//------------------------------// // The Weird Part // Story: Cyber burst's training accident // by Mr Jelly //------------------------------// A/N: All of the background on Falzar is correct. If you don’t believe me, buy a copy of Megaman Battle Network 6 and beat it. If you find I’m incorrect, feel free to hunt me down and punch me in the face. Chapter 4: the weird part. Cyburst was surprised to find that the giant bird was surprised to see him, and maybe a little afraid. What did it have to be afraid of? It was a humongous bird! Cyburst started to loosen up a little bit, realizing that the avian giant was blocking his only means of escape. He had to figure out a way around it. Around it? Its wingspan was too big. Over it? He couldn’t jump that high. Under it? Maybe, if he could miss the talons. Cyburst knew that was a risk he had to take. Cyburst rushed directly at the bird, confusing it as he did. Right before he hit the bird, he slid right under it. He thought he had made it, but he had forgotten one thing. Birds have tails. He slammed his face strait into one of the many hard, sharp feathers of this colossal fowl. Once Cyburst had touched the bird, something weird happened. A computerized, genderless voice popped into his head. “Download of Cybeast, commencing.” The voice said. “Wait, what.” Cyburst said. “Download of Cybeast, 10% complete.” The voice continued. “What’s a Cybeast?” Cyburst asked starting to feel a little bit of pressure in the front of his head. “Download of Cybeast, 20% complete.” The voice said again, ignoring Cyburst altogether. “Stop ignoring me, what’s a Cybeast?” Cyburst said, the pressure becoming stronger. “Download of Cybeast, 35% complete.”the voice said slowly getting faster. “Are you causing this pressure?” Cyburst asked the voice, as pressure was becoming painful. “Download of Cybeast, 60% complete.” The voice said, not answering Cyburst’s question. “Stop it!” Cyburst said, as the pain became unbearable. “Download of Cybeast, 99% complete.” The voice said, Cyburst thought that the voice was probably automated “GYHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!” Cyburst screamed, felling that his brain was about to explode. “Download of Cybeast, complete. Would you like to save or delete the program you have just downloaded?” The voice asked. “Haa-haaa-haa, delete.” Cyburst said quietly, he was about to pass out because of the stress. “Cybeast saved. Thank you for choosing Scilabs as your selected downloader.” The voice said. After that, there was silence. The pain was gone and was replaced by a soft throb. Cyburst got up and saw that the monstrous bird was gone. “…Why hello there, Cyber burst…” Said a deeper voice. “Who’s there?” Cyburst said, turning around to see nothing. “…My original name was Cybeast Falzar. But you can address me as, the phoenix…” the voice said. The voice seemed to be emanating from Cyburst’s brain. “Where are you? Show yourself!” Cyburst yelled, already knowing the answer. “…Oh, I’m afraid that that is quite impossible. For you see, right now, I’m in your short-term memory…” Phoenix said. As if to make his point, he made Cyburst’s head throb even more. “Ok, ok I believe you. Stop hurting me.” Cyburst said. “Where did you come from?” ‘...You mean before I was downloaded, tail first, into your brain…’ Phoenix asked, or should I say thought, sarcastically. ‘You’re the giant bird that I hit?’ Cyburst thought. ‘…No, I’m the bagel you ate…’ Phoenix thought. ‘I’m picking up a vibe that tells me you like sarcasm.’ Cyburst thought. ‘But you haven’t answered my question.’ ‘…I was originally created by humans to delete the other Cybeast known as Cybeast Gregar.’ Phoenix thought. ‘But they thought I was too destructive and locked me up in that dreaded underground area with Gregar…’ Phoenix said, shuddering when he said underground. Weirdly enough, Cyburst knew everything Phoenix was talking about, even the things he had never seen. Cyburst assumed he also downloaded a memory encyclopedia thing that let him know every noun that Phoenix knew. Handy. ‘…Then, some crazy clown opened the lock and tried to suck me into himself,” Phoenix continued, “but then some blue guy showed up and defeated the clown and downloaded me himself. I fought as hard as I could, but he still won in the end…’ ‘Was that bad?’ Cyburst asked. ‘…No, not really. He then used my power, without permission mind you, to save the world…’ Phoenix said. He didn’t seem unhappy that he helped save the world. ‘Sooooo… I guess it’s time for us to leave.’ Cyburst thought, assuming that Phoenix was done. ‘…I guess so. Now where’s the exit?..’ Phoenix asked. Cyburst looked for one. He saw an exit, weirdly enough, form where he originally stood. He walked up and entered the rip in time-space to find that time travel actually takes a little while to get where you’re going. ‘What shall we do in the meantime?’ Cyburst asked Phoenix. ‘…it doesn’t really matter. You won’t remember it anyway…’ Phoenix thought gleefully. ‘WHAT?!’ ‘…did you really expect me to be a small program. Well I’m not. I’m going to have to delete your short-term memory every once and a while…’ Phoenix said, already ready to delete this moment. ‘Wait, no! You can’t!’ Cyburst thought, starting to panic. ‘…Oh yes I can! Goodbye Cyber burst. See you never!...’ Phoenix thought And with that, Phoenix had deleted Cyburst’s short-term memory right when they got back to Cyburst meditating in the Everfree forest with Zecora. Knowing something was wrong, but not knowing what. “I.. I’m sorry Zecora, but I have to leave to go somewhere.” Cybeast said as he hopped up and ran to Ponyville as fast as he could. Cyburst knew that something was wrong, and that there was only one pony that could help him figure out what. A pony that had so much raw magical power, she became Celestia’s personal student. Cyburst knew where she lived, because the pony said if there was a pony that needed magical help, they could go to her. Cyburst didn’t have much time. He knew he couldn’t take the train to Canterlot. It took too long. Cyburst had to try his luck with a long range teleport. Cyburst mustered all his mana, and teleported , quite accurately, to a house that was purple. Cyburst smashed the door down and looked around the room. His eyes stopping on the pony he was looking for. “Please… I need your help.” Was the last thing Cyburst said before collapsing from exhaustion in front of the pony.