did you have any incident?" "Well, yeah. When we approached the bridge, we met Caustic, who was learning the magic, the-" "Wait, you don't have magic in your world?" "No." "When we met him, we then met griffin, her name was Glida, i think." "Yeah, i know her, she is always rude to others." "Well, actually was." "What?" "She pushed Fluttershy to the ground and then Caustic grabbed her and poisoned her by his nox gas. She began coughing by blood, then she began coughing by her vital organs." Twilight, Spike and Rainbow Dash were shocked and terrified. Of course, Glida was rude, but that was very violent. "I am surprised that Caustic did that. Because he never protect others." said Wraith. "Stay here!" When Legends looked around they were surrounded by ponies in golden armor. "Wait, we are really sorry for that. Can you please put down your spears?" "Guards, calm down." "Twilight, are you out of your mind? One of them violently killed someone. I bet they will do the same with us." "Yeah, but i don't think that all of them are so cruel." "That's right cutie." "Aaa!" Twilight turned around and saw Mirage. "Mirage, don't scare her." "Sorry." Twilight looked at the stallion and saw that he had wings and horn. "Are you alicorn?" "Yeah, you are too. So how about we will go to the cinema, theatre, restaurant or hotel with good large bed?" Twilight's face turned red, while Spike chuckled. "Sorry, she has a boyfriend." "Oh, alright." "Twilight, hey." Twilight looked and saw Fluttershy, CMC, Applejack's family and finally the rest of legends. "Hey everyone." "So, let's start with introducing." One introducing later "So, i sent letter to Princess Celestia. She will be there tomorrow. Now let's enter to the castle, you all can stay here, we have enough space for you. "Thanks. So does that mean that we are friends now?" "Yeah, why not." "Cool, high five." Spike approached Pathfinder and slapped his hoof. "Yeah." Everyone entered the castle, while Granny Smith and Big Mac were heading to the farm. Twilight then approached her friends and asked "Is it true that one of them killed Glida?" "Yeah. It was Caustic. The unicorn with mask." "Why he did it?" "When i looked at his eyes, i saw that when Glida pushed me, it reminded Caustic something from his past. Something painful for him." "Hmm. I will watch on him if he's a threat." "Hey girls." "Hi Rarity." "Pinkie said that there 12 guests in the town." "Yes, there are in castle." "Hi girls." "Aaa! Pinkie don't do that." "Sorry just wanted to check the guests. By the way, what are you were talking about?" One explanation later "Oh Celestia, how somepony can be so cruel?" "And Twilight said that they are from another world." "I will put more guards near their rooms, for safety." "So i need to go, bye." "Bye Pinkie." "So, i need to greet them, probably?" "Yeah, c'mon." One introducing later with some explanation "Wait, are you alicorn?" asked Rarity. "Yeah. That's why all girls are falling in love with me." Twilight just rolled her eyes. It was evening. Suddenly the doors opened and Pinkie came into the room. "Everyone, everything is ready for party. We just need you." Everyone came out from the castle and headed to the Sugar Cube. Meanwhile in Everfree forest in Changeling hive "So Crysalis, i hope everything is ready?" "Oh yeah. My spies said that tonight the party will be in Sugar Cube. It's very perfect time to attack. Now, Sombra, prepare yourself. We will have a battle." "Oh yeah, when we will win, will you return my horn?" "Of course, but only when we will defeat the Elements of Harmony." "No, i need their power." "No worries Tirek. You can take their power." "Everything is ready my queen." said Changeling. "Alright, everybody let's move." With these words three villains began walking to the Ponyville with the army of Changelings. Suddenly one changeling appeared from the bushes and approached the queen. "My queen, my group was attacked. Only I survived." "Who attacked you?" "It was a stallion alicorn. He can make his clones and has a strange weapon." Three villains were surprised by hearing that. "Hmm, I heard that stallion alicorn is stronger than mare one." "Yeah, I will find him a use."